CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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I don't want to belabor this point. (However, I'm doing just that, aren't I?)

IMO there is nothing inconsistent in ER's comments about calling the Sheriff's office. MR's comments seem a little more suspect, because of the hours of operation (see below).(IMO)

In a couple of the interviews ER said MR called her around 3:30/4:00 pm. At that time the Marshall's office was closed. She lived there long enough to know that. Also, based on the number of employees for SO vs. MO, the likelihood of having someone immediately available from the SO seems higher. It seems logical that she would tell MR to contact the Sherriff’s office.

MR said he called ER from the MO. Maybe... (JMO) But if he did, I don't think he told ER that. Because she said in an interview with NG that she(ER) called the Sheriff's office and she did not know if MR had done that at that point, or not.

Only the Marshall's office knows when and whether MR contacted them. Has there been any statement from the Marshall’s office? The Sherriff’s office made a comment that MR contacted them around six. But I haven’t seen anything from the Marshall’s Office that says MR contacted them at all.

MR said that the Marshall’s office was slow in getting the information out. And that is why the Sherriff’s office had no idea that he had already contacted the Marshall’s office. 3 hours for the Marshall’s office to communicate? Boy, I find that hard to believe.

Posting this for reference:

La Plata County Sherrif's Office
742 Turner Dr.
Durango, CO 81303

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri

The La Plata County Sheriff's Office is a medium-sized agency of one hundred thirty one (131) employees. There are six (6) Divisions: Detentions, Public Safety, Special Services, Alternatives to Incarceration, Investigations and the Special Investigations Unit.
Bayfield Marshall's Office
1199 Bayfield Parkway
Bayfield, CO 81122

Hours: 9 am - 3 pm Monday - Friday

Phone: 970-884-9636
Emergency: 9-1-1
24-Hour dispatch: 385-2900
Fax: 970-884-2195
( 1 Chief Marshall)
(2 corporals, 3 deputies and 1 Admin. Secretary)

thanks for the MO/SO info. I think IF MR went to the MO, he knew someone there. cronies.
My only problem with that interpretation is that it's been said a couple times (yes, I'll look for links) that Bender said the activity stopped Sunday night, but he wasn't going to comment on the pings. MOO

Here are some links related to pings. There are a couple more, but I'm too sleepy to dig them out of my bookmarks. I can look some more tomorrow if you haven't found what you're looking for.

Blasius/Elaine interview -

Melissa Blasius: And now, what impression were you given about his phone -- that it just at some point there was no blip from it anymore?

Elaine Redwine: Uh huh

Melissa Blasius The last blips were up at Vallecito Lake?

Elaine Redwine: Well, I don’t know about the blips. I know that the last texts were pretty early in the evening

Investigators say Dylan's cell phone has not sent out a signal since he vanished.

“There’s a combination of factors,” Bender said. “There’s been the passage of time without any sightings; Dylan was not a visitor but had friends here; he has a history of staying in contact with his family and friends; and there’s been nothing on his cellphone record since he was reported missing.”

Nancy Grace

BENDER: My understanding is -- and our investigators have checked his cell phone. Also, cell phones have GPS`s, so if they`re turned on, that gives a general location of the person. And we have been following up on those right along, and there`s been no activity on his phone whatsoever since Sunday evening sometime.

On November 26th, LE stated that Dylan's phone had only been turned off for several days -

The La Plata County Sheriff’s Department says the boy’s cell phone has been turned off for several days, and they can’t track it down.

National*public*radio CO Nov 26th - [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #39[/ame]
I totally agree. He was absolutely anguished on the show right before the polygraph. It was so obvious and such a give away. I can't believe he let himself show how averse he was to the polygraph. He offered to tell Dr Phil where DR was "behind the scenes" but DP didn't hear him. I think he's of two minds - one is ready to be caught and come clean, and the other is holding onto this charade.

Just wondering... Do you think DP really did not hear him? Or is there a possibility that with his experience, DP knew a diversionary tactic when he saw one and there was no way he was letting MR off the hook at that moment?
I don't want to belabor this point. (However, I'm doing just that, aren't I?)

IMO there is nothing inconsistent in ER's comments about calling the Sheriff's office. MR's comments seem a little more suspect, because of the hours of operation (see below).(IMO)

In a couple of the interviews ER said MR called her around 3:30/4:00 pm. At that time the Marshall's office was closed. She lived there long enough to know that. Also, based on the number of employees for SO vs. MO, the likelihood of having someone immediately available from the SO seems higher. It seems logical that she would tell MR to contact the Sherriff’s office.

MR said he called ER from the MO. Maybe... (JMO) But if he did, I don't think he told ER that. Because she said in an interview with NG that she(ER) called the Sheriff's office and she did not know if MR had done that at that point, or not.

Only the Marshall's office knows when and whether MR contacted them. Has there been any statement from the Marshall’s office? The Sherriff’s office made a comment that MR contacted them around six. But I haven’t seen anything from the Marshall’s Office that says MR contacted them at all.

MR said that the Marshall’s office was slow in getting the information out. And that is why the Sherriff’s office had no idea that he had already contacted the Marshall’s office. 3 hours for the Marshall’s office to communicate? Boy, I find that hard to believe.

Posting this for reference:

La Plata County Sherrif's Office
742 Turner Dr.
Durango, CO 81303

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri

The La Plata County Sheriff's Office is a medium-sized agency of one hundred thirty one (131) employees. There are six (6) Divisions: Detentions, Public Safety, Special Services, Alternatives to Incarceration, Investigations and the Special Investigations Unit.
Bayfield Marshall's Office
1199 Bayfield Parkway
Bayfield, CO 81122

Hours: 9 am - 3 pm Monday - Friday

Phone: 970-884-9636
Emergency: 9-1-1
24-Hour dispatch: 385-2900
Fax: 970-884-2195
( 1 Chief Marshall)
(2 corporals, 3 deputies and 1 Admin. Secretary)

Thanks for the info. I'm sure it'll help some people get things straighter in their heads, but it doesn't help with mine. My reason for questioning who ER called and when has nothing to do with looking for inconsistencies in her statements - there are plenty of them everywhere in this case, not just from one person. It's LE saying they weren't notified until 6 pm that has me baffled.

MR said he talked to RN shortly after 4pm (from the time on the text he sent to DR), and contacted ER right after that.
MR says he contacted ER and then went to the MO - or
MR says he contacted ER from the MO.

ER says that MR contacted her between 4:30 and 5:00 pm.
ER says she was on the road by 5:30 and she had immediately called the SO (in Durango).
ER says basically the same thing, except that she says she contacted the Bayfield police.
The Bayfield police are the MO.

From my understanding of how LE works, after living in enough smaller towns, if either of them contacted the MO, they should have explained that it wasn't their jurisdiction and told them to contact the SO in Durango. I don't remember either of them saying that, and MR makes it sound like MO took a report from him.

There's no doubt in my mind that if she had called the MO and was told to contact the SO instead, ER would have done it right away - which leads me to believe she contacted the SO in the first place.

My problem is : why does the SO say that nobody contacted them about him until 6:00? They and/or MO should have heard from both parents well before that.

There's probably a perfectly good explanation for it, but it's that kind of thing that drive me up the wall. How can you really get the facts straight when even they can't? :banghead:

Random post. I noticed while watching Dr. Phil again that Cory looks an awful lot like Mark did in the pictures when he was young and married to azgrandma. Anyone else see the resemblance??
Random post. I noticed while watching Dr. Phil again that Cory looks an awful lot like Mark did in the pictures when he was young and married to azgrandma. Anyone else see the resemblance??

I didn't want to say anything because I'm sure Cory doesn't care to hear that these days (not that he's likely to read here.) MOO
All MOO - I addressed my opinions on MR's actions during the Dr. Phil show earlier in this thread (page 3, iirc). I didn't however mention my impression of Dr. Phil's questioning backstage, as well as his questioning of MR with the polygraph expert.

If you really pay attention DP said something quite interesting to E and C as the 2nd half was wrapping up. He, of course, stated that on National Television he could not make any allegations, had no evidence, etc... It's important to remember that although DP worked as a forensic psychologist, his position as a talk-show host puts him in a different position. DP has to be very careful to avoid accusations of slander/libel when interviewing people in these cases.

IMO, I think it was pretty clear that DP truly does believe MR is not telling all he knows - by a long shot. The other thing that was quite telling to me is when DP mentioned that (paraphrasing) 'we've done all we can do right now, at least in this setting' (meaning on film, in the studio, without law enforcement perhaps having him in custody and pressuring him to speak, or a judge demanding another polygraph, etc...).

I think MR might just be close to his breaking point, but who knows. I think his actions when the spring thaw begins will be watched especially closely by LE, if he hasn't cracked before then.

The above, as always, is MOO.

ETA: It's a shame Dr. Phil couldn't have pushed for one more day of interviewing, etc... Unless, of course, there were things in the unedited version of the interviews that we haven't been privy to that nails MR on inconsistencies and such.
Just wondering... Do you think DP really did not hear him? Or is there a possibility that with his experience, DP knew a diversionary tactic when he saw one and there was no way he was letting MR off the hook at that moment?

My opinion is that DP thought MR was not really meaning he would "tell where Dylan is" behind the scene of the show. After all, this show was not live, it was being taped. If MR does ever tell what happened to Dylan - assuming he knows - it will fast become known to the public that MR was involved. MOO
My opinion is that DP thought MR was not really meaning he would "tell where Dylan is" behind the scene of the show. After all, this show was not live, it was being taped. If MR does ever tell what happened to Dylan - assuming he knows - it will fast become known to the public that MR was involved. MOO

It hurts me inside to Make this comment, From what myself and others viewed watching the Dr Phil show watching MR actions, I'm 110 percent positive he's done the ultimate act another person could do to someone, MR is basically in hiding since the show. MR actions on the show clearly demonstrated a guilty person that needs to explain his reasons for failing these polygraph test and avoiding future test.

MR could've taken the polygraph test, yet he faulted others, and the test was rescheduled for the following day _ So MR decides to invest in a bottle of Jim beam, there's no telling what all he did after the first day of taping once he left and returned to the hotel that evening __ all I know when MR showed up that second day ready to take the polygraph test, the Excuses and fear was once again prevailing __ MR was about to pass out from not only fear, but whatever conscience has slowly been eating away at him.

MR i fill positive will eventually be arrested, unlike other missing child cases where i also thought the parent would be arrested and nothing ever happened, this case has red flags that MR won't be able to evade prosecution and eventually incarceration :jail:
Tonight is the first time in at least a week that I haven't had loading problems. It seems to be worse in the wee small hours (for me in EST). I thought at first that maybe routine updates, maintenance, maybe ad changes were done in low traffic periods. But sometimes, it's in the daytime, too. Sometimes, it just won't load period and I give up, Tonight, though, good for me.

I have had problems for the last 3 days! And its only Websleuths no other sites!
Another day with no new news and no positive outcome . I am beyond frustrated at this stage and so I dread to think how Elaine and her family are coping at this stage .

IMO it is quite clear what has happened but without any kind of proof or evidence then its going to remain in this stagnant stage .

:cow: :cow:
In the uncut video with MB , MR says that he called ER from the Marshall's office. He says that ER called the sheriffs office. He then goes on to explain that there must have been some kind of lag in communication, because when she called the sherriff's office they hadnt heard from the marshall's office and didn't know anything about it. In this part of the video, MR seems to be explaining some possible discrepancy. It's in that video. I'm too tired to find the exact spot.

He did not call her from the Marshals office.
He spoke to Elaine and said someting like maybe we should call the sheriff and she did. If i remember correctly he didnt notify the marshalls till 6 pm or so.
I see nothing inconsistent in ER's calling "police" or SO. Most people refer to both as police because they are. MOO
Another day with no new news and no positive outcome . I am beyond frustrated at this stage and so I dread to think how Elaine and her family are coping at this stage .

IMO it is quite clear what has happened but without any kind of proof or evidence then its going to remain in this stagnant stage .

:cow: :cow:

For now its a waiting game!
Hes not going to tell anyone what happend.
He knows (IMO) that as long as he remains silent hes free!

Unfortunately this is a man that can live with what hes done!
I see nothing inconsistent in ER's calling "police" or SO. Most people refer to both as police because they are. MOO

I agree!

Here in our area we have the sheriff and the police.
As I see there they have sheriff and the Marshals.

She called the sheriff and he later went to the marshalls office!
Why didnt he call 911?
He did not call her from the Marshals office.
He spoke to Elaine and said someting like maybe we should call the sheriff and she did. If i remember correctly he didnt notify the marshalls till 6 pm or so.

IIRC it was ER who said they needed to contact the sheriffs office, she then called them herself.

MR contacted the Marshalls office about 6pm, and has said that there was some delay in the Marshalls office relaying the info to the sheriffs office.
IIRC it was ER who said they needed to contact the sheriffs office, she then called them herself.

MR contacted the Marshalls office about 6pm, and has said that there was some delay in the Marshalls office relaying the info to the sheriffs office.

I think hes trying to make it seem he called LE sooner than he had.
I dont think he was going to call at all.
I think hes trying to make it seem he called LE sooner than he had.
I dont think he was going to call at all.

I tend to agree.

I think what he wanted was ER to go to him, not for her to contact LE. She didn't fall into his trap.

remember his comment about ER 'making this more than it needs be' he really wasn't a happy chappy that LE were involved.
I tend to agree.

I think what he wanted was ER to go to him, not for her to contact LE. She didn't fall into his trap.

remember his comment about ER 'making this more than it needs be' he really wasn't a happy chappy that LE were involved.

Agreed I said that long ago!
He thought she would run there thinking oh no here we go again!

I wonder what would have happend?

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