CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #18

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That's a very good question. "So do we know that he would hitch a ride by himself". I am going to ponder that one!

I think I am going to have to know how many times the boys did that and if it was many times I would think that comfort zone would appear and one would feel safe.

But sometimes scary things can happen and that comfort zone is shaken. We had a ride like that and we stopped hitching after that. [ the weird guy took a turn off the road onto a small side road and said he had to make a stop at his cabin first. My friend in the front seat started honking the guys horn and he started cussing and we bailed out of the]

I don't know for sure sure if D would or wouldnt ever hitch alone. But I am fairly certain he didnt do so that morning.
The only statement that I have read describing Dylan hitchhiking was R saying that Dylan would hitch a ride for him and his friends back from the library. That is not the same thing as him hitchhiking all by himself.

eta: don't know what is wrong with the quoting but that was not ASleuths statement...

when he hitched a ride for the 3 boys it was during a snowstorm according to what R said.

Hitching as a group doesn't mean someone hitches alone.
I don't think IF MR did it it was premeditated. I honestly think it's possible that they got into a heated argument about going to the friends. MR smacks Dylan and say Dylan hit's back and they get into it. He could easily kill a small child like that with a fatal blow to the head. I think he realizes what he did and has to think of a way to get rid of the body and make it look like an accident. Thus the fishing pole story and the backpack being gone. He saved a few things out of the backpack to make it look like Dylan had been to his house that night. He goes home and grabs the fishing pole and takes it all to the lake nearest to his house so it looks like Dylan walked there the next morning and fell in while fishing. This is all JMHO IF MR is involved.

I disagree. I've known hundreds if kids that regularly had the crap beat out if them, and have no knowledge of a single isolated blow causing the death of an abused child. Children are pretty sturdy all things considered. IMO

IMO if he's involved, it was no accident.

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I don't think LE would do searching specifically for Dylan's phone-what is to be learned from his phone that they do not already know? No matter what LE says, they are always searching for a body. And if other things are found, all well and good. But they have his phone records. I suppose there is always the chance of prints, DNA, etc. but I really think organized searches are meant to try to locate the victim. Searching is a dangerous affair.

But if they had found his cell in a ditch between walmart and Vallecito, it would have told them they were on the right track, imo.
Elaine and Cory flew in from Colorado Springs to attend the fundraising dinner which was held on Tuesday, December 4th, 2012, so Elaine wasn't in Durango until yesterday imo.


"Elaine Redwine, Dylan’s mother, was at the dinner and Cory Redwine, Dylan’s 21-year-old brother, flew in from Colorado Springs."

I reads to me that Elaine was already there. Cory flew in for the dinner. IMO
But if they had found his cell in a ditch between walmart and Vallecito, it would have told them they were on the right track, imo.

As far as perp, perhaps...maybe not as far as finding Dylan.
If the phone went out the window in anger, I don't think Dylan is near it. I think an argument built up after that (possibly) happened and vehicle was still moving along.
It really bothered me when I read those two statements because they were very jarring things for a concerned parent to say, imo. They were both such 'final' descriptions of the situation. In the vast majority of missing child cases that I can think of, the parents are very hopeful and attempt to stay positive about the outcome, that early in the investigation. They usually give examples of WHY the kid is safe somewhere, not examples of why they are surely dead and gone. IMO

If LE suspects that MR and DR did have a fight, I hope they looked at him carefully when he filed his missing persons report - looking for scratches, cuts, etc.
But, if they had noticed something like that, surely they would have obtained a search warrant much sooner than they did.
I know that one blow can be fatal to an infant or toddler, but I think it would have to be some kind of punch to be instantly fatal to an older child, and without leaving any evidence or signs of a struggle. Even luminol would show if MR tried to clean up afterwards.
(it's hard to type this) :(

It all depends on just how hard and where he hit him. He could kill a grown man if he hit him in the head in the right spot.
I apologize if this has been discussed already. I try to catch up on the threads before I post something but Dylan's threads are hard to keep up with.

I noticed this statement in the exchange of texts with his friend RN.

&#8220;Weired my head went numb from all the vibrations,&#8221; Dylan replies.

I have flown a lot and some of those times I had ear problems, sinus, or other misc ailments. There have been times I thought my head might explode, implode, or something else. Never have I experienced something I would call "numb".

Is a "numb" head indicative of any medical conditions which might have occurred? Had a serious medical event occurred MR might not have known how to react. Especially if he thought DR was faking or dramatic. Or, if he were drinking heavily.

Or, the other possibility had a medical even occurred..... maybe it wasn't a jogger that was sighted. Could DR have become so confused he didn't understand?
As far as perp, perhaps...maybe not as far as finding Dylan.
If the phone went out the window in anger, I don't think Dylan is near it. I think an argument built up after that (possibly) happened and vehicle was still moving along.

I have wondered if he took the phone first, and threw it or smashed it. And then D might have reacted with great anger. I know from experience how mad my kids got if we took their phones away.

What if MR was angry anyway, and then got angrier about D texting friends and ignoring him. And he grabs the cell and they tussle over it. If he threw it out of a moving car, D might have jumped out as well to go retrieve it in the dark. Maybe the crime scene is actually alongside the highway somewhere.

OR another similar scenario: MR takes the cell around 8 pm as a punishment. They get back to the cabin and D goes straight to bed, pouting. MR starts drinking and goes to sleep. Then D gets up and tries to find the phone and take it back. MR catches him and is really angry about it. D runs out of the house and is chased by MR and things go sideways. [ explains why no crime scene inside.]

Whenever we argued with our kids, the first thing they always did was leave the house or threaten to leave the house. ' I'm ouutta here' was their fave reply. My DH would say " you are not going anywhere--it is too late."

"Oh really? Try and STOP me. " [ we had about one year of this kind of defiance, and luckily it turned around after that.] My DS was very angry for a year or so over various circumstances, and took some of it out on us at the time. So I can see how a father and son might get into a physical fight if they were heated enough beforehand.
when he hitched a ride for the 3 boys it was during a snowstorm according to what R said.

Hitching as a group doesn't mean someone hitches alone.

One more time:

Similarly, while some of Dylan's Bayfield friends suggested he might hitchhike down from Vallecito to Bayfield for a scheduled visit with them, Elaine Redwine said she and Dylan had talked about being safe, including not hitchhiking.

<Mod Snip>. :twocents:
I don't think LE would do searching specifically for Dylan's phone-what is to be learned from his phone that they do not already know? No matter what LE says, they are always searching for a body. And if other things are found, all well and good. But they have his phone records. I suppose there is always the chance of prints, DNA, etc. but I really think organized searches are meant to try to locate the victim. Searching is a dangerous affair.

I think if Dylan was in the middle of writing a text but had not sent it yet that might help.
I used to hitch rides into town when I was Dylans age, never thought anything of it until a girlfriend and I were thumbing a ride and an older guy in a small pickup stopped and said he'd give us a ride, when I opened the door to get in I noticed there was no door handle on either door and only one window roller upper on his side not the passengers side.
My girlfriend was mad because I automaticly declined after seeing the doors and catching his energy, something was not right, he kept on saying hop on in several times. I shut the door grabbed my girlfriend by the arm and started to walk to a house nearby, like I said she was mad but we are still here today.
I disagree. I've known hundreds if kids that regularly had the crap beat out if them, and have no knowledge of a single isolated blow causing the death of an abused child. Children are pretty sturdy all things considered. IMO

IMO if he's involved, it was no accident.

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a single blow can kill, there have been a number of people killed by whats known as a 'king hit', sometiems its been the blow thats killed them other times they have hit their head as they fall from the blow.
So then my guess would be he is not in the lake and not long gone. I predict Dylan will be found within 20 miles of MR's home. It will be a place MR is familiar with. He was comfortable going there in the dark.

Honestly I think this was planned and McDonalds was the Last Supper for Dylan.

Never would I have believed what I just wrote but we saw the devil in Casey Anthony and I think we will see him again!

I totally agree with this. Is there an emoticon for "what honeybun said"
I third this same opinion as well(and am still catching up so may find that there are even more who agree and/or have quite similar thoughts/opinions as well)..

I am honestly still on the fence as far as premeditated, but do not at all find that possibility to be far fetched as I did at one point in time..

Because he likes to play cat and mouse games!

and here again I agree with you, honeybun! you're on a roll tonight...

A poster so many threads back mentioned that when family does the killing, they hide the bodies better than when strangers are to blame. This worries me greatly. However, I believe if our suspect IS MR then he would be hiding a body, as you say, in a place he is familiar with and yes, comfortable getting to and from there in the dark.

rebeccaeee, from what I have noted over the years in following these cases(even way before ever posting about these type cases) I have absolutely found this to me more likely than not..time and time again...needless to say that it does in every way fit and make perfect logical sense as well(atleast IMO it does)..

When the perp is a stranger the body is not nearly as well hidden, concealed, and disposed of.. they will very soon thereafter the crimes are committed on the victim dispose of the body, many times meaning that where they assaulted/killed the victim is where they will leave the body.. this due to their issue of most importance is to merely put as much time and distance away from the crime scene/victim as possible..THE PERP BEING A STRANGER MEANS THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BE ANYWHERE ON LE IMMEDIATE RADAR AS A SUSPECT.. So other than needing to have distance and time away from the immmediate crime scene and body they have no need or desire for the body to remain hidden or unlocated..

Just the opposite when the perp is someone within the victims immediate circle(fam, friends, Co workers).. they are the exact opposite of the stranger IN THAT REGARDLESS OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT THEY WILL BE IMMEDIATELY ON LE RADAR AS A POSSIBLE SUSPECT... This of course makes the need extremely great for the victims's body to remain unlocated..due to the fact that the chances are always extremely great that there will be trace evidence thats at the crime scene and on the victims remains that can very much be a link to the perp, and actually identify them especially since they are already known to LE, therefor quite likely on LE radar and possible suspect list of those known to the victim that LE are working to clear off..


So, IMO yes, from what I have seen throughout many of these cases this particular issue is very likely to be correct(but as with any/everything else in this life there's always of course theres just no guarantees either way).. just an observation that I've personally noted thru many cases FWIW..
Yes you can kill a person with one blow to the head if it is the right area. A blow to the temple, or a hard blow to the nose , blow to the back of the neck can do it.
If you have ever been in martial arts for self defense you learn what can kill and what won't.
One more time:

Similarly, while some of Dylan's Bayfield friends suggested he might hitchhike down from Vallecito to Bayfield for a scheduled visit with them, Elaine Redwine said she and Dylan had talked about being safe, including not hitchhiking.

Over this. Everyone think what you want. :twocents:

Some of his friends suggested he might...

That does not sound like a very resounding consensus. jmo

When my friends 15 yr old DD ran away, some of the things her friends said were nuts. A couple of them said she might have OD'ed on heroin. Later we found it was because they saw her smoking joints before, and they thought maybe she was smoking heroin, because she seemed so 'laid back.' But that was because the drs kept changing up her anti-anxiety meds.

Friends do not always know what is going on with their missing friend, imo.
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