CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #18

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To be fair, LE placed major weight on the issue of Dylan's phone first. They basically ruled out his running away voluntarily based upon his lack of phone usage. So the idea came from LE, who presumably has access to review his habits.

I understand they were looking closely at the phone - the section of my comment you bolded first was me trying to explain that some scenarios being presented here were being based largely on guesses about what that inactivity meant. I don't recall LE saying the phone inactivity was the reason they ruled out anything and am too frustrated with this iPad to go back and check :) I'm also pretty sure none of us knows
I understand they were looking closely at the phone - the section of my comment you bolded first was me trying to explain that some scenarios being presented here were being based largely on guesses about what that inactivity meant. I don't recall LE saying the phone inactivity was the reason they ruled out anything and am too frustrated with this iPad to go back and check :) I'm also pretty sure none of us knows

Quoting myself because I managed to hit send to early! Was saying we don't know how Dylan might have reacted to his phone not working. He could have been mighty ticked off but just too tired and cranky to deal with it any more - just another guess though.
When i think about the "raw interview" with MR i would love to know why they cut out the football/sweat pants the first time it was released? Then came back to mention it?How sure can we be that MR didn't tell them more about Sunday evening and LE haven't felt ready to release what MR said to media?IMO hitching is still on my thoughts his friends said he had talked about hitching to see them,then the other friends said DR thumbed them a ride home from library,also mom said she told him not to hitch IMO that's three times it has came up enough in my book to be considered.
I have no expectations about how Dylan might have reacted, but I see some that do and are fairly adamant that Dylans phone died, that he must have hitched, that it must have been an rso or anyone except the last person known to have seen him.

we each are entitled to our opinions and they will differ, theres no need to get snarky

I believe in starting where we have a known fact, ie walmart, I realise that proving if someone was home or not is difficult, but I'm trying to work out why theres an insistance to ignore sunday evening and to assume that the phone or its battery died.

I'll step away and only read its been made perfectly clear that my input is not wanted by certain others in this thread

The only thing I am snarky about is typing with one finger on my iPad - as I mentioned. The rest was just my opinion which I thought I had expressed politely. I'm hoping that a phone battery died - in my mind it's not an outrageous scenario, and for me at least more likely than a dad getting rid of the son he just collected for the holidays. :( Your opinion is supported by many others here - mine is not.
When I text my kids and we are having a conversation, they will tell me if their battery is running low. Kids usually notice that, in my experience. Maybe they just don't want to waste their remaining batter texting their mom, but usually they will say, 'battery running low, call u l8tr. '

It just seems odd to me that out of the blue, his cell was inoperable.
When i think about the "raw interview" with MR i would love to know why they cut out the football/sweat pants the first time it was released? Then came back to mention it?How sure can we be that MR didn't tell them more about Sunday evening and LE haven't felt ready to release what MR said to media?IMO hitching is still on my thoughts his friends said he had talked about hitching to see them,then the other friends said DR thumbed them a ride home from library,also mom said she told him not to hitch IMO that's three times it has came up enough in my book to be considered.

Yes that video was not "uncut" as it was labelled. I know I saw the news reader add the info about the track pants etc after an excerpt was shown, but I don't know if that extra info actually came from the video store interview. The longer version was cut off mid sentence when MR was describing the flights he had booked, which seemed strange to me.
When I text my kids and we are having a conversation, they will tell me if their battery is running low. Kids usually notice that, in my experience. Maybe they just don't want to waste their remaining batter texting their mom, but usually they will say, 'battery running low, call u l8tr. '

It just seems odd to me that out of the blue, his cell was inoperable.

I guess I am clinging to what his mum said about Dylan outgrowing his little flip phone (so it could have potentially been getting old) and the smoking comment (not literally, but maybe suggesting it got a pretty good workout when he did use it - so maybe wearing out too).
I don't know about anyone else here, but every time someone mentions the fact that nobody else can verify that MR and Dylan did spend Sunday evening together ... It makes me wonder how I could prove the same thing on demand? My older son is staying at a mates for a couple of days so my 13yo and I have been home alone together for the past 24 hours. How would I prove that to anyone at a later date? I'm not understanding why some valid scenarios are discounted on the grounds that something rather unprovable can't be proved? And yes, there is the phone inactivity - but I do think some are placing a lot of weight on how [BOLD]they[/BOLD] expect Dylan to have reacted to possibly having a dead phone. We don't know Dylan, and only have a few crumbs of info from his friends and family to run with (which makes it even stranger to me that some of those crumbs - like the references to hitch hiking, can be automatically discounted), so we generalise about what our own teens might have done in similar situations. They are generalisations though. I don't think my 13yo is odd - but I know his actions would be very different to a lot of the opinions posted here about how a 13yo would be expected to behave.

My laptop died last night, so typing rather crankily on my iPad - irk!

True, not all kids are the same or do the same things or feel the same way. Like I didn't realize there HAD been perfect kids until I got into this thread and had someone correct me (once again.) I had a very strict mom who knew where we were most of the time, yet even I managed to ditch school one day and got away with it. Even I smoked a cigarette or two with my friends when I was at their houses (which my mom knew I was.) Even I was in a car with a nun and we picked up a hitchhiker, even I went with a nun to a place where all the sailors hung out when they had shore leave. My mom couldn't imagine what kind of trouble I might get into when I was with a nun. LOL I didn't ge away with much, but I still got away with some things, and defied my parents rules. Most teenagers aren't perfect no matter how strict their parents are.

And I was talking to Mr. Seajay about not being able to prove someone is somewhere and it dawned on us that we could be murdered here in this house and it would be close to a month before anyone would discover it. And no doubt it would be because the neighbors would complain about the stink. :eek:

If one of us had to prove we were home alone on any given day, we could not do it. We don't see people or talk to them on a regular basis. So we'd have the same problem you do.
All kids do not do it. I certainly didn't in the country or the city. my sisters didn't and neither has my daughter.

there are kids who are so under the parents rule that they know the slightest infraction will earn them big trouble.

it's like saying everyone has tried illegal drugs when a lot never have and never will.

I wasn't talking about illegal drugs. I was talking about more innocent things, like going talking to a friend at school your folks didn't want you associating with. Going into a store when you only had permission to go to another one. Stuff like that. :D
nope, not when there are 5 or more texts documented as having been sent from Dylan's phone AFTER 8:00PM.. that obviously means the phone was still in working order, powered on, with reception.. that's simply what I meant, sorry for any confusion..

I'm sorry, I'm confused as well. I read the Durango Herald articles and while it shows R's sent messages I don't see where it shows anything after 8:eek:o from D's phone? Thanks
Quoting myself because I managed to hit send to early! Was saying we don't know how Dylan might have reacted to his phone not working. He could have been mighty ticked off but just too tired and cranky to deal with it any more - just another guess though.

But what if his phone was snatched away from him and smashed?
How would he react to that?
Esp if the person that snatched the phone was angry.
If Dylans phone died he would have just charged it up once he got to the house.
He would have hopped online and continued his evening talking to his friends.

I dont believe he was TIRED!
Tired is just an excuse for no phone use by Dylan as I see it.
This child did not forget to charge his phone. If the phone was dead and he needed a new battery he would have used the computer or Dads phone to call his friends,

Im sorry none of this adds up to Dylan being in that home sunday evening!
I had parents who watched over me like hawks as well - even into my late teens I still had to do a lot of convincing to get them to allow me to do things most of my friends had been enjoying for years. I offer my own kids a lot more freedom, but the funny thing is they are in no hurry to necessarily take it. They are also very conscious of personal safety, and were both horrified when I recently asked them if they would ever hitchhike. My 16yo loves to watch Criminal Minds with me - he reckons it's the reason he is always on the lookout for suspicious vans :) Sorry for being OT, but IMO teen behaviour is very unpredictable. Plus as a teacher over the years I have had discussions with many parents who have have flat out argued and insisted that their child would never ever do something that I have either heard or seen their child say or do right in front of me at school.
But what if his phone was snatched away from him and smashed?
How would he react to that?
Esp if the person that snatched the phone was angry.

Yes - i acknowledge that if the worst scenario involving MR is indeed true, then I do think it could have started with an argument about making arrangements with Dylan's friends, and the phone would have been a big part of that. I can just see other plausible scenarios worth considering as well as that. Some other deranged individual could be out there jumping for joy if nobody is looking any further than MR.
Yes - i acknowledge that if the worst scenario involving MR is indeed true, then I do think it could have started with an argument about making arrangements with Dylan's friends, and the phone would have been a big part of that. I can just see other plausible scenarios worth considering as well as that. Some other deranged individual could be out there jumping for joy if nobody is looking any further than MR.

Food for thought!
Dylans prints would be on the inside doorknob if he left the house correct?
They would be the freshest print. This way they would or could know Dylan left after dad.
Food for thought!
Dylans prints would be on the inside doorknob if he left the house correct?
They would be the freshest print. This way they would or could know Dylan left after dad.

I thought dad came home after Dylan supposedly left so his prints would be the freshest.

But no doubt it would be very fishy if Dylan's prints were nowhere to be found.

Only, did they search for fingerprints right away? I thought I read they did only a cursory search of the house initially and came back later when there would have been any number of newer prints on the door knob.
Food for thought!
Dylans prints would be on the inside doorknob if he left the house correct?
They would be the freshest print. This way they would or could know Dylan left after dad.

good thinking, although MR would probably have touched the door handle on the inside to close the door when he returned to the house. I hope that was checked.

I learnt something new about the control panel, it has a very useful feature.
It all depends on just how hard and where he hit him. He could kill a grown man if he hit him in the head in the right spot.

Not to be gruesome but..... :( ........if he hit him hard and they were inside the truck,it's possible there were 2 impacts. A victim's head had nowhere to go except into the window or doorframe of the truck. We all watch CSI type shows right? A free standing blow is less dangerous because the head can swing back and absorb some of the force but in a closed area , like up against a wall, the head is taking two points of impact for each blow. :( I hated to say that .
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