CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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I see your point. Perhaps because of their age and they were seen walking but never arrived at their destination, it was an ' assumed' abduction as in LE determined very quickly someone had to have taken them away from the road. With Dylan no one knows where he was last seen or could have been taken from and I do think initially they thought he may have wandered off , hitchhiked or ran away. By the time they ruled out those things, *( if they have yet) an amber alert was too late.

I could be wrong (it happens, :floorlaugh:) but I believe the children were living with their grandparents. The house burned down and it was believed that all the occupants died in the fire. When investigators went in, it was discovered that the children were missing. They haven't been seen or heard from since then. It is clearly some type of abduction....but it doesn't really match up to the original intention of the Amber Alert criteria. Then again, it was in Tennessee...nuff said.
I could be wrong (it happens, :floorlaugh:) but I believe the children were living with their grandparents. The house burned down and it was believed that all the occupants died in the fire. When investigators went in, it was discovered that the children were missing. They haven't been seen or heard from since then. It is clearly some type of abduction....but it doesn't really match up to the original intention of the Amber Alert criteria. Then again, it was in Tennessee...nuff said.

Poor Tennessee!
I'm not arguing with you, but at several legal websites I belong to, it is stressed over and over that child support is not a "ticket" to see the child(ren).

You can't keep the children from the other parent due to lack of child support, and you can't withhold child support because the other parent is committing contempt of court by withholding visitation. (legally anyway)

Absolutely correct.
moo is that there's no MR conspiracy here..moo but this individual is of little to zero meaning of the vast majority of the population and people aren't just making up these ol' falsehoods on this individual..

moo is that his own flesh and blood grown sons words and actions have IMO spoken the loudest as to the individual MR is.. there's just no "Everybody's-lying-on-Mark" Conspiracy bandwagon going on here..its reminiscent of TI in the Morgan Ingram case where everyone who speaks out about the truth have all sold their souls to the "Lets-Crucify-the-victim-of-this-case" Conspiracy bandwagon..moo both are similar in that there must be a nefrious motivated bandwagon of some type that's out for the blood of the innocent...

my point is there's no one out for blood and in both cases IMO the desire is the same...the truth to shine through and in Dylan's case specifically let that truth lead to finding him and serving firmly and swiftly justice on the *advertiser censored* of those responsible ...

Here's the thing though, my ex-SIL spread so many lies about my brother to his children. She was court ordered to stay in the counties surrounding where they lived, but she up and moved the girls 600 miles away. My brother didn't have the $$ to take her to court, but she was clearly in contempt. When he finally relented and set up visitation with her, they would meet in the middle. Things were great for a few months and he finally saved up some money to get a lawyer. She claimed residency in the mean time and there was not much he could do then. One day when it was his weekend, he got a call from the ex saying she was running late and asked if they could meet at 7 instead of 5. He said of course. While on his way, he gets a call from her screaming at him and saying, "Why weren't you here at 5?" His daughter, who was only 7 at the time was told her daddy wanted nothing to do with her. It's been many hard years, but my niece has finally realized what a her mother was and all the lies told, and is just now trying to fix her relationship with the dad she never was given the chance to know.
If they had joint custody (or whatever it's called in Colorado), he probably wouldn't have paid any support, at least that's how it works here. Of course, there are different types of custody: One can have sole physical custody while they have shared legal custody.

Child support is determined by the income of both parents, as well as by the percent of time each parent gets the children, along with various other factors, such as day care and medical costs.

I would guess it is similar in CO.
We also don't know if either of the parents have life insurance on Dylan. (I'm sorry to bring that up, but it's def. something LE should know.)
Never thought about that! Good point!
Yes, and this would probably also mean that children couldn't get medical insurance coverage with the father raising them (step) and a myriad of other practical needs couldn't be covered. :what:
My stepfather had no problem getting 5 stepchildren insured through his policy at work,

Well, sorry to sound negative and cynical but TN tends to live in some kind of weird bubble and IMO, they make up the rules as they go. The cases I follow out of that state are representative of LE fumbles, bumbles and just plain BAD investigating.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but that one really confused me. What does Tennessee have to do with Jessica Ridgeway's case? :waitasec:
Here's the thing though, my ex-SIL spread so many lies about my brother to his children. She was court ordered to stay in the counties surrounding where they lived, but she up and moved the girls 600 miles away. My brother didn't have the $$ to take her to court, but she was clearly in contempt. When he finally relented and set up visitation with her, they would meet in the middle. Things were great for a few months and he finally saved up some money to get a lawyer. She claimed residency in the mean time and there was not much he could do then. One day when it was his weekend, he got a call from the ex saying she was running late and asked if they could meet at 7 instead of 5. He said of course. While on his way, he gets a call from her screaming at him and saying, "Why weren't you here at 5?" His daughter, who was only 7 at the time was told her daddy wanted nothing to do with her. It's been many hard years, but my niece has finally realized what a her mother was and all the lies told, and is just now trying to fix her relationship with the dad she never was given the chance to know.

The thing is, there are a million stories just like this one. The problem? Most people don't take the time to determine exactly WHAT their rights are...and by not doing so, they end up with problems. You don't need an attorney if you are simply asking the court to enforce what you are already entitled to have, (visitation, living arrangements, etc.). All you need to do is go to FOC or write a letter and request your rights be enforced. No money required. If more people knew this, a lot of visitation/support issues could be quickly resolved. I know its a back-log, but most of it is due to people who don't have a clue how the system works. Be informed. It's your responsibility as a parent.
I'm not trying to be difficult, but that one really confused me. What does Tennessee have to do with Jessica Ridgeway's case? :waitasec:

When she was questioning the Amber Alert criteria, she posted a link to a Tennessee case that didn't match the criteria. I was giving her a quick rundown on that case and how (IMO) TN doesn't do anything by the rules.
When she was questioning the Amber Alert criteria, she posted a link to a Tennessee case that didn't match the criteria. I was giving her a quick rundown on that case and how (IMO) TN doesn't do anything by the rules.

I guess that makes more sense, thanks. I didn't see the link and thought you were commenting on them issuing an amber alert for Jessica R.
The thing is, there are a million stories just like this one. The problem? Most people don't take the time to determine exactly WHAT their rights are...and by not doing so, they end up with problems. You don't need an attorney if you are simply asking the court to enforce what you are already entitled to have, (visitation, living arrangements, etc.). All you need to do is go to FOC or write a letter and request your rights be enforced. No money required. If more people knew this, a lot of visitation/support issues could be quickly resolved. I know its a back-log, but most of it is due to people who don't have a clue how the system works. Be informed. It's your responsibility as a parent.

That wasn't my point. My point is an ex isn't the best person to give an objective opinion, especially when they won't elaborate when asked further questions. JMO of course.
If they had joint custody (or whatever it's called in Colorado), he probably wouldn't have paid any support, at least that's how it works here. Of course, there are different types of custody: One can have sole physical custody while they have shared legal custody.

Fortunately in our case the judge awarded my daughter full legal and physical custody. But he had monitored visitation with a police officer.
Didn't stop his abuse towards her tho. Letting him not pay did.
My feeling with dylans case is that money is at the root of it.
Dad had 5 more years to pay of child support, mom had a live in who also made money. Her life was easy street financially, had a fiancé, had her kids. Dad felt taken advantage of and downright peeved! Found a way to get out of child support and make the ex feel pain. Satisfaction to dad.
Its a thought to think about. Makes a lot of sense to me.
I guess that makes more sense, thanks. I didn't see the link and thought you were commenting on them issuing an amber alert for Jessica R.

It was initially because of a question of why no Amber Alert issued for Dylan and since that has been asked many times throughout all the threads, I figured it was time to go get the actual wording of the criteria to clear it up. But apparently in Tennessee they play fast n loose with the rules !
That wasn't my point. My point is an ex isn't the best person to give an objective opinion, especially when they won't elaborate when asked further questions. JMO of course.

Well then, I guess I would have to say there are about as many ex's that DON'T speak negatively about their children's NCP as there are that do. IMO, there is no reason not to listen to MR ex's. I sincerely doubt they would be making statements about MR character if Dylan wasn't that to me simply indicates how important they believe his history is to this child's safety.
I also haven't seen <modsnip> online today, so I think it's rather unfair to say she "won't elaborate" about further questions. Perhaps she is busy today? It is Christmas and she does have a family...
Fortunately in our case the judge awarded my daughter full legal and physical custody. But he had monitored visitation with a police officer.
Didn't stop his abuse towards her tho. Letting him not pay did.
My feeling with dylans case is that money is at the root of it.
Dad had 5 more years to pay of child support, mom had a live in who also made money. Her life was easy street financially, had a fianc&#233;, had her kids. Dad felt taken advantage of and downright peeved! Found a way to get out of child support and make the ex feel pain. Satisfaction to dad.
Its a thought to think about. Makes a lot of sense to me.

I agree. I really believe this comes down to "did MR love Dylan more than he hated ER" and the answer is a resounding no. There is no indication that he shared that type of bond with ANY of his children.

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Even though there isn't a lot of information here, I thought I'd post it anyway as long as I wasted the time on it. I don't have any press conferences there may have been included; the little bit of sound I did have on my computer finally gave out completely. I also didn't include numerous copies of the same comments included in articles by different sources or comments attributed to LE or a "source" from the police, etc. It's only direct quotes that I could find, and I gave up before I got to the past week or so. My added comments are highlighted.

A postal worker possibly saw the boy Monday on County Road 501, near Vallecito
two rescue workers may have seen the boy Tuesday afternoon, said Dan Bender, spokesman with the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office.
Both sightings are unconfirmed, and, in both cases, the boy ran from rescue workers up a hill in the Vallecito area, Bender said.
“We’re assuming at this point – it may be Dylan – eluded searchers,” he said. “We’re leaning toward his being a runaway.” ----- Later one was determined to be a jogger and the other assumed to be the same jogger or Dylan]
“At this time, we’re exploring all possibilities,” Bender said.
It is unknown what clothing he was wearing, but he may have been carrying a backpack.
“Apparently he had a black Hurley backpack when he arrived, and the father stated it was not at the house,” Bender said.
“Without any new clues, we have to continue to consider any and all possibilities,” Bender said

"The Sheriff's Office is not ruling out the possibility of an abduction but are also exploring the possibility that Dylan may be a runaway," the La Plata County Sheriff's Office said. "Some family members indicated Dylan may not have been in favor of the court-ordered visit this week. Dylan lived and attended school for years in the area and is known by many people."
“This is the 5th day Dylan has been missing with few clues to work from. We have to consider everything from foul play to a runaway. We hope the broadened exposure to the public through the news media, the work of our investigators, and the national reach offered by the FBI and National Center For Missing and Exploited Children will result in a positive conclusion with Dylan reunited with his family,” Bender said.

We know some people are upset that we are even considering the possibility that Dylan may have run away," Bender said. "But we are working for Dylan and we owe it to him and to his family to consider every possible scenario that could have caused him to drop out of sight for a week. To disregard any potential circumstance could cause us to overlook a possible clue that will lead us to Dylan."
In response to questions about what specific direction his investigations are taking, Bender said: “We have not closed the door on anything. We do not comment about ongoing investigations until they’re brought to a conclusion.”

The Dylan case is following what typically happens in the disappearance of a child, said Bob Lowery, executive director of the missing children division of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. [Not actually LE]
Suspending an active search for a missing child doesn’t mean it is put on the back burner, Lowery said.
“There are two components to a missing-child case – the active search and the work of investigators, which goes on out of sight and after a search ends,” Lowery said.


Recently, La Plata County Sheriff's Office spokesman Dan Bender said investigators are no longer looking at the possibility that the teen ran away while visiting his father in Vallecito while on Thanksgiving break from his home in Colorado.
"That pretty much limits us to possible abduction, kidnapping or foul play," Bender said.
"Since this is a search for clues related to possible criminal activity, children and young people should not participate in Saturday's search efforts," La Plata County Sheriff's spokesman Dan Bender stated Thursday night. "Searchers need to be prepared to walk two to four miles over rough terrain on steep slopes. They also need to be dressed for weather conditions and carry their own food and water with them." Bender said.

Volunteers to search ditches for Dylan Redwine clues Saturday - The Denver Post


Search coordinators said they want to make sure they get a good look at that area before the snow hits on Sunday.
"Not knowing where Dylan is--if he is in a higher elevation or even down in lower elevations--and snow hits that could cover up clues," Public Information Office Dan Bender of the La Plata County Sheriff's Office told KRQE News 13.
"With the time passage and the fact that Dylan was very socially active as far as being on the Internet, Twitter and such, and there's been no sign of him electronically or visually, we are looking at the probability of foul play, kidnapping or abduction," Bender said.
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