CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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It sounds like did not pass the initial test? If LE hasn't released the polygraph results how would anyone, outside of LE, know if he passed, failed or it was inconclusive?

LE implied that Mark did not pass the polygraph? How so? I don't recall that at all. The Dr Phil polygraph request was all about bringing drama to his show. It worked in my opinion. MOO.

Mark criticiized the LE polygraph examiner, calling him incompetent. Would he have done that if he had passed?

And then LE came out with a public statement in support of their examiner. So YES, imo, LE did imply that Mark did not pass his first, and only Polygraph.
A mediator would NOT be able to get them to present a united front or change the focus from each other, because ER believes MR harmed and probably murdered Dylan. And if nothing happens to change this belief, why would sitting down together help? She might want to kill him; at least I would, if I truly believed this. Putting them in the same room is the worst idea I have ever heard.

ER said that she had doubts about LE at first but now believes they are on the right track. Is she just imagining that they believe what she believes? We don't know. But we cannot say for sure, 100%, that LE has not given her hints as to their focus. Sometimes LE is human.

I believe in Jennifer Ramsaran's case, where the husband was charged with her murder yesterday, that her parents knew all along who LE was building a case against. It happens.
I believe in Jennifer Ramsaran's case, where the husband was charged with her murder yesterday, that her parents knew all along who LE was building a case against. It happens.


Whoa, really? I need to go catch up on that case.
A mediator would NOT be able to get them to present a united front or change the focus from each other, because ER believes MR harmed and probably murdered Dylan. And if nothing happens to change this belief, why would sitting down together help? She might want to kill him; at least I would, if I truly believed this. Putting them in the same room is the worst idea I have ever heard.

ER said that she had doubts about LE at first but now believes they are on the right track. Is she just imagining that they believe what she believes? We don't know. But we cannot say for sure, 100%, that LE has not given her hints as to their focus. Sometimes LE is human.

I believe in Jennifer Ramsaran's case, where the husband was charged with her murder yesterday, that her parents knew all along who LE was building a case against. It happens.

You mean change ER's focus. Mark is not focused on her. Like I said, you may be right and she's beyond even trying to work together. That's sad.
You mean change ER's focus. Mark is not focused on her. Like I said, you may be right and she's beyond even trying to work together. That's sad.

He accused her on TV, baited her, practically laughed in her face. She was having a meltdown due to imagining her son's bones in the woods, as she said.
I think Elaine and Cory should maintain physical distance from MR. If MR really wants to talk and share information about the search for Dylan, it can be done via a conference call which I am sure either LE or lawyers could facilitate.


I agree. It's very possible Elaine is fearful of her own safety and that of her other child and Imo, rightfully so.
I think that this is it. Dated 1/23/13

He said he spoke with investigators and they recommended that he and Elaine Redwine get a mediator and meet to clear the air. He said he plans to do that through his divorce attorney

So this seems to be coming from Mark's mouth, but not a quoted statement from LE?
He accused her on TV, baited her, practically laughed in her face. She was having a meltdown due to imagining her son's bones in the woods, as she said.

IMO, he was acting like a sociopath, and seemed to enjoy toying with her on that show. They are way beyond mediation, imo.
Mark criticiized the LE polygraph examiner, calling him incompetent. Would he have done that if he had passed?

And then LE came out with a public statement in support of their examiner. So YES, imo, LE did imply that Mark did not pass his first, and only Polygraph.

If I was innocent and LE told me that I failed a polygraph, I would question the competency of the polygrapher. I don't think that Mark lied about LE telling him that he failed the test. Why would he do that? I think that LE may have been deceptive towards Mark.

I'm not surprised that LE supported their polygraph examiner publicly. I'm sure he's well qualified. They definitely do not want the public to believe that they utilize incompetent polygrapher's. Hence the statement. MOO.
IMO Mark has only one motive for bringing up mediation. Personal gain. If Elaine refuses, it makes her look bad in some people's eyes. Which, again MOO, Mark seems fond of doing. If she accepts, he gains a forum with her in which he can be controlling and demeaning. Win, win for MR.

Elaine needs to conserve her strength for the genuine search for Dylan and not be pulled in by MRs seemingly endless self-serving games.
Just to say, I am not convinced 100% MR is the perp. But ER is at this point, and nothing has happened to make her change her mind. And unless another perp is arrested, why would she? She is not, IMO, going to one day just stop thinking he knows what happened, not without evidence being presented to her. She was married to this man a long time-she believes he is a liar. She believes he is hiding what he knows. He just (IMO) smirks and makes insinuations that maybe SHE did it, like a five-year old.

So, yeah, mediation =bad idea.
Just to say, I am not convinced 100% MR is the perp. But ER is at this point, and nothing has happened to make her change her mind. And unless another perp is arrested, why would she? She is not, IMO, going to one day just stop thinking he knows what happened, not without evidence being presented to her. She was married to this man a long time-she believes he is a liar. She believes he is hiding what he knows. He just (IMO) smirks and makes insinuations that maybe SHE did it, like a five-year old.

So, yeah, mediation =bad idea.

I think I've already conceded that you may be correct. I think that Mark has really held back on tossing the insults back, however. So, the worst part of this is that the drama will continue to be the draw for people, and some won't be looking for Dylan. That is just so terrible to contemplate.
At the time it was first mentioned, I thought the purpose of the mediator was to assist in MR telling ER exactly every thing that happened (and was said) once MR picked up Dylan at the airport until MR got in touch with ER asking about Dylan. That was just my opinion when I first read about it months ago. I actually thought it was a good idea, since there was obviously a communication gap. I still think it is a good idea. I mean, what could it hurt?
TBH, if I wasn't invested in this case from the get go, I woud be totally turned off by the behavior of both ER and MR. If a mediator can assist with them becoming a united front for their son, then what can it hurt?

Wasn't it during that early video store interview that MR first stated that he wanted them to unite to find Dylan? I am thinking of when he said something about not "wanting to be all buddy buddy or anything" or words to that effect.

Phone calls and print messages like texts or emails (or postings on public forums for that matter) are not the best means of communicating in tense situations. Words are too easily misrepresented, misinterpreted or just poorly chosen to begin with. As confronting as it seems, imo face to face communication - even about difficult matters, can often bring about some sort of resolution, where trying to do the same in print just cannot. If the other party will let you, you can reword or rephrase things - correct yourself, ask immediate questions and importantly inject the appropriate emotion into the conversation.
BTW Dr P did not in any way fit the role of mediator for this family. He did not remain neutral, nor did he allow all parties to participate uninterrupted - which really floored me.
I really believe that if we could see or hear any of those telephone exchanges sent by all parties in the early days of Dylan's disappearance, we would have a better picture of how things were handled, and maybe why tensions have unfolded as they have. This pendulum (and any tick tocking it may produce) swings both ways, and has done since the day Dylan went missing. :moo:
So this seems to be coming from Mark's mouth, but not a quoted statement from LE?

That's true but I don't see what Mark gains by lying about that. It certainly wouldn't help him with LE and they would be the ones to know that he was lying. MOO.
If I was innocent and LE told me that I failed a polygraph, I would question the competency of the polygrapher. I don't think that Mark lied about LE telling him that he failed the test. Why would he do that? I think that LE may have been deceptive towards Mark.

I'm not surprised that LE supported their polygraph examiner publicly. I'm sure he's well qualified. They definitely do not want the public to believe that they utilize incompetent polygrapher's. Hence the statement. MOO.

So it is your belief that Mark actually passed that first poly and LE lied, and they continue to lie about it?
That's true but I don't see what Mark gains by lying about that. It certainly wouldn't help him with LE and they would be the ones to know that he was lying. MOO.

Not saying he outright lied, but he may have twisted or misconstrued their conversation. JMO

He might have said he was having trouble with Elaine and wanted someone to mediate and the officer might have said agreed with him, thus MR says " Le suggested we have mediation." JMO

IF Elaine truly believes that Mark disposed of Dylan, then mediation is utterly meaningless. And I think she does strongly believe that. And she has been in communication with LE, and it seems that they have not told her anything to dissuade that opinion. Perhaps just the opposite, imo.
Why would people stop looking for Dylan, based on what ER thinks?
Many people, especially on social media seem to be convinced he is alive. And these are mostly the same people who feel MR knows where he is.
At the time it was first mentioned, I thought the purpose of the mediator was to assist in MR telling ER exactly every thing that happened (and was said) once MR picked up Dylan at the airport until MR got in touch with ER asking about Dylan. That was just my opinion when I first read about it months ago. I actually thought it was a good idea, since there was obviously a communication gap. I still think it is a good idea. I mean, what could it hurt?

I am certain that LE has his minute by minute timeline that he gave to the FBI and the Rangers. She can read that transcript to get that information, unless there is something he left out?
So it is your belief that Mark actually passed that first poly and LE lied, and they continue to lie about it?

My belief is that we don't know if Mark passed, failed or was inconclusive with his LE polygraph.

LE may have told him that he failed the test to put pressure on him in the early stages of their investigation to see if they could elicit a confession. When that didn't get any results, they may have told Mark that after further review, the test was inconclusive in order to keep the lines of communication open. This all fits with what Mark has said. We have no way of confirming it because, and rightfully so, LE won't comment on his test results.

LE isn't continuing to lie about it because they haven't commented about the test results at all. MOO.
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