CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #2

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Dylan allegedly slept at his dad's house on Sunday night. Is there some reason (other than an ominous one) that the scent dogs couldn't use those sheets or blanket?

maybe the dog handlers requested a specific item?
I think if the fishing pole is his, and it was found as they say at the lake, then I believe it to be reasonable that someone gave him a ride, seeing were the home is, and where they were searching, makes me think any kid now days wouldn't walk that dang far...IMO
For many to ponder do you realize that the home of the father was almost to the very end of CR 500? Also seems there is also a place were the water that feeds the bigger lake runs extreamly close to the home itself. Making fishing at the lake really just stupid. Why go that far when he can walk about 1000 or so feet to the river(or whatever you want to call it). There also appears to be an area were locals go to fish at the end of CR 500, which would of been closer than the Lake.

I think IF he went fishing, it'd just chalk up to where he wanted to fish. I mean, having fished in that lake, I know you get different fish in different areas and we used to fish the dam a lot because depending on the time of day we never got anything in the river or inlets. I'd say him growing up in the area until recently, there's a really good chance that he was up there growing up and that IF he went fishing, he was like every other person up there and had a "spot" he liked to go, and it may have been farther from the house and that area. Just my thoughts. :)
How long does a round trip take from Dad's house to the lake?
Dad lives in the mountains where there are not many roads. Google dad's address (2343 County Road 500 Bayfield CO 81122) There was only ONE road for Dylan to use to hitchhike out of dad's area. The odds of someone not seeing him in daytime on this ONE road are pretty low, IMO.


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maybe the dog handlers requested a specific item?

Hmm could be. I'm not an expert at all but I remember another case on here (Linnea Lomax IIRC) where the handler specifically wanted a recently worn shoe, so that the dog could sniff way down deep into the shoe. Apparently there was less risk of "cross-contamination" from people mis-handling the scent item - I guess people are less likely to stuff their hands into the toe of a shoe and accidentally get too much of their own scent on the item. (I'm sure there is a more accurate word than "cross-contamination" but I can't think of it... hopefully this still makes sense). I'm thinking if they wanted shoes and Dylan left wearing the shoes he arrived in, or maybe only brought one pair, that's a possibility.
How long does a round trip take from Dad's house to the lake?
From dad's house to a specific lodge near the middle point of the lake was 6.3 miles. I'm guessing it was 3.0-3.5 miles from dad's house to the nearest point of the lake.


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Pensfan - we are natural enemies but I'll put that aside :)
I think Dylan left the house while Dad was out running errands. I believe Dylan stayed away for a few hours, then returned home. After that something happened to him. I can't say anything beyond that but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this.
Ok since we can't go where my mind is at right now, lets consider other possibilities...

Is there public bus transportation in that area where dad lives? I know it seems rural so not sure? But could Dylan have tried to walk to bus stop or even got on a bus trying to get to friends house when dad leaves him alone for 4 hours? (Probably not plausible as he would need to get bus schedule if available and if dad had internet LE should have been able to find out if bus schedules where searched during time dad was gone. Since Dylan's phone had no activity since Sunday he wouldn't have called or texted for bus info.)

Could dad have taken the phone to have uninterrupted time with his son for the week? (Probably not plausible as dad would have produced the phone or told LE that the phone was gone when Dylan left and if that was the case surely Dylan would have called or texted someone as soon as he took it back.)

Could Dylan have left in the middle of the night to try to get to one of his friends house and got turned around in the dark in that rural location? Could he be lost/hurt in the woods with no shelter/food/proper clothing? (Probably not plausible as dad surely would have reported him missing first thing in the morning right? They also have had searchers, ATV's and helicopter searches all looking for Dylan.)

Plus none of these other scenarios match dad's version of events so I got nothing else. :dunno:

Anyone? I tried...
An actual dog person may be able to answer this better, but I have always heard that you don't want "new" scents because they are weaker. I can think of two cases where the dog trailing was heavily criticized because the scent item was a new item of clothing that the person had only worn once or twice so the scent would be a lot weaker. It seems like they would prefer something stronger than sheets that had been slept in once.
Like I said, I am not an expert, but from those other cases it seems that maybe barely touched scent items are not preferred, a shirt the person has worn all the time.
I am more surprised that Dylan did not have any of his clothes chilling around the house. I am assuming several sets were packed for his week long trip? I know he wouldn't pack that, but surely his Mom did? Or are they claiming he took all his packed clothing with him in his backpack?
Dad lives in the mountains where there are not many roads. Google dad's address (2343 County Road 500 Bayfield CO 81122) There was only ONE road for Dylan to use to hitchhike out of dad's area. The odds of someone not seeing him in daytime on this ONE road are pretty low, IMO.

I was looking in this area for things like Natural Gas operations, or anything of the sort, as they are usually tucked away, on what might appear to be a trail. I didn't see any.

Also the lake is about 6.4 miles(further probably) or so to the area where they were searching along the dam.
Dylan allegedly slept at his dad's house on Sunday night. Is there some reason (other than an ominous one) that the scent dogs couldn't use those sheets or blanket?

I hear ya. I dont undertand that either. Even if he crashed on a couch there had to be a pillow or at least a blanket? Bad feeling about this :please:
Ok since we can't go where my mind is at right now, lets consider other possibilities...

Is there public bus transportation in that area where dad lives? I know it seems rural so not sure? But could Dylan have tried to walk to bus stop or even got on a bus trying to get to friends house when dad leaves him alone for 4 hours? (Probably not plausible as he would need to get bus schedule if available and if dad had internet LE should have been able to find out if bus schedules where searched during time dad was gone. Since Dylan's phone had no activity since Sunday he wouldn't have called or texted for bus info.)

Could dad have taken the phone to have uninterrupted time with his son for the week? (Probably not plausible as dad would have produced the phone or told LE that the phone was gone when Dylan left and if that was the case surely Dylan would have called or texted someone as soon as he took it back.)

Could Dylan have left in the middle of the night to try to get to one of his friends house and got turned around in the dark in that rural location? Could he be lost/hurt in the woods with no shelter/food/proper clothing? (Probably not plausible as dad surely would have reported him missing first thing in the morning right? They also have had searchers, ATV's and helicopter searches all looking for Dylan.)

Plus none of these other scenarios match dad's version of events so I got nothing else. :dunno:

Anyone? I tried...

And you made a very good attempt, you almost had me. :fence:
For many to ponder do you realize that the home of the father was almost to the very end of CR 500? Also seems there is also a place were the water that feeds the bigger lake runs extreamly close to the home itself. Making fishing at the lake really just stupid. Why go that far when he can walk about 1000 or so feet to the river(or whatever you want to call it). There also appears to be an area were locals go to fish at the end of CR 500, which would of been closer than the Lake.

BBM. Great observation.
From dad's house to a specific lodge near the middle point of the lake was 6.3 miles. I'm guessing it was 3.0-3.5 miles from dad's house to the nearest point of the lake.

So it wouldn't take 4 hours to make this round trip?
So it wouldn't take 4 hours to make this round trip?

Since its nothing to take 4 hours to run errands and its a little less than 6 hours to drive from mom's new home I wonder why they didn't meet half way to save on the flight. jmo
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