CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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At one point ER worried that Dylan might have said something that would anger his dad.

“I don’t think Mark treats him very well… I would not put it past Mark to have done something to remove Dylan from the situation. You know, like ‘if I can’t have him, nobody will,’” Elaine Redwine told ABC News.

She said she fears Mark may not have reacted well if Dylan, 13, said something his father did not agree with.

Also, we heard how obsessed Mark was with believing he was closer to his son than ER was. Almost delusionally so. And he seemed to be bitter about her being engaged to MH. I think he was jealous about her new home and new life. So it makes sense that Mark might have talked trash about Dylan's mom and new StepDad. If so, how would Dylan react? I think he would stand up to his father and defend his mom, imo.

Dylan didn't have a stepdad.
I don't think dogs can pick up a scent from a cereal bowl. I could be wrong.

No, not from what I've read and heard. It should be clothing that a person has recently worn. They might be able to get a good scent from sheets or pillows IF that person was the only one who slept on them. I remember in Haleigh's case they drug sheets and blankets from her bed out onto the ramp to the back door to let the SAR dogs try to pick up her scent.
Catching up:
All this talk about respect, I have always told my children that I am their mother first and their friend second. I let them know that if they didn't like me (because I told them no) then that was a good thing, it meant I was doing my job.

There was a time when MR said that he didn't want the kids to call anyone else dad, I told him that if he didn't want that then he needed to act like a dad. Sadly, my children call him Mark and they call someone else dad. His doing, not mine. My children call me mom and have never called ER mom, they cared for her but she was E and I was mom. My step children (I really really don't like that word "step") call me mom and up until recently (they are now 17 and 20) called their adoptive mom by her first name, now they call her mom too. Respect and love are not a given just because you gave birth to them or adopted them.

In regards to DR saying something or being mad at MR about not seeing his friends, I'm not sure if we will ever know if that happened or not. IMO, I think that we as parents, need something to grasp, not a blame the victim something but more of a understand the action thing. IMO nobody can think that a parent would just haul off and go jack batty ape crazy on a child and kill them, so we need to justify (so to speak) the action in our minds. THAT IMO is why some want to think/believe/say/need to think that DR said something to MR that caused him to snap. Because IMO nobody can/wants to think that "it" just happened for no reason, we all need a reason.

What's the first thing you (general) think of when you hear of someone talking another persons life - it's "why". IMO the mind needs a reason to justify the unthinkable and unacceptable. I've heard, and I'm sure that NCAnalyzer can verify, that there are parents out there that do some crazy stuff, a kid wets his/her pants during potty training and the parent flips. A baby doesn't stop crying and the parent flips. A teen doesn't do the dinner dishes and the parent flips. IMO it's not blaming the victim, it's trying to understand how a parent can do the unthinkable.

All ^^^^^^is IMO and because it's too early in the morning to make sense. :)
I would of thought that Dylan would of had clean bed clothes as he very rarely visited. So unless MR is a slob then you would of thought Dylan had clean sheets/Blankets .

I would of thought that Dylan would of had clean bed clothes as he very rarely visited. So unless MR is a slob then you would of thought Dylan had clean sheets/Blankets .


A good scent item for a dog would be something like underwear or a item of clothing from the dirty cloths that no one else has touched. You would glove and bag it.

You don't want the dog picking anyone elses scent up that may have touched the item and following it.

eta: Also, if you think about fabric, it absorbs body odors and would contain dead skin cells. Cereal bowls and other items would not do this.
A good scent item for a dog would be something like underwear or a item of clothing from the dirty cloths that no one else has touched. You would glove and bag it.

You don't want the dog picking anyone elses scent up that may have touched the item and following it.

And yet apparently he slept in all the clothes he went missing in. I know he is a boy and all but it seems odd to me he wore the exact same clothes Sunday and Monday . To not even change socks or underwear and to not shower as well.

ETA- I just can not imagine anybody flying which is bothersome and sleeping in them clothes and not showering and at least changing some portion of the clothes .

It appears we have run out of things to discuss in this case.<modsnip> IMO the reasons to look at MR are many and are obvious. It seems some want to continually make excuses for him and it defies all logic in my mind. I just can't grasp it. <modsnip> No, we don't have cold hard facts saying the MR harmed Dylan. If we did, so would LE and he would be in jail right now and there would be nothing for us to discuss here.
I don't think WS is a court of law. <modsnip>
With that said I am hoping the lake thaws quickly and Elaine and company are able to get their divers in as soon as possible. I don't know that it is Dylan in that lake but I do believe someone is in there. It's a shame that LE will not be doing this but I see over and over where families have to step up and do much of the work on their own. It's sad.

Last time I was here there was a discussion about Dylan being told that he couldn't go to his friends house that night. Somehow the discussion morphed from a parent saying no to a child to using physical abuse as discipline. The discussion was based on the fact that we know MR told Dylan after he picked him up at the airport that he wouldn't drop him off at his friends that night.

It was a long day with flight issues, they were most likely hungry and MR got Dylan his MD's even though MR wanted to go sit down in a restaurant, where someone could wait on them and get a decent meal. They got movies to go home and watch. MR took Dylan to Walmart so he could pick out snacks and movies he wanted, instead of just guessing and picking them out for him beforehand. I think of it as similar to ordering pizza when we would watch movies. Instead of pizza, it was carryout MD's. (Yes, I know my sequence of events is out of order)

I'm just not seeing anything nefarious here.
But from the accounts of his family, esp. his mother and brother, Dylan is an easy-going, laid back type and not prone to having temper tantrums. Many who know him said he is a good kid. So why would he suddenly have a fit of anger towards his dad that was bad enough to cause Mark to lose control enough to kill him?
Yes, I know even good kids can get angry, but not that angry. I can't wrap my brain around something like that.

Well, most people believe JonBenet was killed by her parents or brother in a fit of rage, and what could a 6-year-old girl do or say that would be bad enough to be killed over? Nothing....In both cases, the parent probably completely overreacted, and there was already something *wrong* with them.
I don't think anyone is "for" MR -- they're just analyzing the facts as they know them in a different way. It's upsetting for all of us who care about Dylan!!!

I have stopped posting as much as everything has been discussed to death and until there is no news its just going around in circles.

I am with you about Mark as it just makes no logical sense that Dylan did not contact anybody on Monday if he was ok and alive at that stage :cow:

Kids are glued to there phone and thats not just in the U,K its the world over.
And yet apparently he slept in all the clothes he went missing in. I know he is a boy and all but it seems odd to me he wore the exact same clothes Sunday and Monday . To not even change socks or underwear and to not shower as well.

ETA- I just can not imagine anybody flying which is bothersome and sleeping in them clothes and not showering and at least changing some portion of the clothes .


That was the one thing in the interview the reporter did that both MR and ER agreed on though. That it wouldn't be out of character for Dylan to sleep in his cloths and wear them the next day. I can only go by what the parents say are his regular habits. I'm not going to get into my personal thoughts about it.
Over and over and again and again we are snipping and removing posts that criticize the thoughts of other members. Members who care about Dylan are discouraged, we know. I raised two little boys myself and so Dylan's case tears at my heart - as does Kyron Horman's case. Most of the people I know in Oregon don't even want to talk about Kyron Horman anymore because they are so upset his case hasn't been solved. :tears:

In the meantime, we'd like to keep these threads open so everyone can analyze the possibilities of what happened to Dylan. There is no need to condemn those of whom you disagree! If there are views that just drive you crazy, :please: use the ignore feature. Our members who use it tell us thank you for the feature all the time. And if you don't like it, you can change it back. But the putting other posters down for their opinions has got to stop.

If you want to debate their issues, that's fine. Just leave the general comments like "those that think the captain is innocent are ridiculous" out of it. A constructive way to say the same thing would be "can someone who believes that the captain is innocent please explain why he hid the candlestick in the foyer?"

I hope that makes sense. Please contact the mod of your choice if you're still not clear about the rules.
It appears we have run out of things to discuss in this case. <modsnip>
IMO the reasons to look at MR are many and are obvious. It seems some want to continually make excuses for him and it defies all logic in my mind. I just can't grasp it. <modsnip> No, we don't have cold hard facts saying the MR harmed Dylan. If we did, so would LE and he would be in jail right now and there would be nothing for us to discuss here.
I don't think WS is a court of law. <modsnip>
With that said I am hoping the lake thaws quickly and Elaine and company are able to get their divers in as soon as possible. I don't know that it is Dylan in that lake but I do believe someone is in there. It's a shame that LE will not be doing this but I see over and over where families have to step up and do much of the work on their own. It's sad.


I have stopped posting as much as everything has been discussed to death and until there is no news its just going around in circles.

I am with you about Mark as it just makes no logical sense that Dylan did not contact anybody on Monday if he was ok and alive at that stage :cow:

Kids are glued to there phone and thats not just in the U,K its the world over.


I totally agree.

Since there are rumors abound (and some may be factual but hard to prove or not printed in MSM) that cannot be discussed here due to TOS, it is very trying to continue to post without going around and around with the very little bit of information we have.

Dylan is missing from MR's watch
MR was the last person to see Dylan
If Dylan was "fine" when MR left Monday a.m., then why didn't he text anyone when he woke up??? He supposedly was texting Sunday evening...
MR appears to abuse/use alcohol to his advantage/disadvantage (he so proved on his Dr. Phil's appearance) so what other vices does he have that may impair him and his judgement?? - JMO
MR holds some or all of the answers to Dylan's disappearance - he pointed LE to the lake (I don't have the link but I know there is a MSM article/video)

The divers need to get back in the lake - someone is in that lake - numerous HRD dogs have told us we wait for spring....:banghead:

My heart breaks for Elaine, Cory, Dylan and their family and friends...:please:
Catching up:
<snipped by me>
In regards to DR saying something or being mad at MR about not seeing his friends, I'm not sure if we will ever know if that happened or not. IMO, I think that we as parents, need something to grasp, not a blame the victim something but more of a understand the action thing. IMO nobody can think that a parent would just haul off and go jack batty ape crazy on a child and kill them, so we need to justify (so to speak) the action in our minds. THAT IMO is why some want to think/believe/say/need to think that DR said something to MR that caused him to snap. Because IMO nobody can/wants to think that "it" just happened for no reason, we all need a reason.

What's the first thing you (general) think of when you hear of someone talking another persons life - it's "why". IMO the mind needs a reason to justify the unthinkable and unacceptable. I've heard, and I'm sure that NCAnalyzer can verify, that there are parents out there that do some crazy stuff, a kid wets his/her pants during potty training and the parent flips. A baby doesn't stop crying and the parent flips. A teen doesn't do the dinner dishes and the parent flips. IMO it's not blaming the victim, it's trying to understand how a parent can do the unthinkable.

All ^^^^^^is IMO and because it's too early in the morning to make sense. :)

Actually, it makes alot of sense. Early on here when many of us were grasping at what might have set someone off to hurt a 13 year old boy, I had to remind myself NOT to get inside the brain of someone like that. My rules do not apply to them. Anyone who could kill a young man does not function with the same reason and logic that I have so there might BE no understanding of it. We cycled through spousal revenge (still an option) to MR's drinking (perhaps an inducement to behave inappropriately) and now speculating that Dylan might have said something to set MR off (as ER has said from early on as well). There is NO acceptable explanation or understanding of such behavior. I have backed away from speculation about motive. It doesn't help me solve this particular case and it isn't helping me find Dylan. I agree completely with what AZGrandma has said here, we are hunting for the "why"- just chiming in that I can go on without the why sometimes because any answer to that question is unacceptable to my brain.
Thanks Clu, I didn't know if I had missed any pertinent info regarding the phone. Darn.
Hmm mebbee I have slipped off the fence then some.
Well they did say McDonalds ...and that is the last known location- made public?

So if there are no verified sightings beyond that, then they could have been any where ...ohhhh.
would MR have been captured on camera around the work & lawyer visit? To compare clothing then with any images from the previous night?

I like this thought. MR's description of Monday morning was that he got up, banged around the house a bit trying to make noise so Dylan would wake up. As it got later and Dylan didn't want to get up - he told Dylan he would be back and left to do his errands.

Does MR usually shower in the mornings? I wonder if that was part of "banging around the house?" Yes, it would be interesting to see what he was wearing when he was attending to his errands.


I have stopped posting as much as everything has been discussed to death and until there is no news its just going around in circles.

I am with you about Mark as it just makes no logical sense that Dylan did not contact anybody on Monday if he was ok and alive at that stage :cow:

Kids are glued to there phone and thats not just in the U,K its the world over.

BBM: I know there is a lot of truth in the bolded statement. I come here because I am clinging. Hoping that some angle of something said here gives LE an "ah ha" moment. A new angle. And because I am not ready to let go. Not ready to leave the search for Dylan to family alone. There is an answer. I'm just hoping that the pot is stirred for long enough for the answer to be revealed. Repetition is worthy in this case and for Dylan. IMO
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