CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #40

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Why is anyone bashing Dr Phil here? Is he the excuse for Mark not taking the poly? Seriously? It was Jack Trimarco who was going to administer the poly. Have you checked his credentials much?

Well, Mark has to blame someone......

(and yes, the "well" was intentional)

I think azgrand! did not have to ever ' come out' to ws and reveal herself and we would never have known who she is. She did this , at her own risk, to give us some insight into who the last person with DR was. I think the last 2 days proved up all she's been telling us. We saw it with our own eyes and that is not DP or ER's doing. No one manipulated MRs behavior. That is just who he is. We've been blessed on this particular case to have someone with some knowledge of one of the key people involved. In probably almost every other case on WS, its' just a guess how the last person seen with a missing child/ adult really is on the inside.
And I think certainly agreeing to go on the DP show for AZG and her son was probably about the last thing they wanted to do. She faced a man she has put in her past for good and probably thought and prayed she'd never have to see him again. I think it was a risk and personally I was worried once I knew she was going :( I thought it might flare up MR's backlash toward Azg. But she did it because she wants to help Dylan and for no other reason that I can see. You're a bada$$ AZG ! I'm sorry if you don't always get treated as you should. You know who you are and who cares what anyone else thinks. MOOOOOOOOO
Yes, I heard it on TV in the last day or two. Figured it'd been posted in an article here already. Just got back on WS today - been gone awhile. I'll see if I can find a link. :)

How did we not see that ? Too focused on phil stuff I guess.
That's a real pity ! :(
Nothing more to add except my heartfelt thanks! Peace, sista! :rocker:

And not only are AZGRANDMA, ELAINE, CORY AND DYLAN MY HEROS BUT now DR PHIL is my hero too because I dont care it DP does or does not have a license, is or is not a psychologist OR even if he has a good tv show, but he had the balls to call MR out on his ******** and he didn't backdown and I am willing to bet he would take that task on any time in the future as well. AND that is no easy task when you have a "man" who is used to controlling and bullying people all of the time.
Seek do you have a link about the renter.. I would like to read it.
How did we not see that ? Too focused on phil stuff I guess.
That's a real pity ! :(

I normally automatically add a link, but was sure it'd already be here!

BRB :websleuther:

9Wants to Know also learned from investigators this week that they found a man that they were seeking as a potential witness to Dylan's disappearance on Nov. 19. However, he was not able to provide any new information to help the case.

Also stated in video at link at approx :50 seconds in.
No. Mark holds the responsibility alone for not taking the poly. The only criticism of Dr. Phil is that perhaps he could have done a better job in his handling of the situation (re: kept his emotions and judgments in check) in order to ensure that the conditions were favorable for MR to say yes to the poly and stick to it. It is unprofessional to label someone mentally ill on national television if you pass yourself off as a psychologist, just as it was stupid to get in MR's face and then expect him to respond positively to a request after he had time to mull it over. JMO.

Dr. Phil could have kissed Mark's arse. Mark was NOT going to take the poly no matter what. Mark has to have the last word, know what I mean?

I'm sure Mark is sitting around and blaming Dr. Phil, the ex-FBI lie detector operator and the man in the moon......

I'm proud of the way Dr. Phil responded to Mark and think he handled himself very professional....

everyone has an opinion.....


Missing boy's dad ducks TV polygraph

But when it came time for the polygraph test, Mark asked for a day delay. Then the next morning, just when the test was getting started, Mark said he didn't feel well, an automatic disqualifier.

Dr. Phil pleaded with him again hours later.

"You should be doing back flips to do this test," Dr. Phil McGraw said. "You were the last one to have seen your son before he disappeared."
azgrandma: Thank you for your posts. Everything you said prior was spot-on. I am so sad you lived with the damage of Mark Redwine but you are an incredible mother, as well as your sons, who figured out what was happening and have given us all, on this little website, what the warning signs are. My young daughter is now attuned into the psychopathy of Mark Redwine and what she should look for as she is dating.

I admire Elaine and Cory so much for not letting Mark get away with his diversion tactics and turn-around blaming. Mark never answered her questions. He turned everything around with his ridiculous assertions. Elaine focused on asking the one question and did not let him engage in his diversion tactics. I admire her so. How hard it must had been for her and all of you.

You were right all along. I am so sad.

Thank you. BBM - it wasn't a matter of being right, not that that is what you are implying. I would much rather be wrong and still don't know what is truth and what isn't. I have my thoughts and suspicions, none of which were easy to come by. I admire Cory for standing up, he did what we, as mother's could not.
I normally automatically add a link, but was sure it'd already be here!

BRB :websleuther:

Also stated in video at link at approx :50 seconds in.


the article also said:

An independent K-9 search team brought to Vallecito Lake over the weekend also turned up nothing.

MB should have updated the above part of her story....

According to K9 Forensics of Edgewood, a group that volunteered to help search for the missing 14-year-old, two cadaver dogs picked up a scent in the same place after holes were punched in frozen Vallecito Lake, which has been a focal point of the three-month search.

the article also said:

An independent K-9 search team brought to Vallecito Lake over the weekend also turned up nothing.

MB should have updated the above part of her story....

According to K9 Forensics of Edgewood, a group that volunteered to help search for the missing 14-year-old, two cadaver dogs picked up a scent in the same place after holes were punched in frozen Vallecito Lake, which has been a focal point of the three-month search.

Same article also refer's to ER and MR as "husband and wife". Sloppy reporting, IMO:

In appearances aired Tuesday on the "Dr. Phil Show," Elaine Redwine said she believes her husband, Mark, had something to do with their son's disappearance, while the husband reiterated his unsubstantiated but strong belief that his wife was involved.

the article also said:

An independent K-9 search team brought to Vallecito Lake over the weekend also turned up nothing.

MB should have updated the above part of her story....

According to K9 Forensics of Edgewood, a group that volunteered to help search for the missing 14-year-old, two cadaver dogs picked up a scent in the same place after holes were punched in frozen Vallecito Lake, which has been a focal point of the three-month search.

I'm so confused over what's going on with the dogs hitting at the lake. Can anyone explain why it says they turned up nothing but yet they got hits at the lake? I see that k9 Forensics just posted on FB that they are now back home and some comments about the 'haters'. What is going on? What happened? Anyone know?
Night Guys.. I am going to go and listen to Tricia.. Be kind and sweet and have a wonderful night my WS friends.
Same article also refer's to ER and MR as "husband and wife". Sloppy reporting, IMO:

In appearances aired Tuesday on the "Dr. Phil Show," Elaine Redwine said she believes her husband, Mark, had something to do with their son's disappearance, while the husband reiterated his unsubstantiated but strong belief that his wife was involved.

Well he did call her MRS REDWINE.

Looks like their saying that it's possible that Dylan ran away. I thought that LE had discounted that possibility a long time ago.

Same article also refer's to ER and MR as "husband and wife". Sloppy reporting, IMO:

In appearances aired Tuesday on the "Dr. Phil Show," Elaine Redwine said she believes her husband, Mark, had something to do with their son's disappearance, while the husband reiterated his unsubstantiated but strong belief that his wife was involved.

That article from 9 news must have been written by someone not up-to-date on their facts.

I don't know what they are doing or drinking there but someone needs to correct the mistakes in that article.

KT would have never got the information wrong. :floorlaugh:
I'm so confused over what's going on with the dogs hitting at the lake. Can anyone explain why it says they turned up nothing but yet they got hits at the lake? I see that k9 Forensics just posted on FB that they are now back home and some comments about the 'haters'. What is going on? What happened? Anyone know?

I think some of the haters have to do with the Salle case.
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