CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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The leading theory does seem to be that MR lost his cool, and not that he vindictively premeditated hurting his son. If we are to believe that he lost his cool and did something, then we can expect forensics from his house or car to show something. Violent outbursts leave a story behind. To me, this is comforting in the sense that LE probably already "knows" if this is the case, and we will understand soon enough.

OTOH, if his forensics came up with nothing than we would need to call it premeditated or change theories- because it would have to have happened away from the car or house which is starting to stretch the whole spontaneous thing just a bit.

BBM: I agree, and I would think if they found something, they would have either named him as a suspect, named him as a POI or arrested him by now. What story got left behind in this case??? Like you said, hopefully LE knows which story is being told by the evidence. Once that information gets out, we will all have a clear picture of what happened.

Volunteers and investigators in La Plata County will search ditches between Durango and Vallecito Saturday for clues in the disappearance of 13-year-old Dylan Redwine.

In a statement Thursday evening, the Sheriff's Department said the search was not prompted by new leads, but to get in one more look ahead of potential snowfall arriving this weekend.

The search along La Plata County 240 will begin at 8 a.m. at the Edgemont Ranch picnic area in the 5300 block of La Plata County 240 west La Plata County 234.
Mark didn't rush in to his lawyer. He was simply keeping an appointment as part of an alibi IMO

I don't see this being premeditated though. What would have been the motive for that?
I don't think this is true. I've never heard of lawyers doing this kind of service unless the caller is loaded with cash and it's urgent.

I come from a town of about 100,000 people. Our town is still considered a small town for Texas. There are a lot of attorneys here who are very good friends with their clients. They have helped them get their business going, filed for bankruptcy and even filed for their divorce. It is nothing for an existing client that you have worked with to just call their attorney on the phone for advice. As long as MR has battled his ex over matters, I feel certain MR and his attorney are very close and MR could have called him/her on a moments notice for advice. Of course this is just my opinion, but it happens here all the time and we are not remotely connected to Hollywood.:moo:
The leading theory does seem to be that MR lost his cool, and not that he vindictively premeditated hurting his son. If we are to believe that he lost his cool and did something, then we can expect forensics from his house or car to show something. Violent outbursts leave a story behind. To me, this is comforting in the sense that LE probably already "knows" if this is the case, and we will understand soon enough.

OTOH, if his forensics came up with nothing than we would need to call it premeditated or change theories- because it would have to have happened away from the car or house which is starting to stretch the whole spontaneous thing just a bit.

Seems to me it was his ex wife that he wanted to spend time with, what better way to make her come back? She was supposed to Join him in searching for their child. Those comments about dinner etc... Gave me the willies. I think that's exactly what he wanted,

Why else would any normal sane person drag a divorce out for 7 years. She moved on, he didn't. IMO

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Cory appears to be a decent young man now despite the difficulties experienced years ago. And Cory seems to have huge concern for Dylan

I think ER worked hard to remove the boys from a toxic environment and get them all the help they needed to build a strong loving relationship. MOO

Yea, I just identify with some of the things she's said...they ring a bell with me. My situation was never that bad, but I still worked hard to build a strong healthy relationship with my son after divorcing a ... jerk.
Ok. My light is out now!
Dad has a violent history, so does dylN and Cory.
Both parents are drinkers.
Dylan flew to dads
Dad has a history od domestic violence issues
Dylan is missing
Mark didn't rush in to his lawyer. He was simply keeping an appointment as part of an alibi IMO

Well the word " appointment" may be used fast and loose here with regard to the lawyer's office visit. Because of atty/client privilege who can say. I think he might have gone in, paid $20 on his ' account' and said 'if anyone asks will you say i was here' to the secretary and that's the extent of the ' appointment'. Court proceedings are all set for mornings so most lawyers are in court during the day and in their office in the afternoons, after cases are handled. I have always wondered if his lawyer was physically present when MR went to the office that morning.
About the lawyer appointment. He couldn't have made that appointment on the spur of the moment. Any time anyone I knew needed to make an appointment, it was a month out before they got one. It's not something you can make on a Friday afternoon, or a Saturday or a Sunday and have on Monday morning bright and early. No way.

So that appointment had to have been made well in advance to this visit. JMO

As far as the other stuff goes, they both look like parental prizes to me. I'd pack everything I owned and would hit the road. MOO

He could have stopped by - I mean it's a small town - he may have waited for a little while to see his attorney - he may have stopped in and made a payment - I live in a small town and could probably stop by tommorow and see my attorney....just saying - nothing in MSM about an appointment, only that he was there...
Originally Posted by Powergirl
I mentioned earlier that I found it noteworthy that MR skipped over Sunday eve; he mentioned that Dylan stayed up late Saturday evening, prior to flying in, but then jumps over to Monday morning, when Dylan purportedly slept in. It took me a couple of days to realize it, but suddently it occured to me that there is a skip in time...what Dylan did two nights prior does not explain why he would sleep in two mornings later. When I asked you other folks if any of you had come across any media quotes where MR specifically refers to Sunday night, no one was able to provide a single quote. What is particularly interesting about that is that we, as observers, fill in the blanks with logic (i.e. in essense, Dylan went to bed early Sunday eve), but MR never actually said that...he glossed right over Sunday night.

For what it's worth, I did some poking around and in statement analysis, this skipping of time is significant: It is referred to as "temporal lacunae", and when such skips in time are evident in statement analysis, it may point to something in the subject's mind that he/she is withholding from us. This is the time period in which he/she "did" what he/she "did" and he/she does not want to stop to explain. The skipping points to a time period that is sensitive.....
Now I'm not at all versed in statement analysis, and I have no idea if the concept is applicable in this particular scenario, but it certainly gave me reason to pause..
how 'bout you?

You just made me think of something really sad.
Supposing MR was truthful when he said Dylan was
' out like a light' on Monday morning ..........but not asleep,
but because of some ' missing time' on Sunday night.
Perhaps MR woke up and didnt' even realize until Monday
morning that something had happened in a drunken rage
or something. :(
I have thought, too, of the possibility that Mark did attack Dylan in a drunken rage... but didn't remember/realize it until later...

Some people who drink have black outs... Where they are awake and moving/talking etc...,but they will have no recollection of it when they "come to" from their black out...

I am not saying this is the case with Mark... But it is a common scenario for people who have problems with alcohol...

Seems to me it was his ex wife that he wanted to spend time with, what better way to make her come back? She was supposed to Join him in searching for their child. Those comments about dinner etc... Gave me the willies. I think that's exactly what he wanted,

Why else would any normal sane person drag a divorce out for 7 years. She moved on, he didn't. IMO

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I must have missed something..... comments about dinner?
Please elaborate. And ..........ewww.
Yeah and the timing - first visit right after a major custody loss and a fight to just get a holiday visit? Uncanny if it's a coincidence.

I've been reading back thru the Michelle Parker threads. It reminds me of how she went missing after dropping off the kids at her ex-bf's home right after their episode of the People's Court aired.
Jmo, but I now feel like maybe the "scowlie face" sweet Dylan sent in his last text msg to mom letting her know that yes, dad had in fact picked him up from the airport was his sad and/or angry at possibly seeing dad had been drinking..not accusing just really thinking on this sweet boys last words/texts..jmo.

Maybe Mark did take the phone and cut it off or even smash it in seeing that Dylan was trying to send a text to mom saying hey, dads been drinking??..idk..jmo.

That's exactly what I've been thinking.

I used to be addicted to alcohol. I was fortunate enough to realize that I could not quit drinking on my own and I found good professional help. I spent some time in rehab, where I soaked up all of the information I could about addictions and recovery. As a result I have long been free from the need or desire to drink. I must give proper credit to God, because He gave me this miracle; He did and does what I could not!

I say all of this to explain how I came to find myself spotting people with addiction issues; particularly alcoholics. It's like I almost can't help it, I just notice little "tells". Sometimes it is something a person says or the way they say it, (or avoid saying it). It is more about their behavior than just they way they look. It is a person who is trying very hard to appear to be just fine, whether they've been drinking or not. They are very careful to act "straight".

My opinion after watching MR on video has been that he sets off my radar. By itself, it doesn't mean he hurt anyone, but combined with what we know now, it's not looking good.

ER may have similar issues or she may have straightened her life out, I don't know. She was nowhere near Dylan when this happened.

Some things to consider about alcoholism:

Blackouts: A person can drive, carry on a conversation, have sex, eat a meal, or just about do anything while in a blackout. During the blackout, they are not in control, they can do things that they would never do sober. And they don't remember. Sometimes, bits and pieces come back to them but the alcoholic does not know how much of it really happened or how much he/she dreamed.

Alcoholics are not always drunk. They may abstain at times, and they may be even more irritable, angry, anxious when sober.

What if MR really tried hard to not drink before Dylan got there?

It is extremely hard to be patient when you need that alcohol. It is not a craving like one might crave something yummy. It is an excruciating physical need, like when you have major abdominal surgery and the nurse forgets to load the pain meds in that lovely little pump attached to your IV and you keep punching the button but nothing happens and you have to pretend that you are not hurting because you have to make everyone think that you are fine, just fine!

Maybe MR got frustrated with Dylan and tried put him out of the car to walk. I can see that if there was an argument about friends or drinking or bringing someone else along like a girlfriend. Maybe Dylan decided he wanted to walk to a phone after whatever happened to his. Maybe he was run over or knocked out.

That long winded post is just my gut feeling based on what I've learned from my life experience. I don't claim to know, I just feel.

Ok. My light is out now!
Dad has a violent history, so does dylN and Cory.
Both parents are drinkers.
Dylan flew to dads
Dad has a history od domestic violence issues
Dylan is missing

I see no proof mom is a drinker. I see allegations made by dad concerning a incident that allegedly happened two years prior

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BBM: I agree, and I would think if they found something, they would have either named him as a suspect, named him as a POI or arrested him by now. What story got left behind in this case??? Like you said, hopefully LE knows which story is being told by the evidence. Once that information gets out, we will all have a clear picture of what happened.

Well, to be fair, the search tomorrow may be because they found forensics. HYPOTHETICALLY. It just could be. I would not be surprised if they were still sitting on that.

OTOH, continuing to say they are coming up empty on leads offers an alternative perspective. LE is usually optimistic and stating that the case is progressing as it should, following up on leads, etc. Rarely do I hear that they can't seem to find a trail to follow. One could suggest that adds a possible element of purposeful deceit or random crime.
I must have missed something..... comments about dinner?
Please elaborate. And ..........ewww.

Paraphrasing here.,., something like he didn't want to go out to dinner with her, just come together for Dylan.

I can't go back that far when I search on my phone, it was linked here...

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A lot of kids don't tell. My first cousin has a 14yo daughter. For 2+ years Des would come home crying about the way her dad & stepmom treated her and begged not to have to go back. Many of us heard this straight from Des's mouth but when it came time to talk to CPS or the judge she clammed up. Des was terrified that the judge wouldn't believe her and she would have to keep going back & it would only get worse.

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There is nobody better to keep SECRETS than children of me

Children of Alcoholics Week: Exposing Secrets to Heal
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