CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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the problem I see with that scenario is why a parent would lie about arguing with their teen, if he was laden with guilt he would have admitted it to LE already
You think he would tell the truth about forcing his son (who hasn't been seen since the night of 11/19) out of his truck that night, along a dark, little-traveled and sparsely-populated road and telling him he can just walk or hitch a ride to a friend's house, or fend for himself in the woods?

Just wondering.
Question about texts if anyone knows. This may have been covered. If so, I'm sorry. Are texts stored by the phone company? It will say on your bill you had 400 texts or something like that. But is there any way a phone company knows the content of those texts or are they 100% private? If Dylan texted his friend and said " omg dad's freaking on me " and friend deleted that text off of his own phone and Dylan's phone is broken, is there any way to ever see that text?
I guess best bet is that Dylan's phone has been turned OFF all this time and is not
We know from the police reports that Dad is an angry drunk, as well as the fact that in the past he has gotten so drunk that he doesn't remember what happened.

One possible scenario is that once they got home Dad got drunk and hurt Dylan. Dylan went to bed with a fatal head injury and that's why Dad couldn't wake him up in the morning. So that part could have been true.

But my question is this - if someone gets so drunk and they don't remember what happened, is there a chance they could pass the poly?

Another scenario based on the fact that they are going to search the ditches tomorrow - maybe they are thinking that Dylan did try to hitchhike and was struck by a hit and run driver.

What keeps hanging me up is the fishing pole. I wish we could get confirmation from LE that it was indeed Dylan's pole that was found at the lake.
Question about texts if anyone knows. This may have been covered. If so, I'm sorry. Are texts stored by the phone company? It will say on your bill you had 400 texts or something like that. But is there any way a phone company knows the content of those texts or are they 100% private? If Dylan texted his friend and said " omg dad's freaking on me " and friend deleted that text off of his own phone and Dylan's phone is broken, is there any way to ever see that text?
I guess best bet is that Dylan's phone has been turned OFF all this time and is not

There is a post from early on which speaks to this. States it depends on your carrier as to how many days text are kept. I would think Dylans phone would have been looked at right away.
Just bouncing.
According to ER she's not sure, but he's been driving truck.

Drinking as a truck driver is a big big big big deal. They can and DO random tests to confirm sobriety. It's one of the only well enforced rules in the industry.

Once you get a CDL you have a whole different set of rules to abide by. You can not have had anything to drink in 4-8 hours prior to dispatch, and you have to be under .00 at all times, although some claim you can be up to .04 in a private vehicle. Still, even one drink will put you over.

It's not just a company policy thing either, CDL is state issued and the state has a ZERO tolerance policy. You have to stop at weigh stations and talk to state employees, and drop off goods and talk to people there. You WILL get reported if you so much as smell of booze. It's considered a privilege to drive truck, not a right. Your books have to be accurate and updated at all time, which doesn't mesh too well with drinking.

IOW, if he had a drinking problem he was capable of turning it off for decent lengths of time. Either that or he has some drinking episodes rather than long term problem or has sobered up.
thank you for this information...

Since there has been no "verified" type and place of employment for Mark... ER was quite vague... And Sleuthers here have not turned up any facts to my knowledge...

could he have been working in some capacity where he was "paid under the table" so to speak?

Possibly driving a truck... But not in a capacity connected to truck driving union?

Just a thought...
I am betting they figure the cell phone was thrown out of the vehicle & are hoping to find it.
In the scenario I posted a little while ago, I wonder if MR threw the phone out the window (after grabbing it away from Dylan and turning it off), into the thicket in the area where he let Dylan out. With it being dark and the undergrowth being thick, Dylan probably couldn't find the phone.
We know from the police reports that Dad is an angry drunk, as well as the fact that in the past he has gotten so drunk that he doesn't remember what happened.

One possible scenario is that once they got home Dad got drunk and hurt Dylan. Dylan went to bed with a fatal head injury and that's why Dad couldn't wake him up in the morning. So that part could have been true.

But my question is this - if someone gets so drunk and they don't remember what happened, is there a chance they could pass the poly?

Another scenario based on the fact that they are going to search the ditches tomorrow - maybe they are thinking that Dylan did try to hitchhike and was struck by a hit and run driver.

What keeps hanging me up is the fishing pole. I wish we could get confirmation from LE that it was indeed Dylan's pole that was found at the lake.

It was reported early in they found the owner of the fishing pole. It wasn't Dylans. No idea where that link is. If i find it i will post.
We know from the police reports that Dad is an angry drunk, as well as the fact that in the past he has gotten so drunk that he doesn't remember what happened.

One possible scenario is that once they got home Dad got drunk and hurt Dylan. Dylan went to bed with a fatal head injury and that's why Dad couldn't wake him up in the morning. So that part could have been true.

But my question is this - if someone gets so drunk and they don't remember what happened, is there a chance they could pass the poly?

Another scenario based on the fact that they are going to search the ditches tomorrow - maybe they are thinking that Dylan did try to hitchhike and was struck by a hit and run driver.

What keeps hanging me up is the fishing pole. I wish we could get confirmation from LE that it was indeed Dylan's pole that was found at the lake.

I thought they said it was not his pole and had found the owner.

I dont think he would pass a poly because he might not remeber what he did but he KNEW he did something that harmed his son.
In all honesty WRT to ER telling the truth(above BBM).. Elaine made it very clear that she in all honesty was not at all sure what job Mark held in recent years..

Clipped for space.

With all do respect, she said that she isn't 100% sure what he does TODAY but affirmed that he used to drive truck. She does not imply that she's never been too sure.

REDWINE: You know, I`m not 100 percent sure what his occupation is. I know that he used to drive trucks. So I assume it`s something along those lines.

So my statement stands- even if he did have a drinking problem, he could turn it off and he was able to obtain a CDL so he doesn't have an old DUI. I'm not trying to give him sobriety of the year award or anything.

You havent seen one bit of evidence pointing to the ' POSSIBILITY' that dad harmed Dylan? Really? There is nothing that says it is even possible?

I haven't seen any evidence that says it is proven with certainty. But I have seen plenty of evidence that says it is possible.

For example, he was the last known person to see him, and the only adult in charge of a minor. There were no other adults present and no apparent witnesses to Dylan being safe and sound after 8 pm on Sunday night.

And on Monday, Dylan did not act in his characteristic way, nor follow routine practices, and communicate with others as was his regular pattern.

I think the key word is evidence. The only evidence we have is that Dylan went to walmart. Everything else is speculation, indication, or derived via common sense. We have very little evidence of anything. Hopefully LE does.
I think the fishing pole.
was purchased at walmart that sunday evening

I think the purchase is on record and dad had to explain it.
If it was an old pole i dont think it would have been noticed at all.

I worry that Dylan may have been taken out of the area. Perhaps LE has something and keeping the search close.
You think he would tell the truth about forcing his son (who hasn't been seen since the night of 11/19) out of his truck that night, along a dark, little-traveled and sparsely-populated road and telling him he can just walk or hitch a ride to a friend's house, or fend for himself in the woods?

Just wondering.

how can you think that a guilt laden parent wouldn't?

a guilt laden parent would want searches to be conducted where the child disappeared from, they wouldn't make up a story that made no sense.
how can you think that a guilt laden parent wouldn't?

a guilt laden parent would want searches to be conducted where the child disappeared from, they wouldn't make up a story that made no sense.

I agree. By creating a story that a child disappeared from completely different place, someone would pretty much eliminate a chance of actually finding that child. So, that's why I said a normal person would not do something like that.
There is a post from early on which speaks to this. States it depends on your carrier as to how many days text are kept. I would think Dylans phone would have been looked at right away.

So Sprint or ATT or whoever can actually see the wording in the txts if necessary ? This is excellent news if they can find that phone !
I do have something - the boys said they Dylan would probably not be afraid to hitchhike. I've ruled this out personally in my head for other reasons (I listed previously in detail) but they did say that. And there was the one person who saw someone "flee" at some point.

Now that I think about it though, Mark was the first to talk to Dylan's friends, and did that before talking to anyone else. It would have been fairly easy for him to plant that suggestion during their conversation.

Personally, I speculate Mark didn't start talking hitchhiker until a few days in - after police pointed out that the other options were very unlikely (i.e. chances of a kidnapper breaking into a rural home and stealing an older child on the first day he's visiting from out of town without leaving any evidence in the few hours he's home alone , or the chance that Dylan would not contact anyone via any means after 8pm the night before and then run away). Do we know when he first stated the possibility of a hitchhiking-kidnap publically?

bbm, Had not thought of that, it is quite possible.
This sent chills down my spine.

"Since this is a search for clues related to possible criminal activity, children and young people should not participate in Saturday’s search efforts," Bender said.* "

They are looking for more than just his phone.

agreed, they are not looking for his phone, what they expect to find would be particularly distressing for children and young people to see.
IMO the search taking place between Durango and Vallecito goes right along with the theory that Dylan went missing sometime Sunday night, after leaving WalMart and never actually made it to Dad's house.

I really am hopeful that whether or not the search yields any evidence that LE is able to charge someone for what happened to Dylan and give this poor family (and even us) some answers soon.
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