CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #23

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One of my friends does the same with her make-up. That is crazy to me. If I ever sleep in make-up I wake up looking like I slept face down in a gutter. I would have to completely remove the make-up and then put it back on to look presentable.

LOL! I know this isn't helping to find our sweet Dylan, but hearing everyone's sleep rituals is really amusing.

Now back to dead phones, pings, fishing poles and nerf footballs...

Gee I hope we get some news SOON because we're not making much headway with the little tidbits we currently have.

On the dreaded phone ping subject ... a question for those who are more in the know than me. My understanding is that our phones
search for signals intermittently. Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but does this mean that a cell phone in an area where there is poor or broken reception/fewer towers would be searching constantly or more frequently than usual?
Clear as mud? I guess I'm asking if a cell phone in an area like that would be using more power, or have its battery drained faster than normal.

Yes it does. That's why your battery dies so much faster in a poor service area. It will send out signals until it gets a response saying there's service. MOO JMO etc. because I'm too busy to google a link.

ETA: but luckily Paul isn't! Thanks
We don't know that. Maybe they were in Walmart shopping, so he didn't answer, or they were eating or arguing so he didn't answer.

We can't know if ER was exaggerating or not. (except about the smoke thing)

Either way, he wasn't texting on his cell phone all the time.
I think it's important to consider that Dylan may have simply fallen asleep to account for him being done texting on Sunday evening. He'd been up till 4am that morning, then spent hours travelling. It makes sense he'd fall asleep.

Since the police say he was last seen 7:30am Monday (per NAMUS), I don't feel a need to account for the lack of texts Sunday night. I am concerned that he didn't text R Monday morning, but not overly so, because R wasn't concerned, and because I'm picking up this theme from people who know Dylan and his reported actions (not texting first etc) that he's a free spirit.

My concern is that he wasn't home at 11:30am and wasn't with any of the friends. That narrows my 'time of concern' to sometime between maybe 8:30am and 11am. 11am because if he was hitchhiking at that time, Mark probably would have seen him on the road to the house as he drove home.
On the dreaded phone ping subject ... a question for those who are more in the know than me. My understanding is that our phones
search for signals intermittently. Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but does this mean that a cell phone in an area where there is poor or broken reception/fewer towers would be searching constantly or more frequently than usual?
Clear as mud? I guess I'm asking if a cell phone in an area like that would be using more power, or have its battery drained faster than normal.

Yes it would. I have an iPhone, hubby has a motorola flip phone. Both of them get the batteries drained up at my mothers wehre there is very poor reception.

Ok enough about the clothes... It is not going anywhere but in circles.
Yes, I know what you mean. I can't imagine a child wanting to sleep in the clothes he intended to wear to school, wouldn't that be pretty uncomfortable?
Not to mention ending up wrinkled? Or pretty much like they had been slept in??
Nope... never would have happened with mine.

This phenomenon isn't wearing tomorrows clothes at night, it's wearing night clothes tomorrow! :floorlaugh:

We absolutely did not do this as kids, we had "day clothes" and "night clothes." But middle and Jr. High students especially are wearing athletic wear or sweats more often during the day than my generation. Some put fresh on in the morning, every morning. Some dress the night before. Some have lazy nights where they didn't change bc they fell asleep that way, but typically change.

There are parents who would never allow it- and there are parents like me who have decided not worry about it. The battle I choose is that you must always, no matter what, brush your teeth and wash your face. If you want to wear the same clothes that's fine as long as they are CLEAN.

I really do think it's generational, and not all kids/families are prone to it. I have one who would NEVER mix up day clothes and night clothes, and one who I can never tell if she's ready for the day or lounging around. I just trust that she won't leave with me if she's not happy with her appearance. Then I let all the other moms judge me for letting my kid *gasp* wear pajamas in public. :floorlaugh:
The Pinot is not working.......probably should have gone with a nice warmed Corvoisier....I am getting more prickly- not less. I don't feel well at all. With apologies to all who I have acted like an *advertiser censored**hole to tonite.......I really do just want that sweet adorable boy home.

We all want Dylan home, Monroe. Its so frustrating to not have the information we want and need.

So there's really no reason you can't still have a Corvoisier once you finish the Pinot, right? ;)
I miss the talk about cell phone pings now.
DH (page admin on Dylan's FB page) posted her nightly post to Dylan and she got a special permanent tribute to Dylan that will be with her forever... check the post and picture.
That's dedication.
Don't recall if this has been a topic of discussion before, but per weatherunderground it rained in Bayfield Nov 10th, just 8 days prior to Dylan's arrival. And living in a rural area, vehicles tend to get dirtier than in the city, especially if MR was driving long distances.

But in viewing video of MR's vehicles being towed they appeared squeaky clean/shiny.

just wondering if he washed his vehicle/s after Dylan disappeared and before they were impounded or ?
Why do what kids wear to sleep get brought up in every single case? It never gets ironed out. Is this a parent war?
DH (page admin on Dylan's FB page) posted her nightly post to Dylan and she got a special permanent tribute to Dylan that will be with her forever... check the post and picture.
That's dedication.

At least it's not a portrait of him. That one Billie Dunn had done still squicks me out.
Don't recall if this has been a topic of discussion before, but per weatherunderground it rained in Bayfield Nov 10th, just 8 days prior to Dylan's arrival. And living in a rural area, vehicles tend to get dirtier than in the city, especially if MR was driving long distances.

But in viewing video of MR's vehicles being towed they appeared squeaky clean/shiny.

just wondering if he washed his vehicle/s after Dylan disappeared and before they were impounded or ?

Interesting thought.
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