CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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My son pays more child support than the court ordered. But, he's a dad so I guess that doesn't count. Really, really and truly, there are dads that are loving and responsible. My son has gone through pure hell dealing with his divorce. He adores his son, my grandson.....excuse me for not putting ex wives on pedestals or condemning all dads to hell. This is why I don't post much on this thread.
I'm sorry you're upset there, and I do understand. LOOK...this is a heated topic, no doubt about it and we all have different experiences on which we're drawing.
My own experience with an ex is so horrifying, I can't tell you, and he loves his kids, but he hates me more. Even now, 12 years after the fact. This is partially why I don't post here lately, I sit back and read, that's about it. My experiences effect my thoughts here.
But NOTE: I also know men who are divorced who are very kind, loving and caring parents and don't hate their ex's, so our take on this subject will vary greatly!
Let's try to go easy on each-other, really.
Not to my recollection... would love to know...

I would like to know where the last ping was as well. I have often wondered if LE was alluding to that when they did their big organized searches of the ditches along the route home from Walmart.
"if" MR did hurt Dylan what are the legal ramifications for Elaine and the judges that gave visitation rights?

Can anybody let me know if they are also be accountable for this if Dylan and Elaine both stated they did not want Dylan near 'MR'?!

Sorry If I have this wrong but I thought in a earlier thread I read that Dylan did not want to go and visit dad .

Since it was a court-order visit I would say none. Not sure if ER would have grounds against the state though if MR did something, but she might.
Hypothetical.....If there was something posted in MSM about, say ER, would we then be allowed to sleuth further?

I think we are allowed to discuss anything that is written about ER in msm. But sleuthing it further, I am not so sure.
So what about this....Dylan tells friend says no, won't take you til I am leaving at 7:30 which causes even more of a thrown out window...fight fight fight...who knows.....where was that last ping??
I haven't read through all of the post so sorry if this has been said already... but, MR wouldn't answer his phone for CR or ER (we've all discussed that already) but what if ER or CR were trying to get in touch with MR to tell him they had found or heard from DR (which we know wasn't the case) BUT how did MR know that it wasn't the case :waitasec: KWIM? Hope this makes sense.
Actually they can still ping a phone if it is turned off or if the battery is dead. The phone has to be broken or the battery removed for it to stop pinging. There is a whole thread about it here at WS with many good links. So IMO the phone was smashed, someone took the battery out, or possible it was lost in an area outside of tower range. My daughter is a cell phone tech for a major company so I have learned a lot from her regarding this issue as well.

Why wouldn't LE alert the public as to where the last phone ping was at 8 pm? If they thought DR was a runaway or suspected possible abduction, that information could have been very important as far as placing him in a specific area at a critical time. Sometimes information being kept close to the vest is a sign that more is known than not. Of coarse this is JMO.
Since it was a court-order visit I would say none. Not sure if ER would have grounds against the state though if MR did something, but she might.

Thank you for the reply :D

It's now a week before Christmas eve and I'm hoping Elaine will get some news before then .
Thank you for the reply :D

It's now a week before Christmas eve and I'm hoping Elaine will get some news before then .
Wouldn't that be wonderful?

You know, on Friday as I was falling apart watching the news, I prayed, asking God to give us a miracle and let Dylan Redwine surface. It just felt like it would be perfect.
Let's keep hoping for a miracle!
I need to apologize to you all for not responding earlier. I know that many of you had questions and then wondered why there were no responses. I was busy yesterday and only had my phone, I'm so horrible at getting to the last post on the last thread that it would have taken me forever on my phone.
In answer to some of the questions posted and I apologize if I don't remember all of your questions.

Mark did not pay for the college education of my children, neither did I. They had great opportunities presented to them and have/are receiving their educations without my help.

Our divorce did not take years to get finalized, it was finalized in short order, within one year, but the court proceedings regarding BS went on for years.

As far as giving up parental rights, papers were drafted (twice) I signed, I don't know that MR signed, but his attorney never filed them. (I didn't have an attorney at that time) I don't know if that was MR's doing or his attorney's inaction, IMO I find it highly doubtful that an attorney would forget for several years to file legal documents, but it happened. The only part that "stuck" in the courts eyes was that he was no longer ordered to pay CS, the ability for the boys to be adopted was not legal so they were never adopted. In AZ, you can't just give up your rights to minor children, it's not that easy. That is why WE made the offer to MR.

ER and I are not besties, someone mentioned that we were very close. We are not, we aren't enemies, we aren't BFF's. Over the years, especially after ER, CR & DR visited in 2008 we had a bond if you will, we understood each other. We grew up and moved on, we had no qualms towards or about each other and knew that no matter what, we (the mothers of the children) would always be tied together. No my boys aren't hers and her boys aren't mine, but they are brothers.

What do I think happened? Have you ever had that feeling where the hair on the back of your neck stands up? Where every fiber of your being is telling you something that no matter how you look at it, you can't figure it out but you can't ignore it either. That's how I feel. Keep in mind it has been many, many years since we divorced, yes people can change, I did, I'm stronger, wiser and not so quick to believe everything I'm told. Has he changed? I don't know. I do know that any conversation or court hearings seemed the same. I do know that their are people that believe that others are idiots, that charm, charisma, wit and smiles can make them believe anything. The saying "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS" is appropriate.

I don't know all the rules here, so everything I say is IMO.
It breaks my heart to think that Dylan is not with us, but the brain and gut tell me he isn't. I want him to be ok, I want him to walk in and hug his mommy, I want him to tell her of great adventures that he has had over the past 28 days, I want him to get a smartphone for Christmas, to get grounded for the rest of his life so that ER always knows exactly where he is. I would give anything in the world, I would make any deal with the devil himself if it would bring him to his mommy this very second. I just don't think that is a possibility.

I find it very strange that MR gives interviews that all start at going to eat, going to Walmart and then stops, nothing, then it picks back up at 730 am the next day. It's not because of MR, I would find that odd in any person who's child is missing. Why is there no mention of, we went to McDonald's and Walmart, drove home, put all the groceries away and then watched tv, I went to bed and DR was still watching xxxxxxxxx on tv.
Nothing is ever mentioned from Walmart to 730 am.

Even by MR's statements, IMO, there is noone that spoke with or heard from DR after 8 pm Sunday, the 18th. Not even MR.

There definitely needs to be a bigger "Thanks" button, but even if there were, it would still not be big enough to apply in this instance. So please let me add an additional {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Thank You!! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, both for your so brave previous posts and for this one, which contains so many valid points.

The very *last person anyone wants to look at in a missing child case is at someone who played a key part in that childs life, someone that child trusted, or should have been able to, in a perfect world. In some previous cases it *has happened that it *is that person who the child should have been able to trust, who caused that child harm, and every time it happens, it is absolutely inconcievable to me that it can happen, I cannot wrap my head, or heart around it, and I think we all lose a tiny bit of our heart and soul when it does, at least I know that I do.....

Dylan's plight caught my heart right from the beginning - and despite all my instincts during the first couple weeks pointing me in a direction my heart did not want to follow, I continued to attempt to look at other theories, I did everything and anything I could to try to come up with any other theory to point away from what I did not want to see happen again. I actually did call in a tip on one of them (which turned out to be nothing of importance per the call I received later from an investigator).

Then last Saturday morning and the uncut video of MR speaking. I know many people saw many different things and I have complete and total respect for everyones opinions regarding what they themselves saw, but what *I saw, (and I watched it 4 times in a row to make sure I was seeing what I saw) pushed me even further towards what my instincts had been telling me from the start.....and today's publication of the texts along with your words and very valid points just now cemented it for me......and I am heartbroken...... :( and too many other emotions to explain....

You are one amazing and strong person. I know from personal experience how difficult it really is to overcome what you have. I will say this; your children are so lucky to have you as a mum and we are lucky to have you as a member! {Hugs} Thank you so much for coming forward!
There definitely needs to be a bigger "Thanks" button, but even if there were, it would still not be big enough to apply in this instance. So please let me add an additional {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Thank You!! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, both for your so brave previous posts and for this one, which contains so many valid points.

The very *last person anyone wants to look at in a missing child case is at someone who played a key part in that childs life, someone that child trusted, or should have been able to, in a perfect world. In some previous cases it *has happened that it *is that person who the child should have been able to trust, who caused that child harm, and every time it happens, it is absolutely inconcievable to me that it can happen, I cannot wrap my head, or heart around it, and I think we all lose a tiny bit of our heart and soul when it does, at least I know that I do.....

Dylan's plight caught my heart right from the beginning - and despite all my instincts during the first couple weeks pointing me in a direction my heart did not want to follow, I continued to attempt to look at other theories, I did everything and anything I could to try to come up with any other theory to point away from what I did not want to see happen again. I actually did call in a tip on one of them (which turned out to be nothing of importance per the call I received later from an investigator).

Then last Saturday morning and the uncut video of MR speaking. I know many people saw many different things and I have complete and total respect for everyones opinions regarding what they themselves saw, but what *I saw, (and I watched it 4 times in a row to make sure I was seeing what I saw) pushed me even further towards what my instincts had been telling me from the start.....and today's publication of the texts along with your words and very valid points just now cemented it for me......and I am heartbroken...... :( and too many other emotions to explain....

You are one amazing and strong person. I know from personal experience how difficult if really is to overcome what you have. I will say this; your children are so lucky to have you as a mum and we are lucky to have you as a member! {Hugs} Thank you so much for coming forward!

Beautiful post! Thank you so much...and if you don't mind, I'd really like to add that I feel exactly the same. Thanks again :rocker:
OK. so going with this scenario, his cell is dead. So what happens that morning when he gets up to eat his cereal? Does he check his phone then?

If it is dead, why doesn't he just plug it into the charger?

And if he needs to know the other numbers, he can see them if it is plugged in and charging, right?

So what happened to him?

As I mentioned in my original post earlier... When a phone and/or battery dies it dies (I mean like for real dies not just running out of charge). There is no miraculous resurrection. He would not be able to look up his contact phone numbers to call from a land line. He may have plugged it in to charge thinking or hoping that was what had happened. If he decided to head out on his own he probably tossed it and the charger in his bag just in case.

I am less inclined to think he went out looking for a ride or walking to his friend's without leaving a note for his dad. I am more inclined to think that he may have popped outside for a few minutes to play.

I'm not sure why some people think it is so very strange for a NCP to tell their child who they rarely get to see and is trying to rebuild/establish a relationship that they don't want them to go to their friend's house the evening they land... especially after already losing one day's time together due to mechanical issues with the earlier flight.

I'm also not sure why it would be inconsiderate to take your teenage son shopping to pick out whatever groceries, snacks, etc. they prefer eat.

Heaven forbid a NCP should buy a new fishing pole to maybe spend a little father/son bonding time together.

Yes it is true that Dylan disappeared on his dad's watch. I would venture a guess that most children disappear on a parent's watch (NCP or CP). If my son disappeared on my watch or his dad's even if it was through no direct fault I know damn well that we both would be experiencing an unfathomable amount of guilt.

Mark still hasn't been named a POI, correct? Is he still being cooperative with LE? Those are legitimate questions (not snarky) simply because I haven't read every single post in a few days.

I wish I knew what his appointment with his divorce attorney was all about that morning. Was it really so necessary for him to go to that meeting at that time, given his son had just arrived for a long awaited, 'long fought for' visit ?
So here is something that was brought up 6 or 8 threads ago and today it's really bothering me again. It seems more relevant in light of the friend's texts about the early morning plan to come to the back door etc. Dylan was supposed to be at his friends at 6:30 am . They made very detailed plans about that arrival time. That means they would have to leave home by 6 or so at the lastest right? So why does dad leave at 7:30? He didn't say ' i spent over an hour trying to wake up dr' . What would account for the 90 minutes , at least, that is missing from the ' schedule'. When I heard 6:30 initially I didn't think much of it. We are early risers. The DH here is blue collar and leaves home very early so 6:30 doesn't sound strange at all. But the fact that it's so much later than that that MR is even trying to wake DR and/ or leave home is odd, isn't it ?
Duh. I forgot all about that. Shouldn't post when tired. I think I'm done for tonight.:seeya:

Oh that's ok, Sigh....lots of days, the only time I can etch out for Websleuths is after midnight! You should check out some of my posts then! LOL

BTW, I love your avatar. So beautiful.
I wish I knew what his appointment with his divorce attorney was all about that morning. Was it really so necessary for him to go to that meeting at that time, given his son had just arrived for a long awaited, 'long fought for' visit ?

i couldn't agree more. i cannot see ANY lawyer saying "great idea, let's both travel over an hour to meet halfway during your very first court-ordered visit with your minor child left alone in your home unsupervised!".

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

You know, on Friday as I was falling apart watching the news, I prayed, asking God to give us a miracle and let Dylan Redwine surface. It just felt like it would be perfect.
Let's keep hoping for a miracle!

After everything Elaine has gone though I did hope for a happy ending for her and her sons .
I wish I knew what his appointment with his divorce attorney was all about that morning. Was it really so necessary for him to go to that meeting at that time, given his son had just arrived for a long awaited, 'long fought for' visit ?

My thoughts initially were that maybe he went to visit his attorney to have his child support payments reduced for the week that he would have Dylan, but other posters convinced me that that probably wasn't something that would have happened (1 week reduction), even though it did happen in my DH's case... I don't know what to think about his reason for going there. Others have suggested perhaps it was to pay a bill or.... ?

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