CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39

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BBM: I was just telling my hubby this exact thing. I was telling him that i knew Scott Peterson killed Lacie the minute I heard he sold her vehicle. He knew she wouldn't be needing it. But that I haven't heard anything like that out of Mark. Maybe I will on Tuesday or on Wednesday but as of today, I have not heard anything to convince me he did something to harm Dylan. IMO.

Dylan didn't have a vehicle.
Just about every news article concerning that night, Law Enforcement has already confirmed this.

I've followed this case from the very beginning, and I've never seen an article where LE confirms that Dylan's phone lost communications with the tower on Sunday night.

Could you link me up with one, please? Thanks.
When I say convince me, I mean make the facts we have fit. I've heard so many times it's a no brainer that Mark did it. I'm just asking to show me that way. If it's such a no brainer, then address the facts as we know them. Until that time comes, don't call me out for thinking otherwise.

I know there are some posters who strongly believe that MR is guilty, but I take it as more as their primary theory, not a done deal kind of thing.

A lot of cases are completely circumstantial and we have to be prepared for this one to be the same if there is a trial. So some people will be convinced by a list of things that seem to point to MR and some won't.

If LE came out and said that there was no trace of Dylan in the house at all, not a hair, not a particle of skin, not a fingerprint, although those are circumstantial, that would be very strong, IMO, if presented with a number of other bits and pieces. But right now, I am not at the stage where MR and only MR is the key.

I still do not understand how LE can be so sure Dylan did not meet up with an accident simply because they did not find him.

But I am also one of those stuck on the phone issue. I think Dylan would have communicated with someone if his phone worked, and stayed put for his ride, if it did not. So that is my biggest problem.

(Sorry...rambling...but this case exhausts me. Seeing the photos of the dogs at work was very unsettling and added to my fears of another unsolved case.)
Mineshaft seems very plausible. Colorado is riddled with old mines and that area especially. I tried to find a map of mines for the area but couldn't find one. There are plenty of references to folks getting rescued from mines and caves by La Plata County SAR.

Is there the possibility that, if Dylan did head out on foot, could he have tried to cut across country, to lessen the 20 miles to his friend's grandma's home? 20miles is a long hike if you are not used to it. I live 20 miles from town, and many times I have thought about if I had to walk that far. I sure would cut across country, to avoid some of the long curves around hillsides along my driving route. I wonder if Dylan attempted to do the same thing? It would take several hours to hike 20 miles.
Is there the possibility that, if Dylan did head out on foot, could he have tried to cut across country, to lessen the 20 miles to his friend's grandma's home? 20miles is a long hike if you are not used to it. I live 20 miles from town, and many times I have thought about if I had to walk that far. I sure would cut across country, to avoid some of the long curves around hillsides along my driving route. I wonder if Dylan attempted to do the same thing? It would take several hours to hike 20 miles.

Why would he hike for hours? His father claims he was going to get him to his friends after coming home from his errands. Hike for hours makes no sense. He wouldn't make it to his friends any faster than waiting for a ride from his father.
I've been watching ID and Bio today and the Shari Smith came up again, the 16 year old girl abducted from her front drive while stopping to get the mail. Her car and purse were left in the driveway. She totally disappeared and they had no idea what happened to her until the perp started calling her sister, telling her that she was next. This abduction was in broad daylight, in her driveway, and there were no witnesses. And it wasn't her father or anyone known to the family. It was a random perp.

Why couldn't something like this have happened to Dylan??? He went outside to wait for his father with all his stuff that he was taking to his friends and a perp drove up and grabbed him, tossed him in the car and off they went. He could have chloroformed him and knocked him out that way and he wouldn't have resisted. IMO
"He either left the house and someone abducted him or something happened while he was still at the house. I could not think of a 3rd possibility," said Dan Bender, spokesman from the La Plata County Sheriff's Office.

LE has all the evidence available to them. They have given us 2 possibilities. I lean toward "something happened while he was still at the house".


And to me, if that were true, LE would know that. They would have the proof of that already, IF MR was involved. iMO They wouldn't be giving statements that they don't know what happened to Dylan.
I know there are some posters who strongly believe that MR is guilty, but I take it as more as their primary theory, not a done deal kind of thing.

A lot of cases are completely circumstantial and we have to be prepared for this one to be the same if there is a trial. So some people will be convinced by a list of things that seem to point to MR and some won't.

If LE came out and said that there was no trace of Dylan in the house at all, not a hair, not a particle of skin, not a fingerprint, although those are circumstantial, that would be very strong, IMO, if presented with a number of other bits and pieces. But right now, I am not at the stage where MR and only MR is the key.

I still do not understand how LE can be so sure Dylan did not meet up with an accident simply because they did not find him.

But I am also one of those stuck on the phone issue. I think Dylan would have communicated with someone if his phone worked, and stayed put for his ride, if it did not. So that is my biggest problem.

(Sorry...rambling...but this case exhausts me. Seeing the photos of the dogs at work was very unsettling and added to my fears of another unsolved case.)

Thanks, Clu. I respect you and everything you have to say.

There are so many that have MR as undesirable No. 1.

There is much debate as to where the 9:37 communication came from.

I have been called out on here and other places. I have been told I was a bully. I have no vested interest in MR. I want Dylan home where he belongs.

All I'm asking is for someone to give me a walkthrough on what they think happened based on info we know.
And to me, if that were true, LE would know that. They would have the proof of that already, IF MR was involved. iMO They wouldn't be giving statements that they don't know what happened to Dylan.

What is that claim based on? I've seen lots of cases with a missing person when its pretty obvious who police suspect- yet they can't make an arrest due to lack of body/evidence.
So why would this case be any different?
When he got back at 11:30, his son's dirty cereal bowl was beside the sink. The television was on Nickelodeon. His son's fishing pole was gone. So was his black-and-gray backpack. A few articles of clothing were left behind on the couch.

"His priority was pretty much with his friends, so I wasn't alarmed," Mark said.

Note: I'm pretty sure there was a video; this is what I have at the moment.

Regarding the TV being on Nickelodeon...
My teenage son brought up something that is kind of interesting. He says that on a Monday morning that Nickelodeon programming is mostly aimed at younger children. He says that after about 8 or 9 am, the programs would probably not interest a 13 yr old boy. Not sure if this would narrow down a timeline... or just random useless info.
Is there the possibility that, if Dylan did head out on foot, could he have tried to cut across country, to lessen the 20 miles to his friend's grandma's home? 20miles is a long hike if you are not used to it. I live 20 miles from town, and many times I have thought about if I had to walk that far. I sure would cut across country, to avoid some of the long curves around hillsides along my driving route. I wonder if Dylan attempted to do the same thing? It would take several hours to hike 20 miles.

superbee, hi and welcome :) I've considered this as well. If he was determined to get to his friends, I can easily see him doing this. And if he did, there are so many things that could have happened to him. He could have fallen and gotten severely injured, he could have fallen in a mineshaft, he could have run into a predatory animal. Thanks for shaing your ideas.
I've followed this case from the very beginning, and I've never seen an article where LE confirms that Dylan's phone lost communications with the tower on Sunday night.

Could you link me up with one, please? Thanks.

Dylan sent text messages throughout the evening. Investigators say the last text went out at 9:37 p.m. Mark Redwine says he watched a movie with his son until about 10:30 p.m., and he went upstairs to bed as Dylan settled in for the night on the couch.

Mark says he last saw his son at 7:30 the next morning. He said he planned to drop Dylan off at a friend's house on the way, but Dylan was still snoozing when it was time to go.

Mark says he handled a payroll issue at his company's office and met with his divorce attorney, and when he got home at 11:30 a.m. Dylan was gone.

Investigators say Dylan's cell phone has not sent out a signal since he vanished. A black Hurley backpack, containing all the clothes Dylan packed for his Thanksgiving visit, also disappeared.

I hope this helps !!
I just posted a possible theory, Elaine being granted Full Custody !!

WAIT!!! What? ER was never granted full custody???? Since when????

She was granted primary custody:
Elaine Redwine also said her former husband was upset that she had received primary custody of Dylan.

I will be happy to explain the difference, if anyone cares. ER was granted primary custody since she MOVED. IMO
superbee, hi and welcome :) I've considered this as well. If he was determined to get to his friends, I can easily see him doing this. And if he did, there are so many things that could have happened to him. He could have fallen and gotten severely injured, he could have fallen in a mineshaft, he could have run into a predatory animal. Thanks for shaing your ideas.

I wonder though then why didn't the tracking dogs pick up his scent?
I know there are some posters who strongly believe that MR is guilty, but I take it as more as their primary theory, not a done deal kind of thing.

A lot of cases are completely circumstantial and we have to be prepared for this one to be the same if there is a trial. So some people will be convinced by a list of things that seem to point to MR and some won't.

If LE came out and said that there was no trace of Dylan in the house at all, not a hair, not a particle of skin, not a fingerprint, although those are circumstantial, that would be very strong, IMO, if presented with a number of other bits and pieces. But right now, I am not at the stage where MR and only MR is the key.

I still do not understand how LE can be so sure Dylan did not meet up with an accident simply because they did not find him.

But I am also one of those stuck on the phone issue. I think Dylan would have communicated with someone if his phone worked, and stayed put for his ride, if it did not. So that is my biggest problem.

(Sorry...rambling...but this case exhausts me. Seeing the photos of the dogs at work was very unsettling and added to my fears of another unsolved case.)

Well said, I am sure many others feel the same way. And if LE was able to clear MR, we wouldn't be having this particular conversation.

Bottom line, why would anyone expect people not have apprehensions as LE has stated as MR is the "last known person" to see Dylan? Can anyone else prove otherwise?
I do not have a link, but feel sure I read from someone local that there isn't a shortcut.
I know there are some posters who strongly believe that MR is guilty, but I take it as more as their primary theory, not a done deal kind of thing.

A lot of cases are completely circumstantial and we have to be prepared for this one to be the same if there is a trial. So some people will be convinced by a list of things that seem to point to MR and some won't.

If LE came out and said that there was no trace of Dylan in the house at all, not a hair, not a particle of skin, not a fingerprint, although those are circumstantial, that would be very strong, IMO, if presented with a number of other bits and pieces. But right now, I am not at the stage where MR and only MR is the key.

I still do not understand how LE can be so sure Dylan did not meet up with an accident simply because they did not find him.

But I am also one of those stuck on the phone issue. I think Dylan would have communicated with someone if his phone worked, and stayed put for his ride, if it did not. So that is my biggest problem.

(Sorry...rambling...but this case exhausts me. Seeing the photos of the dogs at work was very unsettling and added to my fears of another unsolved case.)

Great Post!!

Dylan sent text messages throughout the evening. Investigators say the last text went out at 9:37 p.m. Mark Redwine says he watched a movie with his son until about 10:30 p.m., and he went upstairs to bed as Dylan settled in for the night on the couch.

Mark says he last saw his son at 7:30 the next morning. He said he planned to drop Dylan off at a friend's house on the way, but Dylan was still snoozing when it was time to go.

Mark says he handled a payroll issue at his company's office and met with his divorce attorney, and when he got home at 11:30 a.m. Dylan was gone.

Investigators say Dylan's cell phone has not sent out a signal since he vanished. A black Hurley backpack, containing all the clothes Dylan packed for his Thanksgiving visit, also disappeared.

I hope this helps !!

No, unfortunately, that doesn't help, because it doesn't say Dylan's phone stopped communicating with the tower Sunday night. A reporter states LE says (bolded) Dylan's phone hasn't sent out a signal since Dylan vanished, and we don't know when Dylan vanished, Sunday or Monday, because LE won't say.

I don't have any problem if it's your opinion that the phone stopped pinging Sunday night - it's just when something like that is stated as a fact, especially when it's also stated that LE confirmed it in almost every news article, I want to make sure I didn't miss something.
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