CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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And, jumping off your post, why wouldn't the mail carrier have recognized the other boy?

I also can't quite figure how it came to be that she spoke with MR the next day, since his po box is on the road?

Because maybe the boy didn't live around there. Dylan could have met up with him at the campground or the little store or at one of the cabins he passed, or the kid could have been the bait of a recruiter. kwim? It's possible.
Thanks so much for finding this The Cheese. It's been driving me crazy trying to find a link that stated that the postal worker saw the boys on County Rd 501 in what would be the actual little "town" of Vallecito. I also thought there was an article that stated that she said the boys were wearing hoodies and either one or both were wearing black back packs.

I still find this whole siting strange. Not that I don't think the woman may have seen a couple of boys near the County Market, but rather how she would know MR and more specifically Dylan so well. Well enough that she claims that when she saw the boys, she automatically thought in her head "hey there's Mark Redwine's son Dylan". MR spends little time in the area, particularily in the past three years, Dylan even less so. How does this postal worker know MR so well? Well enough to recognize his son who does not live there and likely had only been there once over a weekend within the past year. How often would Dylan have been at the house in Vallecito in the last three years during a week day when the mail is being delivered. Is this postal worker an actual friend or neighbour of MR? Does she know MR in a different way than just being the person who puts his mail in his rural mailbox out on the road once a day?

How does this person know what Dylan looked like as of November 19th, 2012? And why doesn't she know who's son the other boy was? And of course, why didn't anyone else at the market around that time see these boys? Was there no one around or driving on that road at 1:30pm that day other than this woman?


BBM - hoodies and backpacks - Durango Herald timeline -

2 p.m.: A postal worker may have seen Dylan walking on County Road 501 near Vallecito with another boy. Both reportedly were wearing hooded sweatshirts and had black backpacks.
What errands was Mark doing that morning?Was there any proof of his activities that morning?

Yes, his activities were verified for that morning. He went to see his divorce attorney, and he stopped by his workplace to turn in some paperwork.
I don't remember it being reported about whether she was in a vehicle or walking or what. Could you tell me where that came from?


It's Colorado, they still use pony express :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
In all seriousness though, houses in that area (from the maps - for the link) are not right on top of each other as they are in some cities. Mail carriers use vehicles. I see it every single day. I live in a HUGE city and the mail carrier drives from house to house to deliver the mail. The mailboxes are by the street (not at the door like in some older areas) I really highly very much doubt that the mail carrier was walking house to house in a rural area such as Vallecito. But that is my opinion. I'm starting to wonder if we need a link to every single statement that is made, it's getting too confusing.

Nothing in any MSM said that MR picked up DR at the airport in his truck, but we are all assuming since he has two in front of his house that he did.
BBM - hoodies and backpacks - Durango Herald timeline -

2 p.m.: A postal worker may have seen Dylan walking on County Road 501 near Vallecito with another boy. Both reportedly were wearing hooded sweatshirts and had black backpacks.

Wow, I'm impressed, you really have that search feature down well now. Woohoo! Maybe someday I'll figure it out.
I don't know what's in the area but maybe MR knows the postal lady from the local place to get a cup of coffee or a drink or dinner. Maybe she is a neighbor, but the fact is she knew MR had a son so it is reasonable for me to assume that others would know this also in the area MR lives in. Wasn't there a lady at a local store that spoke of MR. Had she seen Dylan with MR in the past?

I guess what I'm getting at, is I would like to know more from the year round neighbors and people that worked in places that Dylan and MR would have gone to in the area of MR's house. What's never been cleared to me is how much time Dylan spent there since MR moved into the place.

I realize ER said not much, but it's still one of those things that are vague, pretty much like everything else.
It's Colorado, they still use pony express :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
In all seriousness though, houses in that area (from the maps - for the link) are not right on top of each other as they are in some cities. Mail carriers use vehicles. I see it every single day. I live in a HUGE city and the mail carrier drives from house to house to deliver the mail. The mailboxes are by the street (not at the door like in some older areas) I really highly very much doubt that the mail carrier was walking house to house in a rural area such as Vallecito. But that is my opinion. I'm starting to wonder if we need a link to every single statement that is made, it's getting too confusing.

Nothing in any MSM said that MR picked up DR at the airport in his truck, but we are all assuming since he has two in front of his house that he did.

Where I live, in a great big metropolis, our mail man drives the truck to our block, parks at the corner, walks to deliver mail on each side of the street, then drives down the street midway, gets out and walks to all the houses in the area and delivers to the houses, then gets back in his truck and drives down the block and gets out again. He does this in every block.

I know in many communities in AZ, the mail boxes are all together at the entrance of the community. Or throughout the community and they drive to them. In some areas, the mail is delivered to their door.

I guess it just depends on the commmunity.
Location of postal worker sighting - if you look at a map, it's right where 500 (MR's road) meets 501 right above the lake -

At the same time, authorities are looking to talk to two boys who were spotted by a female postal worker northbound about 2 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 18000 block of County Road 501, at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Dan Bender.

Thanks The Cheese :) I'm really stretching the old memory here, but isn't that intersection also the one where there was some kind of alert from the first dogs who were used? I know there was some uncertainty about it, but the intersection rings a bell.
And, jumping off your post, why wouldn't the mail carrier have recognized the other boy?

I also can't quite figure how it came to be that she spoke with MR the next day, since his po box is on the road?

BBM: I'm taking a guess here, but if I was MR out looking for Dylan then the mail carrier would be one person I would ask. Or, she heard about him missing and went and spoke with MR telling him she thought she saw him walking down the road.
I can't remember ,did Mark say he saw Dylan before he left for errands,or he never checked?

He said he tried to wake him up and he wouldn't budge. Then he said again when he left he tried to wake him up and told him he was leaving and Dylan would have to wait for a ride into Bayfield when he got back about 11 am. He said Dylan mumbled, "I understand."
Thanks The Cheese :) I'm really stretching the old memory here, but isn't that intersection also the one where there was some kind of alert from the first dogs who were used? I know there was some uncertainty about it, but the intersection rings a bell.

That's what I thought also about the dog alert, but I don't know if it was reported in MSM or to be considered rumor due to the source.
Thanks The Cheese :) I'm really stretching the old memory here, but isn't that intersection also the one where there was some kind of alert from the first dogs who were used? I know there was some uncertainty about it, but the intersection rings a bell.

I think you are right, it was CR500 and CR501 where the dogs supposedly found a scent.
Here are all the MAIL / POSTAL sightings in any form of MSM media.

I will post it in the Media/Timeline for future reference


A postal worker possibly saw the boy Monday on County Road 501, near Vallecito, and two rescue workers may have seen the boy Tuesday afternoon, said Dan Bender, spokesman with the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office. Both sightings are unconfirmed, and, in both cases, the boy ran from rescue workers up a hill in the Vallecito area, Bender said. “We’re assuming at this point – it may be Dylan – eluded searchers,” he said. “We’re leaning toward his being a runaway.”

At the same time, authorities are looking to talk to two boys who were spotted by a female postal worker northbound about 2 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 18000 block of County Road 501, at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Dan Bender.

FACEBOOK – Find Missing Dylan Redwine – (TIMELINE)

People reported seeing him walking but all of those reports turned out to be unsubstantiated. (There is another older boy at the lake who looks similar to Dylan)

The mail lady reported seeing a kid that looked like Dylan walking but that again was unsubstantiated. She could not positively identify the kid she saw walking as being Dylan.

Dr. Phil
From Dr. Phil Show – 1st Day
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1st mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

MR Clip:
My mail carrier saw Dylan the afternoon he went missing.

2nd mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Mail Carrier (Angie) - Clip:
On the day Dylan went missing, I saw 2 boys walking down the road not too far from where Dylan lives. It was around 1:30 in the afternoon. When I saw the boys, I thought to myself, Hey, there’s Mark’s son, Dylan. The next day I talked to Mark, and he said Dylan hadn’t come home all night, and he was really worried about him. I really don’t think Mark was the last person to see Dylan that day.

3rd mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

No!!! YOU have to ask that question! You had him! Where is he? He’s not here! No one can find him. You were the last one to see him and now he’s just gone. That doesn’t happen.

Dr. Phil, that… for her to sit her and say that I’m the last person to see him is not accurate. The postal worker that delivers my mail to me had saw him….

That’s never been confirmed.

By you?

4th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Dr. Phil:
If he left and walked to this friend’s house, uhh… it would have taken him a couple hours…so you might have run into him on the road if he left halfway through, but that would account for maybe half of it.

Well… right… but it’s in between those two points that the postal worker that delivers the mail in my area spotted him.

Dr. Phil:
Yeah. This is your house.

That is.

5th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

You should be doing backflips now to take this polygraph test. You were the last person to have seen your son before he disappeared.

Well, and I don’t believe that.

What do you believe?

I believe that the postal worker that saw Dylan later that afternoon before I went looking for him… about 2:30.
No doubt in your mind?

No, there’s no doubt in my mind.

From Dr. Phil Show – 2nd Day
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

MR Clip:
My mail carrier saw Dylan the afternoon he went missing.

7th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Mail Carrier Angie Clip:
On the day Dylan went missing I saw two boys walking down the road not too far from where Dylan lives. I really don’t think Mark was the last person to see Dylan that day.

8th mention of Postal Worker/Mail Lady

Dr. Phil:
You know yesterday he said that he was upset with you, he was upset with Cory, he was upset with everyone but me. He said, “The show was just a soapbox for Elaine and Cory to attack me. I can’t believe that Dr. Phil let Cory disrespect me. I’ll never forgive Cory for saying that he hated me. Everyone keeps saying that I was the last one to see Dylan, but that just isn’t true. How come no one spoke to the mail woman? She knows the area better than anyone else and she saw him.” He said, “I still feel like I am the only one working to try and find Dylan.”
So,Dylan’s father told investigators Dylan was at his house on County Road 500 when he left to do some errands at about 7:30 Monday morning. Mark Redwine said Dylan was gone when he returned to the house at about 11:30 a.m.

What doesn't make sense is, why would Dylan still be at the house at 7:30 am when he sounded so desperate to be at his friends house at 6:30 am?
Dylan would have had to get up really early to be at his friends house by 6:30.
Thanks so much for finding this The Cheese. It's been driving me crazy trying to find a link that stated that the postal worker saw the boys on County Rd 501 in what would be the actual little "town" of Vallecito. I also thought there was an article that stated that she said the boys were wearing hoodies and either one or both were wearing black back packs.

I still find this whole siting strange. Not that I don't think the woman may have seen a couple of boys near the County Market, but rather how she would know MR and more specifically Dylan so well. Well enough that she claims that when she saw the boys, she automatically thought in her head "hey there's Mark Redwine's son Dylan". MR spends little time in the area, particularily in the past three years, Dylan even less so. How does this postal worker know MR so well? Well enough to recognize his son who does not live there and likely had only been there once over a weekend within the past year. How often would Dylan have been at the house in Vallecito in the last three years during a week day when the mail is being delivered. Is this postal worker an actual friend or neighbour of MR? Does she know MR in a different way than just being the person who puts his mail in his rural mailbox out on the road once a day?

How does this person know what Dylan looked like as of November 19th, 2012? And why doesn't she know who's son the other boy was? And of course, why didn't anyone else at the market around that time see these boys? Was there no one around or driving on that road at 1:30pm that day other than this woman?

BBM - my thoughts exactly! How does someone recognize a child whose last visit was in Sept, IIRC, but not recognize the other boy? Also, if IIRC MR said she delivers the mail to his door, odd IMO since he has a box at the street.
The schools were on break that week and the SO reported they had sent out notifications to all of the parents/kids to let them know Dylan was missing. I thought I had seen this quote in the first page of the media timeline thread, but it could also have been on the very first thread in the discussion forum.

I looked through the media links page again, but am having a problem here at the house, so I can't look at thread #1 right now... I will try to check back in ASAP.

I think I remember that too, but I was talking about a notice specifically asking any kids walking on that road on that day near that market. Being more specific in a notice about what you're looking for can sometimes bring better results.
BBM - my thoughts exactly! How does someone recognize a child whose last visit was in Sept, IIRC, but not recognize the other boy? Also, if IIRC MR said she delivers the mail to his door, odd IMO since he has a box at the street.

He said she delivers mail to him, and in another place that she delivers mail in his area. I didn't see anything saying she delivered it to his door. Of course, that doesn't mean I didn't just miss it. MOO
I just have a hard time believing Dylans phone died.Being so far away from home and friends you would think making sure that phone had juice would be a high priority for him.
Thank TXJan for all the links. Again, it seems so vague as to who and how the sighting of the postal worker was ruled out.

Also, it sounds like the reported sightings from the searchers in the beginning, of Dylan running away may have influenced LE opinion in the first day or so.
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