CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #38

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Dumb question, but didn't Dylan sleep on a pillow at Mark's house? Wouldn't that have had Dylan's scent on it? That seems like the logical thing to use for a scent.
You know what is really tragic to me?? What if they are both wrong. What if neither one of the parents has him??? What if they've been wasting all this time that should have been spent trying to find him has been wasted in them pointing fingers at one another??? Dylan loses in this. This is the worst part of all this, is Dylan loses.

Someone could have him and he's waiting for his parents to rescue him, to come get him, to save him and what are they doing??? Publically fighting with each other, slinging mud about who did what to whom and when, and Dylan is out there,'s heartbreaking.

And one person, and one person only, could have stopped this line of thought in its tracks. Think how very different things might be if MR had made arrangements to spend the first day of his son's visit with him, or if he had rushed home when he got no response to his phone calls, or immediately tried tracking him down instead of taking a nap when he came home to find no son, none of his belongings, and an empty house, what if he had gone to the police immediately, following the model presented by Mark Klaas, <modsnip>
If only -- if only.

Well that's just wonderful. I wasn't sure if you were a tv watcher. Some folks aren't as I recall and you were a bit confused initially when you stated Dr. Phil was a reality show. Not sure how Randy Jackson figures into any of this, but just looking out for you and making sure you had the facts correct! :blushing:

Actually I wasn't confused. Dr. Phil is a talk show. Reality TV is supposed to be real right? If Dr. Phil has real life situations on his show, would it not be reality? I'm not talking genres. Randy Jackson has nothing to do with anything other than the quote, "Good looking out," which is what he says on American Idol, which is another TV showed for entertainment purposes. Much like Dr. Phil.

I might lean that way, IF the dogs had picked up his scent at the house and leaving the house and walking down the road.

Has it been confirmed they did not pick up his scent? I realize clothes had to be brought in, but I don't remember seeing anything that his scent was NOT picked up.

As with anything said by a 13 year old boy. Usually an exaggeration of the actual facts. Most have no idea how much they are exaggerating, it just sounds "cool", so they say it. My son has one friend that I would not believe a word out of his mouth. Not one. (The kid is, however, absolutely hilarious) It really depends on the friend, too.

I have a 12, almost 13 year old son. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what hitchhiking is, nor would he say one of his friends did that. MOO. I know we all have kids and personal instances we could point to.

I haven't been here in a while but even now, while on vacation, my mind isn't far from Dylan. It has been rough to watch my own nearly 13yo son enjoy so much and realize that Elaine will never get another opportunity like this with Dylan. I hope that the monster that denied them both these moments is suffering horribly.

I think we all want this.
Whichever way I look at this case Mark's actions (or lack therefore) have never helped him .

He is a grown man and has a son missing yet he has seemingly never been able to just suck it up and roll with the punches . Instead he has obsessed about his ex wife and still seems intent on point scoring ... MOO IMO

ETA - the whole bit in the interview where he "claimed" Elaine has not bonded with Dylan the way he has as she had to work ... IMO equals point scoring !
Dumb question, but didn't Dylan sleep on a pillow at Mark's house? Wouldn't that have had Dylan's scent on it? That seems like the logical thing to use for a scent.

He was sleeping on a couch. I am not sure it even had a pillow.
It did have blankets.
If LE had found his scent out on the road, would they be saying one of the only two options they can think of is that something happened at the house? I am not sure. I guess it depends on how accurate they felt a scent to be.
To Mija (I'm afraid to use the quote buttons...LOL)

As far as I know, it has NOT been confirmed by LE that Dylan's scent was picked up by the dogs near or around Mark's house or even on county road 500.

If the dogs had picked up his scent, I think that would open up the hitch hiking/abduction theory (at least to me).

If you have a link to the dogs picking up Dylan's scent, it would be great appreciated. tia
Whichever way I look at this case Mark's actions (or lack therefore) have never helped him .

He is a grown man and has a son missing yet he has seemingly never been able to just suck it up and roll with the punches . Instead he has obsessed about his ex wife and still seems intent on point scoring ... MOO IMO

ETA - the whole bit in the interview where he "claimed" Elaine has not bonded with Dylan the way he has as she had to work ... IMO equals point scoring !

Actually, he's been cooperating with LE. He never even talked about ER until she publicly accused him. I don't see how people say he's so obsessed with her when he's not the one who fired the first shot. Is he supposed to just sit back and take her accusations?
Whichever way I look at this case Mark's actions (or lack therefore) have never helped him .

He is a grown man and has a son missing yet he has seemingly never been able to just suck it up and roll with the punches . Instead he has obsessed about his ex wife and still seems intent on point scoring ... MOO IMO

ETA - the whole bit in the interview where he "claimed" Elaine has not bonded with Dylan the way he has as she had to work ... IMO equals point scoring !

Agree. Except I wouldn't be so kind as to call it point scoring. I would call it cruel, taunting, intentional and abusive.
If LE had found his scent out on the road, would they be saying one of the only two options they can think of is that something happened at the house? I am not sure. I guess it depends on how accurate they felt a scent to be.

Who knows what LE would say or even if they'd be believed. As it stands right now, people are frustrated because LE isn't releasing info yet when they do release something, it's swept under a rug.
Actually, he's been cooperating with LE. He never even talked about ER until she publicly accused him. I don't see how people say he's so obsessed with her when he's not the one who fired the first shot. Is he supposed to just sit back and take her accusations?

No, of course he isn't supposed to just sit back and take it but some of his responses are very curious in regards to her. I honestly don't think they speak of a man that is "returning fire" but of one that is very obsessed with his target and the lengths he might go to in order to engage or hurt her is terrifying.
Actually, he's been cooperating with LE. He never even talked about ER until she publicly accused him. I don't see how people say he's so obsessed with her when he's not the one who fired the first shot. Is he supposed to just sit back and take her accusations?

Dylan vanished on his watch and the story that Mark has told has more holes in than a colander.

Dylan is missing and Elaine said what she felt .She was married to the man <modsnip> and she felt he could of Hurt Dylan . She did not do it for any other reason than fear .

This is not a tit for tat game here .

Actually, he's been cooperating with LE. He never even talked about ER until she publicly accused him. I don't see how people say he's so obsessed with her when he's not the one who fired the first shot. Is he supposed to just sit back and take her accusations?

I agree, and am not understanding the frequent references to his "obsession" with ER (nor the oft repeated "lashing out" either). My take is that whenever any reference is made to his ex, it's in order to answer a question from a reporter. And how can he be accused of ignoring her and being obsessed with her at the same time? MOO, and everything we read or hear is open to our own interpretation. That's why we have conflicting opinions here, even though we are all getting the same information
To Mija (I'm afraid to use the quote buttons...LOL)

As far as I know, it has NOT been confirmed by LE that Dylan's scent was picked up by the dogs near or around Mark's house or even on county road 500.

If the dogs had picked up his scent, I think that would open up the hitch hiking/abduction theory (at least to me).

If you have a link to the dogs picking up Dylan's scent, it would be great appreciated. tia

MR claimed they passed the football once returning home, <modsnip>.

It would've been interesting if they would've brought the dogs to a known area at walmart that Dylan was spotted on camera touching items, or maybe sitting, just to see if the dogs would or could even retrieve a scent from the area.
Dylan vanished on his watch and the story that Mark has told has more holes in than a colander.

Dylan is missing and Elaine said what she felt .She was married to the man and knows him better than anybody on this forum ( apart from Azgrandma) and she felt he could of Hurt Dylan . She did not do it for any other reason than fear .

This is not a tit for tat game here .


Agree. I often wonder where this case would be today if Elaine had come out and said she had concerns about some neighbor, friend, acquaintance? Someone else who had access to Dylan? Would people be so quick to dismiss her concerns? Why does MR get a pass? Because he was an ex-husband? I don't see how that gives him a pass. Maybe she shouldn't have expressed her gut instinct? Why not? I would. I think most mother's would.
Mark sent Elaine a TEXT message to let her know that Dylan had disappeared. That right there speaks volumes to me as to what type of man he really is.
Dylan vanished on his watch and the story that Mark has told has more holes in than a colander.

Dylan is missing and Elaine said what she felt .She was married to the man and knows him better than anybody on this forum ( apart from Azgrandma) and she felt he could of Hurt Dylan . She did not do it for any other reason than fear .

This is not a tit for tat game here .


If his story has holes, then it's up to LE to carry on. They haven't.

I'm the last person making this tit for tat. I don't give a rat's *advertiser censored* if he's guilty or not, but until LE points that way, I'll stay on my fence of justice <modsnip>. Besides, ER said he could harm Dylan, then no, he wouldn't harm Dylan, and now is it back to him harming Dylan? I can't keep up.
MR could not rise above a frantic mother's panic and behave like a man, for the sake of his son, or just for personal dignity. No. He had to say, fairly early on, that his "problem" was his ex-wife.

As a parent, he should understand the overwhelming terror that comes from anything to do with your child being in danger. And he was responsible for Dylan when this horror took place. That in itself earns him the unfortunate honor of having to suck it up and take it. Maybe if he had behaved in a more mature manner from the start toward ER, she would have felt calmer and less inclined to mistrust him. I still can't imagine how heart-stopping it must have been to read on a text that he had "lost track" of her youngest child.

He could be as innocent as me, in all of this, but he has behaved like an *advertiser censored** to a woman in despair, a terrified mother. She should be allowed to scream and rage at him, IMO. I do not know many real men who would not shut up and take it.

Sometimes when there is a sudden death in a family, people say some horrible things to each other, but most compassionate people take the circumstances into consideration.

Agree. I often wonder where this case would be today if Elaine had come out and said she had concerns about some neighbor, friend, acquaintance? Someone else who had access to Dylan? Would people be so quick to dismiss her concerns? Why does MR get a pass? Because he was an ex-husband? I don't see how that gives him a pass. Maybe she shouldn't have expressed her gut instinct? Why not? I would. I think most mother's would.

I agree and let's not forget he has another ex wife who has also stated he is quite capable of hurting Dylan . Mark also has other children and does not have functioning relationships with any of them ( strange that) . It is not only Elaine who thinks along these lines . All these people know Mark and for me that speaks volumes .

ETA - I do not believe these are all bitter people .

The normal MOO , IMO and so on !!!
MR claimed they passed the football once returning home, Dylan's scent from being in the yard would've had to be strong, Yet there was nothing.
It would've been interesting if they would've brought the dogs to a known area at walmart that Dylan was spotted on camera touching items, or maybe sitting, just to see if the dogs would or could even retrieve a scent from the area.

Once again, I'd love to see a link stating Dylan's scent was not found. TIA
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