CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #20

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I have 3 kids and we lived in a townhouse for their middle and high school years. In order for my kids not to jaywalk they had to go out of their way and walk quite a long way to the light. I thought I had it drilled into their heads never to jaywalk and I trusted them. Years later after they were grown I learned that two out of three of them jaywalked everyday. I mention this because of the hitchhiking possibility.

That said I still think the circumstances of Sunday night are extremely curious.
I have 3 kids and we lived in a townhouse for their middle and high school years. In order for my kids not to jaywalk they had to go out of their way and walk quite a long way to the light. I thought I had it drilled into their heads never to jaywalk and I trusted them. Years later after they were grown I learned that two out of three of them jaywalked everyday. I mention this because of the hitchhiking possibility.

That said I still think the circumstances of Sunday night are extremely curious.

I could buy the hitch hiking scenario if I didn't have to get past at least 12 hours of complete silence to get there. Hitch hiking in the cold with all your gear and a fishing pole would surely be a last resort. To get to that option he would have contacted his friends and ruled out getting a ride from parents/siblings/visiting aliens, IMO.
Is the fact that ER isn't continuing to accuse MR or make negative statements about him relevant? Let's face it, she had a great opportunity on NANCY show a few days later and seemed to be fairly neutral. She may have regretted her previous statement. If she believed MR guilty ( of soemthing other than negligence) wouldn't she be talking to press daily and telling them all the details of WHY he's a bad man and capable of this? Bringing up examples that we've read about that pertain to his character and possible drinking issues? But she hasn't ! If she called ANY press and asked for a reporter to print ugly statements about MR they would do it in a heart beat, so why hasn't that happened? I think she regrets those early statements !
Is the fact that ER isn't continuing to accuse MR or make negative statements about him relevant? Let's face it, she had a great opportunity on NANCY show a few days later and seemed to be fairly neutral. She may have regretted her previous statement. If she believed MR guilty ( of soemthing other than negligence) wouldn't she be talking to press daily and telling them all the details of WHY he's a bad man and capable of this? Bringing up examples that we've read about that pertain to his character and possible drinking issues? But she hasn't ! If she called ANY press and asked for a reporter to print ugly statements about MR they would do it in a heart beat, so why hasn't that happened? I think she regrets those early statements !

Nope , i do not think so personally. She did a heartfelt post on the facebook page and due to some of the abuse she asked for it to be deleted .

So i just do not think she wants the hassle as she has enough to deal with.

At the end of the day it would seem like LE can not prove one way or the other if Dylan spent the night at Dads on sunday.

I think if they could clear him they would as it serves no purpose not to IMHO .

Is the fact that ER isn't continuing to accuse MR or make negative statements about him relevant? Let's face it, she had a great opportunity on NANCY show a few days later and seemed to be fairly neutral. She may have regretted her previous statement. If she believed MR guilty ( of soemthing other than negligence) wouldn't she be talking to press daily and telling them all the details of WHY he's a bad man and capable of this? Bringing up examples that we've read about that pertain to his character and possible drinking issues? But she hasn't ! If she called ANY press and asked for a reporter to print ugly statements about MR they would do it in a heart beat, so why hasn't that happened? I think she regrets those early statements !

Most of us think that is very relevant. She said some things that probably weren't wise, even if they were true and she seemingly regretted them since she passed up further opportunities to repeat or expand upon them. There is no step-by-step guide for the nightmare she is living but she seems to be maneuvering it remarkably well, all things considered.
Is the fact that ER isn't continuing to accuse MR or make negative statements about him relevant? Let's face it, she had a great opportunity on NANCY show a few days later and seemed to be fairly neutral. She may have regretted her previous statement. If she believed MR guilty ( of something other than negligence) wouldn't she be talking to press daily and telling them all the details of WHY he's a bad man and capable of this? Bringing up examples that we've read about that pertain to his character and possible drinking issues? But she hasn't ! If she called ANY press and asked for a reporter to print ugly statements about MR they would do it in a heart beat, so why hasn't that happened? I think she regrets those early statements !

She may only regret saying it out loud. It could also be that LE has asked her to not publicly speak about MR in that way.
Most from what I have read here believe that MR and DR where on their way home at 8:00 p.m and was my thought process initially. I now believe that the majority of texts between R and DR were from MR's home. We then get the statement from LE that they were looking for items of Dylan's such as a cell phone left on the bed. That statement alone tells me his phone pinged from MR's home and LE knows it.

Dylan probably did want to go see his friends. This is where MR said no, we just arrived home from Durango, I am not going to drive all the way to Bayfield and back tonight as I have errands in the morning but I will drop you off on my way into Durango in the morning.

Many will now say there is no way they could of made it home prior to 8:00 p.m. I disagree. MR does not strike me as being an individual that likes to shop. From the perspective of a person that dislikes shopping to the extreme, good luck trying to find me in a store. Usually I will have one of my children run in and grab whatever items and I will wait. If I am forced to go into the store, catch me if you can. The reason that there was nothing released from McDonalds is they went through the drive-thru.

The next hurdle I see many having issues with is not texting. If this was my DD, she texts in spurts but does not have it tied to her hand. My DS on the other hand forgot to live in the land of the living and I noticed an issue at 4000 texts a month. Thus rules were implemented that did not go over well to say the least. At least he was actually getting involved in sports again, working out, hearing me when I spoke to him. Sorry, I can't even imagine how a parent could handle 30,000 texts a month. Dylan reminds me more of my DD.

I think CR was involved in a relationship as was ER, thus Dylan was given alot of freedom, thus the comment on NG regarding texing once he had landed.
Even Kaine and Desiree presented a united front for a long time, before Desiree finally cracked. These two cant seem to come together for even an instant on Dylan's behalf.

My theory on that is that ER totally completely unequivocally believes MR hurt DR. She cannot be in the same room with him without attacking him and cannot say so for fear of ending any public help with and hope for the search. Just a theory- nothing to back it up except her very clear words one week after Dylan went missing.
If there is a perfectly innocent explanation for the perceived ignoring of ER & CR (and your explanation is a very viable one), why wouldn't you clear that up instead of furthering the situation by lashing out that your ex is the problem and whining that everyone just wants to talk to her? I know some are gonna say "why should he care what the public thinks of him?" but the truth is, when you are begging (or in the case of MR should be begging) the public for help then yes, what they think of you matters. It may not be fair but it is the facts of life.

For all we know maybe he did when he met with the 2 other sons.
Yeah , i highly doubt that they took MR's phone off him ( i saw this mentioned in another thread) due to the fact Dylan could of rung him as he is filling LE in on Dylan being missing. So it was important that MR had his phone as it kept a open communication open incase Dylan called him.

One case that comes to mind where this happened was Billie Dunn. In fact LE gave her a different one.
Most from what I have read here believe that MR and DR where on their way home at 8:00 p.m and was my thought process initially. I now believe that the majority of texts between R and DR were from MR's home. We then get the statement from LE that they were looking for items of Dylan's such as a cell phone left on the bed. That statement alone tells me his phone pinged from MR's home and LE knows it.

Dylan probably did want to go see his friends. This is where MR said no, we just arrived home from Durango, I am not going to drive all the way to Bayfield and back tonight as I have errands in the morning but I will drop you off on my way into Durango in the morning.

Many will now say there is no way they could of made it home prior to 8:00 p.m. I disagree. MR does not strike me as being an individual that likes to shop. From the perspective of a person that dislikes shopping to the extreme, good luck trying to find me in a store. Usually I will have one of my children run in and grab whatever items and I will wait. If I am forced to go into the store, catch me if you can. The reason that there was nothing released from McDonalds is they went through the drive-thru.

The next hurdle I see many having issues with is not texting. If this was my DD, she texts in spurts but does not have it tied to her hand. My DS on the other hand forgot to live in the land of the living and I noticed an issue at 4000 texts a month. Thus rules were implemented that did not go over well to say the least. At least he was actually getting involved in sports again, working out, hearing me when I spoke to him. Sorry, I can't even imagine how a parent could handle 30,000 texts a month. Dylan reminds me more of my DD.

I think CR was involved in a relationship as was ER, thus Dylan was given alot of freedom, thus the comment on NG regarding texing once he had landed.

I'm the parent with the teen that has 30k texts a month. My son is 17 and a junior in high school. He's enrolled in dual high school/college classes and will graduate with an AP diploma. For the 3rd year in a row he just earned a spot in the state DECA competition in 4 events. He plays senior league baseball and has went to state 4 years straight. He's a member of the high school varsity baseball team as a starting pitcher & 1st baseman. They practice 4 days a week and lift weights 3, he doesn't miss those obligations. I'm not seeing an issue.
Most from what I have read here believe that MR and DR where on their way home at 8:00 p.m and was my thought process initially. I now believe that the majority of texts between R and DR were from MR's home. We then get the statement from LE that they were looking for items of Dylan's such as a cell phone left on the bed. That statement alone tells me his phone pinged from MR's home and LE knows it.

Dylan probably did want to go see his friends. This is where MR said no, we just arrived home from Durango, I am not going to drive all the way to Bayfield and back tonight as I have errands in the morning but I will drop you off on my way into Durango in the morning.

Many will now say there is no way they could of made it home prior to 8:00 p.m. I disagree. MR does not strike me as being an individual that likes to shop. From the perspective of a person that dislikes shopping to the extreme, good luck trying to find me in a store. Usually I will have one of my children run in and grab whatever items and I will wait. If I am forced to go into the store, catch me if you can. The reason that there was nothing released from McDonalds is they went through the drive-thru.

The next hurdle I see many having issues with is not texting. If this was my DD, she texts in spurts but does not have it tied to her hand. My DS on the other hand forgot to live in the land of the living and I noticed an issue at 4000 texts a month. Thus rules were implemented that did not go over well to say the least. At least he was actually getting involved in sports again, working out, hearing me when I spoke to him. Sorry, I can't even imagine how a parent could handle 30,000 texts a month. Dylan reminds me more of my DD.

I think CR was involved in a relationship as was ER, thus Dylan was given alot of freedom, thus the comment on NG regarding texing once he had landed.

I highly disagree with the bolded. I truly believe LE would have made it known that Dylan definitely DID make it to the house, if they knew that he did. They have no reason to hide this from the public.

It would make the public more aware of what may have happened to Dylan, and it would lead to people looking harder, and trying harder to remember any unusual things they may have seen that day.

As for the not texting, his friend found it odd that the conversation just stopped, and Dylan never contacted him again. If his friend thinks it's weird, I'm going to have to agree.
I highly disagree with the bolded. I truly believe LE would have made it known that Dylan definitely DID make it to the house, if they knew that he did. They have no reason to hide this from the public.

It would make the public more aware of what may have happened to Dylan, and it would lead to people looking harder, and trying harder to remember any unusual things they may have seen that day.

As for the not texting, his friend found it odd that the conversation just stopped, and his friend never contacted him again. If his friend thinks it's weird, I'm going to have to agree.

Exactly! In fact, LE has never moved beyond stating that they know he made it to the county (and WM). And while we can compare Dylan to our own kids all day long, ER, who knows Dylan best has said he is an avid texter and his friends, who would know his habits, have stated that Dylan would have contacted them. <Mod Snip>
I'm the parent with the teen that has 30k texts a month. My son is 17 and a junior in high school. He's enrolled in dual high school/college classes and will graduate with an AP diploma. For the 3rd year in a row he just earned a spot in the state DECA competition in 4 events. He plays senior league baseball and has went to state 4 years straight. He's a member of the high school varsity baseball team as a starting pitcher & 1st baseman. They practice 4 days a week and lift weights 3, he doesn't miss those obligations. I'm not seeing an issue.

Yep, my dd is a prolific texter. She's being moved up to the 8th grade after Christmas break, is participating in Duke University TIPS program, is trying out for a performing arts high school whose sister school is one of the top in the country, is active in cheerleading, dance, color guard, and theatre, and stays very busy with a ton of friends. She rocks.
Dylan not texting R again is a huge deal, IMO.
Right now, I don't believe any of the excuses as to why he didn't.
Because none of them make sense, IMO.
folks, they've both said they've both tried to get in touch with the other. all bbm:

november 27th:

Elaine Redwine told ABC News she was having a difficult time getting in touch with her ex-husband about their son.

"He hasn't had any contact with us. (My older son) tried to get a hold of him by texting him, and he wouldn't respond," she said. "I just find it odd that at a time like this, he would be so evasive."

december 3rd:

REDWINE: Well, you know, I`ve tried reaching out to him. You know, we`ve texted -- he`s -- you know, he`s just not been -- we just haven`t worked together very well through all this. And like I said, I`ve really tried to reach out to him. But people react differently, I guess.

november 29th:

Mark Redwine said he wishes he and his ex-wife could come together at such a difficult time.

december 3rd:

While Mark Redwine hasn’t spoken to his ex-wife, they traded a few text messages Friday, he said.

He has also met with his other son with Elaine Redwine, Cory, 21, and a son from another marriage, Nicholas, 28, from Arizona.

“We all met together in a private room and sat down and talked. I haven’t heard from Cory for three days,” Mark Redwine said. “I think he’s struggling like we all are. I know he’s closer to his brother and to his mom than to me. We were trying to get our emotions out on the table and focus on finding Dylan.”

Mark Redwine said he would like to meet with his ex-wife but so far has not had success beyond the text messages.
Yep, my dd is a prolific texter. She's being moved up to the 8th grade after Christmas break, is participating in Duke University TIPS program, is trying out for a performing arts high school whose sister school is one of the top in the country, is active in cheerleading, dance, color guard, and theatre, and stays very busy with a ton of friends. She rocks.

She sounds like a great kid! Let's just not introduce our children though, lol. The texting would go through the roof.
My theory on that is that ER totally completely unequivocally believes MR hurt DR. She cannot be in the same room with him without attacking him and cannot say so for fear of ending any public help with and hope for the search. Just a theory- nothing to back it up except her very clear words one week after Dylan went missing.

Jumping off your post....

Elaine did get Mark to speak publicly once she called him "out". She might not have liked what he said but he did tell "his" story in the uncut video. I mean there's a lot of missed information but he did get to say what he wanted to say.....he got to blame Elaine in his round about way.

Seems to me to be the type of person that slowly aggrevates someone until they get mad; therefore, when he gets angry he can blame them....JMO
There is a BIG difference between giving voice to your worst fears and taking shots at someone. To say that ER was taking shots at MR is to imply that she voiced her concerns for the sole purpose of hurting him. We have absolutely no reason to believe that is true. You (general) can believe that MR is innocent without maligning ER in your (again general) defense of him.
And if were still only Elaine that voiced those fears, I'd be more willing to dismiss her statements. But the fact that azgrandma has said the same type of things - I think that's important. I said it before, I find it very compelling that two of Mark's exes say he could be capable of doing something awful. Not that it means I'm sure Mark is responsible for Dylan's disappearance, but Elaine and azgrandma's statements do carry some real weight with me.

I also still believe that it's important to Elaine to keep open the option that Dylan was abducted by a stranger, since that's probably the only way Dylan could still be alive and she needs to cling to that hope. And I wouldn't be surprised if LE asked her to ease up on Mark because it could make the investigation with respect to him a little easier.
folks, they've both said they've both tried to get in touch with the other. all bbm:

november 27th:

Elaine Redwine told ABC News she was having a difficult time getting in touch with her ex-husband about their son.

"He hasn't had any contact with us. (My older son) tried to get a hold of him by texting him, and he wouldn't respond," she said. "I just find it odd that at a time like this, he would be so evasive."

december 3rd:

REDWINE: Well, you know, I`ve tried reaching out to him. You know, we`ve texted -- he`s -- you know, he`s just not been -- we just haven`t worked together very well through all this. And like I said, I`ve really tried to reach out to him. But people react differently, I guess.

november 29th:

Mark Redwine said he wishes he and his ex-wife could come together at such a difficult time.

december 3rd:

While Mark Redwine hasn’t spoken to his ex-wife, they traded a few text messages Friday, he said.

He has also met with his other son with Elaine Redwine, Cory, 21, and a son from another marriage, Nicholas, 28, from Arizona.

“We all met together in a private room and sat down and talked. I haven’t heard from Cory for three days,” Mark Redwine said. “I think he’s struggling like we all are. I know he’s closer to his brother and to his mom than to me. We were trying to get our emotions out on the table and focus on finding Dylan.”

Mark Redwine said he would like to meet with his ex-wife but so far has not had success beyond the text messages.

They are saying different things imo.
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