CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #15

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A mom talking to her child about hitchhiking does not mean he had done it; I think any parent in a rural area would be wise to have that talk; kids want to go places and don't have giant brains that help keep them safe. It is up to parents, IMO, to think of things before they happen.
Fresh ones of your choosing and I can also Chile Verde Con Cerdo that I've been cooking allllllll day.

Can I get a YUM from everyone?!?!?
Sounds delicious!!!!
I love to cook!!!
I thought mom said her plan was Verizon? Probably doesn't matter though...

I never heard/nor read that. I do know that :censored: woman on Find Dylan FB said she had both V and ATT and it worked outside MR house.

I'm getting dizzy. BBL.. Bye.
A mom talking to her child about hitchhiking does not mean he had done it; I think any parent in a rural area would be wise to have that talk; kids want to go places and don't have giant brains that help keep them safe. It is up to parents, IMO, to think of things before they happen.

Absolutely! ITA.. but the friends' comments, if one puts any weight in them, are reason to stop and think for a minute.

The boys say Dylan wasn't shy about hitching rides

My 13 year old nephew would walk a mile out of the way if someone pulled over trying to approach him in a vehicle, the very idea of hitchhiking would freak him out. So the above statement is intriguing, if not concerning.
I don't think Dylan's phone is pinging anywhere. It didn't have GPS.

Jumping, not speaking directly. Can someone clarify phones for me? I thought that pinging referred to what tower is communicating with a phone, and is found via phone company record- not phones. I thought (probably incorrectly) that pinging is less reliable in rural areas where most if the area is on one tower, most useful in cities where you can track a route based on the order the phone hits different towers.

I alsi thought gps capable would be relevant for apps such as track my phone, parent apps, and similar- or reading data history if phone is in possession.

Could someone more knowledgable roughly explain if gos effects pinging and if pinging would even be valuable in this rural setting.
I thought pings (and I'm no expert) were able to be located within a certain perimeter. In other words, based on the cell tower, a phone call could be limited down to having been made within so many miles. Is this right?
Absolutely! ITA.. but the friends' comments, if one puts any weight in them, are reason to stop and think for a minute.

The boys say Dylan wasn't shy about hitching rides

My 13 year old nephew would walk a mile out of the way if someone pulled over trying to approach him in a vehicle, the very idea of hitchhiking would freak him out. So the above statement is intriguing, if not concerning.

I'm not sure if that means he went out taking rides from total strangers, though. But if he did accept rides from people he at least recognized from time to time, that is worrying and could be what happened to him.
I thought pings (and I'm no expert) were able to be located within a certain perimeter. In other words, based on the cell tower, a phone call could be limited down to having been made within so many miles. Is this right?

Yes, I believe that's correct.
I thought pings (and I'm no expert) were able to be located within a certain perimeter. In other words, based on the cell tower, a phone call could be limited down to having been made within so many miles. Is this right?

From what I know, a phone will "ping" whenever it gets in range of a tower. So I am guessing if it is not within range, it won't "ping" at all.
I've seen TxJan's timeline document on a facebook page Missing Dylan Redwine CMCF. Is that ok??
Cell phone tracking - [ame=""]Mobile phone tracking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

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I thought pings (and I'm no expert) were able to be located within a certain perimeter. In other words, based on the cell tower, a phone call could be limited down to having been made within so many miles. Is this right?

Yes I believe that is correct. Someone I have talked to at a cell phone company told me that sometimes in smaller towns the tower near by may be full so the phone can ping at the next closest tower.
GPS is something completely different and separate from the phone "pinging" cell phone towers.. cell phones ping repeatedly whether in use or not as long as the phone is powered on..

GPS totally different(tho, in terms of which is more accurate the GPS can pinpoint nearly down to the exact location of the phone)...whereas pingimg triangulation is a much broader field of possibilities..unable to pinpoint with accuracy...just FYI for any who may not know or confused on the two and their differences..

so, while no, Dylan's cell phone did not have GPS capabilities most certainly had "pinging" abilities and is a huge investigative tool that LE jumps on immediately to subpoena the service provider records and find out exactly what was the last cell phone tower that Dylan's phone pinged prior to it being no longer operable from some point Sunday night..

I just caught up to it being clarified, thanks everyone that commented!!!
Fresh ones of your choosing and I can also Chile Verde Con Cerdo that I've been cooking allllllll day.

You got a yum from me now can we get a recipe from Ransom? tia

Come on Ransom! Give it up!
I'll give u credit! Promise!
We can call it ransom con verde! Cool huh?
As far as I know, Dylan's mother was not aware of any clothing left behind.

And the investigators, apparently, told the FB administrator, in a phone interview and update, that NOTHING was left behind, and Dylan had everything with him when he went missing. So I don't know what to make of dad's recent disclosure that Dylan left some clothing behind on the couch.
And the investigators, apparently, told the FB administrator, in a phone interview and update, that NOTHING was left behind, and Dylan had everything with him when he went missing. So I don't know what to make of dad's recent disclosure that Dylan left some clothing behind on the couch.

perhaps what was left behind were things he regularly kept there/not what he brought.

just a thought
I thought pings (and I'm no expert) were able to be located within a certain perimeter. In other words, based on the cell tower, a phone call could be limited down to having been made within so many miles. Is this right?

Shefner, my inlaws go to the holiday party of the year inSC. Is that yours?
I wanted to comment on this, I agree with your description of Dylan and share your doubts about a secret, hidden relationship he may have had. But then I think about the hitch-hiking mentioned by his friends and that mom talked to him about as well. That's certainly risky behavior IMO for a13 year old and it raises some questions for me. I think kids really let their guards down when they play those games, everyone playing is so enthusiastic about the gaming world, they can "friend" players and talk with them daily, and I think they can actually talk with headsets. Of course this is massive speculation but it's a possibility, I think there are sickos who groom kids this way and the kids think they're just talking to another slightly older kid. It might be something that a kid wouldn't be overly excited to share with mom or dad. Who knows, Maybe I'll start on with the alien abduction theory...

I agree about the gaming thing. My DS used to play a lot of games online against others in groups etc. And he did block a few ' creepers' as he called them, who seemed to want to know about him more than wanted to just play
the games.

I can agree that someone might want to befriend Dylan and groom him. But Dylan was really close to his older brother. I bet he already knows a lot of older ccol kids through Cory. I just don't see Dylan allowing some creeper to talk him into meeting up or getting a secret burn phone. That is a big leap for a 13 yr old to take. And in my experience, the kids who fall for that are often kids with a strong need for attention and closeness from someone because they are isolated or feel needy because of neglect. And I don't get that vibe from Dylan. I think he was a cute, popular kid with lots of friends and lots of hobbies and a close family surrounding him. I just don't think he would seek out something covert like that. But as I said before, I might well be way off.
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