CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #15

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Sorry I haven't been able to be around much today. I was so hoping that Dylan had been found...or that we had received some kind of update from LE.
On another note, however, my daughter's wedding was absolutely precious. She was beautiful...and her hubby was the most handsome and happy I have ever seen him. I'm exhausted but elated. And no tears...not today.

Congratulations! My daughter was married recently and moved 800 miles away.
Hanging out with all you wonderful sleuths has helped me to keep my mind off my empty nest.

This is how I caught my ex husband cheating he had two FB accounts. Lol

My kids friends often have extra FB accounts for playing Farmville and those games, where you get extra points for adding friends or whatever they need to do. IDK
Sorry,the fact that he had liked the prepaid Master Card on his FB. I never heard of such. jmo

It looks like a pretty solid product, parents have control and access to track, manage, and cancel. It's prepaid (not credit) and there are restrictions that apply specifically because it's a product for teens and young adults. Actually sounds like a good idea for a responsible teen looking to prove their responsibility.
I agree that LE probably doesn't care about MR's reputation, etc...but my main point is that if they know where Dylan was on Sunday night they should say so for the sake of Dylan and anyone who might remember something from the Monday.

I think LE cares more about Dylan than Mark Redwine.
I think reputations were ruined long before this.

If I remember correctly LE came out and Said Dylan was last publically seen Sunday. which changed from last seen 7 30 am monday. something changed.
They need to place him somewhere else sunday night or monday morning and i dont think they can or have.

It looks like a pretty solid product, parents have control and access to track, manage, and cancel. It's prepaid (not credit) and there are restrictions that apply specifically because it's a product for teens and young adults. Actually sounds like a good idea for a responsible teen looking to prove their responsibility.

Its great I heard about it on Dr Laura.
Great for movies and McD's etc etc. We would put their allowance on it.
Sorry,the fact that he had liked the prepaid Master Card on his FB. I never heard of such. jmo

I have used those before when my kids were younger. They are good if you send them on vacation with another family, for example. Then they can buy their own trinkets and goodies, without having a lot of cash to lose somewhere.
And if they lose it, you can report it and close it down. My kids used to go snowboarding with our family friends a lot.
Questions of Importance regarding those last hours leading up to Dylan's disappearance

1) Did Dylan in fact make it to his father's home Sunday night, November 18?
(How was this verified?..pings, neighbor, or other witness, etc)
- if in fact made it to the home what time did they arrive home?

2) Were any calls made from the landline throughout the morning hours of Monday, November 19?
(If so to whom were the calls made)

3) What was the exact time that Dylan's cell phone was last detected?
(ie. text msg sent/received, phonecall incoming/outgoing, pinging a local cell tower)

4) If different from time of last detection, what time was the actual last communication from Dyalns cell phone?
(Phone call or text)

5) At what time did Dylan and friends(and with what specific friend did he speak/text to make these changes) make changes to their getting together from Sunday night moved to Monday morning?
- was it via text or call
- was it just one call/text or were there multiple calls/text back and forth making these changes

6) Was the change of plans the last conversation btwn Dylan and friend(s)?
-If not what was their last communication about?
- what time did that communication happen, if different from the communication regarding the change of plans?

7) The friend(s) with whom Dylan spoke/text about the change of plans, what was their opinion of Dylan's mood about the plans being changed?
(Mad, sad, furious, indifferent, cool with it, etc)

8) With whom was Dylan's last contact with other than dad?
- call or text?

9) What is the last identified cell phone tower that was pinged by Dylan's cell phone?

10) Where does dad's cell phone records pick up at from the moment when Dylan's phone is last detected?
- Does Dylan's last cell phone ping coincide with his dad's cell phone pings during that same time of night on Monday, November 18?
- From the time that Dylan's cell is last detected as being operable(text, call, ping) from that time forward throughout the night what is the track of dad's cell phone(ie. What, if any cell phone towers did dad's cell phone continue to ping after Dylan's was no longer operable)

11) Does dad's cell phone records, namely the pings, coincide with his returning home after Walmart/McDonalds?
(As in from the pings is it discernable that immediately after those last two stops in Durango that his phone tracks him going directly to his home or are there variances that could show that -
a) it took a much longer amount of time to get from Durango to the cell phone tower nearest his home(which is most likely to indicate that he was at or immediately near his home)
b) the pings show an altogether different route, other than home, immediately after the two last stops in Durango)

12) What, if any, internet usage was used from Sunday evening through Monday afternoon/evening?
(Anything unusual or out of the ordinary found)

13) LE has stated that they can confirm that Mark's movements between 7:30am-11:30am on Monday, November 19 check out with what Mark has stated that he was.(appt with Atty and other morning errands)
a) what was the nature of the appt with the divorce Atty and was it a scheduled appt? If so, how far in advance was is scheduled?
b) what were the other errands Mark went on for the remainder of those hours that have been confirmed?

14) What were Mark's movements from 11:30am- approx 4:30pm when he headed to Dylan's friends in Bayfield to pick up Dylan?
(Is LE able to verify/confirm those movements during that 5 hour time frame)

15) During those 5 hours what does his cell records show as far as his attempting contact with his son?
- how many text? How many calls?
- what cell phone towers were pinged when those various calls/text were made to Dylan's phone? Was it the tower that is pinged when at the Redwine home or another or other towers?
- what does the track of pings from Mark's cell phone show during this 5 hour window of time? Movement, if so where? Or does it continue to ping from the cell tower nearest his home?

16) What, if any, calls were incoming/outgoing from the landline during this 5 hour time frame?

17) What, if any besides to Dylan's cell phone, calls incoming/outgoing from Marks cell, text sent/received, internet usage from his cell during this 5 hour time frame?
-home internet usage during this time frame as well?

18) What type of cereal did Dylan eat that morning? Was it just purchased the night prior at Walmart on the way home or was it something already in the home?

19) When LE did the initial, cursory check of the home on Monday, November 19 was it noted that a used cereal
bowl and/or utensils were in the kitchen?
- or any indications of Dylan's possibly eaten/drank a few hours prior?

20) What was the condition of the bed made on the couch for Dylan?
- did it appear to be in a natural disarray as if it'd been slept on? Or more folded and neat?
- were Dylan's clothes noted to be there on the couch/bed? If so were they just crumpled and just tossed there? Clean or dirty? Or neatly folded? What were the articles of clothing left behind?

21) Was Mark able to give the initial search dogs a scent article from any of the bedding or discarded and left behind clothing of Dylan's? If not, why not?

22)**prefaced with:
this particular question I realize that LE would NOT have been at all of the frame of mind, at that point of the case to have even noted something such as this issue..but nonetheless this type trivial, ordinary observation would be telling and informative**

- In the initial, cursory check such observances made and noted like was Dylan's personal hygiene articles seen? More specifically observations of his toothbrush out?
(This may sound completely stupid and/or irrelevant to some but its the way my mind works in going through a mental checklist of what everyday observations could be telling.. (ie.the old look to see if the toothbrush is while I fully understand that there's the possibility he's not big on teeth brushing like I've drilled into my poor son..but IMO in going through that type mental list of everyday type observations IF ALL OF THEM ARE ABSENT IMO THE INDICATORS BECOME EVEN STRONGER OF IT LIKELY BEING RELEVANT AND ACTUALLY HAVE MEANING..jmo)

23) The fishing pole. Was this fishing pole purchased the night before at Walmart or was this a fishing pole that had long since been there in the home?

24) Exactly when was it noted and relayed to LE by Mark that Dylan's fishing pole was actually missing from the home?
- was this stated by dad immediately after the disappearance?
- or was it only after the broken fishing pole was found near the dam which then led to dad discovering that there was actually a missing fishing pole from the home?

25) Had Dylan actually hitchhiked before? (As in hitching a ride from a complete stranger)?
- or was it just an assumption made by the friends that due to Dylan not at all being shy, but rather very much out going that they would believe Dylan to have likely hitched a ride..but no specific knowledge of him having actually hitched a ride at some point prior?

26) what event occurred that led to Elaine broaching the subject of the dangers of hitchhiking with Dylan ?
- does mom have actual knowledge that at some point prior Dylan had actually hitchhiked thus the entire reason for her talk with Dylan?

27) What were the actual plans made by Dylan and friends for that Monday, November 19?

28) were the friends(or at least one of the friends) awake at/around 6:30am expecting Dylan's arrival?
- if not, when did they awake and realize Dylan had not arrived at 6:30am as had been planned?

29) Did the friends follow through with the plans even though Dylan never arrived?
- If so, how long did they wait for Dylan? What time did they end up going ahead with their plans without Dylan?

30) At what time on Monday morning did they begin to attempt contact with Dylan?
- Did they call/text just Dylan's cell phone?
- Or did they also try to reach Dylan via his father's home landline?
- Did they at any point attempt to call Dylan's mom or dad?

31) When initially calling Dylan's cell phone to what type of msg or non-msg did they receive?
To clarify what I mean is in their initially calling Dylan's cell phone did it:
a) just ring and ring continually?
b) not ring at all but rather just gave the generic service provider msg stating the person cannot be reached at this time?
c) immediately went straight to Dylan's voicemail?

**this of course needs to be added onto with other various questions that we find to be of importance regarding his disappearance**

I added about 10 more questions to our compilation list..

Feel free to add/edit the list:)
Or post questions you want added to the list.
"C" is correct. No meeting in Durango ... no office there. JMO and in before :nurse:

Woot! I remembered right! Does that mean I get a :cupcake:? or at least one of those powdered donuts from last night?
"Mark Redwine said he left the house about 7:30 a.m. Nov. 19 to run errands, and that was the last time he saw his son. He returned about 11:30 a.m. to find Dylan gone. In an interview with The Denver Post, Mark Redwine said he returned to find a dirty cereal bowl near the sink, the television was on Nickelodeon, and his son’s fishing pole was missing.

Ezzell declined to comment about the statements."

I wonder why LE declined to comment.

This link isn't working for me. Can you tell me the name of the article and maybe I can search it out.


I read here earlier that his cell phone doesn't have GPS.

From NG transcript:

GRACE: Sergeant Bender, is it true that nobody can confirm he is seen or heard from since he texted home when he arrived at his dad`s house Sunday night?

BENDER: My understanding is -- and our investigators have checked his cell phone. Also, cell phones have GPS`s, so if they`re turned on, that gives a general location of the person. And we have been following up on those right along, and there`s been no activity on his phone whatsoever since Sunday evening sometime.
Me too! I'm not convinced keeping everything hush hush is solving enough cases. Seems like LE just waits until they get lucky and some hunters find the remains. GRRRR

I made that observation on another thread that maybe we should get hunters to do the searches. They do go really deep into the woods and they are familiar with all the places. jmo
Sorry I haven't been able to be around much today. I was so hoping that Dylan had been found...or that we had received some kind of update from LE.
On another note, however, my daughter's wedding was absolutely precious. She was beautiful...and her hubby was the most handsome and happy I have ever seen him. I'm exhausted but elated. And no tears...not today.

O/T - so glad the wedding went well; everyone needs precious moments (not the figurines, :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:).
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