CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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I can't help saying that his hitchhiking history seems to be exaggerated. He is known to have done so with a group, on one occasion for certain.

His mother said he would call for a ride, or wait for his father (which I believe he would, seeing how he was due by lunchtime, rather than try to hitch 15 or so miles).

Even MR's ex-girlfriend made it sound like Dylan would never move from the couch if he had a choice. And she was defending MR at the time.

Not discounting your post, just jumping off it to ask a question.

Are we sure that Dylan knew and understood that his dad would be back before noon? What if he was so sleepy that morning that he didn't hear that part, and when he woke up, he had no idea what time Mark would return? I mean, we only have Mark's word that Dylan roused up enough to acknowledge that his dad was leaving for a few hours and would be back before noon to take him to his friend's. It's possible that he didn't hear or didn't remember and so he could have thought he was facing an entire day there by himself, and decided to hike out hoping for a ride.
Just a thought.
Not discounting your post, just jumping off it to ask a question.

Are we sure that Dylan knew and understood that his dad would be back before noon? What if he was so sleepy that morning that he didn't hear that part, and when he woke up, he had no idea what time Mark would return? I mean, we only have Mark's word that Dylan roused up enough to acknowledge that his dad was leaving for a few hours and would be back before noon to take him to his friend's. It's possible that he didn't hear or didn't remember and so he could have thought he was facing an entire day there by himself, and decided to hike out hoping for a ride.
Just a thought.

It's true that we only have MR's word for it, but he did say that Dylan "understood." The problem for me in all the Dylan struck out on his own scenarios is the lack of communication. I have a hard time believing that both his phone and ipod quit working and he couldn't get on the computer and he couldn't use the landline because he didn't know the phone number of a single family member or friend and leaving a note was just too old fashioned to even attempt. The one thing LE has mentioned in every statement is that there has been no communication from Dylan past Sunday evening. That makes me think LE considers it significant, too, but it's JMO and MOO.
I think that Dylan would have contacted his friends if he could. I believe that he may have had problems with his phone and that prevented his communication with his friends.

It's a rural area that may not have a lot of people traveling on the roads for extended periods of time. That would explain why no one saw Dylan hitchhiking on the road. MOO.

But mr HAS a landline. Do you believe he wouldn't know any of his friends' numbers, or that his mom wouldn't have them?
He spoke to them on the Dr Phil show. This is where this conversation you are referring to took place. Per our verified insider, AZ Grandma, about half of the footage shot did not get shown on TV.

Does anyone know if the general public can obtain the full unedited program?
I just pray that for now, this whole family and their extended friends agree to a "cease fire". All the energy going back and forth attacking each other should be directed at finding young Dylan. I know everyone is out of their minds right now, and my heart an prayers are with them. Perceived good guy or bad, old grievances or new....enough people! Right now it's ALL ABOUT DYLAN. Period. Focus! Cease fire!


Above bbm..Exactly!.. MR's accusations are nothing but deflection and the vast majority do not at all take his accusations seriously..
Why is that??..why would an innocent, uninvolved parent.. a father whose son is missing...why would he be deflecting and hurling accusations THAT HE KNOWS ARE UNTRUE and are only being stated to deflect away from him?.. why?

I could not agree more and I just don't see how this issue is not noted by some?.. ER/CR are utterly devastated, even most who are firmly atop the fence WRT Mark's having any involvement, most have even remarked that the pain in especially Elaine is clearly apparent, visible, and undeniable... so, how exactly is it that ER/CR who are closest to Dylan, who are clearly broken beings at this point, distraught from Dylan's being taken from their lives, how is it even being questioned that there full&complete, only motive is anything other than to find Dylan. ..THIS IMO IS WITHOUT QUESTION..ELAINE AND CORY WANT NOTHING MORE THAN DYLAN...THIS IS THE ONLY TOP PRIORITY AND FOCUS!!


Their laser focus is because they are certain.. and IMO the fact that their focus is singular and laser is truly telling due to the fact that its without doubt that Elaine and Cory's ONLY PRIORITY IS FINDING DYLAN..if Possibilities existed in other areas or people IMO there's zero doubt these two would be head first diving straight toward those possibilities..if it was possible for Dylan to be missing by the hand of any other person than that of Mark Redwine, without doubt Elaine and Cory would be on them like white on rice...just like they are on Mark Redwine..

Mark Redwine does not matter.. is that not clear?..this woman had long since moved on with vast improvements to her and her son's lives..long since moved in the positive direction forward, away from Mark Redwine.. this woman had moved on in every single aspect of her life away from Mark Redwine..he does not matter.. and the ONLY REASON that Elaine is having to be in this position that she is in...the situation which she has unfortunately been forced to have to deal with a man she had worked hard to successfully and positively move her life forward and away from... she is now forced to have her life and now full attention given to a man who she worked hard to put in her past.. there is no way in hell this woman would deal with, much less focus one ounce of her time/attention toward this man UNLESS SHE WERE FORCED TO..

IMO I do not understand how this is in any way a question??
Elaine is undeniably a devastated, pain stricken mother who is broken with her son no longer being here.. Mark Redwine was not, and had not for a very long time been in Elaine's life ..she worked hard and had moved forward in every aspect AWAY FROM MARK REDWINE. and if there was any way in this world that she would be able to continue along that positive, forward path away from Mark she would..

There is only one reason that would force her to put all of her time and attention toward Mark Redwine and that is for Dylan.. if the answer to finding Dylan even possibly lied elsewhere without doubt she would be focusing her time/attention there.. IMO there is but only one reason that could force her to deal with this man..and that reason is her son Dylan, AND finding AND bringing him home.

As many before me have indicated there are countless examples of parents who kill their children and dispose of their bodies.. countless and WS is one of the top sources you can easily verify this fact.. decades worth and in fact in previous threads there have been linked cases documenting over 100+ parents who've killed their children..

Also in the numerous, 4 dozen previous threads of Dylan's there are very good motives that have been given, speculated, and theorized about as to why..tho, MOO is that the truth is there truly is no motive, EVER in any case, period that will even begin to make sense when speaking of MOTIVE for killing any child, much less one of your own flesh and blood..

True it is that there is indeed motive involved.. fact is IMO the motive doesn't even begin to explain, make sense, or is at all logical when speaking of the motive to kill one's child..

IMO the motive is crystal clear *if* Mark Redwine premeditated Dylan's being permanently removed from the situation..and again I'll reiterate *if* its premeditated the motive is clearly regarding the fact that his ex wife successfully moved on, along with extremely recently the courts ruling in Elaine's favor in finding it in Dylan's best interest to live full time with his mom, and his mom's fiance nearly 6 hours well as the courts immediately cutoff the monthly payment Mark hadbeen receiving from Elaine due to her being the breadwinner btwn the two.. that abrubtly not only ended, but the court ordered that Mark REDWINE was to now pay Elaine child support monthly..


**for any who may not be aware** My use of ALL CAPITALS is in place of my not being able to BOLD words for emphasis, focus, or for specificity ..

Thanks was not enough. As always you sum it up perfectly. Wonderful post!:twocents::rocker:
Here is some information on ocean temperatures

When they did the water search at Valencito the water temperature was 38 degrees.

The lake water temperature does seem very cold compared to lakes in my region.

I would assume that's due to the elevation, and the temperature of the waters that flow into the lake itself which come from even higher temperatures. In the middle of the summer camping up high in the Rockies, even when the air temp was quite pleasant during the daytime, the creeks and such felt like ice water due to the fact that the water originated much higher up where there were still ice/snow peaks that never completely dethaw in many places.
You didn&#8217;t look so spiffy this morning. You know I should have asked you, are you suffering the effects of the Jim Beam, or just not feeling good?

Well&#8230; I didn&#8217;t have a lot of Jim Beam. I mean, I wanna make that&#8230; When I say ½ bottle I&#8217;m not talking about a big bottle, I&#8217;m talking about a small bottle, like a pint size&#8230;

So what was it that affected you to the point where we couldn&#8217;t go forward?

Well&#8230;and I guess when you were asking me these questions and you asked that question and I responded to it and I gave you my answer, I guess I was&#8230; I was expecting another question to follow that one, and&#8230; and&#8230;and at that point when it stopped

Well, actually, it wasn&#8217;t a question though, Mark. It was a statement by me and I said, well that&#8217;s a disqualifier. If you don&#8217;t feel well enough to take this test, then we&#8217;re not gonna&#8217; do it.

Right&#8230;but the question was, do I feel well enough to take it? My response was, No, and&#8230;. and&#8230; instead of having another question followed behind that, when you reacted to that, and &#8230; and&#8230; said what you said, I was a bit taken by that.

Dr. Phil:
Do you wanna&#8217; take it?

Well I don&#8217;t know that&#8230; that&#8230;. That&#8230; At the point we are right now with that question I don&#8217;t think that my answer is any different now that it was two hours ago.

Dr. Phil:
So you don&#8217;t want to take it.

Pause&#8230;Not if&#8230; if it means that my answer to that question is, no, then it&#8217;s no now. You know, maybe now isn&#8217;t the time to be taking the polygraph test, and I believe that that&#8217;s where we&#8217;re at with that



It seems to me Mark knew if he answered NO to the question (do you feel well enough to take the test) the test would stop.

Mark could have cleared himself. He didn't want to then and he doesn't want to now. It does seem like this is a game to him and by not helping to prove his involvement, he is still in control. That is so sick....JMO
I just pray that for now, this whole family and their extended friends agree to a "cease fire". All the energy going back and forth attacking each other should be directed at finding young Dylan. I know everyone is out of their minds right now, and my heart an prayers are with them. Perceived good guy or bad, old grievances or new....enough people! Right now it's ALL ABOUT DYLAN. Period. Focus! Cease fire!

I was telling this to my DH just yesterday. It seems that everyone is so busy hating on each other and one upping one another that no one seems to be directing their energies to finding Dylan. I can't even phathom that. It seems like a deal of hating on the other person more than they care about the missing child. Who really gives a carp who did what to whom???? Where is Dylan??? Where the heck is Dylan??? I think too many people who don't really care if Dylan is found are fanning the flames though. People who just want to inject themselves into a high profile missing person's case without any of the consequences. Sad really. Dylan needs to be found, Dylan needs to come home. End of story.
I wonder what question he was expecting to be asked? I agree that MR seems to be trying to control his situations.

Eta: addressing post with the JT/MR conversation.
That's exactly what I noticed, that he was still talking and Cory interrupted him when he was trying to explain the deal with it. That's what really struck me odd. The interruption then the insistence on it's location. I didn't think I was imagining that interruption! I would have dug back for the transcripts because I don't think I could handle watching the whole show again, my opinion is that it was a complete trainwreck, for a second I thought I was watching Maury.

On the page before your post I pulled the transcript, as well as a link to the video and a time indication so that anyone could move the pointer and fast forward to the exchange. Here's a link to that post:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45[/ame]
You didn’t look so spiffy this morning. You know I should have asked you, are you suffering the effects of the Jim Beam, or just not feeling good?

Well… I didn’t have a lot of Jim Beam. I mean, I wanna make that… When I say ½ bottle I’m not talking about a big bottle, I’m talking about a small bottle, like a pint size…

So what was it that affected you to the point where we couldn’t go forward?

Well…and I guess when you were asking me these questions and you asked that question and I responded to it and I gave you my answer, I guess I was… I was expecting another question to follow that one, and… and…and at that point when it stopped

Well, actually, it wasn’t a question though, Mark. It was a statement by me and I said, well that’s a disqualifier. If you don’t feel well enough to take this test, then we’re not gonna’ do it.

Right…but the question was, do I feel well enough to take it? My response was, No, and…. and… instead of having another question followed behind that, when you reacted to that, and … and… said what you said, I was a bit taken by that.

Dr. Phil:
Do you wanna’ take it?

Well I don’t know that… that…. That… At the point we are right now with that question I don’t think that my answer is any different now that it was two hours ago.

Dr. Phil:
So you don’t want to take it.

Pause…Not if… if it means that my answer to that question is, no, then it’s no now. You know, maybe now isn’t the time to be taking the polygraph test, and I believe that that’s where we’re at with that



It seems to me Mark knew if he answered NO to the question (do you feel well enough to take the test) the test would stop.

Mark could have cleared himself. He didn't want to then and he doesn't want to now. It does seem like this is a game to him and by not helping to prove his involvement, he is still in control. That is so sick....JMO

It seems the opposite to me, as if Mark did not know that his response was a show-stopper. He learned that it was, and then still said no. I can't say I blame him as he, as far as I can tell, does not have a criminal defense attorney nor does he seem knowledgeable about polygraph's beyond his limited experience with his son's disappearance. The pressure to take the test must have been enormous.
It seems the opposite to me, as if Mark did not know that his response was a show-stopper. He learned that it was, and then still said no. I can't say I blame him as he, as far as I can tell, does not have a criminal defense attorney nor does he seem knowledgeable about polygraph's beyond his limited experience with his son's disappearance. The pressure to take the test must have been enormous.


He had one that he was supposedly speaking with at one time. I don't recall if an attorney has ever spoke for him. I fail to understand why he hasn't retained an attorney but I fail to understand any of his actions.

He did take one LD test with local law enforcement. I think he felt by getting drunk the night before and only sleeping 3 hours would be enough to disqualify him but that didn't work. I don't think he will "ever feel well enough" to take a LD test.

Yes, the pressure on Mark must have been enormous throughout the whole taping but I think he achieved some things.....he got to see Elaine; he got to hurt Elaine and Cory on National TV.

But the pressure wasn't enough - he could have taken the poly and taken the pressure off of himself but he didn't. That in itself makes him look suspcious.

He appears to be a very vindictive, grudge-holding and conniving person.

It seems the opposite to me, as if Mark did not know that his response was a show-stopper. He learned that it was, and then still said no. I can't say I blame him as he, as far as I can tell, does not have a criminal defense attorney nor does he seem knowledgeable about polygraph's beyond his limited experience with his son's disappearance. The pressure to take the test must have been enormous.

I feel pretty certain ( with no evidence or link , just common sense and watching him ) that he knew it was a show stopper . I wonder if he looked it up overnight or called a friend and asked about it OR my bigger " WONDER" if you will is if that very type thing, maybe almost exactly, is what caused his initial POLY to be failed/ inconclusive. I think he took the first poly and failed and then said OMG i was so drunk last night, drank a ton of liquor , got a bad hangover , etc . Then LE said ' you dont feel well? you should have told us before the test '' and switched it to inconclusive to ' pacify' MR because he had a hangover and should never taken it . Then MR says they're incompetent LDT technicians for NEVER asking him if he had a hangover to begin with. Tons of MOOO in there, in fact 100% MOO!
Really encouraging post on fmdr if you have not seen it yet. Re; searching the lake
I don't know how to just quote part of what you said, SCHMAE, but if I understood it right, Mark was reluctant to appear on DP. From my seat, Elaine and Cory got to see Mark and they achieved some things....they got to hurt Mark on national televison.

I don't understand his lack of a criminal defense attorney either. It could be because he doesn't believe he needs one.

I don't know how to just quote part of what you said, SCHMAE, but if I understood it right, Mark was reluctant to appear on DP. From my seat, Elaine and Cory got to see Mark and they achieved some things....they got to hurt Mark on national televison.

I don't understand his lack of a criminal defense attorney either. It could be because he doesn't believe he needs one.


IMO Nobody hurt Mark on National TV except Mark himself. <modsnip>
It's really quite rash, I think, to presume that the Dad killed Dylan. I remember when Tori Stafford went missing, many of us assumed her Mom killed her. Her Mother was said to have drug problems. Unfortunately, Tori was found dead months later; it was a stranger abduction in broad daylight.

I'm not saying its impossible his Dad killed him. It's just as possible, however, that Dylan went fishing and drowned. It's also just as possible that Dylan was abducted on his way to see his friend. Or, perhaps, Dylan met up with a bad individual.

I just think there's not enough evidence to point fingers. Everything is based on heresay. The assumption that Dad killed his son is highly, HIGHLY detrimental if it is untrue. And so far, no hard evidence has pointed to him so you may very well be blaming an innocent man who has lost his son. I question that, that's all.
It was not Mark Redwine who appears to be a very vindictive, grudge-holding and conniving person.

This is not bashing anyone. My statement is my view of Mark Redwine. Sorry you read it a different way.
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