CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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But do you hang out with casual acquaintances? Wouldn't they be friends, then?

Not necessarily like the friends he had in Bayfield from school but others that he may have spoken with or bumped into on occasion when he was visiting his father. Maybe they weren't significant enough in his mind to mention them to his parents.

One of the main reasons why I felt it was unusual was because the mail lady was aware of Dylan. She knew he was MR's son. So others that lived in that area must have known of Dylan also.

I don't think she was lying about seeing him, but I do believe that if she didn't actually speak with him, or see him eye to eye, she may have been mistaken about his identity.
Respectfully snipped and BBM

I don't see anything at that link saying it is thought that the postal worker sighting was likely the same jogger. I see that the second rescue worker sighting it says was the same jogger or Dylan.

Can you point me to where it says the postal worker sighting was likely the jogger?


Rescue worker quote at link -

Two rescue workers said they possibly saw him on separate occasions Tuesday afternoon, but he fled into the forest. Bender said Wednesday one of the sightings turned out to be a jogger; the second may have been the same jogger or Dylan.

Have been meaning to ask for ages now - what kind of rescue workers would these have been? Were they specifically out searching for Dylan, or did they just spot him in the course of doing something else?
Respectfully snipped and BBM

I don't see anything at that link saying it is thought that the postal worker sighting was likely the same jogger. I see that the second rescue worker sighting it says was the same jogger or Dylan.

Can you point me to where it says the postal worker sighting was likely the jogger?


Rescue worker quote at link -

Two rescue workers said they possibly saw him on separate occasions Tuesday afternoon, but he fled into the forest. Bender said Wednesday one of the sightings turned out to be a jogger; the second may have been the same jogger or Dylan.

I can say I read that they believed its the same jogger.
Where is anyones guess but it was back when it was first reported
I can say I read that they believed its the same jogger.
Where is anyones guess but it was back when it was first reported

I'm reading 3 sightings - 2 separate rescue worker sightings and the mail lady.
Let's say the mail lady did see Dylan with another boy. If Dylan's phone had broke the night before did Dylan walk to this other kids house? Did this other kid just happen to show up at MR's house? Why didn't Dylan ask to use the phone to call his friend R and tell him plans changed. If the mail lady did see Dylan at 1:30 why didn't Dylan stop by MR's and say his phone broke and he needed to call R? Or why didn't he go back at 11:30 when he know MR would be home and ask for a ride then?

IMO, I do not believe she did see Dylan. I think she saw a different boy.

Location of postal worker sighting - if you look at a map, it's right where 500 (MR's road) meets 501 right above the lake -

At the same time, authorities are looking to talk to two boys who were spotted by a female postal worker northbound about 2 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 18000 block of County Road 501, at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Dan Bender.
**my apologies if post lands randomly amidst other discussion, I clicked to reply much earlier, but had a WS hiccup and just now popped back in and hit Submit button:)**

I think most people here on WS believe that the carrier did not see Dylan Monday afternoon. So if you do not believe her statement, do you believe she was lying? Or do you believe she was mistaken and that it was two other boys?

Also I've seen posted several times that LE is looking hard at MR. I have not found any links for that other than MRs own statements. If you believe LE is looking hard at MR, could you please post links for that? Not for WHY they would be looking at him but that they ARE looking harder at him than anyone else?

I have never thought that the mail person was lying, never thought her account was nefarious in any way, but rather just the opposite in her immediately stepping forward with critical information that very well could have been a complete game changer of his whole disappearance..

The reason IMO this particular account has been long since dismissed as accurate is due to the fact that LE have been very clear in their stating that there have been no sightings of Dylan, along with the fact that MR is the last known to have seen Dylan.. also very early on it was determined that there was in fact a young boy living in the area that is around Dylan's age that does resemble him AND therefor IMO could/would be easily mistaken for him.. IMO especially easily mistaken with there being any distance at all btwn he and a witness(as in not up close, personal, face to face sighting and/or actual interaction btwn witness and boy)..

Jmo but especially in speaking of this particular sighting I can state as fact that it was NOT immediately disregarded, it was NOT immediately ruled out as being false/mistaken, in fact just the opposite as I was personally one that held onto this sighting long after the majority had moved on from it being a credible, valid sighting.. I used this sighting as a point of reference for many a theory I floated earlier on in my sleuthing out theories of Dylan's disappearance .. TBH I held onto it long past the point of reason in my attempts at looking AWAY FROM MARK REDWINE even tho there was IMO quite good reason to begin to focus in on him more..

But IMO the point is that especially when speaking about this particular sighting by the mail person IT WAS NOT IMMEDIATELY, QUICKLY, OR EASILY DISMISSED, but rather was truly looked at with full weight attached to it for a good period of time..and even tho, I have long since dismissed and moved on from the sighting being accurate, I still however fully believe there was NEVER any nefarious intent on the part of the mail person and her immediately coming forward with information that could have been a crucial and critical detail of the entire case... unfortunately IMO the sighting was mistaken and IMO is why it had to be moved on from by me in using it as point of reference in my theories.jmo.

Regarding LE looking hard at Mark Redwine I'm not at all sure what you are implying or asking??.. Because the fact that it is many of our OPINIONS that Mark Redwine is under pointed focus by LE does not come from a "link", nor does it require a link.. As indicated in above post it is NOT the reasons "WHY" that are of interest, but TBH its those exact reasons "WHY" that are of great relevance and importance, they're the entire basis from which the formed opinion originated.. yes, many of us have stated this is our opinion, and I personally am of the very strong opinion that not only are LE looking "hard" at Mark Redwine, but IMO Mark Redwine is their number one, prime suspect. Just because LE makes the decision to NOT publicly name a suspect does NOT at all equate to their not having a named suspect.. IMO absolutely they've got their suspects named, just not publicly via the media UNLESS doing so will serve a specific purpose..otherwise the suspects name is kept officially out of public statements by LE..jmo and knowledge from closely following criminal cases for the last decade or so..

IMO no one is misrepresenting their opinions, strong or not, as ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT THEY ARE, OPINIONS..and as we know no links for opinions.. however what is a standard here at WS is that those opinions CANNOT be wild and without basis, much different is that the opinions must have basis and foundation..IMO several, just in this new thread, alone have stated FACTS of this case that are plenty in number..and it is those FACTS that are exactly the basis from which those opinions regarding Mark Redwine's being the pointed focus of LE originated.

**again apologies to all if this post lands amidst different topic and discussion..quoted the post earlier but just now had a moment to re-submit reply in post**
The school buses would stop up there - probably two or three depending on school start times. It seems like it would be pretty easy for LE to get a list of kids along that road, with the exception maybe of homeschoolers. And I hope that LE has asked the mail carrier all the important questions.

One other thing bugging me. What he is wearing.

November 20 -

November 23 -

So it was 4 days before the sheriff's department released a description of his clothes. This seems like it could have complicated early search efforts. IMO.

Doesn't sound like clothes you would want to go fishing in.You'd think hed been wearing pants if he went fishing.Did he bring extra clothes with him or just what he had on? Was there extra clothes in the backpack?
Let's say the mail lady did see Dylan with another boy. If Dylan's phone had broke the night before did Dylan walk to this other kids house? Did this other kid just happen to show up at MR's house? Why didn't Dylan ask to use the phone to call his friend R and tell him plans changed. If the mail lady did see Dylan at 1:30 why didn't Dylan stop by MR's and say his phone broke and he needed to call R? Or why didn't he go back at 11:30 when he know MR would be home and ask for a ride then?

IMO, I do not believe she did see Dylan. I think she saw a different boy.



You would think in an area with such a small population LE would be able to find those two boys so they could definitively rule out the sighting. I wonder if they ever had the area schools send out a notice to the students and parents asking for the boys or their parents to contact them.
Have been meaning to ask for ages now - what kind of rescue workers would these have been? Were they specifically out searching for Dylan, or did they just spot him in the course of doing something else?

I believe they were part of the search crews, but I don't feel like searching for a link right now. Searching for "searchers" brings up a whole host of unrelated news articles.

You would think in an area with such a small population LE would be able to find those two boys so they could definitively rule out the sighting. I wonder if they ever had the area schools send out a notice to the students and parents asking for the boys or their parents to contact them.

The problem is that it is a vacation area and it was a holiday week. It could have been 2 cousins on a family vacation, that have no idea anyone is asking about them.

My parents live halfway between Reno and Lake Tahoe. Many of their neighbors rent out their homes in November and my parents will see kids walking in the neighborhood one time and but never see them in the neighborhood again.
Respectfully snipped and BBM

I don't see anything at that link saying it is thought that the postal worker sighting was likely the same jogger. I see that the second rescue worker sighting it says was the same jogger or Dylan.

Can you point me to where it says the postal worker sighting was likely the jogger?


Rescue worker quote at link -

Two rescue workers said they possibly saw him on separate occasions Tuesday afternoon, but he fled into the forest. Bender said Wednesday one of the sightings turned out to be a jogger; the second may have been the same jogger or Dylan.

So see, nothing was ever said any further about this second sighting. It may have been Dylan. There has neither been a confirmation nor discounting of this sighting and the mail lady's.

If Dylan had been with another boy, as in another boy was sent to recruit Dylan..............well, you know where that goes.......

Wouldn't the search workers know if it was the same jogger they saw twice? Same clothing, height, weight, etc.?

It would be nice if LE had addressed this more directly instead of saying it ambiguously, the way they have a habit of doing. IMO
To believe the postal worker was correct, we now have to believe that the other boy either killed Dylan or was bait from a sophisticated ring? Or also disappeared and no one reported him to be missing? Again, it suspends belief for me, as do many things in this case, beginning with the idea that his phone died on Sunday night or that he simply chose not to contact friends.
Location of postal worker sighting - if you look at a map, it's right where 500 (MR's road) meets 501 right above the lake -

At the same time, authorities are looking to talk to two boys who were spotted by a female postal worker northbound about 2 p.m. Nov. 19, in the 18000 block of County Road 501, at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to La Plata County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Dan Bender.

Thanks so much for finding this The Cheese. It's been driving me crazy trying to find a link that stated that the postal worker saw the boys on County Rd 501 in what would be the actual little "town" of Vallecito. I also thought there was an article that stated that she said the boys were wearing hoodies and either one or both were wearing black back packs.

I still find this whole siting strange. Not that I don't think the woman may have seen a couple of boys near the County Market, but rather how she would know MR and more specifically Dylan so well. Well enough that she claims that when she saw the boys, she automatically thought in her head "hey there's Mark Redwine's son Dylan". MR spends little time in the area, particularily in the past three years, Dylan even less so. How does this postal worker know MR so well? Well enough to recognize his son who does not live there and likely had only been there once over a weekend within the past year. How often would Dylan have been at the house in Vallecito in the last three years during a week day when the mail is being delivered. Is this postal worker an actual friend or neighbour of MR? Does she know MR in a different way than just being the person who puts his mail in his rural mailbox out on the road once a day?

How does this person know what Dylan looked like as of November 19th, 2012? And why doesn't she know who's son the other boy was? And of course, why didn't anyone else at the market around that time see these boys? Was there no one around or driving on that road at 1:30pm that day other than this woman?


You would think in an area with such a small population LE would be able to find those two boys so they could definitively rule out the sighting. I wonder if they ever had the area schools send out a notice to the students and parents asking for the boys or their parents to contact them.

The schools were on break that week and the SO reported they had sent out notifications to all of the parents/kids to let them know Dylan was missing. I thought I had seen this quote in the first page of the media timeline thread, but it could also have been on the very first thread in the discussion forum.

I looked through the media links page again, but am having a problem here at the house, so I can't look at thread #1 right now... I will try to check back in ASAP.
I'm always up for a challenge! Here you go: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #37

If you don't mind I'll go ahead and post how I found it here rather than in a PM because I know you're not the only one who gets stuck in the searches. I've gotten a little better but I'm still not that great at it even with lots of attempts.

How I found your original post was:

- From the home page click the down arrow next to "search" and choose "advanced search" under "search forums" (it's the first Advanced Search - the second one listed in the drop down is for Blogs)

I do this next part in reverse because I tend to forget the Search Options part if I don't.

Under Search Options (lower part of the search page):
- Optional: narrow it down by going to Find Threads with Prefix and putting in whatever you know is at the beginning of the thread. In this case I picked CO.

- Also optional: I'd recommend picking "Posts" under "Show Results as." Otherwise you get the whole thread, and you may still have to dig through it to find the post.

Going back up the page, in the Search Forums section:
- Under User Name put your exact user name (or the user name of the person who posted what you're looking for).

- Under Search by Keyword(s) is where it gets tricky. Put in the word or words you're looking for. If it's too general you'll get too many results (i.e. don't search by "boy" or "Dylan" unless you want to spend all day). If there's a somewhat unique word you know is in the post you can use that. Or, if you're looking for a particular phrase, you can put it in quotes and it'll look for the whole phrase.

In this case I looked for the phrase, but it still took me 4 tries before I got it. I started with "just wanted to see his Dad" then "wanted to see his Dad" and finally "see his Dad," but I got no results other than your post today. Turns out, none of those (not even simply "see his Dad") were in your original post. Then I tried searching for "little boy" and found a handful of results under your user name, including the right post. As I think you may have suspected, it has subtlely changed over time. Here's what you said originally:

Dylan is a little boy that wanted to go visit his father and visit his friends. He had no agenda, like any little boy. He wasn't reckless, wasn't a dare devil and would most certainly contacted his mom if he was able to.

I must say when I read your original post, I felt like it was the forum version of that "telephone" game you play in grade school where you go around in a circle whispering a phrase to each other, then the last person says what they heard, and the first person repeats what they said originally, which is often barely even close.

In this case it looks like "a little boy that wanted to go visit his father and visit his friends" has slowly turned into "a little boy who just wanted to visit his Dad." (or similar)

I guess the gist of it is the same but "just wanted to visit his Dad" comes across pretty differently to me. Instead of a kid who wants to visit his father and his friends, I picture a desparate kid who never gets to see his Dad and badly wanted to go spend time with him. JMO.

Hope this is helpful.

Thank you sooooooooo much! I like the "post" because I did keep getting the entire thread and thought OMG!!!!!
The schools were on break that week and the SO reported they had sent out notifications to all of the parents/kids to let them know Dylan was missing. I thought I had seen this quote in the first page of the media timeline thread, but it could also have been on the very first thread in the discussion forum.

I looked through the media links page again, but am having a problem here at the house, so I can't look at thread #1 right now... I will try to check back in ASAP.

Here you go:

Bayfield schools are closed this week for the holiday, but the Sheriff’s Office asked the school district to send out a notification to students’ homes to notify them of the missing boy.
Thanks so much for finding this The Cheese. It's been driving me crazy trying to find a link that stated that the postal worker saw the boys on County Rd 501 in what would be the actual little "town" of Vallecito. I also thought there was an article that stated that she said the boys were wearing hoodies and either one or both were wearing black back packs.

I still find this whole siting strange. Not that I don't think the woman may have seen a couple of boys near the County Market, but rather how she would know MR and more specifically Dylan so well. Well enough that she claims that when she saw the boys, she automatically thought in her head "hey there's Mark Redwine's son Dylan". MR spends little time in the area, particularily in the past three years, Dylan even less so. How does this postal worker know MR so well? Well enough to recognize his son who does not live there and likely had only been there once over a weekend within the past year. How often would Dylan have been at the house in Vallecito in the last three years during a week day when the mail is being delivered. Is this postal worker an actual friend or neighbour of MR? Does she know MR in a different way than just being the person who puts his mail in his rural mailbox out on the road once a day?

How does this person know what Dylan looked like as of November 19th, 2012? And why doesn't she know who's son the other boy was? And of course, why didn't anyone else at the market around that time see these boys? Was there no one around or driving on that road at 1:30pm that day other than this woman?


And, jumping off your post, why wouldn't the mail carrier have recognized the other boy?

I also can't quite figure how it came to be that she spoke with MR the next day, since his po box is on the road?
What errands was Mark doing that morning?Was there any proof of his activities that morning?
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