CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #2

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I haven't seen it mentioned but I remember that Dad showed up to the vigil late because he says he didn't know about it. That doesn't mean he doesn't have internet, but my perception of him last night is internet may not be a huge priority for him.

I agree that it may not be a huge priority for him. After seeing where he lives he is very isolated. I can speak to that because I have the same situation where I live. Internet is a luxury and very expensive here in the woods. jmo
Just relaying a story. When my family vacationed at Mesa Verde my husband went out for an early morning run. He heard a deep growl and turned around to see a mountain lion.
Just relaying a story. When my family vacationed at Mesa Verde my husband went out for an early morning run. He heard a deep growl and turned around to see a mountain lion.

I was about to mention the same thing. I have friends who go there to ski, etc. They have stories of bears right in their yard and even in town bears have gotten into their truck beds. I don't know if they are hibernating now or not, but I certainly think wild animals should be considered. Someone from that area could speak to this better than I. jmo

OK, with that slightly more condensed timeline, I think Dylan landed in Durango (KDRO) on one of these flights:

RPA4875 DH8D Denver Intl (KDEN) Sun 16:53 MST Sun 17:47 MST
RPA1041 E190 Denver Intl (KDEN) Sun 16:02 MST Sun 16:55 MST

I'm not sure which flight he took from Colorado Springs (KCOS) to Denver, but there were enough flights that day he could've made these two. Any other flights would have him arriving into Durango later than 2000 (8pm). I lean towards the later flight, @1747, because I'd call that more "evening" than 16:55, but that's IMO.

Durango to Vallecito is about a 1 hour drive.
Wouldn't he be on a direct flight at 13 traveling alone?

OK, with that slightly more condensed timeline, I think Dylan landed in Durango (KDRO) on one of these flights:

RPA4875 DH8D Denver Intl (KDEN) Sun 16:53 MST Sun 17:47 MST
RPA1041 E190 Denver Intl (KDEN) Sun 16:02 MST Sun 16:55 MST

I'm not sure which flight he took from Colorado Springs (KCOS) to Denver, but there were enough flights that day he could've made these two. Any other flights would have him arriving into Durango later than 2000 (8pm). I lean towards the later flight, @1747, because I'd call that more "evening" than 16:55, but that's IMO.

Durango to Vallecito is about a 1 hour drive.

Thank You, I looked around a bit yesterday for some airport info and couldn't come up with anything, I think you are right about the later flight.
The phone worked the night before and should have worked the next day at the same location. What about not contacting the friends the next day to say hey, I slept in and can't make it, or I missed my ride, or sorry, I decided to go fishing instead.

I think you misread my post. I never said the phone didn't work nor did I mention the next day. I was stating that the 8pm at night being his last communication was not uncommon in my eyes. Sorry for posting my thoughts.
Also I'm curious why the father couldn't wait to go on the errands? Didn't he supposedly leave at 7:30 in the morning? I know nothing around my area is even open til around 9:00 so where did he have to go that early anyway? And why not wait til mid morning since he was supposed to take Dylan into town?

After my initial :waitasec: head scratching WTH about the errands at this hour in the morning, I talked myself down from that ledge. When I was a teenager staying with my grandparents they would go out early in the morning to do food shopping for my visit, they would pick up their medications at the pharmacy, go to the bank to get spending money for me, etc. The grocery store and pharmacy were usually open 24 hours or opened early. Dylan's dad's house is definetly in the middle of nowhere so it probably takes a little while to get into town to wherever the errands were. He may not be the most prepared guy in the world so if he picked Dylan up on Sunday he likely was scrambling to get whatever was needed for Dylan's stay that Monday morning. Not defending, just throwing out ideas.


Does anyone know if both parents have agreed to take a poly yet?

That's a good question, hadn't heard this mentioned til now. If they have agreed to take polys we won't be hearing anything from LE as they've said they won't comment on any ongoing details, so unfortunately I don't think we'll hear any reliable, accurate results from poly tests if they're taken. :-(
Also I'm curious why the father couldn't wait to go on the errands? Didn't he supposedly leave at 7:30 in the morning? I know nothing around my area is even open til around 9:00 so where did he have to go that early anyway? And why not wait til mid morning since he was supposed to take Dylan into town?

I know a lot of things used to be open around there by 6:30am in Durango and Bayfield, personally. And also, either way he could have went to go into town, assuming errands had to be run in Durango, which is usually the "norm" in the area since that's the "big town", it maybe only a 20-some mile drive (there are two ways to get to Durango area from where he was, usually taking CR 240 all the way, or driving to Bayfield and then taking 160 in), but the winding roads through those areas, the amount of deer out early in the morning and the low speed limit, it would take 45 minutes to nearly an hour to get to Durango. So if he left around 7:30, it could be nearly 8:30 by the time he got wherever he was going.
My Dad commonly left my brother and I on weekends when he got up at 6am to run to do errands, pick up building materials, etc because it was early and he knew we'd sleep in for a while.
And as far as driving back to town, this is an area where a lot of the towns live out away from town, so a 20 mile trip to do something, isn't a big deal.

Again, just trying to toss out some local knowledge and what tend to be the habits of the locals. :)

At this point I really can't put my finger on what I think could have happened to Dylan. I think there's a few strong possibilities, but there's nothing to me pointing directly to one or the other IMO. So it's very Wait and See.
Wouldn't he be on a direct flight at 13 traveling alone?

Do we know for sure that he caught the initial flight in Colorado Springs? Especially since flights from Colorado Springs to Durango seem to have a connection in Denver. It's a bit of a drive to DIA in Denver, but maybe she drove him to Denver so he wouldn't have to do the two flights with the layover?
I'm pretty certain one of the earliest articles had a reporter trying to reach him on his cell which went to voicemail and then his home phone which rang and rang with no answer. I'll try to find the link.

He is rural- 99% sure he has a landline.
Anne Cook, who has been helping organize volunteers at Vallecito Reservoir, said everyone has the impression that the search is over, and nothing could be further from the truth.

&#8220;We&#8217;re just done searching underwater,&#8221; she said. &#8220;The search has actually intensified with the arrival of the FBI. We will keep on searching, and we will not stop until we find Dylan.&#8221;
I haven't seen it mentioned but I remember that Dad showed up to the vigil late because he says he didn't know about it. That doesn't mean he doesn't have internet, but my perception of him last night is internet may not be a huge priority for him.

That and a lot of the further out areas like that there, they pretty much have the option last I knew of no internet or really bad dial up!
The last place my Dad and I were living outside Durango, we were only about 6 miles out and until 2006, we still had Dial up only. It was like some miracle when we got off that and could have something else!

And this is just a complete MAYBE on my part, but this is a small area we're talking about and people in town tend to still be very very cliquey, so if there's been slight accusations thrown around about someone, etc, true or not....there's always a chance that Dad wasn't told about the Vigil. Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying, knowing how things work there and definitely how they worked in the past there's a chance that could be it, especially if Dad is keeping isolated and to himself. *shrug*
If Dylan ran away, is it possible he broke into someone's summer home and is just chilling comfortably as opposed to camping/hiding in the woods? It might be someone that he's met before, someone with kids that stay for a couple months every summer. He's eating the food left in their pantry, maybe even still has power and is playing their video game system and watching dvds. :please:

Also, I think our fav reporter (Kevin Torres) did say that "cell signal has been dicey" on his FB page Sunday. Maybe Dylan just couldn't get a good signal after he got to Vallecito.

It is remotely possible, I did consider this possiblity, and you have {{{no idea how much I wish it to be true!!! :praying:}}} However, I do not think the Dylan that we've read so much about would put his family, especially his mother and brother, through this torment - if he were to have run, I truly believe it would have been right back to them or to a place where he could contact them and at least tell them he's OK......

I hardly slept last night.....praying Dylan will be found today!!!
I know a lot of things used to be open around there by 6:30am in Durango and Bayfield, personally.

I'm super curious what is open at 6:30, I live in a super small town and drive into town and the only thing I can think of that is open early is prob a coffe shop and of course Walmart. It gets frustrating to always have to wait cause I like to go right after the kids go to school ,while I'm out
That and a lot of the further out areas like that there, they pretty much have the option last I knew of no internet or really bad dial up!
The last place my Dad and I were living outside Durango, we were only about 6 miles out and until 2006, we still had Dial up only. It was like some miracle when we got off that and could have something else!

And this is just a complete MAYBE on my part, but this is a small area we're talking about and people in town tend to still be very very cliquey, so if there's been slight accusations thrown around about someone, etc, true or not....there's always a chance that Dad wasn't told about the Vigil. Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying, knowing how things work there and definitely how they worked in the past there's a chance that could be it, especially if Dad is keeping isolated and to himself. *shrug*

I hear what you are saying about cliquesk, but Mom is the one who moved away and MR stayed. He must have friends in the area and feel it is home to him. I think he was simply out of touch and didn't know until the last moment. And then mom could have made sure he didn't know. jmo
I'm super curious what is open at 6:30, I live in a super small town and drive into town and the only thing I can think of that is open early is prob a coffe shop and of course Walmart. It gets frustrating to always have to wait cause I like to go right after the kids go to school ,while I'm out

If town is Durango, isn't it a resort town? I would think things would be open very early because of the tourist activity. Maybe, maybe no. Just a thought. jmo
Not sure the mom would have continued trying to reach him when it sounds like the efforts of her and her older son weren't successful those first days. If a person is not answering their phone, that might be another reason to not know about the vigil.
I hear what you are saying about cliquesk, but Mom is the one who moved away and MR stayed. He must have friends in the area and feel it is home to him. I think he was simply out of touch and didn't know until the last moment. And then mom could have made sure he didn't know. jmo

Like I said, I don't know...just tossing around thoughts really. I know when my Mother moved away from the area after my parents divorce, it didn't dim the cliquey-ness of her friends left there towards my Dad or anyone he knew and when she came back into town, it was like nothing had changed and she never left.
Also, I mean if no one has hardly been able to get ahold of him, it could have been simply he didn't answer the phone and find out if someone he did know, called to tell him about it. *shrug*
Not sure the mom would have continued trying to reach him when it sounds like the efforts of her and her older son weren't successful those first days. If a person is not answering their phone, that might be another reason to not know about the vigil.

Wonder why she didn't just go to his house ,if she couldn't get him on the phone, iirc she came right away when he went missing
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