CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #20

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The city of Durango has all of five detectives.

The county itself only has six investigators.


If you read what I posted, including the excerpt from the article and the link to the article, you will see:

Since the warrant was served, the search for Dylan has pared back as far as the numbers of law enforcement officers working the case.
But dozens of investigators from the La Plata County Sheriff's Office, Durango police, the FBI and other agencies continue to investigate tips each day, he said.

dozens from the SO, Durango PD, FBI, and other agencies.

eta: I'm guessing the dozens isn't exclusively referring to investigators but LE personnel in general. I doubt the article is going to detail the title and rank of each member of the task force. They're probably all described as "investigators".

Do you really think that the MAJORITY of people believed Jessica Ridgeway and Marlene Lamar and Ed Smart were involved in their kids's disappearance? I don't believe that.

Maybe in the Lunsford case, because the grandparents failed a bunch of poly's and because it seemed impossible that no one would hear an intruder when there was a dog inside the home. And in the Groene case it was because of the drug connection, the party in the home that night, and the pitbulls that made people think it had to be someone the family knew.

But I don't think it was because of how they 'looked' that some were suspicious. JMO

ETA: I think the majority of the people in the Smart case thought that the handyman he had hired was the guilty party---the one that had stolen something in the past...

The only one of those cases I followed was Jessica Ridgeway's case, and I agree that it is not true at all that the majority suspected her mother. You cannot even compare some posts where people were a bit weary of her interview with the accusations people have made about parents in other cases. Also, Jessica's mom was cleared very early on. I even remember some posters getting angry about her father's rap sheet coming out because they didn't think it was relevant. If we are going to reference cases where parents have been accused by the public/media/public, can we use cases where that truly happened (and not just a few posts at the beginning stages), and where another party was arrested?
I still do not understand why LE spoke on her show that one time and then never sought out any media again, not even local. What made them decide on complete silence?

I don't know, but, are LE silent in most cases once they assume or have evidence a parent is guilty?

I know they were very vocal in the last case I followed.. Jessica's . Yet silent in Kyrons
I still do not understand why LE spoke on her show that one time and then never sought out any media again, not even local. What made them decide on complete silence?

by LE going on the show with ER it looks like they are supporting her. If thats the case well...
This is a beautiful child with what seemed (from what I've seen) to be a beautiful soul. WHERE is he? WHY is he not home? WHY are more not crying out for him?

I am just tired of children (and others) coming up missing, and all of us eventually just moving on. (not that we have a choice, but still)

I must say I am totally, completely, and one hundred percent frustrated. I want my happy ending, and I want it now. I don't want my happy ending to be like poor Zahra's...that she was so hurt and mistreated in this life, that moving on to a better world *is* the happy ending...I want a real where the missing child comes home, unharmed, and everyone lives happily ever after.

So from what people are saying, there was a happy ending tonight in a case I don't follow. That's wonderful!

But at the same time, I would just like once...for one of "my" kids...Hasanni, Kyron, Skye, Dylan, Hailey, Haleigh...just once for a happy ending on this earth for them. They sure do deserve it.

Ok, that's my rant for the year. It's almost over...I can start again in a few days if I need to. ;)
Folks, we have allowed the discussion of Dylan's father in this case because there are a lot of questions surrounding Dylan's disappearance and he was the last person known to see him prior to his disappeance.

We do not know what happened to Dylan or who is responsible. It is not a foregone conclusion that MR is responsible for the disappearance of his son.

We are web sleuths and as web sleuths, we'd like to see any and all possibilities as to what may have happened to Dylan discussed here. Any members chastising other members for putting forth alternative theories will be hit with hefty timeouts.

All reasonable theories and discussion of facts are welcome in this thread.

Please carry on and let's do what we do best.

Thank you.

I'm bumping this again. Please abide by this - no more discussing other members. Just move on.

After reading many posts that seek to explain MR's behavior as suspicious I would like to weigh in. My thoughts are my opinion and based on past experience which I am not able to discuss.

There are people in this world who do not react the way we expect them to in situations. How many of us have experience with having our life under a microscope while under great stress. MR may be normally an anti-social person or unable to articulate his feelings, especially when called on to do it while his son is missing. Like the majority of people, he is not trained to speak to the media, especially the type of media that is of the NG variety, suspicious, probing and relentless.

He may also be feeling tremendous guilt. He doesn't have to be the person who actually was responsible for his son's disappearance, but because he was the last person to see him alive. He may have other guilt because he left him alone, didn't check on him sooner, etc, etc. He may be having a lot of trouble dealing with this guilt and seeks to deflect it by throwing out snarky comments about his ex-wife, withdrawing within himself or avoiding the real issue, his missing son. He may also feel under attack because everyone is pointing fingers at him and rather than try to refute each one, he has basically given up and said screw it.

A reason why he may not have spent much time speaking out during the first few days is that he was in shock. This type of shock can do strange things to a person. They are unable to function or comprehend much of what is going on. Some are better able to deal with this, but most aren't. Also, it is important to note that while many agencies are involved in this case, they were most likely bombarding him with questions and directions within the first few days. For most of us, remembering what we did last night exactly is difficult, but imagine trying to remember when you have many people in your face asking you questions while you are worrying about your child. This could explain some of the confusion around his statements, his attempts to remember any tiny clue, and his focus on things like a missing fishing pole.

Now all of this is my opinion and is not intended to say he could not be a POI, but to try and look at another angle so the true facts are not missed.

Thank you Maude. I know, and am related to, quite a few men who would fit this description.
I havent kept up with this case lately due to the CT shooting and the busy holidays so forgive me if this has already been asked. The last time I read an article quoting LE they said Mark Redwine is not a suspect. Has that changed? They also had abduction still on the table the last time I read about the case. Has that changed? tia

If it has not and he is still not being labeled a POI or a suspect then I believe LE does not think he is one. While we have to guess and speculate about so many things and put our slant on it imo the police do not. They have had more than ample time to do a thorough investigation of Mark Redwine and I believe they have and have found absolutely nothing tying to him to Dylan's disappearance.

Most men I have seen speakout are much more calm outwardly and are not into tears..being all dramatic and showing emotions. I believe a lot of men were taught that men are to hold all of their feelings inside and deal with it themselves.

I for one, do not judge a person presently by using their past marriages/divorces as a indicator of anything especially when only one side is being told. People can change. I have seen it happen. People can also get married to someone that they really should have never married and their personalities clash. But then either ex-spouse can marry another person or just have another relationship and either one can become a much better person for someone else. Also as people age they can mellow. So to me the prior divorces years ago are only a side distraction and really is irrelevant to Dylan's disappearance imo.

Until we walk in the same footsteps Mark has had to walk in then we cant say with any certainty how we would act or when we would speakout in the media. Someone can have a missing child and speakout right away. Others like Jessica Ridgeway's mom and Mark Redwine spoke out days later. I see nothing sinister about that and it just shows no two people are alike even when dealing with the same situation. The most important thing is he cooperates fully with LE and the last I read he was continuing to do so.

I have watched him speakout several times. I have always found him geniune. He reminds me a lot of Mark Lunsford when he spokeout right after Jessie went missing. He doesnt put on airs nor does he try to impress imo. As for as the uncut video that doesnt show me anything either. Marlene Lamar use to smile quite a bit in her interviews and of couse she got blasted for doing so before they found the real may have been a nervous smile for she sure didnt harm her daughter.

A reporter's job is to make the person being interviewed feel at ease so as they were counting down to being live on the air she may have said something comical so he wouldnt be so stressed. These parents are not use to microphones being shoved in their face but I think he did very well and answered the questions ask of him and was forthright.

I really dont know what happened to Dylan and it seems LE doesnt either except they think he may have been abducted. I understand why some want to dismiss that possibilty. I have seen it dismissed by others before but truthfully he very well could have been. How many cases have we discussed over the years where a minor went missing and not one person saw or heard a thing? All the luck always seems to be on the side of the abductor. And some have been in rural areas. Crimes are no longer just for conjested cities.

But I havent felt Mark Redwine was involved from the very beginning and still dont. I have the same gut feeling about him as I have many others who turned out not to be involved in the disappearance of their child or children.

JMO though

I agree, and have missed reading your posts :)
Imagine if he had returned those calls and somehow comforted her ,, just a little. Would she have made those statements about him? That may be what tipped in her mind to thinking he had something to do with it. He's avoiding me out of guilt, type of thing. You know how when a friend or family is caught red handed, they often dont' return calls. I'm thinking right now of a person who owes money and returns ZERO calls or texts because they KNOW they are wrong. So could be that 's what made her think OMG he must be guilty of something or he would just answer me !

It's a shame we can't see all texts sent by ER and MR too. - between each other and to Dylan. They would be telling wouldn't they, and at least put some notions to rest here on WS I imagine? I can't see LE releasing them just to satisfy public curiosity - I wonder why the media hasn't done so as they did with R's text history? Either they have all refused to share, or could LE stop them?
Could someone refresh me? Is the house that Dylan came to stay in , the same one he used to live in there?

Is is possible that he had adult 'friends' in the area, if that is where he lived before, besides the boys he was planning to hang out with?

Is it possible the father is saying he saw Dylan the next morning, but really , if it was dark, maybe he didn't actually SEE him? I can't recall if the father said Dylan actually spoke to him. I was just wondering if maybe Dylan slipped out in the night unbeknowst to his father.

Although the father may be questionable to some, I have to say I worry if Dylan was out and about at some point in time, that he some how ran across the worng person....
MR has a computer with internet.
I don't belong to Facebook but I can still read on the Find Missing Dylan Redwine page, so I would think he could also read the page.
I knew about the vigil, so I would think he would have know before hand also.....
Didn't he have people stopping by to check on him and spend time with him, what about the lady that runs the facebook page - wouldn't she have let him know they were planning it?
Never made any sense to me about him saying he just "found out about it"...jmo

Is it possible the father is saying he saw Dylan the next morning, but really , if it was dark, maybe he didn't actually SEE him?...

No, it isn't possible. MR claims he had a conversation with Dylan, and Dylan acknowledged that he understood what MR was telling him.
No, it isn't possible. MR claims he had a conversation with Dylan, and Dylan acknowledged that he understood what MR was telling him.

I agree. I thought the last rendition was he gently nudged Dylan, and Dylan acknowledged that he understood what mr was saying. Not like the Billie Jean Dunn thing where she assumed the daughter was in her room when she peeked in.
Could someone refresh me? Is the house that Dylan came to stay in , the same one he used to live in there?

Is is possible that he had adult 'friends' in the area, if that is where he lived before, besides the boys he was planning to hang out with?

Is it possible the father is saying he saw Dylan the next morning, but really , if it was dark, maybe he didn't actually SEE him? I can't recall if the father said Dylan actually spoke to him. I was just wondering if maybe Dylan slipped out in the night unbeknowst to his father.

Although the father may be questionable to some, I have to say I worry if Dylan was out and about at some point in time, that he some how ran across the worng person....


That is not the house he grew up in. He did visit for a week in September however. I am not sure that he had any adult friends around there. I am hoping that LE has interviewed any neighbors or friends of his Dad's.

We have not heard much about the neighbors. I am curious about the immediate area. Someone did post that the area has a very low crime rate though.
After reading many posts that seek to explain MR's behavior as suspicious I would like to weigh in. My thoughts are my opinion and based on past experience which I am not able to discuss.

There are people in this world who do not react the way we expect them to in situations. How many of us have experience with having our life under a microscope while under great stress. MR may be normally an anti-social person or unable to articulate his feelings, especially when called on to do it while his son is missing. Like the majority of people, he is not trained to speak to the media, especially the type of media that is of the NG variety, suspicious, probing and relentless.

He may also be feeling tremendous guilt. He doesn't have to be the person who actually was responsible for his son's disappearance, but because he was the last person to see him alive. He may have other guilt because he left him alone, didn't check on him sooner, etc, etc. He may be having a lot of trouble dealing with this guilt and seeks to deflect it by throwing out snarky comments about his ex-wife, withdrawing within himself or avoiding the real issue, his missing son. He may also feel under attack because everyone is pointing fingers at him and rather than try to refute each one, he has basically given up and said screw it.

A reason why he may not have spent much time speaking out during the first few days is that he was in shock. This type of shock can do strange things to a person. They are unable to function or comprehend much of what is going on. Some are better able to deal with this, but most aren't. Also, it is important to note that while many agencies are involved in this case, they were most likely bombarding him with questions and directions within the first few days. For most of us, remembering what we did last night exactly is difficult, but imagine trying to remember when you have many people in your face asking you questions while you are worrying about your child. This could explain some of the confusion around his statements, his attempts to remember any tiny clue, and his focus on things like a missing fishing pole.

Now all of this is my opinion and is not intended to say he could not be a POI, but to try and look at another angle so the true facts are not missed.

Great post Maude! Not everyone feels or reacts the same way in any given situation. And it's unfair to judge one person and how they act by someone else's actions in a similar situation. We are all individuals and all react differently. That's what makes us unique.
MR has a computer with internet.
I don't belong to Facebook but I can still read on the Find Missing Dylan Redwine page, so I would think he could also read the page.
I knew about the vigil, so I would think he would have know before hand also.....

Depends on how often he checks Facebook if he doesn't have an account.

I know, "his son is missing so he should check the Facebook page constantly" but he should also be looking for Dylan all the time, talking to ER/CR all the time, talking to LE all the time, talking to the press all the time, all at the same time that he is dealing with the possible loss of his son and the guilt he is feeling over having left him home alone. Armchair quarterbacking is an easy job.
It's a shame we can't see all texts sent by ER and MR too. - between each other and to Dylan. They would be telling wouldn't they, and at least put some notions to rest here on WS I imagine? I can't see LE releasing them just to satisfy public curiosity - I wonder why the media hasn't done so as they did with R's text history? Either they have all refused to share, or could LE stop them?

I would like to see all those texts too. It could explain why certain texts weren't returned or what was said when text were returned. I'm still not convinced MR just blew ER and CR off as far as texts were concerned. I'm still thinking that MR was pretty busy once he reported Dylan missing at the police department. I'm sure they kept him busy for HOURS with interviews and questions. And for all we know police took his cell phone before he went into the interview room. I'm sure they don't appreciate people they are interviewing stopping to take phone calls and answer text messages while they are trying to do their job. JMO
I would like to see all those texts too. I could explain why certain texts weren't returned or what was said when text were returned. I'm still not convinced MR just blew ER and CR off as far as texts were concerned. I'm still thinking that MR was pretty busy once he reported Dylan missing at the police department. I'm sure they kept him busy for HOURS with interviews and questions. And for all we know police took his cell phone before he went into the interview room. I'm sure they don't appreciate people they are interviewing stopping to take phone calls and answer text messages while they are trying to do their job. JMO

I am not so sure that they did keep him for hours in the first couple of days. I think they assumed that Dylan was missing or lost in the woods, or had run off somewhere. I don't think they kept Dad for long or interrogated him at the beginning. I think they went at this like a SEARCH and RESCUE mission for a boy lost in the woods. JMO

ETA: The reason I say that is because they never did any kind of thorough search of Dad's home at the start of the case.
Speaking of expectations on what people do when they find out news...

I've received a lot of bad news this year about my family. We're talking a pretty gruesome murder and a cancer diagnosis.

If you'd have asked me (say) how I would have handled the cancer diagnosis before it happened, I would have said that I would have flown out immediately to see my relative. You know what? I didn't. They have a support network, the doctors gave the person a good prognosis, and I saw them during the holidays. I've kept in touch over phone and email.

If you asked me how I'd react if a family member was murdered, I'd have said that I'd go out there myself and... you can guess. You know what? I didn't do that either. The police arrested the guy and justice is being served. I'm still there for my relatives who have had to pick up the pieces.

It is incredibly, incredibly easy to say that you would do certain things if something happened to you or a loved one. If there is one thing I have learned this year, it's that it's a load of bunk. You really don't know until it does happen to you.

There's no right way or wrong way to react either. If someone (god forbid) on this forum was impacted by either of these events, I would never criticize how they reacted. Some of us lash out, some of us shut down. What of it?
It is incredibly, incredibly easy to say that you would do certain things if something happened to you or a loved one. If there is one thing I have learned this year, it's that it's a load of bunk. You really don't know until it does happen to you.


First, I just want to say that I'm incredibly sorry you've had to go through all of that this year. I'll be sending good thoughts your way. I hope your relative pulls through; it's good that they have such a strong support network because it really does make a difference when battling a serious illness.

I also completely agree with the point you were making in this post (the part I snipped above sums it up quite nicely). It's so hard to judge how someone should react when faced with something as horrible as a family or friend going missing. If there's one thing I've learnt in all my years (the psych degree helps too), it's that every single person is different, and will react to different things in vastly different ways. While there may be a 'general' reaction that most will have, it doesn't ring true for all. That's why I will never jump to conclusions based on what someone has (or hasn't) said or done. It may look guilty at the time, but I'm not going to assume someone is guilty just because of my perception of their words/actions, the only thing I'll base it on is the cold hard facts.

It's just a shame that in this case we have very few actual facts to work with. If we had more to go on it would make things a whole lot less tense around here, and would likely clear a lot up for us all.

And at the end of the day, regardless of the opinions we all hold, finding Dylan is the only thing that matters... I'm glad to see there are still so many here fighting for him.

JMO :)
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