CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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I find it very strange that he would fly the boy from Colorado Springs to Durango and then consider driving to his brothers home in Castle Rock.

Please excuse me if this has been discussed. I have not fully followed all threads.
I know this has been answered already, at least somewhat.

He didn't mention it to explain Dylan sleeping late, he mentioned it to explain why he was tired and went to sleep shortly after getting home. It also sounds like it may have been part of the reason for making him wait until Monday to visit his friends. MOO

That could easily be because mom is used to having him on school days, and dad is used to having him on weekend/vacation days. A lot of people sleep later when they don't have to go to work/school. MOO

ER said MR didn't exercise his visitation rights with Dylan and over the last 3 years, Mark didn't spend alot of time with Dylan because of his job so we can't assume Dylan stayed with his dad regularly on the weekends etc.

We know he visited his dad in Durango once after he moved to CS and according to ER, Mark didn't know Dylan very well. jmo


REDWINE: Yes. I mean, I just don`t think -- you know, we had joint parenting time. And because, you know, Mark had to earn a living and we live in a small community, he was on the road a lot. So he didn`t spend a lot of time with Dylan in the three years prior to Dylan moving to Colorado Springs. So I just don`t think he knew Dylan all that well.
IIRC, this was the first interview he gave to a reporter, in what looked like a video store? There were bookcases behind him, white walls.
Dylan did visit the dad in October and when the mom objected to the fact Dylan had to get off the plane and get on another the dad made sure he had a straight flight with no layovers for this trip.
His last visit was Labor Day weekend, that's September. This was his first visit since the custody change on Sept. 21. Not that it really makes any difference. I'm just a stickler for details.

If he texted his mom at 7:06 to say his plane landed; then went to Walmart and McD's for dinner - there is no indication that they were home by 8:00 p.m. to go to bed. All we know about the 8:00 p.m. time period is that there was no activity on his phone after that that that it was turned off.

I would like to know why LE is requesting video or pictures from the public from 6:00 p.m. Sunday night to noon Monday? That's an 18 hour time span, and sounds to me like they are unable to verify whatever it was that MR told them. jmo

There could be a lot of things that could account for that (which I included in my outline in the last thread). I'd really like to know what may have happened TO DYLAN between 7:30 and 11:30 am, but it's hard to discuss that because nobody wants to talk about him - MR is more important. MOO

REDWINE: Yes. I mean, I just don`t think -- you know, we had joint parenting time. And because, you know, Mark had to earn a living and we live in a small community, he was on the road a lot. So he didn`t spend a lot of time with Dylan in the three years prior to Dylan moving to Colorado Springs. So I just don`t think he knew Dylan all that well.


That's not the same thing as spending NO time with him.
Someone posted a question this morning (please forgive me for not going back and finding it, but it's been a long, sad day), asking what one question we would most like to ask.

I would like to ask LE (Bender, Shupe, whoever) if they believe Dylan ever arrived at Dad's house Sunday night. My mind has been stuck on that one question for weeks now.

Dylan - Where are you?! Please come home.

Now THAT would be a great question to have answered.
Just bouncing.
According to ER she's not sure, but he's been driving truck.

Drinking as a truck driver is a big big big big deal. They can and DO random tests to confirm sobriety. It's one of the only well enforced rules in the industry.

Once you get a CDL you have a whole different set of rules to abide by. You can not have had anything to drink in 4-8 hours prior to dispatch, and you have to be under .00 at all times, although some claim you can be up to .04 in a private vehicle. Still, even one drink will put you over.

It's not just a company policy thing either, CDL is state issued and the state has a ZERO tolerance policy. You have to stop at weigh stations and talk to state employees, and drop off goods and talk to people there. You WILL get reported if you so much as smell of booze. It's considered a privilege to drive truck, not a right. Your books have to be accurate and updated at all time, which doesn't mesh too well with drinking.

IOW, if he had a drinking problem he was capable of turning it off for decent lengths of time. Either that or he has some drinking episodes rather than long term problem or has sobered up.

I have known people who lost driving jobs because of a DUI in their own vehicles during their time off work. I agree completely. There may be truck drivers who drink and drive, but they don't last long. MOO
I find it very strange that he would fly the boy from Colorado Springs to Durango and then consider driving to his brothers home in Castle Rock.

Please excuse me if this has been discussed. I have not fully followed all threads.

I found it very strange that the two would not just each drive half way. But they would have to agree on that one!:please:
I haven't personally been through a nasty divorce, but have a close friend that is currently. My friends case has been going on four years and counting. Yes, judges make orders based on the word of one party.

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I don't know what happened in this family or this case.

I do know nasty divorce. If I thought this was a category WS would verify you as an "expert" in, I'd apply for sure.

In the General Discussion section there are threads about how to deal with divorce if you are a battered mom or a protective parent. The links in those threads should help anyone understand that family court is not like criminal court. You don't need proof to get a judge to rule. If you actually have proof, a judge is free to totally ignore it.

My ex husband has made a second career about filing false things about me after our divorce, just to mess with me. He makes the most hurtful and humiliating allegations he can think of against me or anyone he knows I care about. And each time, I still have to scrape together money for an attorney, explain to my boss while I need time off, and deal with my son's anger and anxiety about it. He never wins, but I don't think winning is his goal. Getting even with me is.

My ex especially likes to pick happy times in my life to do this. When I got married, he filed for custody. When he heard I was pregnant, it got worse. He called one Sunday and said he was stuck in Pennsylvania (not that he told me he was going out of state or anything), and he couldn't get his car fixed until morning so he would just bring my son to school as soon as he could on Monday. Instead, he was in town and heading down to the courthouse on Monday to file a protection order against me for malnourishing and neglecting my son. With no evidence, his order was granted and I was treated like a criminal, basically. I couldn't call my son, couldn't call his school or step foot on their property. Meanwhile he kept my son out of school and my son spent two weeks completely isolated with is abuser until the hearing was granted. My worry for my son made me so physically sick I was terrified I was going to lose the baby I was carrying. It was the worst thing I've ever been through. My lawyer was worth every penny though. He subpoenaed my son's principal, EVERY teacher he had, his pediatrician, our pastor, family friends, all who without hesitation were ready to testify that my son was the picture of health and well taken care of. When my ex saw them at the courthouse he withdrew his motion and so the judge told him he had to return my son to me. My son still has anxiety from that experience.

Only when a concerned teacher made a report to CPS about his dad did things start to change for us. That whole experience I think actually put some fear in my ex. (His other kids are now home schooled so that he doesn't have to worry about concerned teachers anymore :( ) Also, now my son is older so that helps. He can speak up more. He sees a therapist and that helps too. He still has to go for visitation, and it's still very hard for him, but his dad is a little more cautious now.

The climate is changing. The APA refusing to put PAS in the DSM-V was a huge win for child advocates. VAWA grants are making a big difference with programs to educate court personnel about the dynamics of DV. Cases like the Jerry Sandusky case and the Powell children have caused people to wake up some. But it's a very sloooow change, and right now, family court is often a place with no oversight, not enough training, and sometimes, not much justice.
I find it very strange that he would fly the boy from Colorado Springs to Durango and then consider driving to his brothers home in Castle Rock.

Please excuse me if this has been discussed. I have not fully followed all threads.

That's a good question Joanne65. What were the plans for Dylan's return to Colorado Springs? Did he have a round trip ticket or was it just one way? It is kind of strange to be mulling over a drive or some kind of trip even further away than Colorado Springs for the Thanksgiving Thursday and not have that plan already cemented by Sunday night.

On the last bit, I don't think we know for sure that it was manually turned off. The police know that the phone hasn't pinged a cell tower, but AFAIK there's no way for them to know why. The battery could have died/fallen out, the phone could have died, or he could have left an area with cell coverage.

Dylan's cell phone records have been checked. And his phone activity is monitored at all times. His phone has been turned off since Sunday night. GPS is not available on his phone.

I also read this elsewhere, just not remembering where
Trust me, I already looked and I used to work for a travel agency. Unless they hired a private plane but I think that is really unlikely.

I thought it was a flight where he did not need to change planes.
Not an expert, so backing up

Federal regulations:
Implied consent to alcohol testing.

Any person who holds a CDL is considered to have consented to such testing as is required by any State or jurisdiction in the enforcement of being under the influence of a controlled substance or using alcohol, be under the influence of alcohol, or have any measured alcohol concentration or detected presence of alcohol, while on duty, or operating, or in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle. Consent is implied by driving a commercial motor vehicle.

Colorado page on the subject:

To be eligible for a CDL, you must have a clean driving record.

If ER was telling the truth, and why wouldn't she, then we can safely assume MR has a clean driving record and stays sober when he is on the road.

Previous post I'm expanding on:

Just bouncing.
According to ER she's not sure, but he's been driving truck.

Drinking as a truck driver is a big big big big deal. They can and DO random tests to confirm sobriety. It's one of the only well enforced rules in the industry.

Once you get a CDL you have a whole different set of rules to abide by. You can not have had anything to drink in 4-8 hours prior to dispatch, and you have to be under .00 at all times, although some claim you can be up to .04 in a private vehicle. Still, even one drink will put you over.

It's not just a company policy thing either, CDL is state issued and the state has a ZERO tolerance policy. You have to stop at weigh stations and talk to state employees, and drop off goods and talk to people there. You WILL get reported if you so much as smell of booze. It's considered a privilege to drive truck, not a right. Your books have to be accurate and updated at all time, which doesn't mesh too well with drinking.

IOW, if he had a drinking problem he was capable of turning it off for decent lengths of time. Either that or he has some drinking episodes rather than long term problem or has sobered up.
Thank you for taking the time to explain this. However it was said that ER was very unhappy with Dylans last flight home and the layover. So something different happened this time.

My eyes are crossing right now but I will try and find the conversation tomorrow!

Transcribed from the KOAT uncut interview of Mark (In the media thread)

And you know, in that case it was a transfer flight from the Durango airport or Denver airport leaving to Colorado Springs. And it was my goal to keep him on a direct flight or one that he never had to change planes on with because there was some controversy between mom and I about him being thirteen years old and being able to do those kinds of things. And so, you know, when I got the flight for him I made sure it was flight he could get on in Colorado...
Dylan's cell phone records have been checked. And his phone activity is monitored at all times. His phone has been turned off since Sunday night. GPS is not available on his phone.

I also read this elsewhere, just not remembering where

I understand it's being reported but I don't think the cell company has the ability to tell whether - especially on a cheap flip phone - whether a phone was manually turned off or whether it isn't sending pings for some other reason. The only way that could happen is if the cell phone sent an explicit signal to a cell tower saying (in effect) "I'm turning off now" and he was within range of a tower that could receive that signal. While maybe a smartphone does that, I'm not sure a dumbphone would.
If LE knows that Dylan did spend the night at his father's, and are not saying so on purpose, perhaps they are purposely allowing him to look bad to the public. Seems a word from LE would clear this up, unless they truly do not know, which is just worse for the chances of finding Dylan, if that is the case.
How do we know that Dylan fell asleep after 8pm? That was when communication ceased from his phone, but I've seen nothing specific reported regarding the time Dylan went to bed on Sunday eve.---and I think that's notable, that MR makes a point to mention Dylan's fatigue from Saturday eve, but then jumps to Dylan sleeping in Monday...

IDK what time Dylan's flight arrived in Durgano, but we do know he texted his mother at 7:06 pm so if Mark and Dylan stopped to eat and shop at Walmart, did Mark have enough time to drive to his house when Dylan's phone was shut off at 8 pm? :waitasec:
Wouldn't most fathers prefer to get along with their ex for their missing son's sake? That's how I take it anyway. Not seeing eye to eye is practically the norm for a lot of divorced couples, particularly over their children. But when a tragedy hits like this, I agree with him, they should be coming together and giving each other support... not fighting.

'Most' is the key word. Keep in mind that this family had some serious problems and their trust of each other was not what it would by in a typical family. This was a dysfunctional family, unfortunately.

Btw, I know someone who's divorced and considering how he talks about his ex-wife now? If anything happened to his son, no, he would NOT prefer to get along with his ex wife for the sake of his son. He would not show near the restraint that ER has. Yes, he is but one example, but surely not the last, either.

That's a good question Joanne65. What were the plans for Dylan's return to Colorado Springs? Did he have a round trip ticket or was it just one way? It is kind of strange to be mulling over a drive or some kind of trip even further away than Colorado Springs for the Thanksgiving Thursday and not have that plan already cemented by Sunday night.


I have not seen anything on the plans for Dylan to return to his home in Colorado Springs. When both parents mentioned Castle Rock, I wondered if perhaps dad was going to drop Dylan off in Colorado Springs on his way home? Or perhaps with family in Castle Rock?

Just me wondering...

Oh, my Dylan....I'm so sorry for all the pain and family turmoil you have endured in 13 years...but I so want you to come home....I really want you to be hiding somewhere safe....but as each day passes, I'm so afraid you are gone...Everynight,

IDK what time Dylan's flight arrived in Durgano, but we do know he texted his mother at 7:06 pm so if Mark and Dylan stopped to eat and shop at Walmart, did Mark have enough time to drive to his house when Dylan's phone was shut off at 8 pm? :waitasec:

I don't think we know that last part - that Dylan was home when the phone went off. They could still have been driving home when the phone went 'dark.'

LE should know when the last ping was, and the approximate location.
I have known people who lost driving jobs because of a DUI in their own vehicles during their time off work. I agree completely. There may be truck drivers who drink and drive, but they don't last long. MOO

Absolutely, federal regulation requires it. Even if their levels are low enough to pass a personal test, CDL is still gone. It's not regulated by employers, these are federal rules that the state is charged with enforcing. There is no chance to explain. They can and do routinely test randomly as well. Any accident you get in, even if it's going up on a curb during an exceptionally difficult maneuver, is an automatic cause for testing.

JMO based on my experience.
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