CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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A few posters have commented on the way Cory behaved with MR on the DP show and it is MOO but I believe that Cory has years of pent up anger at Mark which has extremely intensified since Dylan went missing and I also think he may have been trying to upset MR to get him to show how easy to anger he is. Again, JMO

If CR was trying to upset MR to demonstrate how easy MR is to anger, I would say he failed. CR seemed more angry than MR. So, you are suggesting that the DP show may all have been done with a goal in mind? Hmmm....remember, Dylan's father was reluctant to go on the show and others pushed for it. Now who is manipulating? Just a thought...
here are my thoughts and i may get flack for it but oh well...

MR continues to lead the LE and the media to believe that there is a *chance* Dylan either fell into the lake, has been disposed of at the lake, etc. the whole fishing pole thing i think is somewhat of a red herring because there isn't a single ounce of me that believes the kid went fishing, but i think MR made mention of it on purpose.

i believe Dylan could be found in the lake, in some time, and that MR is waiting for it to happen so he can say "aha i told you" but by the time Dylan is found, it'll be difficult if not impossible to determine COD and he will get to trumpet it as his intuition having led investigators to finally find him.

i can believe he snapped on Dylan...i think there was either an argument or there was resentment building in MR and it came to a head when Dylan arrived to stay with him...i don't think Dylan ever saw the inside of the house and was instead probably left in the lake and MR went home that night. Either this, or Dylan is elsewhere and clues and or remains will surface in the lake but there will be evidence and possibly remains found in other locations eventually as well.

this is all my thinking...i've been watching this case and this thread for some time and i could be completely wrong, but these are the scenarios that make sense to me. i couldn't imagine being in ER's shoes, she must feel absolutely horrified at having sent Dylan away only for him to go missing, with her feelings being that MR's violent tendencies finally reached a fever pitch and resulted in Dylan's disappearance. makes me thankful i never had and never would have children with my ex.

sorry if it all seems harsh, but any sympathy or doubt in my mind about MR has been eradicated as the case has gone on and MR seems to incriminate himself. i think Dr. Phil's sentiments and statements to MR are dead on.

I agree. And this is a hard thought for me to have and to process but has anyone had the thought that there may have only been ashes left and possibly spread over the lake?
I'm not sure the backpack would be enough. I only threw that out there because I knew it would be thrown back at me. lol

I'm not sure how quickly rigor sets in. I'm just in my first semester of A&P.

If he's in the lake and weighted down by a tire iron or something along those lines, then it's obviously murder, in which case (assuming MR is responsible) why would he use the red herring and point LE that way.

I totally agree about transfer of body. If truck was used, I have to believe LE used cadaver dogs once the vehicles were removed. I can't see MR carrying the body for any distance. And if he did, again there would be some transfer. If the clothes worn in the Walmart video weren't recovered, then I would think LE would really be leaning heavy on MR.


OK, again my post makes sense to me, but it could be ramble.

And they may not appear to be looking at him because they want the body to be found for a) solid evidence for a more sure outcome and/or 2) closure for the family.
I agree. And this is a hard thought for me to have and to process but has anyone had the thought that there may have only been ashes left and possibly spread over the lake?

NO :(
That would mean MR knows someone / place with an incinerator ?
That's too horrible to think about . :(
Did Mark say in one of his interviews that the first thing he noticed missing was the fishing pole? Or did he say that it was later on that he noticed that the fishing pole was missing?

As I recall it was one of his right off the bat, adamant statements, which always stick out to me because many of his other statements are so vague/indirect.
If CR was trying to upset MR to demonstrate how easy MR is to anger, I would say he failed. CR seemed more angry than MR. So, you are suggesting that the DP show may all have been done with a goal in mind? Hmmm....remember, Dylan's father was reluctant to go on the show and others pushed for it. Now who is manipulating? Just a thought...

Well MR did say he'd never forgive CR. That sounds pretty angry IMO. MR doesn't like being called out. He didn't do an interview until ER said she thought he could be involved. The "rally" was an excellent tactic to keep him talking. The more he says, the more inconsistencies and evasions come to light. All MOO
Well MR did say he'd never forgive CR. That sounds pretty angry IMO. MR doesn't like being called out. He didn't do an interview until ER said she thought he could be involved. The "rally" was an excellent tactic to keep him talking. The more he says, the more inconsistencies and evasions come to light. All MOO

That is so immature too. How about ' son can you forgive ME for whatever i've done to make you hate me' ........ No responsibility for any of it. The only reason CR would hate MR is because of things ER says in MR's words. What a lame excuse. If your kids hate you , it's likely you've done SOMETHING to deserve it. Sorry but kids are very forgiving of their parents' shortcomings and will forgive almost anything if they have a good relationship with their parents. What a sacka ........

ETA And NO a sacka.....does not a murderer make.
Well MR did say he'd never forgive CR. That sounds pretty angry IMO. MR doesn't like being called out. He didn't do an interview until ER said she thought he could be involved. The "rally" was an excellent tactic to keep him talking. The more he says, the more inconsistencies and evasions come to light. All MOO

And this is precisely why I wanted to see and hear him talk more. What I have seen and heard is much more shocking than I ever expected.

We never found out if cadaver dogs were used in MR's house or in his vehicles. The thorough search and seizure of the vehicles did not take place from some 10 days after Dylan went missing. I don't know if cadaver dogs (if used) could even pick up a scent at that point with no actual body being present.
If CR was trying to upset MR to demonstrate how easy MR is to anger, I would say he failed. CR seemed more angry than MR. So, you are suggesting that the DP show may all have been done with a goal in mind? Hmmm....remember, Dylan's father was reluctant to go on the show and others pushed for it. Now who is manipulating? Just a thought...

I think the only one doing any manipulation here is MR.
Cr was not trying to upset MR Cory is very angry and upset and you could see it
written all over his face. Hes not as bold sitting face to face with his father that I noticed.
MR made his own choice to go on it or not.
The goal I believe was to finally talk face to face with the last person that was with their son.
MR has been in controll of this since day one!

I dont know how clean Mark's house is but the fishing pole also never rings true for me.

Dylan visit rarely so what the fishing pole just sat there for months on end ?

Cory also states the normal place for them is the garage which would be more convenient than it sitting willy nilly in the living room when Dylan did not live there.

At the end of the day I do believe MR is less than a stellar example of a Father. It has been stated MR works away from home. I understand that. It appears he was able to arrange his schedule for Court appearances and Lawyer visits. It has been reported a history of violence. Sex on the lawn certainly speaks volumes to me. No regard for his Children. Nope much more important to get back at ER. Admits to drinking prior to the Poly he was "willing" to take. Prior reports indicate to me he is a drinker. So here we have a man with a history of violence and "games" with his Exes. Alcohol consumption. Son disappears and in the forefront is "all about Me" and trying to blame others. Do i think MR could be capable. You betcha. IMO :furious: If MR truly is deteriorating I wouldn't be surprised to see him "end it". Blame the finger pointing and hope Dylan is never found. Ultimate he can do to CR and ER. IMO
Unless LE find something then if Mark is guilty he will never talk :moo:

He has yet to show any kind of courage for Dylan plight and i do not see that changing unless LE force his hand ... IMO
So tell me again why the parents don't feel he ran away??? With all this garbage going on, why wouldn't he??? No one seemed to be concerned about any of this?? Everyone let this boy down tht was suppose to protect him. Everyone.

Elaine is broken-hearted. She said on Tricia's radio program that now in hindsight she wished she had done some things differently in regards to maybe recognizing that some of these behaviors as warning signs. Tricia was so great about reassuring ER that she is not to blame, as was appropriate. When you are living in a situation day after day, you can minimize other people's behavior because you want everything to be OK. She was trying to do the right thing in not interfering with MR and DR's relationship. I disagree that "everyone let this boy down". In my opinion MR let this boy down big time. In my opinion ER is a victim and should not bear anymore blame than she already puts on herself. My heart goes out to her with compassion.
If CR was trying to upset MR to demonstrate how easy MR is to anger, I would say he failed. CR seemed more angry than MR. So, you are suggesting that the DP show may all have been done with a goal in mind? Hmmm....remember, Dylan's father was reluctant to go on the show and others pushed for it. Now who is manipulating? Just a thought...

There was a goal all right. To get the word out about Dylan, and to ask the one who they suspected knew, "Where is Dylan?"
Did something happen during the september trip?

Didnt Cory say if Dylan needed them to just call!
There was a goal all right. To get the word out about Dylan, and to ask the one who they suspected knew, "Where is Dylan?"

I do agree that Elaine and Cory's true 'goal' is to find Dylan. Bottom line. Whatever it takes and whatever needs to come out to make that happen. I think both are focused on it should be.

I'm sure if there was any way either thought MR was not involved they would not be looking towards him for answers. No matter what, it would never be easy to think someone you once loved could be capable of maybe harming another loved one. I'm sure they did not come to this conclusion easily.
I still think Dylan could have used thos pictures as a bargaining ploy with his father.
and could have ended him in a very dire situation.
I don't necessarily think she's pig-headed or that she would rather blame MR than find Dylan, but I do think she's allowing her emotions to rule her rather than her head, and it doesn't appear to be doing much good at this time.

I don't expect everybody to be like me; in fact, I don't expect many people at all to be like me. If one of my sons had disappeared when he was young, and I was sure his father was responsible, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to humiliate him publicly and turn everybody against him hoping to shame him into confessing. Instead of using precious media time arguing and making accusations, I'd like to think I'd handle it very differently. After asking the public in general to watch for him, my first task would be to sit down and think about any place that might be significant, and any person who might be helpful in hiding him. Once I came up with a list of places I thought he may be, or may have been temporarily, I'd use whatever media time I had to try to reach out to people in those areas to ask them to be extra diligent about searching for him.

If I thought there was any chance whatsoever that he could still be alive, the last thing I'd want to do is antagonize the person I thought had him to the point of changing that. Rather than telling him what a lousy person he was, I'd try to remind him of how much his son looked up to him (if that was at all believable.) I guess I just don't understand what any of the mudslinging is doing for anyone other than being a form of stress relief, but I can think of much healthier and more pleasant methods of doing that. If MR really is responsible, there will be plenty of time to bash him (with nobody complaining about it) AFTER Dylan is found. MOO

Just catching up and sorry if this was already discussed.
BBM IMO ER is catching a lot of flack for antagonizing MR, mudslinging and humiliation, which is undeserved. ER is not responsible for the actions of others. If John Doe or Sally Smith want to post something, say something, divulge something - that is the responsibility of John Doe or Sally Smith. Their actions are not IMO at the direction of ER.

IMO ER has been very respectful and kind to the person she believes disappeared her son. Yes, ER yelled, screamed and demanded answers on DP, IMO that's due to a lack of being able to communicate with the father for months.

If there is information out there that ER, (not anyone else) has antagonized, slung mud or humiliated MR please provide a link. TIA
I still think Dylan could have used thos pictures as a bargaining ploy with his father.
and could have ended him in a very dire situation.

I can see where they might be 'mentioned' in a heated argument and out of anger.
Could I please ask that someone post the link to light a candle for Dylan? Thank you.
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