CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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It was reported that had this camera not been focused where it was, that that crime would not have been captured. It was the only camera pointed at the scene of that crime.

Snipped a bunch, but wanted to point out that this is very true - not just in Walmart.

I was assaulted at a different major discount retailer about 10 years ago. There was a camera RIGHT THERE, but it was turned the wrong way to capture any of what happened. The cams at the front of the store captured his entrance, and his exit, but the entirety of the assault - including my turning the tables on him, running after him through about 3 aisles and tackling the guy, then holding him (hoping for someone to help) - NONE of it was on any of the security cameras in that section of the store as they were all turned the wrong way. (I still wonder about that sometimes...) And, unfortunately, in some stores the cameras are there, but there is no tape in the recorder, or they may not even be turned on and actively recording anything...

ETA: I see where someone had posted that there was a picture of Dylan in the store. Where in the store was the picture? Going in? Going out? Or while he was in the checkout, perhaps? Just curious if he was seen entering AND exiting the store. Please forgive the questions as I know this had to have been discussed, and I'm just trying to catch up...
That coupled with his other comments about dinner, buddy buddy... The long ongoing court proceedings all lead me to believe he was the one that couldn't move on. And it was all about his ex wife, not Dylan. That child was a pawn to his dad. IMO

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Agree!!!! We see this all the time!
I think there is a reason we are not seeing Dad on the walmart video.

I think there is a reason we are not seeing Dad on the walmart video.


What kind of reason would there be for not showing him? Not being snarky, just curious as to what your reasoning is behind this.

My thinking is that they have not shown it because it is not relevant. I don't understand how anything of concern that could be picked up on camera (in grainy surveillance footage of a low quality) wouldn't have been noticed by other shoppers or staff members while they were actually in the shops. I think the only purpose of releasing the pictures was to show what Dylan was wearing that night, possibly even to also show that Dylan had made it off the plane safely.

JMO :moo:
I am really shocked at all the unfounded accusations on this thread.

I don't believe that there have been unfounded accusations, rather I have seen peoples opinions that are based on what we know.

I do believe that the rules were changed in that we are now allowed to have opinions but not make direct accusations and yes there is a big difference between the two.
LE would have no reason to show Dylan's father in Walmart; if Dylan was there, his father was there with him, and he (Dad) is not missing.

If they were argueing somebody might remember!
If MR smelled of liquor somebody might smelled it.
If they were happy somebody might remember.

They Will put those tapes out but will it be too late?
If they are protecting MR by not showing those tapes they are cheating Dylan...for sure!
What kind of reason would there be for not showing him? Not being snarky, just curious as to what your reasoning is behind this.

My thinking is that they have not shown it because it is not relevant. I don't understand how anything of concern that could be picked up on camera (in grainy surveillance footage of a low quality) wouldn't have been noticed by other shoppers or staff members while they were actually in the shops. I think the only purpose of releasing the pictures was to show what Dylan was wearing that night, possibly even to also show that Dylan had made it off the plane safely.

JMO :moo:

Well what if he was acting strange. Maybe he bought a fishing pole.
Maybe they were fighting. maybe Dylan stomped off.
I just think theres a reason we dont see them together Laughting having fun
We only see a pic of Lone Dylan and to me he does not look happy.

I think there is a reason we are not seeing Dad on the walmart video.

Are you thinking that dad abandoned Dylan in the Wal-mart store?

If that is your thinking, what do you believe happened to Dylan next? Was he really abducted at that point? In desperation, left with a stranger?

I guess that would fit in with both the abduction and the hitchhiking scenarios, in a way. Yet, technically it wouldn't be abduction because Dylan would've gone willingly, nor would it be hitchhiking because he was offered a ride inside the store, or possibly in the parking lot.

If that were the case, though, I'm sure LE would release images of the person seen leaving the store with Dylan.

Or, was your thought something entirely different?
If they were argueing somebody might remember!
If MR smelled of liquor somebody might smelled it.
If they were happy somebody might remember.

They Will put those tapes out but will it be too late?
If they are protecting MR by not showing those tapes they are cheating Dylan...for sure!

I think they are releasing things one day at a time.
I think they know exactly what theyare doing.

I dont think this will have a happy ending.
Whatever happened I think happend that Sunday evening!

The one thing that drives me nuts in these cases is when the person everyone has suspicions about starts saying, "Let's just keep the focus on ________!"
I mean...when you focus on the missing person, you are going to ask a certain number of questions about the actual individual....but then you are going to ask questions about those that were last around the individual. That doesn't mean your focus has changed! The focus is the same.....trying to figure out what happened to the missing person!

That is probably one of my all time number one pet peeves because we hear this statement in so many cases....."Let's just keep the focus on______." I have asked repeated for the person who says this to tell me how to do it...other than rehearsing what the missing person was wearing...or his interests, etc.

When crimes happen, they must be investigated! And we follow the trail wherever it leads us....even if it makes us sad, angry, surprised, fearful.

Dylan.....come home!
Are you thinking that dad abandoned Dylan in the Wal-mart store?

If that is your thinking, what do you believe happened to Dylan next? Was he really abducted at that point? In desperation, left with a stranger?

I guess that would fit in with both the abduction and the hitchhiking scenarios, in a way. Yet, technically it wouldn't be abduction because Dylan would've gone willingly, nor would it be hitchhiking because he was offered a ride inside the store, or possibly in the parking lot.

If that were the case, though, I'm sure LE would release images of the person seen leaving the store with Dylan.

Or, was your thought something entirely different?

I just think they had a fight and it got out of hand.
Seems Dylan wanted to go to friends Dad says no dylan gets mad dad gets mad.
I think they went sep ways in walmart. or dylan walked a distance from Dad.
I do not think he ran away or was abducted!
I don't see anything irregular about his question. He checked with friends in the area first, and when they hadn't heard from Dylan, he called Dylan's mom. Seems perfectly normal when a person is missing to contact the people in his circle, no matter how far away. She has said Dylan checked in with her pretty regularly. So naturally MR would consider she might have heard from him.

It has always seemed strange to me that the mother didn't text the dad when she didn't hear from her son all day and she said he texted her all the time!
I have been gone all day and away from the computer. Just got home late tonight and my heart is very heavy after reading these articles about Dylan's family crisis.

I see ER as a strong, resilient parent, trying to better her life and move on from the chaos. I think she has grown and is trying to help her boys heal as well. But I think MR was still stuck in the vicious cycle, and still bitter and struggling. As he himself said, his problem is his ex-wife.

I think the family struggle continued that night, between father and son. Dad perhaps got got angry, took the phone from Dylan, who may have reacted like a 13 yr old that has some issues with his dysfunctional father. I don't know what happened, but I have a terrible, gut wrenching feeling about that night.

I get very bad juju vibes from MR. And have since day one, as evidenced by my brief forced vacation. But I will be very surprised, if we don't learn at some later date, that LE has been focused on dad since late monday night. JMO

have you watched this video?

seems like they all have problems (mom and older son included)
The one thing that drives me nuts in these cases is when the person everyone has suspicions about starts saying, "Let's just keep the focus on ________!"
I mean...when you focus on the missing person, you are going to ask a certain number of questions about the actual individual....but then you are going to ask questions about those that were last around the individual. That doesn't mean your focus has changed! The focus is the same.....trying to figure out what happened to the missing person!

That is probably one of my all time number one pet peeves because we hear this statement in so many cases....."Let's just keep the focus on______." I have asked repeated for the person who says this to tell me how to do it...other than rehearsing what the missing person was wearing...or his interests, etc.

When crimes happen, they must be investigated! And we follow the trail wherever it leads us....even if it makes us sad, angry, surprised, fearful.

Dylan.....come home!


Remember Sierra Lamar's dad came out and said hey I was charged with this this this and this i went to jail for this this this and this I took a poly and was cleared now lets find sierra. He laid it all out there n the table he didnt wait for PPL to go digging.

This man MR cant understand why his wife suspects him...
Wake up Mr. Did he actually think this wouldnt all come to the surface?

It has always seemed strange to me that the mother didn't text the dad when she didn't hear from her son all day and she said he texted her all the time!

I thought Dad wouldnt return her or Cody's calls?
The one thing that drives me nuts in these cases is when the person everyone has suspicions about starts saying, "Let's just keep the focus on ________!"
I mean...when you focus on the missing person, you are going to ask a certain number of questions about the actual individual....but then you are going to ask questions about those that were last around the individual. That doesn't mean your focus has changed! The focus is the same.....trying to figure out what happened to the missing person!

That is probably one of my all time number one pet peeves because we hear this statement in so many cases....."Let's just keep the focus on______." I have asked repeated for the person who says this to tell me how to do it...other than rehearsing what the missing person was wearing...or his interests, etc.

When crimes happen, they must be investigated! And we follow the trail wherever it leads us....even if it makes us sad, angry, surprised, fearful.

Dylan.....come home!

I didn't see a dump truck at his house. there were numerous CSI trucks, etc.

LE took 2 pickups. can you help me with a link? TIA

I would never find the link , but it was a video of the CS team there searching the house . I guess the truck I saw was one of the county vehicles? It was a small dump truck , but maybe I saw it wrong. I will look. I thought it might be what he used for work. Sorry if I got that wrong.
Volunteers to search ditches for Dylan Redwine clues Saturday

Volunteers and investigators in La Plata County will search ditches between Durango and Vallecito Saturday for clues in the disappearance of 13-year-old Dylan Redwine.

In a statement Thursday evening, the Sheriff's Department said the search was not prompted by new leads, but to get in one more look ahead of potential snowfall arriving this weekend.

The search along La Plata County 240 will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Edgemont Ranch picnic area in the 5300 block of La Plata County 240 west La Plata County 234.

Read more: Volunteers to search ditches for Dylan Redwine clues Saturday - The Denver Post

Is anyone posting who is familiar with this area?
Is there anything you can tell us about this picnic area?
Interesting they are including ditches in Durango

This is interesting. I wonder if they think he was in a vehicle and dropped something out the window? Or if they think he indeed did try to make it to friends' house on foot ? Very interesting. Thank you for sharing !
I, too have thought quite a bit about this particular "hitching" issue/possibility a few threads back.. Below is one of my posts(that I c/p from thread #5) discussing at length my thoughts on the hitching and that I absolutely from the onset have given weight to this particular issue as well as discussed at length differing scenarios and theories of Dylan having met with foul play via the "hitching"..

As explained below it's the other IMO missing key elements that made me move away from this as a likely possibility..jmo, tho..

I wonder if one of those friends actually spoke to Dylan on Mon morning and that is how they got to that conclusion. Maybe he called from landline and said I'm heading out now, gonna try to get a ride. OR maybe at 9 am he said Oh my dad just walked in, he'll give me a ride . :O
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