CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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Judges/Courts wouldn't have such a hard time with custody/visitation decisions is so many parents didn't lie and use the court system as a weapon against their ex, regardless of how it hurts the child.

Sorry, I don't 'great parent' from either the mom or dad. JMO

I think this is absolutely true, that judges can be desensitized to accusations made by parents, because it happens all the time in family law. Unfortunately, without actual convictions or protective orders, judges often can't/won't just cut off visitation between a child and a parent who actually may be abusive. Evidentiary rules can prevent judges from seeing information that would make any one of us think a parent was a danger to the child.
There are a lot of people out there who can drive under the influence without giving it away. Whats even scarier, is some drive/work/function better under the influence than they do sober! :what:
Considering that LE is asking for photos or video of the route between Durango and Vallecito, between 6:00 p.m. Sunday night and noon Monday, am guessing there wasn't much LE presence on the road that day - jmo, again.

I kind of get the impression that there isn't much between Durango and Vallecito.

If the lawyer's office is in Durango, then I'm guessing it's more likely that there would have been cameras around town (and police presence.) I know people do drive drunk and get away with it all the time, but it's easier to do it in the country than a city (even a small one.)
So the plot was to murder his son so an ex-wife he had fought bitter custody battles for years with would come running back into his arms? That's... an interesting idea.

I know if I had a kid who was visiting my estranged wife, and the kid vanished, I'd probably be a little upset and not want to get back together with them, but maybe I'm an odd duck.

I agree with your line of thinking.

IMO he was saying something along the lines of -- I can still hate you and you can still hate me.... but I still love Dylan and you still love Dylan so let's focus on that.

I think that's what he intended to say. How genuine he was, still unsure.

“I don’t want to have dinner with her and become buddy, buddy, but as parents of a missing child, people need to know that we can put our differences aside and that we want our son back,” he said
The 8 was what number on the list this charge was. 51 is his age. Then there was the zip for Greensboro, NC. Unfortunately, it does not give me the year of the charge. I'm going to guess he was convicted if it's showing up on a public criminal records search.

How do you know that's the same MR?
I don't have the link but I do remember reading that when Dylan flew to MR's last time he had a lay over and ER was not happy with that so this time MR flew him non stop!

Probably part of the court order!

I believe he flew him on a direct flight, which I thought someone said had a stop somewhere but Dylan did not get off they must have stopped and picked up other passengers
I don't think this is true. I've never heard of lawyers doing this kind of service unless the caller is loaded with cash and it's urgent.

Unless they are in court. I've never had a problem getting hold of my attorneys. And I am not loaded. Which reminds me, aren't most courts dark on Mondays? Might be another reason MR got in if he didn't already have an appointment.
I agree with your line of thinking.

IMO he was saying something along the lines of -- I can still hate you and you can still hate me.... but I still love Dylan and you still love Dylan so let's focus on that.

I think that's what he intended to say. How genuine he was, still unsure.

That's my impression of what he was trying to say too. I don't think he was terribly successful.

And how genuine is of course a matter of opinion.
So the plot was to murder his son so an ex-wife he had fought bitter custody battles for years with would come running back into his arms? That's... an interesting idea.

I know if I had a kid who was visiting my estranged wife, and the kid vanished, I'd probably be a little upset and not want to get back together with them, but maybe I'm an odd duck.

Paul, what's illogical to a typical person is often very logical to an atypical person. Its not so far-fetched. Who's to say - in his mind, when he was with that woman under Elaine's BR window, he may well have been trying to win her back then as well! Maybe he thought the sight of him with another woman would 'wake up' Elaine, she'd realize what she lost and come crawling back to him. In dysfunction, dysfunction is the norm in their mind.

Its just like if you have two codependents who are married and don't realize they are codependent? That marriage is not going to last. Their rules on what is normal is skewed.
Paul, what's illogical to a typical person is often very logical to an atypical person. Its not so far-fetched. Who's to say - in his mind, when he was with that woman under Elaine's BR window, he may well have been trying to win her back then as well! Maybe he thought the sight of him with another woman would 'wake up' Elaine, she'd realize what she lost and come crawling back to him. In dysfunction, dysfunction is the norm in their mind.

Its just like if you have two codependents who are married and don't realize they are codependent? That marriage is not going to last. Their rules on what is normal is skewed.

I have seen absolute nothing to indicate any of this.
I'm not discounting what you've gone through or what you've accomplished since then, but not everyone who drinks (even alcoholics) acts/feels the same way. I think it's great that you have been able to control it. I know more "drunks" who could go for a day without drinking than I know who couldn't. That's all MR would have had to have done by the time he picked him up. I drank a lot when I was young, a quart of whiskey and a few beers in a night wasn't unusual. I had blackouts, temper tantrums, drove drunk and other things I'm not proud of; however, I could go for weeks or months without a drink when I needed/chose to. After about 7 years of drinking like that, I decided to quit, and I did (for over 35 years so far). How do we know that MR is the kind of drinker you were and not the kind I was?

I have no idea if he did anything to DR or not, but I see absolutely no evidence that shows that it HAS to be true that he did. MOO

You are correct. There are some alcoholics that don't drink every day, or sometimes for a week. But once they start, it's difficult to stop until they are drunk. Some drunks get angry, and pick a fight with anybody who gets close to them at that moment. Others are just sweet and funny and end up going to sleep. Some of them have been known to go months without drinking and then something happens and they think just one... which usually ends up being one more, and one more, until they get drunk.

And btw, I never heard of a drunk blacking out and still be able to function. All the drunks I've known would sometimes drink till they pass out, and snore like a freight train. All they do is lose their memory of when they were drunk, they don't 'black out', IMO. Maybe it's a matter of semantics, but to me, blacking out is losing consciousness completely. You can't do much more than breathe if you're unconscious.
Mark Redwine did say in one of the interviews that it was a bone of contention between he and Elaine, Dylan flying non-stop verses a connecting flight. So that gives me the impression there may be a non-stop option, jmo


well, I'm kinda questioning some of the things he has or hasn't said...just saying

I believe he flew him on a direct flight, which I thought someone said had a stop somewhere but Dylan did not get off they must have stopped and picked up other passengers

When I checked last, it looked like none of the flights were direct - they all required a stop-over in Denver and Dylan would have needed to change planes.

United (possibly the airline Dylan flew as they have a hub in Denver) offers a service for minors who are flying alone, they get escorted to the next gate and so on.
I guess I'm not seeing the issue. Staying up late Saturday night, until early Sunday morning would make anyone tired that SAME NIGHT .. Sunday night. He went to bed early sunday night .. missing monday morning .. (per MR)


Nancy Grace asked Elaine Redwine what she thought when she didn't hear from her son Monday morning and she didn't say "Well, I thought he slept in because he didn't sleep Saturday night and I knew he would be difficult to get up in the morning. No, according to her, Dylan wanted to get up and catch a ride with his dad so unless Elaine confirms Dylan didn't sleep and was exhausted when he left to catch his flight, I choose not to believe Mark.


GRACE: Now, you didn`t hear from him since he touched down 7:06 PM. You didn`t hear from him the next morning. What did you make of that at the time?

REDWINE: You know, I didn`t really think anything of it just because, you know, when he`s been with his dad here before, which was over Labor Day weekend was the most recent since we`ve moved -- you know, he kind of did his own thing as far as with his friends. And so I would text him and be, like, you know, Are you having fun? And it wouldn`t be a prescribed time. It would just kind of be more throughout the day, just me, you know, telling him I loved him and just kind of reaching out to him.

-- there was never a time I couldn`t account for where Dylan was because he was very good at letting me know where he was at all times.
Yes, I think this is exactly what he wanted! jmo

You mean, you think that he wanted exactly what he said and did not want dinner and to become buddy-buddy with his ex, or that he wanted the opposite of what he said and did want dinner and to become buddy-buddy with his ex?

Sorry, I'm tired tonight :what:
You are correct. There are some alcoholics that don't drink every day, or sometimes for a week. But once they start, it's difficult to stop until they are drunk. Some drunks get angry, and pick a fight with anybody who gets close to them at that moment. Others are just sweet and funny and end up going to sleep. Some of them have been known to go months without drinking and then something happens and they think just one... which usually ends up being one more, and one more, until they get drunk.

And btw, I never heard of a drunk blacking out and still be able to function. All the drunks I've known would sometimes drink till they pass out, and snore like a freight train. All they do is lose their memory of when they were drunk, they don't 'black out', IMO. Maybe it's a matter of semantics, but to me, blacking out is losing consciousness completely. You can't do much more than breathe if you're unconscious.

Well then, I guess this is a new one for you. I worked, I'd drive close to 200 miles to visit relatives or back home again, and sometimes not remember anything for days at a time (eventually it got to where I'd lose time before I had even started to drink that day). Blacking out isn't the same thing as passing out; unfortunately, I never did that.:blushing:
I've been asking myself that same question for 2 weeks now. He had been convicted by the court of public opinion before LE had given any indication that there was possibly/probably foul play.

That is because there seems to be a "dead space" between 8pm and 7:30am.
Unless they are in court. I've never had a problem getting hold of my attorneys. And I am not loaded. Which reminds me, aren't most courts dark on Mondays? Might be another reason MR got in if he didn't already have an appointment.

And it was Thanksgiving week, so I'm not sure how much court activity there would be?
That is because there seems to be a "dead space" between 8pm and 7:30am.

And of course, nobody ever sleeps? Sorry, but I don't see that as a reason to immediately start coming up with all the ways someone could be murdered. MOO
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