CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #42

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Can you email them back and ask for MR phone records and DRs phone records and MRs work logs for the month before and after the 19th and for the name of the receptionist at the law office and employment office and the results of the LDT's please ! :please:

The last electronic communication from DR would be nice to have as well. Thanks!:great:
Argh, my mojo may be gone for the day. I'm actually an incredibly shy person so I'd have to think about it. I'm on the verge of asking.
If these news reporters would ask the hard questions, us arm-chair Nancy Drews wouldn't have to!
I really do think it was premeditated. I think that's why he's holding on so tight to his story. If it was purely an act of rage, I think he'd break down easier. The circumstances make me think premeditated as does his demeanor since, but I really think he decided to do this and felt completely justified, entitled, to do this. Therefore, he still does. If it were an accident, he wouldn't hold that position so strongly. he'd waver more easily. He did this to serve a purpose, and he feels justified in that purpose. it is serving its purpose and so he believes he did what he had to do for himself. I also think the actual murder was an act of rage, with alcohol. How else could you do something so horrific? But it was planned. I feel sure that he followed his plan to the Tee from the moment DR arrived. I've always thought that he did it the first night as to avoid feeling a bond with DR over a couple of days of hanging out together. He could depersonalize DR easier the faster and sooner he did it.
and I think the "praying" to DR is b/c MR believes DR had to be a sacrifice for his own agenda. he's probably sorry that he had to be a sacrifice, and he's probably says he's sorry in these prayers to DR, and asks for forgiveness, but not b/c he's remorseful. He just wants DR to understand why he had to be a sacrifice for MR's agenda, which MR still holds as the most important thing.


This is the reason I too believe a premeditated crime occurred.

This is the reason I too believe a premeditated crime occurred.


I sure hope not. This is so disturbing to me. I hope not. I'm starting to wonder though....
Just want to ask more experienced websleuthers here....I have always believed harm came to Dylan immediately at the hands of MR. However, as of late (probably the dreaded Dr Phil effect) I have this horrible resignation about it all. Kind of like there is no way I could pretend to entertain any other possibility at all. It feels like a real loss of hope but also like a door closing in my brain. Does this happen with other people in other cases? Do I have tunnel vision? Fatigue? Or just a great big dose of reality? I would like to say it was watching Elaine on the Dr Phil show that cemented this feeling, but its been growing for awhile. Only lately is it so final to me. As such, I don't feel like I have alot to add or research or say and that stymies me. Anyone else? Is this what 42 threads feels like? Thanks in Advance. No matter what happens with Dylan, I'd like to stick around WS but this is *hard*.
I'd like the ipod and home computer histories and reports as well. :great:

Let's just make a short list and send it to them. There are so many things we know they know that we also would like to know.
Just a question out of curiosity. Could LE have arranged the DP show or encouraged ER to get MR onto it? To me this seems highly unlikely, but I don't know about the rules regarding LE and what they will and won't do. I believe some people on here mentioned they have requested the tapes, and I believe there was a reason. To me it sounds like they are gathering circumstantial evidence to see if MRs story changes or if there are any inconsistencies in it. I just watched the first part of the show and to me it looked like MR had either tied a few on before he went on or he was really angry. He even clenched his jaw a few times and you could tell he was holding back some anger. I have known violent people in the past, and I have seen that before. Like just before someone flew off the handle and beat me up. Kinda scared me a bit. I don't think I would put it past him to fly into a rage. Of course this is all MOO.
Just want to ask more experienced websleuthers here....I have always believed harm came to Dylan immediately at the hands of MR. However, as of late (probably the dreaded Dr Phil effect) I have this horrible resignation about it all. Kind of like there is no way I could pretend to entertain any other possibility at all. It feels like a real loss of hope but also like a door closing in my brain. Does this happen with other people in other cases? Do I have tunnel vision? Fatigue? Or just a great big dose of reality? I would like to say it was watching Elaine on the Dr Phil show that cemented this feeling, but its been growing for awhile. Only lately is it so final to me. As such, I don't feel like I have alot to add or research or say and that stymies me. Anyone else? Is this what 42 threads feels like? Thanks in Advance. No matter what happens with Dylan, I'd like to stick around WS but this is *hard*.


I found myself downright depressed after the Dr Phil show. Even though I've felt he did something all along, it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was that big dose of reality that sank in I think. I think more than any interview of Elaine's prior, I felt what she was feeling and well was the gut wrenching feeling of he really did do this...

Just want to ask more experienced websleuthers here....I have always believed harm came to Dylan immediately at the hands of MR. However, as of late (probably the dreaded Dr Phil effect) I have this horrible resignation about it all. Kind of like there is no way I could pretend to entertain any other possibility at all. It feels like a real loss of hope but also like a door closing in my brain. Does this happen with other people in other cases? Do I have tunnel vision? Fatigue? Or just a great big dose of reality? I would like to say it was watching Elaine on the Dr Phil show that cemented this feeling, but its been growing for awhile. Only lately is it so final to me. As such, I don't feel like I have alot to add or research or say and that stymies me. Anyone else? Is this what 42 threads feels like? Thanks in Advance. No matter what happens with Dylan, I'd like to stick around WS but this is *hard*.

This is the only time a case has sucked me in like this so I don't know if it's normal. But I've been in other situations where I've felt drained and discouraged and learned that it's ok to walk away, take a break for a bit. You might have a fresh idea next week.
I really do think it was premeditated. I think that's why he's holding on so tight to his story. If it was purely an act of rage, I think he'd break down easier. The circumstances make me think premeditated as does his demeanor since, but I really think he decided to do this and felt completely justified, entitled, to do this. Therefore, he still does. If it were an accident, he wouldn't hold that position so strongly. he'd waver more easily. He did this to serve a purpose, and he feels justified in that purpose. it is serving its purpose and so he believes he did what he had to do for himself. I also think the actual murder was an act of rage, with alcohol. How else could you do something so horrific? But it was planned. I feel sure that he followed his plan to the Tee from the moment DR arrived. I've always thought that he did it the first night as to avoid feeling a bond with DR over a couple of days of hanging out together. He could depersonalize DR easier the faster and sooner he did it.
and I think the "praying" to DR is b/c MR believes DR had to be a sacrifice for his own agenda. he's probably sorry that he had to be a sacrifice, and he's probably says he's sorry in these prayers to DR, and asks for forgiveness, but not b/c he's remorseful. He just wants DR to understand why he had to be a sacrifice for MR's agenda, which MR still holds as the most important thing.


This is the reason I too believe a premeditated crime occurred.

Originally I thought it was just an accident, but now I am not so sure, there are very good points above. Sadly, I think Dylan will be a statistic under the parental revenge category.

I don't really understand DP's reasoning in that either MR is either guilty or he has serious mental issues (whatever term he used). I think he has serious mental issues regardless. :banghead:
Hey Kimster! As you know, I am not a practicing attorney but I have a law degree (sending in paperwork soon) but I wanted to say that what NC is saying is accurate.

"It is important to note that police are only required to Mirandize a suspect if they intend to interrogate that person under custody. Arrests can occur without the Miranda Warning being given. If the police later decide to interrogate the suspect, the warning must be given at that time. Their vigilance to this rule means less chance of a case being overturned in court due to poor procedure on their part. "

thank you for your explanation supermom.

ok. if le deems a person to be a suspect and they would like to question the suspect - le has to provide Miranda to anyone who is a suspect before they can be questioned.

and if someone is arrested - the suspect doesn't have to be given their miranda warning unless or until the suspect will be questioned.

I found myself downright depressed after the Dr Phil show. Even though I've felt he did something all along, it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was that big dose of reality that sank in I think. I think more than any interview of Elaine's prior, I felt what she was feeling and well was the gut wrenching feeling of he really did do this...


So if we got that out of watching Dr Phil, do you suppose the task force will have a viewing party of the uncut version and get the same feeling? That'd be GREAT!
So if we got that out of watching Dr Phil, do you suppose the task force will have a viewing party of the uncut version and get the same feeling? That'd be GREAT!

I'll bet they already did get the same feeling. The problem is they not only have to get that feeling, they have to PROVE it. I'm sure they are doing their best. I really do feel it's only a matter of time...I sure hope anyways.
Just a question out of curiosity. Could LE have arranged the DP show or encouraged ER to get MR onto it? To me this seems highly unlikely, but I don't know about the rules regarding LE and what they will and won't do. I believe some people on here mentioned they have requested the tapes, and I believe there was a reason. To me it sounds like they are gathering circumstantial evidence to see if MRs story changes or if there are any inconsistencies in it. I just watched the first part of the show and to me it looked like MR had either tied a few on before he went on or he was really angry. He even clenched his jaw a few times and you could tell he was holding back some anger. I have known violent people in the past, and I have seen that before. Like just before someone flew off the handle and beat me up. Kinda scared me a bit. I don't think I would put it past him to fly into a rage. Of course this is all MOO.

Wait til you watch Part 2!

Lots of people on FMDR facebook page were messaging Dr Phil. I think that's what got them on the show. I don't think LE had anything to do with that. I do think LE was very anxious to see it and are even more anxious to see the uncut version. They know. They have to know.

My eyes are bleeding so bad, I cannot find the Ignore Button. :deadhorse:
Just want to ask more experienced websleuthers here....I have always believed harm came to Dylan immediately at the hands of MR. However, as of late (probably the dreaded Dr Phil effect) I have this horrible resignation about it all. Kind of like there is no way I could pretend to entertain any other possibility at all. It feels like a real loss of hope but also like a door closing in my brain. Does this happen with other people in other cases? Do I have tunnel vision? Fatigue? Or just a great big dose of reality? I would like to say it was watching Elaine on the Dr Phil show that cemented this feeling, but its been growing for awhile. Only lately is it so final to me. As such, I don't feel like I have alot to add or research or say and that stymies me. Anyone else? Is this what 42 threads feels like? Thanks in Advance. No matter what happens with Dylan, I'd like to stick around WS but this is *hard*.

This happens to me following certain cases. When you have the moment where your gut, heart & brain are all in sync & you just know. DP show did it for me to & I had to walk away for a day or so, because even if you is always emotional when you come to the point that you have 'your' answers. It also makes sense that you don't feel the need to add or research, because you are satisfied with your opinion until something new comes in that may cause you to rethink, at least that's what happens to me. ITA it is hard! After the first case I followed, I said "never again", next case the same, and so on and so on. :banghead:

ETA - Doesn't mean your opinion will be right though when all is said & done. ;)
I wonder if LE could question MR about things he said on the show? Like bring him in and go through the show with him stopping at important points and asking him to explain. Like when he said 'behind the scenes'?
The problem with questioning him is you can't ever get a straight answer! They must be so frustrated!!
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