CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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Not sure if this has been posted earlier, but I came across this page that has as much weather info on it as you could need for one day, and it archives so there is information there for the 18th November. It goes hour by hour if you scroll down far enough.....Thought it might be of some assistance for those who understand this type of information.
I truly believe the Feds responded as quickly as they did due to Dylan's cell phone ceasing communications with the area cell tower that previous Sunday night.

MR reported Dylan as being missing that following morning between 7:30 and 11:30 am, But once the cell records were obtained, Law Enforcement realized this was more than just a missing child.

BBM - did LE release something about the pings for the bolded that Salem asked you for last time you were posting it? I don't recall seeing anything. Thanks

We don't know that the cell phone stopped pinging. We would VERY MUCH like to know that information. We would like to exactly when it stopped pinging and exactly which tower was last pinged. As far as I know, that information has not been released. All we know right know is that Dylan stopped communicating.

As soon as LE releases something about the pings, please link it if possible.



[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39[/ame]
This is the first time I've had problems for more than a few minutes, and it's really bad.

Tonight is the first time in at least a week that I haven't had loading problems. It seems to be worse in the wee small hours (for me in EST). I thought at first that maybe routine updates, maintenance, maybe ad changes were done in low traffic periods. But sometimes, it's in the daytime, too. Sometimes, it just won't load period and I give up, Tonight, though, good for me.
BBM - did LE release something about the pings for the bolded that Salem asked you for last time you were posting it? I don't recall seeing anything. Thanks

We don't know that the cell phone stopped pinging. We would VERY MUCH like to know that information. We would like to exactly when it stopped pinging and exactly which tower was last pinged. As far as I know, that information has not been released. All we know right know is that Dylan stopped communicating.

As soon as LE releases something about the pings, please link it if possible.



Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39

Actually - Ronald and I communicated (is that a MR word???) about this.

Ronald's point is that "no activity" means "no pings" and its a valid point and he can interpret the info we have to mean that. So... a link isn't required.

"No activity" could mean that Dylan's activity stopped; all incoming/outgoing activity stopped; or that everything stopped, including pings.

So... it is a matter of interpretation. And with the little info that LE is giving us, I think interpreting many different ways, allows for more discussion of different possibilities.

Hope that helps,

I'm bringing this over from the previous thread:
Just want to ask more experienced websleuthers here....I have always believed harm came to Dylan immediately at the hands of MR. However, as of late (probably the dreaded Dr Phil effect) I have this horrible resignation about it all. Kind of like there is no way I could pretend to entertain any other possibility at all. It feels like a real loss of hope but also like a door closing in my brain. Does this happen with other people in other cases? Do I have tunnel vision? Fatigue? Or just a great big dose of reality? I would like to say it was watching Elaine on the Dr Phil show that cemented this feeling, but its been growing for awhile. Only lately is it so final to me. As such, I don't feel like I have alot to add or research or say and that stymies me. Anyone else? Is this what 42 threads feels like? Thanks in Advance. No matter what happens with Dylan, I'd like to stick around WS but this is *hard*.

I apologize for not doing it correctly. Rebecaeee, what you are feeling IMO is normal. This has hit everyone hard, regardless of the connestion and we are clearly passionate about our feelings and about our theories. It's easy to watch on the news, see a news article, what have you. But when you live it and breathe it 24/7 it takes a toll. This, what you are experiencing, is exactly what LE is experiencing, what the family is experiencing. That's why I am so passionate about their abilities (LE). These are moms & dads that hurt just like us. This, all of this mess, is what ER is feeling, it's what the extended family is feeling.

I, for what my limited exposure is, appreciate knowing that there are people like you out there that really do care. You all have been amazing in your abilities. Yes, I disagree, but that is ok, we can do that. Yes, I don't like the graphic, but that's up to me. Rebeccaeee, you are an amazing person, the passion and dedication you have shown is to be admired. All the dedication here is amazing and is admired.

I'm rambling, I just want you to know that you are feeling these thoughts, this pain, because you are a compassionate person. I thank you and everyone here for that.

normally I would say that I, you, we, us is not specific. This time I have to say that I is me, you, we, us - it's specific to all the amazing people here, whether I agree with them or not, you ALL are amazing and I personally appreciate it.
azgrandma - we appreciate you also.

I know it is very difficult for family members to participate here sometimes, because we ask a lot of questions and we turn the puzzle pieces around and around, till even the posters get frustrated. And yes, things get graphic and some opinions don't mesh with others. But our sleuths are really good and even when they pretty much have it figured out, they generally don't stop there. They keep examining and reexamining - and that's a good thing, even though it can be very difficult at times, especially for family members.

And you have been a tremendous help - providing us with insight and background that we wouldn't have had without you. That's really important and we all appreciate that.


FT - you would need to copy/paste it, I think. I don't think you can quote it anymore?

I'm bringing this over from the previous thread:
Just want to ask more experienced websleuthers here....I have always believed harm came to Dylan immediately at the hands of MR. However, as of late (probably the dreaded Dr Phil effect) I have this horrible resignation about it all. Kind of like there is no way I could pretend to entertain any other possibility at all. It feels like a real loss of hope but also like a door closing in my brain. Does this happen with other people in other cases? Do I have tunnel vision? Fatigue? Or just a great big dose of reality? I would like to say it was watching Elaine on the Dr Phil show that cemented this feeling, but its been growing for awhile. Only lately is it so final to me. As such, I don't feel like I have alot to add or research or say and that stymies me. Anyone else? Is this what 42 threads feels like? Thanks in Advance. No matter what happens with Dylan, I'd like to stick around WS but this is *hard*.

I apologize for not doing it correctly. Rebecaeee, what you are feeling IMO is normal. This has hit everyone hard, regardless of the connestion and we are clearly passionate about our feelings and about our theories. It's easy to watch on the news, see a news article, what have you. But when you live it and breathe it 24/7 it takes a toll. This, what you are experiencing, is exactly what LE is experiencing, what the family is experiencing. That's why I am so passionate about their abilities (LE). These are moms & dads that hurt just like us. This, all of this mess, is what ER is feeling, it's what the extended family is feeling.

I, for what my limited exposure is, appreciate knowing that there are people like you out there that really do care. You all have been amazing in your abilities. Yes, I disagree, but that is ok, we can do that. Yes, I don't like the graphic, but that's up to me. Rebeccaeee, you are an amazing person, the passion and dedication you have shown is to be admired. All the dedication here is amazing and is admired.

I'm rambling, I just want you to know that you are feeling these thoughts, this pain, because you are a compassionate person. I thank you and everyone here for that.

normally I would say that I, you, we, us is not specific. This time I have to say that I is me, you, we, us - it's specific to all the amazing people here, whether I agree with them or not, you ALL are amazing and I personally appreciate it.

Thank you AZGrandma for all that you've done to help find Dylan. And, thank you for shedding some light on the past to help all of us understand the incomprehensible nature of Dylan's disappearance. You are a warrior, along with Elaine and Cory (as are many of Dylan's family/friends, I'm sure). My heart is heavy for you.
Ugh just lost a whole post...Ws is really acting up for me, all week, but tonight is the worst.

My sense of resignation is coming from a feeling not so much about MR, but that we might never know what happened to Dylan. I can't think of many missing kids who were found after four months (other than the few who were notably found alive) as this case feels more like those with the children still missing, IMO, i.e. Kyron, Ayla, the two Haileys, etc...

Just getting very down about the chances of Dylan being found at all. And so very little from LE makes it seem worse, somehow, even though logically I know they are working every day.
BBM - did LE release something about the pings for the bolded that Salem asked you for last time you were posting it? I don't recall seeing anything. Thanks

We don't know that the cell phone stopped pinging. We would VERY MUCH like to know that information. We would like to exactly when it stopped pinging and exactly which tower was last pinged. As far as I know, that information has not been released. All we know right know is that Dylan stopped communicating.

As soon as LE releases something about the pings, please link it if possible.



Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39

It's been explained already, the word communication is not referring to Dylan using the cell phone.

A cell phone electronically communicates with the tower every so many seconds silently, as long as a cell phone is turned on, The word pinging or communicating is the same.

Dylan's cell phone quit communicating Sunday night November 18 2012, and the cell phone itself has never regained communications with any cell tower since the night of November 18 2012, it's confusing the word communicating, it's just I've always used that instead of pinging.

It's quite obvious if Dylan's cell phone was still connecting with a tower, everyone would not be questioning why.
It's been explained already, the word communication is not referring to Dylan using the cell phone.

A cell phone electronically communicates with the tower every so many seconds silently, as long as a cell phone is turned on, The word pinging or communicating is the same.

Dylan's cell phone quit communicating Sunday night November 18 2012, and the cell phone itself has never regained communications with any cell tower since the night of November 18 2012, it's confusing the word communicating, it's just I've always used that instead of pinging.

It's quite obvious if Dylan's cell phone was still connecting with a tower, everyone would not be questioning why.

My only problem with that interpretation is that it's been said a couple times (yes, I'll look for links) that Bender said the activity stopped Sunday night, but he wasn't going to comment on the pings. MOO
It's been explained already, the word communication is not referring to Dylan using the cell phone.

A cell phone electronically communicates with the tower every so many seconds silently, as long as a cell phone is turned on, The word pinging or communicating is the same.

Dylan's cell phone quit communicating Sunday night November 18 2012, and the cell phone itself has never regained communications with any cell tower since the night of November 18 2012, it's confusing the word communicating, it's just I've always used that instead of pinging.

It's quite obvious if Dylan's cell phone was still connecting with a tower, everyone would not be questioning why.

Thank you for sharing your interpretation with me, Ronald. I appreciate it.

I'm absolutely baffled by this sudden flurry of posts surrounding it.



My personal opinion is that it is irrelevant to the fact that MR states that "for some reason" his having gone to the Marshal office in person to personally get that ball rolling on his youngest son having vanished into thin air, therefor bringing in LE to aid in finding Dylan..."for some reason" the Sheriff's dept with whom Elaine was speaking with reporting her son missing, and therefor getting that ball rolling ASAP while she, Cory, and Mike could make that road trip to La Plata Co from Colorado Springs.. LE had no knowledge of Dylan's being a concern of being "missing" or that MR had contacted any LE, Marshals or otherwise, my question is just why is that?...why is it that according to Mark Redwine, himself there was some, unknown reason that LE were completely unaware and had nothing at all indicating that Mark Redwine had supposedly gone to the Marshal office to seek help for his missing son and/or report him missing????

IMO that is what is curious regarding this specific issue of Elaine and/or Mark's initial contact w/ LE seeking their immediate assistance in their son being missing...but jmo.

Elaine is blindsided with an inquiry from her ex husband asking does she possibly know where their son Dylan is, or has she spoken with him when quite obviously she was almost 6hours away and was under the assumption that her son was in the care of his father on a court ordered, IMO blindsided is really an understatement, again jmo, tho.

So, here she is blindsided by this inquiry and eventual realization that her son was MISSING and as she stated picks up Cory and Mike and they're on the road to La Plata Co.. Mom, Elaine WAAAAAAAY PRIOR TO EVEN GETTING THERE(as in many hours PRIOR) IS IMMEDIATELY REACHING OUT FOR LE ASSISTANCE IN REPORTING HER SON MISSING AND HAVING THEM AID IN FINDING HIM ASAP..

STRICTLY MOO but I would not ask, think, expect, or even hope for her to have taken a better, more efficient route than she did in her IMMEDIATELY SEEKING OUT LE ASSISTANCE.. so, just me but IMO its not at all Elaine's actions that I find to be curious...

IMO if anything its Mark's...and how is it we even know??...due to Mark making an absolute point of almost immediately(Of course it was Elaine who took that very, first, immediate precedence of Topic by Mark) out of the shoot he directs the "interview" with MB to this issue of there being some unknown, mysterious reason/cause that LE did NOT have any indication whatsoever of Mark's having sought out LE assistance via the Marshals, or of Mark having reporting or even spoken to the Marshals about his son at all..yes, according to Mark Redwine, himself for some odd, strange reason LE did not have any knowledge of Mark having even made contact, period with the Marshals on Monday, November 19...

IMO I find that to be quite curious and its just my opinion and nada damn thing more, that Mark made certain to put this particular info/detail out there to the world via the media...jmo, tho..

So, imo if anything is curious, suspicious, etc regarding one of these parents initial contact with LE seeking immediate help in finding their missing son...well, IMO its Mark's, not Elaine's.

just all my little, ol' opinion, tho and nothing else...

**for reference MR's statements regarding this issue are in the KUSA uncut interview with Melissa Blasius**
It's been explained already, the word communication is not referring to Dylan using the cell phone.

A cell phone electronically communicates with the tower every so many seconds silently, as long as a cell phone is turned on, The word pinging or communicating is the same.

Dylan's cell phone quit communicating Sunday night November 18 2012, and the cell phone itself has never regained communications with any cell tower since the night of November 18 2012, it's confusing the word communicating, it's just I've always used that instead of pinging.

It's quite obvious if Dylan's cell phone was still connecting with a tower, everyone would not be questioning why.

For me, from a criminal and analytical perspective, I have always believed Dylan left this world on 11/18/12.

But, reading those words, my heart just went THUD. Now, I feel it and I have no doubt.

With that, I must say good night.
Ugh just lost a whole post...Ws is really acting up for me, all week, but tonight is the worst.

My sense of resignation is coming from a feeling not so much about MR, but that we might never know what happened to Dylan. I can't think of many missing kids who were found after four months (other than the few who were notably found alive) as this case feels more like those with the children still missing, IMO, i.e. Kyron, Ayla, the two Haileys, etc...

Just getting very down about the chances of Dylan being found at all. And so very little from LE makes it seem worse, somehow, even though logically I know they are working every day.

When I attempt to write or post, my screen is jumping, it's acting really strange tonight.

Anyway, after watching MR almost breaking down on the Dr Phil show, I really felt he was getting ready to confess, if Law Enforcement had actually been interrogating MR, I fill he would be incarcerated at this very moment.

MR appeared very scared at moments concerning the polygraph test, I'm actually surprised he didn't fall to the floor complaining of chest pains.

MR convinced me from his own actions on the Dr Phil show he's responsible.

I can only imagine how MR reacted when Law Enforcement conducted the polygraph test, there's been talk floating around that the FBI has wanted to conduct a polygraph test, I'm curious if this could have been the reason MR reached out to an attorney, it's possible he was seeking advice on avoiding the follow up test with Law Enforcement.

My personal opinion is that it is irrelevant to the fact that MR states that "for some reason" his having gone to the Marshal office in person to personally get that ball rolling on his youngest son having vanished into thin air, therefor bringing in LE to aid in finding Dylan..."for some reason" the Sheriff's dept with whom Elaine was speaking with reporting her son missing, and therefor getting that ball rolling ASAP while she, Cory, and Mike could make that road trip to La Plata Co from Colorado Springs.. LE had no knowledge of Dylan's being a concern of being "missing" or that MR had contacted any LE, Marshals or otherwise, my question is just why is that?...why is it that according to Mark Redwine, himself there was some, unknown reason that LE were completely unaware and had nothing at all indicating that Mark Redwine had supposedly gone to the Marshal office to seek help for his missing son and/or report him missing????

IMO that is what is curious regarding this specific issue of Elaine and/or Mark's initial contact w/ LE seeking their immediate assistance in their son being missing...but jmo.

Elaine is blindsided with an inquiry from her ex husband asking does she possibly know where their son Dylan is, or has she spoken with him when quite obviously she was almost 6hours away and was under the assumption that her son was in the care of his father on a court ordered, IMO blindsided is really an understatement, again jmo, tho.

So, here she is blindsided by this inquiry and eventual realization that her son was MISSING and as she stated picks up Cory and Mike and they're on the road to La Plata Co.. Mom, Elaine WAAAAAAAY PRIOR TO EVEN GETTING THERE(as in many hours PRIOR) IS IMMEDIATELY REACHING OUT FOR LE ASSISTANCE IN REPORTING HER SON MISSING AND HAVING THEM AID IN FINDING HIM ASAP..

STRICTLY MOO but I would not ask, think, expect, or even hope for her to have taken a better, more efficient route than she did in her IMMEDIATELY SEEKING OUT LE ASSISTANCE.. so, just me but IMO its not at all Elaine's actions that I find to be curious...

IMO if anything its Mark's...and how is it we even know??...due to Mark making an absolute point of almost immediately(Of course it was Elaine who took that very, first, immediate precedence of Topic by Mark) out of the shoot he directs the "interview" with MB to this issue of there being some unknown, mysterious reason/cause that LE did NOT have any indication whatsoever of Mark's having sought out LE assistance via the Marshals, or of Mark having reporting or even spoken to the Marshals about his son at all..yes, according to Mark Redwine, himself for some odd, strange reason LE did not have any knowledge of Mark having even made contact, period with the Marshals on Monday, November 19...

IMO I find that to be quite curious and its just my opinion and nada damn thing more, that Mark made certain to put this particular info/detail out there to the world via the media...jmo, tho..

So, imo if anything is curious, suspicious, etc regarding one of these parents initial contact with LE seeking immediate help in finding their missing son...well, IMO its Mark's, not Elaine's.

just all my little, ol' opinion, tho and nothing else...

**for reference MR's statements regarding this issue are in the KUSA uncut interview with Melissa Blasius**

yup. I agree totally. Er has said she was always afraid MR would hurt one of her kids, so I think it popped in her head right away due to that constant threat and fear. I think she fully believed they'd find him right away and that it would never go on this long. that MR couldn't really hurt DR to this extent. I think ER will find Dr. I don't think she'll ever stop actively looking, bringing in expert help. I think MR wants him found too, I guess that's why I think he'll be found.
I don't want to belabor this point. (However, I'm doing just that, aren't I?)

IMO there is nothing inconsistent in ER's comments about calling the Sheriff's office. MR's comments seem a little more suspect, because of the hours of operation (see below).(IMO)

In a couple of the interviews ER said MR called her around 3:30/4:00 pm. At that time the Marshall's office was closed. She lived there long enough to know that. Also, based on the number of employees for SO vs. MO, the likelihood of having someone immediately available from the SO seems higher. It seems logical that she would tell MR to contact the Sherriff’s office.

MR said he called ER from the MO. Maybe... (JMO) But if he did, I don't think he told ER that. Because she said in an interview with NG that she(ER) called the Sheriff's office and she did not know if MR had done that at that point, or not.

Only the Marshall's office knows when and whether MR contacted them. Has there been any statement from the Marshall’s office? The Sherriff’s office made a comment that MR contacted them around six. But I haven’t seen anything from the Marshall’s Office that says MR contacted them at all.

MR said that the Marshall’s office was slow in getting the information out. And that is why the Sherriff’s office had no idea that he had already contacted the Marshall’s office. 3 hours for the Marshall’s office to communicate? Boy, I find that hard to believe.

Posting this for reference:

La Plata County Sherrif's Office
742 Turner Dr.
Durango, CO 81303

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri

The La Plata County Sheriff's Office is a medium-sized agency of one hundred thirty one (131) employees. There are six (6) Divisions: Detentions, Public Safety, Special Services, Alternatives to Incarceration, Investigations and the Special Investigations Unit.
Bayfield Marshall's Office
1199 Bayfield Parkway
Bayfield, CO 81122

Hours: 9 am - 3 pm Monday - Friday

Phone: 970-884-9636
Emergency: 9-1-1
24-Hour dispatch: 385-2900
Fax: 970-884-2195
( 1 Chief Marshall)
(2 corporals, 3 deputies and 1 Admin. Secretary)
When I attempt to write or post, my screen is jumping, it's acting really strange tonight.

Anyway, after watching MR almost breaking down on the Dr Phil show, I really felt he was getting ready to confess, if Law Enforcement had actually been interrogating MR, I fill he would be incarcerated at this very moment.

MR appeared very scared at moments concerning the polygraph test, I'm actually surprised he didn't fall to the floor complaining of chest pains.

MR convinced me from his own actions on the Dr Phil show he's responsible.

I can only imagine how MR reacted when Law Enforcement conducted the polygraph test, there's been talk floating around that the FBI has wanted to conduct a polygraph test, I'm curious if this could have been the reason MR reached out to an attorney, it's possible he was seeking advice on avoiding the follow up test with Law Enforcement.

I totally agree. He was absolutely anguished on the show right before the polygraph. It was so obvious and such a give away. I can't believe he let himself show how averse he was to the polygraph. He offered to tell Dr Phil where DR was "behind the scenes" but DP didn't hear him. I think he's of two minds - one is ready to be caught and come clean, and the other is holding onto this charade.
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