CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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I can't really see the point of enrolling in WS just to make up tales about an ex. I am sure that Azgrandma wants to know what happened to Dylan more than she wants to vent about her ex.

Agreed. She said she and ER are very close now and if you think about when MR and ER were newly married and MR's oldest boys were coming for visitation , it is likely ER who called and said ' hey your boy has a fever' or helped them get their teeth brushed and tummies full etc. And that is no slam on MR. It is just the nature of how it likely went because ER was the maternal figure in the household. I've got a stepkid that I am pretty close to just because of the 'mommying' of the young child. So if Azgrandma and ER are even just a little close and her boys are half brothers to Dylan, she likely has a very deep hole in her heart and a real concern for her sons and ER that he be found!
I got the impression there were some doubts expressed as to her motives or truthfulness in some posts; if not, please ignore.

I hope I was clear in my posts, but in case I wasn't - I believe AZgrandma. My heart goes out to her! I am very grateful that she posted here and has shared her experience and beliefs. Upsetting implications for Dylan, but I appreciate the insight immensely.

The only point I wanted to make is that since I've gotten sucked into something once before with a less than honest person, I'm cautious (probably overly so).
They both accused him. Azgrandma was unequivocal about it, saying:

The guy is nuts! He abused me, check the records, he abused our children, check the records. I have no doubt that Mark did something IMO.

And Elaine said:

I would not put it past Mark to have done something to remove Dylan from the situation. You know, like 'if I can't have him, nobody will.
I missed az's statement admittedly (thank you for sharing it!) but Elaine's didn't strike me as an accusation of murder.
Dylan loved to text...all the time. His last one was Sunday evening, shortly after he arrived at Dad's. We know that the plan was for him to go to a friend's. Dad said no. It was too late at 8pm.
That was it. Last we heard from Dylan. Something happened. No doubt about it in my mind.
Were the clothes left at Dad's a setup? How about the blanket pushed back on the sofa? How about Dad having an alibi all morning at various "errands?" We know he actually ran the errands. What a great opportunity for Dylan to go missing....
Its just strange. I could totally off-base. But doesn't it seem like a cover-up situation to anyone else?
Gosh. I guess I've been around here too long.
24 hours a day? He had only been with dad less than a day when "something" happened. I find that hard to swallow.

IF he had been on the plane and arrived on the day he was supposed to be, he would have been with his friend's on Monday. I don't see anything wrong with making appointments for that period of time. Especially since he works out of the area so much of the time (according to ER.) Since the flight was changed over the weekend, it wouldn't be so easy to reschedule before the appointment time.

I'm not saying that MR is innocent of any wrong doing because there's really no evidence one way or the other. What I am saying is that keeping a couple of appointments in the morning while your 13 year old sleeps in, and having ex-wives who hate you, doesn't make a man a murderer.

If MR is responsible, I have every confidence in LE to find evidence and prove it. If he isn't responsible, I'd like to think that every alternative has at least been considered. MOO
I'm re-listening to the uncut interview

around 2:55 dad talks about the investigation being a "week" behind; he expected his house to be searched before it was....

the reason they were later in searching dad's house, I believe is because he talked to LE about Dylan possibly hitch-hiking, the fishing pole and kinda sent them on a wild goose chance....and that LE first thought Dylan had run away (even though they later said they thought within the first couple days it was a criminal investigation - I'm paraphrasing, okay)

I don't remember seeing dad along the lake shore during the searches (I know Cory was there).


I find it a bit odd that when they were searching the lake MR made it clear that he was unhappy with the timing and it should have been done earlier. Then they search his house and we hear again how he can't believe it took so long. For someone that says his wife has all the answers he sure knows a lot about what the police should be doing and when.

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I'm re-listening to the uncut interview

around 2:55 dad talks about the investigation being a "week" behind; he expected his house to be searched before it was....

the reason they were later in searching dad's house, I believe is because he talked to LE about Dylan possibly hitch-hiking, the fishing pole and kinda sent them on a wild goose chance....and that LE first thought Dylan had run away (even though they later said they thought within the first couple days it was a criminal investigation - I'm paraphrasing, okay)

I don't remember seeing dad along the lake shore during the searches (I know Cory was there).


the only search that I can recall MR being involved in was the big one last saturday.

and azgrandma said he wasn't involved in any of the searchs until after the media was involved.
It would be very difficult, IMO, if you saw someone you knew on TV behaving in a way that seemingly came off as sincere, empathetic, etc. when your knowledge of that person, which was extensive, showed them to be just the opposite., instead manipulative and unkind, etc. (Probably the way I feel when I see most politicians on TV.) I think I might be tempted to come forward with a warning, at least, that all may not be as it seems. This is all too important to be basing anything on how anyone, MR or ER, comes off on TV.
It's been so quiet in the last several days from LE on the search and investigation for Dylan.

I know, I know... they have no obligation to share with us and we don't have a real reason to know (unless there's a predator somewhere out there, in which case we should know.. but that would mean LE would have to know something or know someone would have to be ruled in or out).

Their increasing silence remains deafening. I hope it means they're making huge leaps and strides towards answers and finding Dylan and isn't a sign it's headed cold. He needs to be home safe with people who love him and will protect him.

I was working on my collection of LE statements last night, and they've really been pretty quiet since the beginning. Most of the things said in the press that have been attributed to LE have been repeats and paraphrased versions of the same statements. I made it as far as 12/2 and have found very little - and even less that seems helpful.
I have wondered why in this "uncut" video it suddenly does cut off mid sentence at the end - surely the camera didn't just run out of memory or something?? Was going to say run out of tape, but I do they even use tape anymore? :waitasec:

I'm still shocked they have a video store there! Haven't had one near me in years.
I snipped everything except your statement about MR's ex-wives because when I see some of these comments directed at those ladies I have to say it is amazing how some people simply will not even consider the possibility that this guy isn't what he appears to be, yet they can say they just doen't think he's guilty! What does "guilty" look like anyway? In order to deduct the totality of an argument, I would think that ALL factors should be taken into consideration. It appears that there is some "tunnel vision" going on here. Why?

I can only speak for myself, but of course I am open to MR being a suspect and a guilty one at that. Just like the RSO who lives down the road is a pretty darn likely suspect as well - but there hasn't been any evidence pointing in his direction either. We are all entitled to our opinions, and I feel like there have been a lot of angry posts aimed squarely at those of us who just express that we either want to keep an open mind or can see things from a different perspective. Some people by nature are just more moderate or cautious about pointing the finger and declaring someone is guilty without a heck of a lot more info (preferably from LE) than we have here. Others are simply more black and white in their outlook which is equally frustrating.

Anyhow - this is a discussion board after all, and we should be able to respectfully express our opinions in a reasonable way without fear of ridicule or worse.
It's funny how we can all look at the same thing and see something so very differently. That particular clip of MR is one reason I find it hard to link him to Dylan's disappearance - yet for others it is so damning and makes him look shifty and guilty.
His smile at the start means nothing to me - it's obvious it was in response to something the off camera interviewer said. If it was recorded by a proper news crew - it was pretty unprofessional of them to leave it intact and knowingly allow it to be aired - it could have been deleted. It's like airing a piece and showing someone adjusting their underwear or with a finger up their nose just before they expect the "recording" to begin. For all we know someone in the crew just said "Don't be nervous - just imagine us all in our underwear" MR was hardly guffawing - it was a smile, and the fact that he was able to drop it quickly may just show that his heart wasn't in whatever he had been smiling about.

Looked like more of a polite smile to me, like she had just walked up and greeted him. I do think parents' emotions are all over the place in times like this. I don't think it's possible to keep up a sad and somber demeanor all the time, 24/7.
Wait a sec. marks ex wife posted here? Can someone direct me to her postings?
Dylan arrived at the airport in Durango just after 7 pm. His phone was disabled at 8 pm. I wish MR would talk about the phone and why Dylan didn't use it after 8 pm. That phone was his lifeline to his mom and friends. I wonder why the reporter didn't ask about that phone, would have been my first question.
I was working on my collection of LE statements last night, and they've really been pretty quiet since the beginning. Most of the things said in the press that have been attributed to LE have been repeats and paraphrased versions of the same statements. I made it as far as 12/2 and have found very little - and even less that seems helpful.

Yep ..
The following is a post I made on the last thread in response to azgrandma's very informative post about the character of MR. I hope this helps those who need to catch up!

Originally Posted by azgrandma
I have held my breath long enough, let me introduce myself, I am MR's first ex wife. I joined this website because I saw that you all were looking up information on my children. They are innocent, they are hurting, they are real.

Go for it, check me out, email me, google me, do whatever you want. My name is Elizabeth J Roser, it changed to Redwine after we got divorced and it is now Horvath.

Let me tell you something about MR, the mods can stop me, but honestly I am absolutely sick by all of this.

We did not have the perfect marriage, young, niave, whatever. But he did act like a father to my daughter, we created two wonderful, beautiful, caring boys. He was not nice, he is a manipulator, a con artist and an abuser.

I'm done being nice, I'm done being evasive. I will allow all of you to look up our court records, look up our police reports. Mark is NOT a nice person. I'll go to court and defend that statement. There is not enough time or space for me to say what all he did to me and my children.

Have any of you wondered why two of his children refuse to talk to him, but they have a connection with Elaine? That is because she was the person that I felt would care for my children, would make sure they were taken care of. I have not spent a lot of time with her, but I can tell you this, I would trust her with my grandchildren any time, any day, any where. But I sure as heck would not Mark to even know they exist.

Did any of you wonder why it was that he never particpated in a search until AFTER the media was involved. Why his comments are directed toward Elaine knowing everything vs where is my son? The guy is nuts! He abused me, check the records, he abused our children, check the records. I have no doubt that Mark did something IMO.

I don't know all the rules on this site, I don't know if I'm out of line. I just don't know. But what I can tell you is that I have children, (yes they are adults) and grandchildren, that know this man more than any of you will ever know him. They are scared for Dylan, they hurt for Dylan and they worry about Dylan. I as a mother, cry, pray and hurt for Elaine each and every second of every day. Ask yourselves, why would WE, people that Mark has not been involved with (oh other than to sign over custody of his two children) in over 8 years care more about this than Mark.

As an FYI, Mark and I just got done with court in about 2003 or 2004 and we divorced in 1989. He finally gave up his parental rights to his children, as long as I forego the $40000 + in unpaid child support.

He is a smoot operator and knows how to work people, just be careful.

I am so glad that you decided to speak out!

I dug back a bit in to last night's posts to bring yours forward for those who missed it and don't have the time or patience to dig through all of the same old arguments to find it! It is hard to try to catch up when we read pages and pages of , well...stuff, just to glean a tidbit of new information!

You have in indicated that you believe that MR knows what happened to Dylan. Do you think MR might not remember? Are you aware if MR experiences "blackouts" if or when he drinks?

What do you think about MR's initial insistence that LE needed to search the lake? If MR really thought Dylan was there, would he want to lead police straight to the lake, maybe thinking it would be considered an accident? Or do you think that he might have been hoping to steer police in the wrong direction?

I am so sorry that due to the situation, these are the questions I feel have to be asked. Correct me please, if I am wrong. You seem like very strong woman. I get the impression that you, like many of us, think that Dylan is probably deceased. If my questions make this harder for you, please accept my sincere apology!

Edit: I just saw your later post about bringing Dylan home to open presents (after I posted the above questions). I can't imagine that MR could have concealed Dylan safely away without being found out by now, but maybe you have info you can't share? If so, I can respect that!
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