CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #2

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Thank you Ransom for posting this. It answers my question whether MR provided clothing. But did he not have any? Or did he merely refuse? Either way it looks very bad.

Then mom said this:
Posted: 11/27/2012

Elaine Redwine also questions why the boy's father, Mark Redwine, had no clothing to offer search teams and K-9 units.
I want to look at reasons why the phone activity stopped at 8pm.

We dont' know what the activity was up until 8pm. The most likely scenario for a 13 y/o is that he was no longer in possession of it. Was he texting friends and making plans? Did he and dad argue? Did he threaten to just call mom and go home?

The most innocent explanation is that dad took it away from him.

There was a comment on some article that stated dad knew Dylan had stayed up until 4am so he let him sleep in the next morning. We don't know if this is true, but what was he doing until 4 am? Did dad have a PS2 or XBox with new games? THAT would keep a kid up until 4am .. even without his phone.

Did Dylan wait until dad left the next morning and searched until he found his phone (now dead), grabbed the charger, packed up and took off. Thinking he'd find somewhere to charge his phone and call his friends? His mom? ... and never made it that far?

I don't know .. trying to imagine a possibility that doesn't include dad... other than Dylan wanted to get away from him.

Where the heck are you Dylan!?

All my own speculation, of course...
I think it was posted here by a family friend that allegedly the father went to wake Dylan at 7:30am to take him to the friends house but Dylan did not get up, so the father left.

The media was also given a description of last seen wearing shorts, tennis shoes, and hat.

We can ASSUME that info was given by the father. If the above is true (Dylan would not wake up) does he sleep in tennis shoes and his hat?

If he was awake up and awake at 7:30am why did the dad not take him and drop him off at the friend's house?

Lastly, in some articles Dylan's friends say that he might have attempted to walk to Bayfield (about a 30 min drive by CAR). If this were the case, surely there would be video/cameras of him attempting to walk?

I wish we had more info from LE.

Here is Monday night's release from the La Plata County Sheriff's office: A two-day search of Vallecito Lake ended late Monday afternoon after extensive sonar sweeps found nothing.

The search was part of an eight-day effort to locate 13-year-old Dylan Redwine, who has been missing since Monday Nov. 19.

Read more:

Dylan's friends in Bayfield told The Durango Herald that Dylan was supposed to meet them Sunday night, but he changed that to Monday morning. They told the newspaper they think Dylan hitchhiked to meet them and then was abducted.

The search happened after cadaver dogs from the La Plata County Search and Rescue Team had alerted on unidentified scent sources on the south shore of the lake last weekend.

FWIW, when LE states someone is being cooperative, it does not mean the person being cooperative is being forthcoming and truthful.....just sayin.

Dylan's friends in Bayfield told The Durango Herald that Dylan was supposed to meet them Sunday night, but he changed that to Monday morning. They told the newspaper they think Dylan hitchhiked to meet them and then was abducted.

The search happened after cadaver dogs from the La Plata County Search and Rescue Team had alerted on unidentified scent sources on the south shore of the lake last weekend.


I guess he could have hitchhiked and been abducted...but the dad saw him on Monday morning dressed and then didn't take him to his friends' house. And then, if Dylan was pumped about seeing the friends, he would be up and ready to go. So what happened with that?
And then, if Dylan was going to the friends' house, why wouldn't he text with them to let them know....and why didn't he respond to his mom's texts or his brother's texts?
Very strange....
From what I understand from the Colorado Springs airport website, there are no regularly scheduled direct passenger flights from Colorado Springs to Durango. You would fly through Denver.

From searches on Flight Aware, it looks like there are 18-20 flights from Colorado Springs (KCOS) to Denver (KDEN) in a given day, and 8-12 flights from Denver to Durango (KDRO). Flights start early in the morning and run regularly through to almost midnight.

Without additional information, I can't begin to pinpoint which flight Dylan took.

eta - This seems out of place now with some posts no longer here, but hopefully this info is still OK?
I still don't know of any teen these days who would hitch hike. I haven't seen a hitchhiker in ages, adult or teen. Maybe it's regional, but... I find it hard to believe. Especially a young teen. :twocents:
Friends of Elaine Redwine and her sons are organizing a community prayer and caring vigil at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Eagle Park in Bayfield, on U.S. Highway 160B. Everyone is welcome.

“If he could call, he would.” His cell phone and charger and various other items were in his backpack, which he supposedly had with him. It’s not at his father’s house, she said.
She said she and Dylan had moved from near Bayfield to Colorado Springs on July 1 this year.
I still don't know of any teen these days who would hitch hike. I haven't seen a hitchhiker in ages, adult or teen. Maybe it's regional, but... I find it hard to believe. Especially a young teen. :twocents:

I know it seems unlikely, but a friend of mine who has children and raised them in Ignacio and Bayfield area, said that she kind of knew that her children did that as teens, and after one of her sons passed away, found out just how much they really did it in that area, it was more than she thought....This being said should help you to understand, that it is a common thing. Mind you alot of them see this often in the area, as there is a larger indian population, and they are often found hitchhiking as well....seems more normal here than most places.
I still don't know of any teen these days who would hitch hike. I haven't seen a hitchhiker in ages, adult or teen. Maybe it's regional, but... I find it hard to believe. Especially a young teen. :twocents:

FWIW, hitchhiking is still an acceptable way to get up the mountain for people of all ages in ski towns. Say your car can't make it up the snowy road to the resort - you park at the bottom, stand on the side of the road with your equipment, and someone with an empty seat will take you up. I myself have done both - catch a ride and give a ride. My friend's teenage daughter who lived on the way up the mountain used to do it all the time.

That being said, I don't think Vallecito is a ski town based on the info I can find, but if the kids are skiers, they may have seen/participated in this practice in other places.
I know it seems unlikely, but a friend of mine who has children and raised them in Ignacio and Bayfield area, said that she kind of knew that her children did that as teens, and after one of her sons passed away, found out just how much they really did it in that area, it was more than she thought....This being said should help you to understand, that it is a common thing. Mind you alot of them see this often in the area, as there is a larger indian population, and they are often found hitchhiking as well....seems more normal here than most places.

Yeah, I grew up in Bayfield (I'm 28 now) and we hitchhiked a fair amount growing up because if we were out at one friends house and it was 5 miles from town and we decided we wanted to go to the water hole or whatever, we'd just hitch wherever. I'd say 80% of the parents KNEW we were doing it and it wasn't a big deal. We were just told to only hitch with people we knew, which was usually almost all the cars. It was and is a small area, you tend to recognize or know 9 out of 10 cars and who was inside that went past you.
I know it sounds crazy but that's the sort of town it was and probably still is to some degree. We're talking a place where no one ever locked a door on their house or car, they'd leave the car running to go inside a store and never worry about anyone taking it, the Propane company would send you out a gas order and tell you to "Pay when you got around to it", etc.
For many to ponder do you realize that the home of the father was almost to the very end of CR 500? Also seems there is also a place were the water that feeds the bigger lake runs extreamly close to the home itself. Making fishing at the lake really just stupid. Why go that far when he can walk about 1000 or so feet to the river(or whatever you want to call it). There also appears to be an area were locals go to fish at the end of CR 500, which would of been closer than the Lake.
I am still not comfortable speculating exactly what I think may have happened because at this point there is so little information. But some thoughts...

I did not find it odd that Dad noticed on the first day Dylan went missing that the fishing pole was gone. Likely, when Dylan went missing and everyone thought it was very possible he left on his own LE asked Dad to see what, if anything was missing from the home-- probably especially any camping or outdoor gear.

If everyone who lived in residential homes around Vallecito/Bayfield and who has an exterior security cam reviewed their footage from around the time Dylan first went missing (say, Sunday night through last Tuesday) maybe something would turn up. I know this is not likely, but at this point anything is possible. I guess this would fall under the runaway/hitch hiking possibilities.

I do think that if Dylan originally ran away or left on his own, something has happened to him. I don't believe he would be gone this long without calling his mother on his own.
Just a comment on the cell phone for what it is worth. I have a 13 year old grandson who has an appendage coming out of his ear. It is more commonly known as an Iphone. I absolutely hate it. If he is around me, he is not allowed to have it on or use it. I have even asked him to turn it off and put it up and if he doesn't, I take it away from him. Nothing makes me madder than for me to be around him and him be constantly checking something on that damn phone. He is so obsessed with it that if I take it away from him he will search until he finds it and sneak using it. He gets really really angry with me. My point is, I can understand why his father would make him turn it off or take it away. I can also see Dylan being so angry he would take it and run away. This is just my personal experience with kids and their phones. jmo
I still don't know of any teen these days who would hitch hike. I haven't seen a hitchhiker in ages, adult or teen. Maybe it's regional, but... I find it hard to believe. Especially a young teen. :twocents:

Maybe it is a regional thing. I remember seeing it more when I was a kid, but I still see it at least a couple of times a year, and I've seen young teens, both girls and boys, and teenage or maybe early 20s couples numerous times. Usually on the on-ramps next to the major highways, which could have them to several possible destinations where it would be so easy to get lost (or be hidden). It scares me, but I see it.

ETA: sorry, I hadn't finished reading and see this has been addressed numerous times. I'll go ahead and leave my post though, just to mention that I've seen it happen in larger/less rural areas too.
Dylan allegedly slept at his dad's house on Sunday night. Is there some reason (other than an ominous one) that the scent dogs couldn't use those sheets or blanket?
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