CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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Can someone link the CR texts again? I can't find them anymore.

ETA: Oops just caught up and saw someone else asked about the link. I'd really like to see the texts again.
BBM - do you have a link to where it says he called her? I've been looking and looking but so far all I can find is that he texted her. I know he said "ER said we should call the Sheriff" which implies they talked, but I know a lot of people who use "said" for something said verbally or via a text.

As to the Marshall I agree with those who've said they're probably using the terms somewhat interchangeably. I also agree it's possible he didn't even actually go into the Marshall's office though - seems that would be easy enough to verify? I'd think they would document or report it somehow? Interesting side note for those who wonder if he reads here/knows what's being said here (or maybe he's getting it from FB?) - I also noticed on Dr. Phil he used the term "law enforcement" at least once, maybe twice - I think it was the first time I've heard him say it that way as opposed to police, marshall, etc.

No, I didn't mean "call" I meant "texted" Sorry about that I am kind of far behind, maybe you all already addressed this. I can't keep up! Sorry!
Hmmm all the talk about child support and his visit to the divorce attorney, plus the date on the check (if that is true, I'm unclear on if that's rumor) got me wondering, if he told his attorney something regarding what happened to Dylan, would he/she be obligated or even allowed to tell LE? Or if he asked suspicious questions like "if Dylan dies, how does the child support work?"

I believe for medical care including mental health the doctor / therapist has to report it if they feel that the person is a threat to themselves or others, but is that true with a lawyer? What if a crime already happened and the person told the lawyer about it to get an idea how it impacted their legal situation? The person wouldn't really be a threat anymore in that case since the harm's already been done.

I did a quick Google search but all I could find was that the attorney/client privilege may not apply if it's to prevent a crime. I couldn't find much about what it means if the client confesses to a crime that has already happened.

I'm not suggesting sleuthing the attorney, and I know this is probably grasping at straws anyway, but I wonder if he told his attorney more about what actually happened?

from what I understand, if you're about to commit a crime, privilege does not apply. If you already have, it does.
I have some presumptions about MR's intentions toward Elaine, but I don't think he actually believed he would be able to "get back together" with her, rather, it is more likely his male ego was part of the equation.
I can see him thinking that Elaine would come running to him when she realized Dylan was missing. She didn't. Not only that, she brought MH when she returned to Vallecito. I think he knew she was traveling with MH very early on, thus the blocked phone. I think this all enraged MR. I don't believe he was thinking about this as a "couple" reconciliation, but rather something that would bring her to him. She would be at his side. "They" would be together as parents. He could thumb his nose at MH, as in, ha ha, we are Dylan's parents, you aren't. Childish, but let's get real...MR has shown he is very childish. This was a game to him. Part of the winning would have been him being with Elaine with MH on the outside. "They" would be together in that sense. He would be in charge. He would be able to "comfort" her. When that didn't happen, I believe he went into rage overdrive. The man has serious power and control issues. After that was when we first started seeing the snarky, nasty, bad mom comments and insinuations. She wouldn't play his game. She kept MH close and didn't allow MR in her personal space. She sent him a message...."I am done with you, no matter what. I will deal with this situation with the man I love, not you." And he couldn't handle that.

ok, so following the theory that MR thought DR being missing would in some way bring ER and MR closer together, then what? Does DR reappear safe? Do they find him together, deceased? Does MR make an attempt on ER's life?
HAHA, I was thinking the very same thing. Him trying to bat his eyes
and be all smooth and them just reeling him in.

Mark Redwine was a very handsome man in his younger years, imho. In the beginning of the video store interview, when he giggled, shuffled, and looked down, I can imagine that behavior made him charming and non-threatening to women years ago. I wonder how Mark would handle a good cop, bad cop female duo?
Hmmm all the talk about child support and his visit to the divorce attorney, plus the date on the check (if that is true, I'm unclear on if that's rumor) got me wondering, if he told his attorney something regarding what happened to Dylan, would he/she be obligated or even allowed to tell LE? Or if he asked suspicious questions like "if Dylan dies, how does the child support work?"

I believe for medical care including mental health the doctor / therapist has to report it if they feel that the person is a threat to themselves or others, but is that true with a lawyer? What if a crime already happened and the person told the lawyer about it to get an idea how it impacted their legal situation? The person wouldn't really be a threat anymore in that case since the harm's already been done.

I did a quick Google search but all I could find was that the attorney/client privilege may not apply if it's to prevent a crime. I couldn't find much about what it means if the client confesses to a crime that has already happened.

I'm not suggesting sleuthing the attorney, and I know this is probably grasping at straws anyway, but I wonder if he told his attorney more about what actually happened?

what's with the date on the check? I missed something.
About the date on the check, I'm not sure. I have seen it referenced on here a few times but I'm not aware of a link for it, which is why I said I wasn't sure if it was a rumor. It may be in one of the threads I had to skim through quickly though. I'll dig deeper on that and see what I can find.

On your second point, that was my thinking too. For some reason it didn't even occur to me until today that it is possible he went to his attorney and told him or her that Dylan was taken or no longer alive, and that he was involved and seeking advice on what to do. It could've just been a basic visit to sign paperwork or file a new motion or something, but I know people have questioned why he'd do that practically first thing in the morning on the first day of his son's visit. Could that be a possible reason? (rhetorical question)

It's just a new thought to throw out there. Speculation, MOO, and maybe not that helpful though. :(

If you only see something mention as being a fact here on WS but not backed up by a MSM link, then it's a rumor.

Personally, I have know idea why Mark went to see his attorney on Monday morning and therefore I can't draw any conclusions from that visit.
Mark Redwine was a very handsome man in his younger years, imho. In the beginning of the video store interview, when he giggled, shuffled, and looked down, I can imagine that behavior made him charming and non-threatening to women years ago. I wonder how Mark would handle a good cop, bad cop female duo?

I thought your username was Cattlecake, and with the picture of the bulls I thought it was referring to patties of cow dung. (something Col. Potter on MASH would say). :what:
Now I see it's CattleKate. no offense :)
If you only see something mention as being a fact here on WS but not backed up by a MSM link, then it's a rumor.

Personally, I have know idea why Mark went to see his attorney on Monday morning and therefore I can't draw any conclusions from that visit.

And I would imagine if that visit had anything to do with any of the aforementioned scenarios, that lawyer would have insisted he hire him or another lawyer on the spot and from what MR's been doing, I do not believe has hired a lawyer to represent him. MOOOO
the truth is, a dead person can "indicate" and "communicate" as in they can make it clear they are not moving, going anywhere or talking. A dead person can indicate they are not going with you. but they can't talk, hear, or make a motion.
I am stuck laughing and agreeing with you at the same time. It brings to mind the "Pet Rock" where you would tell it to stay, and when it didn't move "Good boy". I must have reached that point where it the situation is so unfortunate, I start to laugh at odd things. (You should see our family when we have to pick out a coffin...we joke at everything. Most people here would think we were completely bonkers, but it is just how we deal amongst ourselves.)
what's with the date on the check? I missed something.

I saw this on FMDR, so it's a rumor per family; Am I allowed to paraphrase it? The only CS payment MR gave since the change in Child support arrangement, was a check post-dated the day Dylan went missing. Delete if this violates TOS.
Mark Redwine was a very handsome man in his younger years, imho. In the beginning of the video store interview, when he giggled, shuffled, and looked down, I can imagine that behavior made him charming and non-threatening to women years ago. I wonder how Mark would handle a good cop, bad cop female duo?

Cagney & Lacey?
And I would imagine if that visit had anything to do with any of the aforementioned scenarios, that lawyer would have insisted he hire him or another lawyer on the spot and from what MR's been doing, I do not believe has hired a lawyer to represent him. MOOOO

I have no idea if Mark would follow that advice if it was given.

I have seen in other cases were it's suggested that only a guilty parent hires a lawyer in a missing child case and that an innocent parent would not need one because they would have nothing to hide.
How difficult would it be, really, for LE to get a subpoena for an unedited version of the shows? I hope it would be fairly simple and quick and that LE has been studying it already for a week or more.

Dont you think LE had someone there to watch this show? I cant imagine that they would not want a front row seat!
I saw this on FMDR, so it's a rumor per family; Am I allowed to paraphrase it? The only CS payment MR gave since the change in Child support arrangement, was a check post-dated the day Dylan went missing. Delete if this violates TOS.

wow. that's a slap in the face.
from what I understand, if you're about to commit a crime, privilege does not apply. If you already have, it does.

My understanding is that if you do confess to your attorney, they can't defend you if you want to plead not-guilty. They can either try to get you a good plea deal or suggest a different attorney. It would be illegal for them to support perjury, and could end up being your cell mate! MOO
If you only see something mention as being a fact here on WS but not backed up by a MSM link, then it's a rumor.

Personally, I have know idea why Mark went to see his attorney on Monday morning and therefore I can't draw any conclusions from that visit.

Well he went to his payroll office and then went to his lawyer so I would think
just maybe that rumor is true. I read that same rumor and FWIW I tend to believe it but thats just my take on things.
My understanding is that if you do confess to your attorney, they can't defend you if you want to plead not-guilty. They can either try to get you a good plea deal or suggest a different attorney. It would be illegal for them to support perjury, and could end up being your cell mate! MOO

Could be . I used to work for a criminal attorney that did not ask and did not want to be told whether or not the clients were guilty.
My understanding is that if you do confess to your attorney, they can't defend you if you want to plead not-guilty. They can either try to get you a good plea deal or suggest a different attorney. It would be illegal for them to support perjury, and could end up being your cell mate! MOO

So your saying that when a guilty person pleads not guilty and he tells his attorney the truth about his guilt, then his attorney must try for a plea agreement or quit?

I'm not sure about that.
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