CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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ER certainly did not come across as a vindictive ex-wife hell-bent on bashing her ex. If she was she would could have used the information about this fetish to her advantage long ago. In fact, she seemed to have gone out of her way to preserve a relationship between the boys and MR. She seemed to have concerns that MR had been deteriorating over the past couple years especially.

At the same time she acknowledges little involvement with him. How can she see a deterioration and deny being around or paying attention? This deterioration she speaks of seems more like what she thinks NOW as opposed to what she thought in say, September or before.
Elaine is a victim as well as her son, Dylan. Just maybe Mark Redwine is a victim too. This is a crime against a child. I dislike picking her words apart or questioning her, but I feel it necessary to view all of the people surrounding Dylan Redwine with discernment as I try in my own mind to form an opinion of what happened to him and who might be responsible. Please, understand that is where I am coming from.
At the same time she acknowledges little involvement with him. How can she see a deterioration and deny being around or paying attention? This deterioration she speaks of seems more like what she thinks NOW as opposed to what she thought in say, September or before.

I don't see how it even matters what or when Elaine noticed MR's behavior issues. The fact of the matter is, the man has serious problems...and those problems are exactly what could be the cause of Dylan missing. As Dr. Phil said, there's something very wrong with MR (paraphrasing). Knowing what he is "entertaining" himself with, I would say that is an understatement.
What I find the most disturbing is that not only did Dylan find the photo's, but Dylan had just confronted MR about these photo's in Sept. Could that be a motive for murder?
Did you get the sense that the concern or observance of the deterioration was in real-time or was she looking back now with 20/20 hindsight? I'm questioning that myself and am interested in other opinions on this.

Hmmm...I'm not sure. She actually referred to hindsight at some point. But my sense is that she did notice at the time he was even more detached and distant than usual. Since they didn't usually talk, I took this to mean he didn't come around or try to be with his kids very much at all. She said like 3 times a year. It seemed to me that she did notice him pulling away at the time. Obviously, when she saw the photos that would have been a red flag, but she probably just couldn't process that.
Hmmm...I'm not sure. She actually referred to hindsight at some point. But my sense is that she did notice at the time he was even more detached and distant than usual. Since they didn't usually talk, I took this to mean he didn't come around or try to be with his kids very much at all. She said like 3 times a year. It seemed to me that she did notice him pulling away at the time. Obviously, when she saw the photos that would have been a red flag, but she probably just couldn't process that.

The "3x a year" was when MR had joint custody and they all lived in the same area. That was his "normal" visitation schedule with the boys.
At the same time she acknowledges little involvement with him. How can she see a deterioration and deny being around or paying attention? This deterioration she speaks of seems more like what she thinks NOW as opposed to what she thought in say, September or before.

I took this to mean she noticed him coming around even less than before. She said something about this, how he would only see the boys like 3 times a year. She said he was never a real involved father, but he started to pull away more recently.
Surely if the photos were a joke, a bet or a dare, MR would have said so at once and ER would have known this. I am sure he would have said so on DP as well and no one has said he offered up such an explanation that I am aware of.
The "3x a year" was when MR had joint custody and they all lived in the same area. That was his "normal" visitation schedule with the boys.

Thanks, I just saw that! And didn't they live close at that time? So, recently he had been even less involved. JMO
Surely if the photos were a joke, a bet or a dare, MR would have said so at once and ER would have known this. I am sure he would have said so on DP as well and no one has said he offered up such an explanation that I am aware of.

I agree, but I'm having a hard time even imagining a joke like that. These were very graphic pictures. JMO
I believe Elaine said that Cory noticed the changes in Mark after he and Dylan saw the pictures.....

some of the changes (I'm not sure what Elaine/Tricia said):

focused on making sure everyone was miserable and unhappy
distancing self from reality
no responsibility
blaming others
focusing on himself - me, me, me (to me - acting like a two year old)

what I wrote down about the increase in drinking:

E - not to the extend I have seen lately - not this heavy
What I find the most disturbing is that not only did Dylan find the photo's, but Dylan had just confronted MR about these photo's in Sept. Could that be a motive for murder?

That's a giant leap since Dylan talked to Cory and not to Elaine, so we are hearing what Cory told his mother probably much later then when it really happened. Maybe not a huge difference but enough for me to think it's all hindsight. Elaine has said more than once that she did not have concerns about Dylan going with and being in the care of his father until after Dylan went missing.
AZG said on the radio thread that while ER had not talked to MR, she had SEEN him in the 3 year period. I assume that was when Dylan was dropped off or picked up. So my take is that based on observation, less contact with the boys and maybe also the observations of the boys, she felt that MR's situation was deteriorating. Just my interpretation and MOO.
I don't think it really matters in the least if Dylan talked to Elaine or Cory about the pictures; what really matters is the fact that this behavior is beyond what most folks would consider "usual" fetishes and in fact, border somewhat on psychiatric issues.
If Elaine believes he is deteriorating, then he is probably deteriorating in an obvious manner. I'm fairly certain she has good reason to think that way.
I took this to mean she noticed him coming around even less than before. She said something about this, how he would only see the boys like 3 times a year. She said he was never a real involved father, but he started to pull away more recently.

Well visitation is one thing. What if even when he was NOT exercising his visting rights, he still called somewhat regularly to say HI to his boys and see how school is and ask about sports or their upcoming vacation ,etc. Maybe he dropped by and said you left your pillow at my house the other day , etc. Took them to get a burger on their birthday even if they did not go back home for a ' visit'. So maybe over the last 2 years those calls stopped and those visits stopped and any concern for the kids stopped. Maybe he and ER would email about an issue with a teacher at the school and he quit responding to any of those kind of parenting bits. I'm just speculating because at first I thought well how would ER know if she and he weren't talking but there are lots of ways parents can stay involved/ engaged with their kids other than VISITATION for weekends, etc.
MOO :moo:
Well visitation is one thing. What if even when he was NOT exercising his visting rights, he still called somewhat regularly to say HI to his boys and see how school is and ask about sports or their upcoming vacation ,etc. Maybe he dropped by and said you left your pillow at my house the other day , etc. Took them to get a burger on their birthday even if they did not go back home for a ' visit'. So maybe over the last 2 years those calls stopped and those visits stopped and any concern for the kids stopped. Maybe he and ER would email about an issue with a teacher at the school and he quit responding to any of those kind of parenting bits. I'm just speculating because at first I thought well how would ER know if she and he weren't talking but there are lots of ways parents can stay involved/ engaged with their kids other than VISITATION for weekends, etc.
MOO :moo:

JMO I did not get that impression from ER, i.e that he was in constant and regular touch and involved in their lives, but just did not have time for visitations.
I didn't hear the interview, and don't know what these "alternative" lifestyle choices MR has, but I can certainly imagine. This brings about a whole different dimension of possibilities related to Dylan's disappearance. Alternative choices bring secrecy and often unsavory people who assist in fulfilling them. One of these individuals could have certainly absconded Dylan, or did MR sell him!?! What a horrid thought that is. And something about this new piece of info has me wondering about that ex girlfriend who was on the DP show. Something wasn't quite right about that gal, IMO. Is she one of these people who participates/participated in MR's alternative activities? She just raised all sorts of red flags for me, and it didn't appear DP thought much of her either. With this piece of info, I now believe that if MR didn't directly hide or harm his child, he has a very good idea of who would be a good suspect. You can't have people like that hanging around your children for God's sake! What is that saying that "the sins of the father will come rest upon the son?"
Well visitation is one thing. What if even when he was NOT exercising his visting rights, he still called somewhat regularly to say HI to his boys and see how school is and ask about sports or their upcoming vacation ,etc. Maybe he dropped by and said you left your pillow at my house the other day , etc. Took them to get a burger on their birthday even if they did not go back home for a ' visit'. So maybe over the last 2 years those calls stopped and those visits stopped and any concern for the kids stopped. Maybe he and ER would email about an issue with a teacher at the school and he quit responding to any of those kind of parenting bits. I'm just speculating because at first I thought well how would ER know if she and he weren't talking but there are lots of ways parents can stay involved/ engaged with their kids other than VISITATION for weekends, etc.
MOO :moo:

I don't think it was like that at all.

I don't think Mark came back to Vallecito often.

It seemed he saw the kids 3/4 times a year the last couple of years.

I don't think there was anything "normal" about Mark and his visitations....

Since Elaine was also granted Full custody, MR was upset, plus the fact that Dylan was taken out of School and Relocated once they moved to Colorado Sprimgs.

MR had not only lost Dylan and Cory living near by, Elaine also moved 300 miles away, and MR knew he had nothing else to use as a controll hold, So it's very possible Dylan was his last card to play against Elaine.

MR might have Displayed that Loaded Shotgun as a sign of what's to come, Nothing positive has Resulted from MR since Dylan's Disapearance __ and it's very Possible the end is near.
I just had a random thought and was wondering if this possibility has been posted or discussed. I keep thinking about the Dr. Phil show and MR's behavior and actions (or lack thereof). We have all basically said, "something's not adding up". It seems to be more than black or white, meaning he did this or he didn't. Do you think that just possibly he could have indeed stashed Dylan away somewhere and *never* suspected this to get to the point where it has now...and that he doesn't know how to get himself out of this? Do you think that it's possible Dylan *is* still alive being held somewhere but MR just doesn't know what to do that won't send him to jail for a very long time? He seems to have women coming forward (the ex girlfriend and the mail carrier) who vouch for him. Could he have possibly talked someone in to keeping Dylan? Maybe this is just my wishful thinking, but is there a remote chance or is this too fanciful? Does MR have an attorney? If so, and this is a real scenario, the attorney could help unwind this.
Really a stretch, I know. Let's find Dylan!

I hope with all my heart and soul this is the case. Anything is possible.
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