CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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In my opinion theres a big difference the 2 circumstances.Its easy to forget to charge your phone when your out drinking,and tired and not really using it that much.But that phone was Dyans only connection to the people he REALLY cared about who he was miles and miles away from.He wasn't drinking and just forgot.I just don't think he would have let his phone die.
It would be interesting to know how long he had the phone and how old the battery was.

Has his Mom talked about this? She would know his phone habits best . Did he run out of charge frequently at home? Not unusual for kids.

You would think in an area with such a small population LE would be able to find those two boys so they could definitively rule out the sighting. I wonder if they ever had the area schools send out a notice to the students and parents asking for the boys or their parents to contact them.

I was just thinking the same thing! It got me wondering about the population info for Vallecito so I tried to Google it. I didn't have much luck but I did find info for Bayfield I think Vallecito is technically considered part of Bayfield if I'm understanding correctly, but from following this story I have gotten the feeling that Bayfield is the nearest "big" town. And the population in 2012 was only about 2,300! How many of those were young teenage boys, living in or often visiting the Vallecito area? It seems like it's got to be a miniscule number.

I also found this - more than you ever wanted to know about the Vallecito Lake area :) Interestingly it says that there's no real formal boundary for what's considered Vallecito. I assume if you live there it's probably a little more obvious what's considered Vallecito and what's considered Bayfield or other small towns.

I keep remembering too that there are a lot of vacation rentals in the Vallecito area and it was a holiday week... I wonder what the odds are of a kid who looks somewhat like Dylan being there with his family in a rental that week? And maybe the mail carrier saw him? She couldn't have seen him all that often, so I can see it being pretty easy to mix him up with another similar looking kid, especially if she didn't talk to him or see him up pretty closely.

ETA: sorry Cheese, I know the majority of this isn't directly related to your post - I got kind of sidetracked with the population question earlier, and your post reminded me of it again.
I would want to know how the mail carrier knew Dylan, when she had last seen him, what caused her to identify him (hair color, did she see his face etc) and what if anything she knew about the other boy.

If these "investigative reporters" would ever ask any questions instead of just restating press releases maybe some of this would be known!!

Sorry, ranting a bit there. Not aimed at WSers, just feeling frustration that this boy isn't home :(
Are there any steadfast rules that govern a "confirmed" sighting of a missing person vs an "unconfirmed" sighting?

I can understand a sighting being ruled out because the person who was sighted was found and they were not the person who was missing.

In my opinion, I would want LE to verify that the person that was sighted was someone other than the missing person before I disregard the reported sighting.

Has LE said that they have ruled out all reported sightings of Dylan, or have they said that they have no "confirmed" sightings? How does LE qualify what a "confirmed" sighting means?
The link leads to a post report.

Oh carp, sorry. I clicked on the wrong thing.

Here is the right one.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - LA LA- Terrilynn Monette, 26, New Orleans, 2 March 2013[/ame]
The link leads to a post report.

Thanks btw, I am still trying to learn stuff around here. I mean to click on the numbers. I never looked at the page I copied, even though I had found the post. Sorta newbie stil, even with over 2k posts.
Thank TXJan for all the links. Again, it seems so vague as to who and how the sighting of the postal worker was ruled out.

Also, it sounds like the reported sightings from the searchers in the beginning, of Dylan running away may have influenced LE opinion in the first day or so.

I saw the FMDR facebook admin say it was dismissed or whatever, but that's considered rumor because it's facebook. When I was going through articles tonight I saw one where Elaine said she dismissed all the sightings, but that's Elaine and not LE. It was very early on, like day 5. I was surprised because from the cases I've followed it seems moms hold on to sightings even after they're ruled out.

I haven't seen LE say they dismissed or ruled out the postal worker sighting. Only that it's not confirmed.

I agree with regular workers getting to know the people. How often do your children visit you? You also speak with that person from time to time. If your children live with you, then this delivery person has seen them several times over the past 3 mths. IMO, your situation is a lot different than someone seeing a child that hadn't been there for three months and even then it was for a short time.

Yes my boys live with me :) They don't necessarily talk to the delivery guy - I mention them myself in conversation, and usually call them out to help haul in bottles. I know it's been stated that MR didn't see Dylan very often, but that's open to interpretation unless I have missed some info. My boys see their dad every two weeks these days, and I don't consider that to be very often either.

I thought Dylan had been there in September? Even if he was there only once every month or two, if the mail carrier had been on the job for a while she probably knew him well enough to recognise at least IMO

I feel kind of bad for the woman anyway - she offered some information as soon as she heard Dylan was missing. No doubt she was trying to help out and reporting what she thought she saw. Just another frustrating aspect of this case really - I think we are all hoping that something... anything will pan out and give some concrete clues.
Is there any verification that LE is just now asking for these boys to come forward? Or just rumors?

All FMDR admin said (paraphrased) was that LE was talking to kids at the lake and she didn't know why.
Taken from a previous poster and updated - (thank you and respectful recognition to whoever pulled the initial one together):

Here are various articles talking about all Sightings and Unconfirmed Sightings of Dylan
A postal worker possibly saw the boy Monday on County Road 501, near Vallecito, and two rescue workers may have seen the boy Tuesday afternoon, said Dan Bender, spokesman with the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office. Both sightings are unconfirmed, and, in both cases, the boy ran from rescue workers up a hill in the Vallecito area, Bender said. “We’re assuming at this point – it may be Dylan – eluded searchers,” he said. “We’re leaning toward his being a runaway.”

Two rescue workers said they possibly saw him on separate occasions Tuesday afternoon, but he fled into the forest. Bender said Wednesday one of the sightings turned out to be a jogger; the second may have been the same jogger or Dylan.

At the same time, authorities are looking to talk to two boys who were spotted by a female postal worker northbound about 2 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 18000 block of County Road 501, at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Dan Bender.

“There’s a combination of factors,” Bender said. “There’s been the passage of time without any sightings; Dylan was not a visitor but had friends here; he has a history of staying in contact with his family and friends; and there’s been nothing on his cellphone record since he was reported missing.”

Several possible sightings of Dylan were reported early on, but those have been discounted.

Several possible sightings of Dylan were reported early on, but those have been discounted.

People reported seeing him walking but all of those reports turned out to be unsubstantiated. (There is another older boy at the lake who looks similar to Dylan)

The mail lady reported seeing a kid that looked like Dylan walking but that again was unsubstantiated. She could not positively identify the kid she saw walking as being Dylan.

There have been no confirmed sightings of the 13-year-old boy since his disappearance.

There have been no confirmed sightings of him since.

Possible sightings of Dylan have streamed in from across the country, he said, but there have been no confirmed sightings since he went missing Nov. 19. The FBI has been helpful at prodding agencies in other jurisdictions to follow up on possible leads, Shupe said.

Dylan Redwine Task Force investigators said they searched miles of countryside and interviewed hundreds of people, but developments in the case have now dwindled. They have no named suspects and no confirmed sightings of Dylan.

“We have no new leads or new information to report to the public at this time,” Shupe said in a news release Monday afternoon.

There have been no confirmed sightings of Dylan since he went missing.

Law enforcement officials have received sighting reports from throughout the country. Those tips haven’t yielded any results yet, however.

Wow, you are really something else, TXJan, thanks for all your hard work!
<snipped for brevity>
What's never been cleared to me is how much time Dylan spent there since MR moved into the place.

Here's what we do know from MSM and we can build from there as more details/information emerges:

MR & ER Divorced
Mom/CR/DR live in Bayfield. MR moved to house in Vallecito.

MR & DR go to Chicago - had their version of pizza (see 2011 below)
Melissa Blasius Interview

MR & DR go to Chicago, Wrigley Field, Detroit, Cleveland
MR: last year we went to Chicago to Wrigley Field and then we went to Detroit to a Nascar race and then we went to Cleveland to watch the Rockies play the Indians.

We’d been to Chicago the year before and had their version of pizza. We’d been gone probably a couple weeks, you know… he was in a hurry to get back ‘cos he wanted to spend time with his friends
(Melissa Blasius Uncut Interview w/ MR)

July – DR, ER, CR move to Colorado Springs
Dylan had lived near there with his mother, Elaine Redwine, until July, when they moved to the Front Range.

September 3 – DR visits MR in Vallecito during Labor Day Visit
The last time Dylan visited Vallecito from Colorado Springs, where she moved this summer, was on Labor Day weekend, Redwine said.'He-would-have-called

September 21 - MR sees DR at Court Hearing
MR: you know I didn’t see him again I don’t think until the date of the court hearing in September (Melissa Blasius Uncut Interview w/ MR)

September 21 - Most of the recent child custody records sealed including statements made by Dylan made during a family court hearing in September.

September 21 - ER said she was awarded sole custody of Dylan on Sept. 21. Previously she and Mark Redwine had shared custody.

September 21 - MR loses child support at 9/21/12 hearing and receives visitation for 11/2012 Thanksgiving (Per AZG)

November - All of the documents also from a hearing in November – last one before Dylan’s disappearance are also sealed at this point.

Thanksgiving court ordered visitation w/ MR

November 18 - Dylan arrives at LaPlata County Airport (Per LE)

November 19 - Dylan reported missing @ approximately 6:00 p.m. (Per LE)
Are there any steadfast rules that govern a "confirmed" sighting of a missing person vs an "unconfirmed" sighting?

I can understand a sighting being ruled out because the person who was sighted was found and they were not the person who was missing.

In my opinion, I would want LE to verify that the person that was sighted was someone other than the missing person before I disregard the reported sighting.

Has LE said that they have ruled out all reported sightings of Dylan, or have they said that they have no "confirmed" sightings? How does LE qualify what a "confirmed" sighting means?

Thanks! This is my thoughts also.

If I am not mistaken the mail lady said she thought it was Dylan but she never said she was 100% positive it was. Therefore, LE cannot confirm the sighting. I don't know that there is anyway they could 100% confirm it wasn't him either.
<snipped for space and BBM>

I still find this whole siting strange. Not that I don't think the woman may have seen a couple of boys near the County Market, but rather how she would know MR and more specifically Dylan so well. Well enough that she claims that when she saw the boys, she automatically thought in her head "hey there's Mark Redwine's son Dylan". MR spends little time in the area, particularily in the past three years, Dylan even less so. How does this postal worker know MR so well? Well enough to recognize his son who does not live there and likely had only been there once over a weekend within the past year. How often would Dylan have been at the house in Vallecito in the last three years during a week day when the mail is being delivered. Is this postal worker an actual friend or neighbour of MR? Does she know MR in a different way than just being the person who puts his mail in his rural mailbox out on the road once a day?
<snipped for space>

Very good questions Kamille. I've found it strange too.

BBM #1 the only thing I could think of is I'm sure she sees MR's name regularly when delivering his mail unless he has a PO box or something. IMO he might've stood out to her because he was finally home and outside one day when she was delivering the mail and she thought something like "oh so THAT'S the mysterious MR..." Nothing bad, just remembers him because she finally saw him? Still doesn't explain recognizing Dylan so well, though.

BBM#2 I'm kind of relieved I'm not the only one thinking this. My first thought when she was on Dr. Phil was that she might know MR and possibly Dylan as more than just names on one of the mailboxes on her route. It does seem like she's maybe a neighbor, friend, maybe her child (if she has one) and Dylan went to school together, something like that?? It seems like a small community, particularly if you count only the people who live there instead of rent once in awhile, so maybe it's just a fairly close knit community? I don't know, of course, but the thought that there may be something more tied to her knowing MR and Dylan. I'm not sleuthing her and have no intentions of sleuthing her, it's just IMO and a thought based on her appearance on the Dr. Phil show.
Are there any steadfast rules that govern a "confirmed" sighting of a missing person vs an "unconfirmed" sighting?

I can understand a sighting being ruled out because the person who was sighted was found and they were not the person who was missing.

In my opinion, I would want LE to verify that the person that was sighted was someone other than the missing person before I disregard the reported sighting.

Has LE said that they have ruled out all reported sightings of Dylan, or have they said that they have no "confirmed" sightings? How does LE qualify what a "confirmed" sighting means?

IIRC this topic came up here not so long ago. My understanding is that it seems as though it's not confirmed unless it was witnessed by someone else/video proof etc. - how frustrating! Especially in an area that doesn't exactly have a high volume of traffic (and I don't mean just vehicles here). I understand LE wouldn't want to put it in their timeline as fact until confirmed, but surely it's not dismissed outright if only witnessed by one person?
Thanks for those who found the comments I was going to look up.

O/T - What is it with some adult children who seem to do everything they can to drive us crazy with insanely stupid decisions? Maybe it's because I've seen so much in my life, but right now I'm fighting against an insane urge to kidnap my own daughter and keep her safe in my home and away from her crazy boyfriend who wants her to up and move 1,000 miles away when she will be 8 mos. pregnant with her first child!!! :banghead::furious::banghead:

Note: I would never physically remove her from her home, and I know that she is an adult and has to make her own decisions, but why won't she ever take good advice??? ARGHHH! Even more :banghead: will follow I'm sure. For now I have a doozy of a headache and more emails from her to answer as well, I'm sure. I'll check back in tomorrow.

My prayers go out to Dylan's family and loved ones (esp. you AZGrandma because you are here with all of us). I pray answers will be found quickly. :please:
Thank you sooooooooo much! I like the "post" because I did keep getting the entire thread and thought OMG!!!!!

You're most welcome! Thanks for the challenge. :) I agree, the "post" option has definitely been my favorite discovery on the search page so far.
Very good questions Kamille. I've found it strange too.

BBM #1 the only thing I could think of is I'm sure she sees MR's name regularly when delivering his mail unless he has a PO box or something. IMO he might've stood out to her because he was finally home and outside one day when she was delivering the mail and she thought something like "oh so THAT'S the mysterious MR..." Nothing bad, just remembers him because she finally saw him? Still doesn't explain recognizing Dylan so well, though.

BBM#2 I'm kind of relieved I'm not the only one thinking this. My first thought when she was on Dr. Phil was that she might know MR and possibly Dylan as more than just names on one of the mailboxes on her route. It does seem like she's maybe a neighbor, friend, maybe her child (if she has one) and Dylan went to school together, something like that?? It seems like a small community, particularly if you count only the people who live there instead of rent once in awhile, so maybe it's just a fairly close knit community? I don't know, of course, but the thought that there may be something more tied to her knowing MR and Dylan. I'm not sleuthing her and have no intentions of sleuthing her, it's just IMO and a thought based on her appearance on the Dr. Phil show.

So you think that it's possible that this Mail carrier woman has a personal relationship with Mark and that's why she went on the Dr Phil show and spoke about her sighting of Dylan.

It sounds like your saying that she has a reason to be biased about this case. Is that what your saying or am I wrong?
Here's what we do know from MSM and we can build from there as more details/information emerges:

MR & ER Divorced
Mom/CR/DR live in Bayfield. MR moved to house in Vallecito.

MR & DR go to Chicago - had their version of pizza (see 2011 below)
Melissa Blasius Interview

MR & DR go to Chicago, Wrigley Field, Detroit, Cleveland
MR: last year we went to Chicago to Wrigley Field and then we went to Detroit to a Nascar race and then we went to Cleveland to watch the Rockies play the Indians.

We&#8217;d been to Chicago the year before and had their version of pizza. We&#8217;d been gone probably a couple weeks, you know&#8230; he was in a hurry to get back &#8216;cos he wanted to spend time with his friends
(Melissa Blasius Uncut Interview w/ MR)

July &#8211; DR, ER, CR move to Colorado Springs
Dylan had lived near there with his mother, Elaine Redwine, until July, when they moved to the Front Range.

September 3 &#8211; DR visits MR in Vallecito during Labor Day Visit
The last time Dylan visited Vallecito from Colorado Springs, where she moved this summer, was on Labor Day weekend, Redwine said.'He-would-have-called

September 21 - MR sees DR at Court Hearing
MR: you know I didn&#8217;t see him again I don&#8217;t think until the date of the court hearing in September (Melissa Blasius Uncut Interview w/ MR)

September 21 - Most of the recent child custody records sealed including statements made by Dylan made during a family court hearing in September.

September 21 - ER said she was awarded sole custody of Dylan on Sept. 21. Previously she and Mark Redwine had shared custody.

September 21 - MR loses child support at 9/21/12 hearing and receives visitation for 11/2012 Thanksgiving (Per AZG)

November - All of the documents also from a hearing in November &#8211; last one before Dylan&#8217;s disappearance are also sealed at this point.

Thanksgiving court ordered visitation w/ MR

November 18 - Dylan arrives at LaPlata County Airport (Per LE)

November 19 - Dylan reported missing @ approximately 6:00 p.m. (Per LE)

Thank you! So from 2007 until Dylan moved he may have spent enough time at MR's current home to get to know people in the area. I don't know how long MR has worked his current job or what his previous jobs were, but if he is out of town for extended periods then Dylan may not have been at the house on a weekly basis over those 5 years.
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