CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #18

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Not to be gruesome but..... :( ........if he hit him hard and they were inside the truck,it's possible there were 2 impacts. A victim's head had nowhere to go except into the window or doorframe of the truck. We all watch CSI type shows right? A free standing blow is less dangerous because the head can swing back and absorb some of the force but in a closed area , like up against a wall, the head is taking two points of impact for each blow. :( I hated to say that .

What if dylan got out of the truck dad was mad and took off he comes back and not seeig him along the side of the road hits him?

I cant get passed them having an argument.
Something happend out there that night.
All kids do not do it. I certainly didn't in the country or the city. my sisters didn't and neither has my daughter.

there are kids who are so under the parents rule that they know the slightest infraction will earn them big trouble.

it's like saying everyone has tried illegal drugs when a lot never have and never will.

I think she meant all kids ' go behind their parents backs ' at times, not necessarily hitching a ride. But I was thinking the same thing. Because ER told DR not to hitchhike does not mean he would never do it again. It certainly does not rule it out as a possibility.
Do we know if having a numbing sensation of the head is indicative of an underlying (serious) health condition? Something he may not have had any previous indicators (something his mother was unaware).

Your thoughts he exaggerated the sensation may well be exactly what MR thought, too.

The comment really stuck out for me..... IMO

My first and only thought about the numbing sensation was anxiety / panic attack. It could be living through all that drama that he's an anxious kid. The other idea might have been an oncoming cold with ear infection and the pressure in the plane cabin aggravated it. Neither parent said he was sick, to my knowledge, but kids that age may not know they are sick until it really hits them hard.
My first and only thought about the numbing sensation was anxiety / panic attack. It could be living through all that drama that he's an anxious kid. The other idea might have been an oncoming cold with ear infection and the pressure in the plane cabin aggravated it. Neither parent said he was sick, to my knowledge, but kids that age may not know they are sick until it really hits them hard.

Alot of kids have ear problems on planes especially boys.
I think he was just explaining the sound of the engines in his ears, I thought it a typical response for a 13 yr old kid.
True, not all kids are the same or do the same things or feel the same way. Like I didn't realize there HAD been perfect kids until I got into this thread and had someone correct me (once again.) I had a very strict mom who knew where we were most of the time, yet even I managed to ditch school one day and got away with it. Even I smoked a cigarette or two with my friends when I was at their houses (which my mom knew I was.) Even I was in a car with a nun and we picked up a hitchhiker, even I went with a nun to a place where all the sailors hung out when they had shore leave. My mom couldn't imagine what kind of trouble I might get into when I was with a nun. LOL I didn't ge away with much, but I still got away with some things, and defied my parents rules. Most teenagers aren't perfect no matter how strict their parents are.

And I was talking to Mr. Seajay about not being able to prove someone is somewhere and it dawned on us that we could be murdered here in this house and it would be close to a month before anyone would discover it. And no doubt it would be because the neighbors would complain about the stink. :eek:

If one of us had to prove we were home alone on any given day, we could not do it. We don't see people or talk to them on a regular basis. So we'd have the same problem you do.

If you have a home phone, and your child had spoken to someone using it, that would be proof. If you have a computer, and your child logged into some of his favorite gaming places and chatted with other gamers, that would at least be a good indication he was there.

But even though Dylan's phone was not working, he did not use the land line, and he did not use the computer (that we're aware of) He seems to have dropped off the face of the earth after 8:01 pm Sunday evening.

Why did he never answer his friend? Especially after saying he would call him all day long the next day if his friend didn't answer the door?
I think she meant all kids ' go behind their parents backs ' at times, not necessarily hitching a ride. But I was thinking the same thing. Because ER told DR not to hitchhike does not mean he would never do it again. It certainly does not rule it out as a possibility.


Not all kids go behind their parents back, some do, some don't.

What I've said is that Dylan may or may not not have hitched alone and that I do not think that Dylan hitched anywhere that monday morning, is that clear enough this time.

<Mod Snip>

Not all kids go behind their parents back, some do, some don't.

What I've said is that Dylan may or may not not have hitched alone and that I do not think that Dylan hitched anywhere that monday morning, is that clear enough this time.

<Mod Snip>.

Sorry if I misunderstood everyone's post this morning :)
IDK if DR hitched or not the end of the day I do not
think it will solve this case though.
Alot of kids have ear problems on planes especially boys.
I think he was just explaining the sound of the engines in his ears, I thought it a typical response for a 13 yr old kid.

his ears could have been blocked from the pressure, that can cause the woolly head feeling after being on a plane, especially the small ones.
I, myself a little hesitant on posting again--eeeks LOL but we all are entitled to our opinions and i so understand and respect why people are saying what they are--however, my heart doesnt quite comprehend that yet--so here are some of my thoughts--
**I still think the fishing pole had nothing to do with DR--unless we find out that it was purchased that Sunday at walmart--i think the pole does exist but has been missing for awhile and until LE asked MR what he noticed missing of DR's then he noticed the pole gone--and like anyone else--us here including--a fishing pole missing a persons assumption is fishing--so of course the lake would come to mind---but i dont think the pole is even relevant in this case--just my opinion though.

**the phone being turned off, shut off, battery out--whatever--coincidence, maybe--but who to say DR didnt get mad a bust in--not saying anything bad about him, but violence runs in the family--but I personally think that after he was done texting his friend DR put it in his backpack and it either "turned" itself off, this has happened to me before--throw my backpack on and walk to the store and my phone has shut off, and or dialed someone--eeeks due to my wallet or something hitting it---and just say that happened

**the idea of why DR didnt use computer, ipad (?) or whatever to phone or text friends--i guess i am still hung up on the idea that (now i am NOT tect savy at all so might be wrong)--but dont you have to know the numbers phone numbers to text online, etc too--i dont know any numbers by heart anymore--my phone busted and i cant call anyone

**I am still hung up on the idea that DR might still be alive and "hidden"--maybe by MR (i dont know) or someone he knows--i just dont think that MR expected it to blow up like it has--the case---and i think LE, etc think if they lay low, dont do media, etc that maybe somewhere DR will resurface--i know many do NOT agree with this--and that is fine--but MR supposedly was a trucker--left state quite a bit--maybe DR was taken to Mexico--idk
another thought along that line is maybe through the video that LE asked for they see a vehicle with someone they think has DR in it---wasnt it speculated right before or after the big search on those roads that DR might have been hiding in the trees (which not sure i agree or not) but alos that DR might have been throwing stuff out the window, a trail--if this happened obviously IMO DR wasnt overly restrained or scared so it would have been someone he knew but didnt want to go---now there is no verification just an opinion thought scenario-based on the search they had

**one other scenario or thought is maybe at first DR did want to run away--maybe he did decide to go hide in one of the cabins and hoped to meet up with mom after said visit with dad was over---sad to say i am sure SO's and other pervs check out and keep up to date on the missing kids pages on FB whose to say someone didnt go looking for him then and then take him from a cabin---i know not a very likely scenario just throwing it out there--i do know how internet can be a scarey place etc, as much as it is helpful.

These are all just my speculations--thoughts and OPINION only---as much as I can see the "whys" of MR--my heart is still telling me otherwise--so trying to give other thoughts--dont be too hard on me LOL
What if dylan got out of the truck dad was mad and took off he comes back and not seeig him along the side of the road hits him?

I cant get passed them having an argument.
Something happend out there that night.

I've been pondering the 'accidentally' hitting him with the car . Maybe MR was drunk or something , maybe not.Maybe DR got out to use the bathroom on that long ride, but surely while fine tooth combing the trucks, they would have seen something like this?
BBM: LOL I don't think you meant for it to be funny, but this really tickled my funny bone. Anytime a kid disappears, both the kid and his parents are unlucky. It's the nature of the beast. :D Sorry :blushing:
At this point we're between 1) a NCP murdering their teen while staying behind to play innocent AND managing to do so with the search of their house adding nothing of value, and their cars being returned uneventfully without fanfare- which implies no cadaver hit. or 2) an abduction

Either way the chances are very very statistically low. There are more documented cases of abduction than the former. That doesn't mean that's what it is, because things don't always play into the odds. But EITHER event is statistically unlikely and rare at this point. I've been looking and looking and I can't find a single case of a NCP disappearing a teen in this way.

IMO I don't see how people can keep saying it was an accident or temper based crime. His cars and home were cleared, they offered nothing of value to investigators. The only place you can go from there (IMO) is 1)someone else did it OR 2)murder at a distance from home and cars so he never had to have Dylan in his car or home not living. This also means he didn't carry or move a non-living Dylan either, to get that scent on his own clothes and then get in his car. Unless we've stopped believing in the insane abilities of cadaver dogs. IMO the only options left are someone else or premeditation and calculated homicide. If they find evidence it was MR, I will never believe it was accidental at this point. MOO:moo:
Just saw on the FMDR fb page that under the latest posting of their timeline, one of the page admins states that MR's 2 trucks were returned within a couple of days of the search. It's in a comment from about 6 hours ago iirc.
The problem I have with hitch hiking is it does not explain everything else .

So he refused to get up and decided to hitch hike into town ... Ok

But we still can not explain away

1) lack of the use of the phone
2) no note to dad to say what he had planned as dad was due back to pick him up .
3) he did not know where RN would be so how come no contact was made

My theory is that dad could not forge a note by Dylan and he had broken Dylan's phone , hence no note . As that would of made it look slightly more realistic !!

My thoughts on the fishing pole...

1-MR threw that idea out to give an explanation as to why Dylan would leave the house. Like the husbands who say their wives went jogging and never came back.

2-To give an innocent explanation to why Dylan's body would be found in the lake.
Do we know if having a numbing sensation of the head is indicative of an underlying (serious) health condition? Something he may not have had any previous indicators (something his mother was unaware).

Your thoughts he exaggerated the sensation may well be exactly what MR thought, too.

The comment really stuck out for me..... IMO

For me it added credence to the statement that he was tired. I think we're more sensitive to things like that when sleep deprived.

The only medical thing it reminded me of is maybe partial seizures, especially if he had described any kind of sensory experience with it- but he didn't. They call them auras and your head can feel like it's not your own. Removed and distant, while still being functionally normal. I've had them and I can see saying "numb" to describe it. But I don't know that I even get that impression in this case, it's just the only "vibration induced" medical phenomena I can think of that would still have him be functionally normal without any outward indication.

IMO if he'd had a serious medical problem, even if he died from it, MR would have sought medical help. I don't believe non-homicidal believe parents hide their dead or dying children for any reason at all ever. But that's JMO.
I think we can take alot from the way LE is acting in this case. Either they are clueless or they are discounting much of what dad is telling them.

They didn't search the lake area very much. A couple different days but the only thing that really took them there was dad's word. They must not really believe Dylan hitched a ride or they would truly be thinking of abduction and would be putting the word out in very broad ways....and asking people to be on the lookout.

I just can't figure out what may have happened here unless dad and Dylan got into it. Dylan seemed pretty demure in texting. Replying with just a word or two....and even typing in "idk" when asked why he couldn't come. Maybe dad was looking over his shoulder and he knew that if he blamed his dad in the text, his dad would get mad. Notice he didn't go on to elaborate about why he couldn't come over that night. That sets my mind to thinking that there was some level of tension already there between Dylan and dad.
I have wondered if he took the phone first, and threw it or smashed it. And then D might have reacted with great anger. I know from experience how mad my kids got if we took their phones away.

What if MR was angry anyway, and then got angrier about D texting friends and ignoring him. And he grabs the cell and they tussle over it. If he threw it out of a moving car, D might have jumped out as well to go retrieve it in the dark. Maybe the crime scene is actually alongside the highway somewhere.

OR another similar scenario: MR takes the cell around 8 pm as a punishment. They get back to the cabin and D goes straight to bed, pouting. MR starts drinking and goes to sleep. Then D gets up and tries to find the phone and take it back. MR catches him and is really angry about it. D runs out of the house and is chased by MR and things go sideways. [ explains why no crime scene inside.]

Whenever we argued with our kids, the first thing they always did was leave the house or threaten to leave the house. ' I'm ouutta here' was their fave reply. My DH would say " you are not going anywhere--it is too late."

"Oh really? Try and STOP me. " [ we had about one year of this kind of defiance, and luckily it turned around after that.] My DS was very angry for a year or so over various circumstances, and took some of it out on us at the time. So I can see how a father and son might get into a physical fight if they were heated enough beforehand.

ITA. I'm thinking the reason LE may find nothing in the truck or MR's house is because the crime scene is on the way home and Dylan never made it to the house. I think that's the basis of the highway search. The fishing pole is to answer the question that LE and everyone would ask, Why would he leave the house?

I know there was a map of the search. Can someone repost that if they have it handy? TIA.
It does not take a person who knows martial arts to accidently kill someone from a blow, most people don't even realize they have done it until later unfortunately

And it may not have had to be a fatal blow. It merely could have been a fight that caused minor injuries that MR couldn't risk having reported to the authorities for obvious reasons. KWIM? At that point it would change from a heat of the moment situation to premeditation.
And it may not have had to be a fatal blow. It merely could have been a fight that caused minor injuries that MR couldn't risk having reported to the authorities for obvious reasons. KWIM? At that point it would change from a heat of the moment situation to premeditation.

[ame=""]Depersonalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

''Though degrees of depersonalization and derealization can happen to anyone who is subject to temporary anxiety/stress,'''

Temporary stress could be staying up very late, feeling a little fatigued, perhaps an ear infection coming on and perhaps distressed over going on the trip. It also says drug interactions. I wonder if he took anything, perhaps even something for a cold, if he DID know it was coming on .
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