CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #11

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This is interesting. I wonder if they think he was in a vehicle and dropped something out the window? Or if they think he indeed did try to make it to friends' house on foot ? Very interesting. Thank you for sharing !

His cell Phone?
His back pack?
fishing pole?

It has always seemed strange to me that the mother didn't text the dad when she didn't hear from her son all day and she said he texted her all the time!

It seems odd to me as well. I'm a little confused about this as well:

REDWINE: He texted me at about 7:06 on Sunday night and told me that he had landed and his dad had picked him up. He basically said -- I said, Did your dad get you, son? And he said, yes.

I'm wondering...did Dylan text his Mom saying he landed, etc, OR did she text him asking if he landed and he replied "yes" at 7:06?
have you watched this video?

seems like they all have problems (mom and older son included)

I did watch it. The mom's supposed alcohol problem is only from Mark Redwine's protection order affidavit. The reporter did not look to see if Elaine has any actual charges or convictions.

As far as Cody goes, again it was Mark's affidavit that claims that Cody was violent or couldn't be controlled. The reporter did find some minor drug/alcohol offenses.

I wouldn't necessarily take Mark's word for anything. Maybe if the reporter had investigated a bit further to see if any serious charges had ever been brought against Elaine or Cody.

I do think the family had issues going way back. But so far, only Mark's criminal charges have been reported on.
My apologies for freaking out here the other night. I needed to step away after becoming way too emotinally involved with sick down time. No excuse. I own it. Again my humble apologies to all :blushing:

Remember Sierra Lamar's dad came out and said hey I was charged with this this this and this i went to jail for this this this and this I took a poly and was cleared now lets find sierra. He laid it all out there n the table he didnt wait for PPL to go digging.

This man MR cant understand why his wife suspects him...
Wake up Mr. Did he actually think this wouldnt all come to the surface?


Right On !
MR has said nothing to deny involvement.........even when he was speaking publicly he didn't deny ER's allegations..........more tried to paint her as holding a grudge and that explains all that ! Right? Also I wondered about one thing he did say that someone posted last night. " I dont want to bash her PUBLICLY" . Why not "i dont want to bash her,, shes' upset or having a rough time''. I actually admire him NOT bashing her publicly but the wording was odd, as if bashing her privately 's a good passtime. But why not use the time to say emphatically I had nothing to do with this !
This is interesting. I wonder if they think he was in a vehicle and dropped something out the window? Or if they think he indeed did try to make it to friends' house on foot ? Very interesting. Thank you for sharing !

what stands out to me is that they aren't looking at Vallecito to Bayfield, they are looking at the route between Durango and Vallecito.

IMO that says volumes
I just think they had a fight and it got out of hand.
Seems Dylan wanted to go to friends Dad says no dylan gets mad dad gets mad.
I think they went sep ways in walmart. or dylan walked a distance from Dad.
I do not think he ran away or was abducted!
Yeh, it's likely they'd already been arguing at that point, if that's what happened. Originally, I thought something happened after they arrived at MR's house. Now, I'm wondering if Dylan made it to the house.

If Dylan were already peeved at his dad for not allowing him to go to his friends' house that night (and Dylan wanted to spend the night at his friend's house), I can see the argument continuing in the truck. Maybe Dylan started to text his friend to ask whether his parents could give him (Dylan) a ride from Wal-mart.

Perhaps MR took Dylan's phone then and as they drove along the road toward home, Dylan insists he won't go to dad's; says he'll even walk to his friend's house if his dad won't drive him there. So MR, in anger, obliges and lets Dylan out of the truck with his backpack and maybe some of the food they purchased at Wal-mart. Dylan has left his iPod in the truck, maybe. MR turns off Dylan's cell phone and tosses it into the thickets on the side of the road.

When Dylan doesn't arrive on Monday and dad hasn't heard from him all day, dad begins to worry. He drives to Dylan's friends' homes (apparently doesn't know the phone numbers but knows the addresses) and cannot find Dylan. He doesn't want anyone to know he stranded his son along the road in a remote area at night, so he claims that his son disappeared from the house while he was running errands. He takes the iPod inside the house, and maybe finds some of Dylan's old clothes that he places behind/on the couch to make it appear Dylan had spent the night there.

I can imagine dad waiting until 4:00 to actively look for Dylan in this scenario because he's laden with guilt and holding out hope that he'll hear from Dylan, or Dylan will walk through the door, at any time.

I don't know that I believe this to be the case, but at least it offers some hope that Dylan is still alive.

His cell Phone?
His back pack?
fishing pole?


:( I hope SO/ NOT.
I don't even know what to hope for now.
If they find something really serious, then
that means the unthinkable and at this point,
like an idiot, I'm still praying for the biggest
miracle ever.
I was just reading about the search being planned for tomorrow and the need for some expert or experienced hikers. If something happened to Dylan on Sunday night, it gets dark here in Colorado probably well before Dylan was even spotted at WalMart, how much hiking could have been done that night, in the dark, even by an expert hiker.

Just a question in further thought to this... Is Mark Redwine known to be much of a hiker?
My apologies for freaking out here the other night. I needed to step away after becoming way too emotinally involved with sick down time. No excuse. I own it. Again my humble apologies to all :blushing:

Bravo, did you freak?
I didn't notice. But
I'm sure everyone understands.
It's so emotional and just worse
by the day really.
All I know is if we are this upset,
imagine the family's pain. It's got
to be immeasurable. :(
My apologies for freaking out here the other night. I needed to step away after becoming way too emotinally involved with sick down time. No excuse. I own it. Again my humble apologies to all :blushing:

I didn't see any freak out from you, but sure understand the way to emotionally involved, it's hard not to.

I hope your feeling better and apology accepted but totally unnecessary
I am betting they figure the cell phone was thrown out of the vehicle & are hoping to find it.
I am betting they figure the cell phone was thrown out of the vehicle & are hoping to find it.

AHA ! Good thinking.
Dad tosses it out because Dylan won't get off of it
and maybe he smashed it first, drove over it or something.
I was thinking more along the lines of Dylan in a vehicle
throwing out something, a clue, a breadcrumb ,so to speak.
But I like your thinking a lot ! :)
Yeh, it's likely they'd already been arguing at that point, if that's what happened. Originally, I thought something happened after they arrived at MR's house. Now, I'm wondering if Dylan made it to the house.

If Dylan were already peeved at his dad for not allowing him to go to his friends' house that night (and Dylan wanted to spend the night at his friend's house), I can see the argument continuing in the truck. Maybe Dylan started to text his friend to ask whether his parents could give him (Dylan) a ride from Wal-mart.

Perhaps MR took Dylan's phone then and as they drove along the road toward home, Dylan insists he won't go to dad's; says he'll even walk to his friend's house if his dad won't drive him there. So MR, in anger, obliges and lets Dylan out of the truck with his backpack and maybe some of the food they purchased at Wal-mart. Dylan has left his iPod in the truck, maybe. MR turns off Dylan's cell phone and tosses it into the thickets on the side of the road.

When Dylan doesn't arrive on Monday and dad hasn't heard from him all day, dad begins to worry. He drives to Dylan's friends' homes (apparently doesn't know the phone numbers but knows the addresses) and cannot find Dylan. He doesn't want anyone to know he stranded his son along the road in a remote area at night, so he claims that his son disappeared from the house while he was running errands. He takes the iPod inside the house, and maybe finds some of Dylan's old clothes that he places behind/on the couch to make it appear Dylan had spent the night there.

I can imagine dad waiting until 4:00 to actively look for Dylan in this scenario because he's laden with guilt and holding out hope that he'll hear from Dylan, or Dylan will walk through the door, at any time.

I don't know that I believe this to be the case, but at least it offers some hope that Dylan is still alive.

I think this is a really good theory and I so want Dylan to be alive. Where are you Dylan?
My apologies for freaking out here the other night. I needed to step away after becoming way too emotionally involved with sick down time. No excuse. I own it. Again my humble apologies to all :blushing:
I don't remember there being a problem, Bravo. But, I understand. I had to step away for two or three days last week or so because I was getting too emotional about this. My heart is broken for Dylan, and also for his mom and Corey.
Yeh, it's likely they'd already been arguing at that point, if that's what happened. Originally, I thought something happened after they arrived at MR's house. Now, I'm wondering if Dylan made it to the house.

If Dylan were already peeved at his dad for not allowing him to go to his friends' house that night (and Dylan wanted to spend the night at his friend's house), I can see the argument continuing in the truck. Maybe Dylan started to text his friend to ask whether his parents could give him (Dylan) a ride from Wal-mart.

Perhaps MR took Dylan's phone then and as they drove along the road toward home, Dylan insists he won't go to dad's; says he'll even walk to his friend's house if his dad won't drive him there. So MR, in anger, obliges and lets Dylan out of the truck with his backpack and maybe some of the food they purchased at Wal-mart. Dylan has left his iPod in the truck, maybe. MR turns off Dylan's cell phone and tosses it into the thickets on the side of the road.

When Dylan doesn't arrive on Monday and dad hasn't heard from him all day, dad begins to worry. He drives to Dylan's friends' homes (apparently doesn't know the phone numbers but knows the addresses) and cannot find Dylan. He doesn't want anyone to know he stranded his son along the road in a remote area at night, so he claims that his son disappeared from the house while he was running errands. He takes the iPod inside the house, and maybe finds some of Dylan's old clothes that he places behind/on the couch to make it appear Dylan had spent the night there.

I can imagine dad waiting until 4:00 to actively look for Dylan in this scenario because he's laden with guilt and holding out hope that he'll hear from Dylan, or Dylan will walk through the door, at any time.

I don't know that I believe this to be the case, but at least it offers some hope that Dylan is still alive.


the problem I see with that scenario is why a parent would lie about arguing with their teen, if he was laden with guilt he would have admitted it to LE already
Right On !
MR has said nothing to deny involvement.........even when he was speaking publicly he didn't deny ER's allegations..........more tried to paint her as holding a grudge and that explains all that ! Right? Also I wondered about one thing he did say that someone posted last night. " I dont want to bash her PUBLICLY" . Why not "i dont want to bash her,, shes' upset or having a rough time''. I actually admire him NOT bashing her publicly but the wording was odd, as if bashing her privately 's a good passtime. But why not use the time to say emphatically I had nothing to do with this !


Man up!

Say, hey as a family we are broken and have had our share of knock down drag out fights his mom and I dont get along and I understand her feelings that i had something to do with all this because of our past but i can assure you I had nothing to do with what happed to my son and will take a poly or whatever has to be done to find my son!

Please help me find Dylan!

thats what i would say.

This is where I'm going to disagree with you that that is not always the case. Just recently, that boy in Cleveland, Emeliano. His mom said he went missing while she was pushing his siblings on a swing. Yet, nearby surveilance proved that Emiliano was not in the park with them at the time she said he was. The video footage showed two children, not three, in the park with her.

There was that other case where a girl reported her baby was taken out of her car while she quickly ran into the post office. It was determined later the baby was not in the car with her; it had been found in a ditch eventually.

LE has not confirmed that Dylan was even at his dad's house. So if he wasn't, was he abducted and dad was afraid to admit it? What if Dylan was abducted shortly after exiting Walmart before he could get back to dad's truck?

I'm trying to think of other scenarios here
Emiliano's mother was charged with his aggravated murder. So it's not a case where a child went missing in one place, but mother reported him missing from another. I don't think any normal person whose child went missing in one place (but who had nothing to do with that) is going to then come up with some crazy story of how child went missing from another place. Doesn't that person want their child found?
I don't know that I believe this to be the case, but at least it offers some hope that Dylan is still alive.


I don't believe that theory for a second. For one, dad first went to Dylan's Vallecito's friend. Why would he think Dylan was at his Vallecito's friend under your theory?
Yeh, it's likely they'd already been arguing at that point, if that's what happened. Originally, I thought something happened after they arrived at MR's house. Now, I'm wondering if Dylan made it to the house.

If Dylan were already peeved at his dad for not allowing him to go to his friends' house that night (and Dylan wanted to spend the night at his friend's house), I can see the argument continuing in the truck. Maybe Dylan started to text his friend to ask whether his parents could give him (Dylan) a ride from Wal-mart.

Perhaps MR took Dylan's phone then and as they drove along the road toward home, Dylan insists he won't go to dad's; says he'll even walk to his friend's house if his dad won't drive him there. So MR, in anger, obliges and lets Dylan out of the truck with his backpack and maybe some of the food they purchased at Wal-mart. Dylan has left his iPod in the truck, maybe. MR turns off Dylan's cell phone and tosses it into the thickets on the side of the road.

When Dylan doesn't arrive on Monday and dad hasn't heard from him all day, dad begins to worry. He drives to Dylan's friends' homes (apparently doesn't know the phone numbers but knows the addresses) and cannot find Dylan. He doesn't want anyone to know he stranded his son along the road in a remote area at night, so he claims that his son disappeared from the house while he was running errands. He takes the iPod inside the house, and maybe finds some of Dylan's old clothes that he places behind/on the couch to make it appear Dylan had spent the night there.

I can imagine dad waiting until 4:00 to actively look for Dylan in this scenario because he's laden with guilt and holding out hope that he'll hear from Dylan, or Dylan will walk through the door, at any time.

I don't know that I believe this to be the case, but at least it offers some hope that Dylan is still alive.


I like this theory, BUT it would require MR sending texts all day to a cell he knew dang well wasn't with Dylan (assuming LE can verify the texts.) That's a little too diabolical to be innocent IMO.
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