CNN News 1/1/09 (Videos Of Show Included)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Lincoln is accredited by the state per that article.

It wasn't in 1980. And it's only accredited by the state. In 45 of the 50 states, you wouldn't even be allowed to take the bar exam if you attended a law school that wasn't accredited by the ABA.
Yep, you are right. It was right about the same time MNJ quit. :eek:

Yes, around the same time, CA appeared in interviews looking pretty bad. I was shocked at the difference in her appearance. MN quit, the new conference was canceled. MB stated in her first interview that the A's had a very bad week.
Yes, around the same time, CA appeared in interviews looking pretty bad. I was shocked at the difference in her appearance. MN quit, the new conference was canceled. MB stated in her first interview that the A's had a very bad week.

IF what LP is saying is true, and if we take it a step further and IF they knew that and yet still went on LKL and out and out lied they deserve to be charged IMO.

Not to be snarly, but most folks have a new theory every day :waitasec: depending on what is released to the media or not released.

LP is not stupid. He is not about to risk his lively hood and employment as well as PI license to get another 15 minutes of fame. He doesn't care about TV exposure. He is after KC, as he should be for personal reasons as well as making sure the correct person is convicted of murder.

LP has been on the mark most of the time with the info he has had at that given time. I too remember the former FBI agent that publicly vouched for LP and I have to believe that LP does know more than he has said. Too many people want to believe only what they see in this equation that KC has created.

There are far too numerous factors in this case that the older ones get lost and replaced by theories that people run with.

If and that is a huge IF, JB was informed that KC did in fact confess, he can only defend the evidence not KC's innocence. Which is the theory I believe has occurred. JB is doing everything a defense attorney should be doing; attempting to poke holes in the prosecutions evidence.

Don't think it will work, but he is gonna give it his novice try.

In response to the part I bolded:

Baez was on a morning show the day before Caylee's skull was found saying Casey is 100% innocent. He also said that Caylee is alive.

If Casey confessed and Baez knew where Caylee really was in November, wasn't that defending Casey's innocence and also flat-out lying?
I dont know that I ever heard his last name, if its not the same as her's. If DC was talking to her tho while they were filming sure makes it seem the search of that area was from inside info from JB's camp.

His name is somewhere in the rumor thread. Joy, herself, said that her husband worked for/with DC. As far as the same last name goes-maybe they're not legally married, maybe she kept her last name (some women do), maybe she or he use AKA's!
The list of players is very long, and getting longer all the time. I never heard of JH before this! There are no black and whites in this case-alot of grey areas-at least for now!!
Has JB been actively trying to make KC's story make sense by trying to take the facts and evidence and make them fit her story? He said when we heard the whole story we would understand. I believe JB has players in the A camp! He needs to build this story for KC that a jury will buy and not have the bottom drop out of it in court. Too late-it's falling apart before it even gets to court. Too many crooks spoil the story!!:rolleyes:
In response to the part I bolded:

Baez was on a morning show the day before Caylee's skull was found saying Casey is 100% innocent. He also said that Caylee is alive.

If Casey confessed and Baez knew where Caylee really was in November, wasn't that defending Casey's innocence and also flat-out lying?

He can maintain anything he wants in the press. If she has confessed to him he is not allowed to knowingly submit false information to the court. Even if she hasn't confessed to killing her, say she has told him the nanny story is completely fabricated, he cannot then go into court and submit a bunch of evidence that there really is a Zanny and the police just didn't find her because they were framing his client.
Why would the Anthonys go on Larry King and talk about Caylee being alive and trash LE if they knew Caylee was dead? Geez, maybe the defense was going to have KC fess-up to an accident and then give the police a general location for the remains (prior to their discovery later), but would he have told the Anthony's? If he did, why would they persist with alive Caylee? To put pressure on the state? Is that might want immunity for? It's hard for me to believe they'd go on National TV and say Caylee was alive if they KNEW she was lying discarded just blocks away from their home. This whole thing is such a mess.

I thought it was said that George and Cindy didn't know about
this video until after Caylee was found....
I really don’t think they knew she was there. I think they cared about her
to much to just leave her there.

It's possible that this PI got the info on this area from when he was
working for the defense so that is why the defense doesn’t want him to talk.

Maybe Casey told them and her attorney didn't want the PI to search
that area just incase something was found so he waited to search it
until after he was no longer working for the defense.
First post by a former lurker.

Tim Miller was on Nancy Grace not long after the bones were found. He saw where the bag was found and said there was an indentation from where it sat for awhile. TM explained that it was just like if you were to pick up a log thats been sitting on the ground for awhile.

That seems to suggest that the bag had not moved in a long time. If the hurricane and flooding moved the bag around - a long term indentation could not begin to form until the bag stopped moving. The same would be true for movement by animals or humans.

If one wants to speculate that the bag was placed there in (say) June or July and the indentation supports that - then they cannot also say that the bag was being moved around by whatever means. FWIW.
Just when we thought we'd seen it all with this case. It is inconceivable/unbelievable that CA and GA would go on national television KNOWING where Caylee's body was. This family is beyond....beyond!
A week or two before the body was found and before the Anthony's went on Larry King, it seemed to me that something changed with this whole situation. The Anthony's physical appearances and emotional states appeared to take a turn for the worst. There was one interview with George talking in which Cindy sat beside him hunched over, seemed very down, possibly under the influence of meds, and actually let him do almost all the talking. She also had an interview where she rambled on and on. I can't remember exactly what that was about but it was just before or after the other one. Suddenly she looked so frail and seemed to make less sense than normal. People were talking about how she looked so thin and worn. I think I'll go back, if I have time, and look for those two vids. Even George's persona seemed more somber during this period, his appearance less vigorous. They both seemed to be deteriorating rapidly. It seemed to me like something must have happened somehow to cause it. Then, they went uncharacteristically silent, until Larry King. I thought maybe KC's team was considering a plea bargain and they had just been told why. LE would have wanted the body, or at least a location if they were dealing with her for lesser charges or time. It never really occurred to me that KC might have actually gone as far as to tell someone a body location or that the Anthonys found THAT out. Why would the Anthonys go on Larry King and talk about Caylee being alive and trash LE if they knew Caylee was dead? Geez, maybe the defense was going to have KC fess-up to an accident and then give the police a general location for the remains (prior to their discovery later), but would he have told the Anthony's? If he did, why would they persist with alive Caylee? To put pressure on the state? Is that might want immunity for? It's hard for me to believe they'd go on National TV and say Caylee was alive if they KNEW she was lying discarded just blocks away from their home. This whole thing is such a mess.

Totally agree. I've been posting this for a couple of days. Something was going on during that time. The drastic change in the A's appearance with MN quitting looks very suspicious to me. Baez's buddy GR said that there was a plea deal in the works when Caylee was found. The deal was taken off the table with the discovery of her body.
When was it that the A's announced they were going to hold a press conference with new info? Then it was put on hold because MN was out of town. When he came back there was no press conference until that horrible one the the disheveled MB ,the A's spokesperson and the A's looking just awful.
It must have been around this time.

IIRC days before MN quit, maybe a week.
It doesn't make any sense.
If DC left the defense team on 10-1-08 and was hired by the Anthony's then he had to have known the location of the body prior to 10-1-08. Even Baez can't be dumb enough to share that kind of info with someone that is not actively on the defense team at the time.

To me the real question is what was DC telling the Anthony's. Was he really selling them a bill of goods about Live Caylee sitings or was this a group conspiracy to mislead the public and LE, and even the grandparents knew her body was there.

If DC was not part of the defense team in November than he has no business at the scene, and if he was part of the defense and was collecting observational evidence (Shockingly legal) than he has a huge problem now that it is public information and incriminates Casey. I believe the reports that he was off the Baez payroll in Oct. which would put him there on his own accord or at the Anthony's instructions and would make me believe they were there to make sure there was no evidence.

Great post!!!

My apologies for asking..I have looked on the lingo thread and can't find it ...can someone please tell me what OJ stands for...TIA:)
My apologies for asking..I have looked on the lingo thread and can't find it ...can someone please tell me what OJ stands for...TIA:)

Obstruction of Justice

Thanks so much, Patty G, for posting these links. Our tv isn't working. Last night I decided to watch a VHS movie, and spent 30 minutes with 3 different remotes trying to get the VCR to play. So, today, I can't get the TV back. Hope it doesn't require a service call.

Anyway, so LP said November, but later corrected to December. And it's still confusing.

Watching this case is like watching a busy ant hill.
I dout it will be anytime soon when we know the full story of the video, PI, and all that..
But I can tell you this much...
If either D. Casey, or this Hoover guy or anyone in Baez's office asks for immunity, I hope that the State Attorney digs a hole under the jail, and they find their denial letters in the bottom of it..JMHO:furious:
This is my take on how this all came about from what has been said so far.

In November John H the PI went to an area and filmed where he thought Caylee’s body was based on information that DC the PI told him.
How Dominic C knew this location has not been disclosed but the date of November 15th lines up with the time the A’s attorney MN quit on November 20th so I would be inclined to feel that MN felt that there was a problem with the way the A's and did not want to be associated with them anymore.

Dominic C the PI was hired by Jose B and stopped working for him in Oct or was actually still working for Jose B. unbeknownst to George & Cindy A while they claimed he was working for them or he has always worked for the Casey’s defense team and the A’s have lied about the relationship between them, Jose B and Dominic C.

On Dec 11 the meter reader made a call to 911 and Caylees’s body was found. There was no official ID yet made at this time.

On December 15th Leonard P has a conversation with John H the PI and finds out that back in November John H claims he had received a phone call from Dominic C about where Caylee’s body was, actually went to the area to film them finding the body and because they did not get the correct location the claim is they did not find anything so nothing public was said of the attempt.
Where they filmed is not the exact area that Caylee’s body was actually found in but now that it would be helpful to the defense to make the claim that they know that the body was not there in November but is now there in December is why Leonard P takes this information to the FBI.

Leonard P is stating that it was in December he was told about an event that took place in November.
Leonard P is stating that he passed this conversation on to FBI.
Leonard P is stating this now due to the attempted use by the Private Investigator’s and/or Jose B to use this video to disparage LE and now make claims that the body could have not been there and someone else placed it there to frame Casey.

Once is became desirable to now have this film
#1. Either to make a sale to the media of the tape to bolster that theory that Caylee had not been there but placed there as a way to frame Casey
#2. To provide the tape to fulfill his contract because he still is actually working for Jose B even though we have all be made to think Dominic C is working for the A’s.
#3. To attempt to get Jose B to pay him for a video that he could use in defense of Casey at trial because it may help plant reasonable doubt.

I have found that most of the confusion with what Leonard P says in these TV ‘news’ shows is that the conversations are cut short by the host, interpreted in the middle by going to commercials and become very disjointed. Most of the time when the interview resumes the topic is changed or the host repeats only parts of what has been said by the guest. Most of these shows end up being edited and that adds to the confusion because it can end up changing the content of what has been said.

I did not take the time to go look but when did Todd B. the spokesman for Jose B’s office made the blunder on camera about Caylee not being alive. I would be interested to see if this fits in with the timeline of this November 15 claim of John H as being told by Dominic C that they had found a dead Caylee and they were going to go get her but then did not find anything.

As far as the A’s knowing or not knowing that would all depend on how Dominic C came upon the information that led him to an area that was so close to where Caylee was actually found. I remember that Dominic C did speak to Casey while she was in jail because it was speculated about on a thread here that he was a new attorney. I just don’t remember when that was. This video also may explain why Jose B. was so interested in attempting to get the judge to grant his motion to go on a tour of Orange County with Casey. ‘The bottom left’ just did not cut it for them and they needed her to point out where she had put Caylee’s body.

The comment from Casey on ‘they haven’t even found her clothes yet’ needs to be looked at again. I had made a comment about this on another thread about attempting to determine which news shows she could have been watching in jail when she made this comment and see if any of them where showing active search locations that could be used to help pinpoint where she could be talking about.


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