CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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“I am asking that we stop and evaluate the process as a community, to come up with a more productive approach in the search for Dylan and missing children across the country,” he wrote in the statement. “No child who is missing should have to wait for certain criteria to be met before the public is notified and an alert be sent out

NO missing child should have to wait for their parent to PASS a polygraph!

The most productive approach is to CLear ALL family members ......then move along they cant do that can they?

“I firmly believe that the most critical time was in the first day or two or three and that everything possible should have been done. I think that not enough was done in that time frame,” Mark Redwine said in the interview.

BBM this is why he waited till 6pm to let someone know his son was maybe MISSING. After he took his NAP!

This sentence almost sounds like you are saying that Dylan can't or won't come home until Mark takes and passes another polygraph. I am going to make a leap here and assume this is NOT what you meant. So I'm using this as a perfect example of how words can be misconstrued to mean something different than what the original intent was. Don't be offended, because while it does sound that way, I know this is not what you were trying to get across. But when I first read the sentence, my first reaction was HUH??? Passing a polygraph is the only thing keeping them from finding Dylan??? If it is, then git 'er done!!!

No offense intended, and hoping you see my point!
Dylan Redwine's father Mark Redwine asks public to look at son's photo and children you see around


"I need the help of every single person out there to do this," Mark Redwine wrote. "Dylan could be anywhere out there so PLEASE look at his picture and the face of every child you see his age to see if it could be Dylan."


The reward for information leading to finding Dylan is well over $50,000. That includes rewards through Crime Stoppers, the FBI and donations from private citizens and groups.

Anyone who may have information on Dylan's whereabouts is asked to contact La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Investigators Dan Patterson 970-382-7015 or Tom Cowing 970-382-7045. There is also a local tip line, 970-382-7511, where tips can be left on an answering machine that is regularly checked by Investigators.

Dylan's NCMEC poster:

Dylan's CrimeStoppers poster: Poster - Dylan Redwine 04-11-13(1).pdf
Thank you for saying this. I totally agree!
It doesn't matter that he talks in circles, that does not prove guilt. It doesn't matter if he is not grammatically correct, that does not prove guilt. He doesn't claim to be perfect, so dissecting every word he says is wasted effort, because it does nothing toward finding Dylan. It just looks like petty bickering to me.

The same can be said for ER in regards to changing minds. She has wavered a few times in her thoughts of what happened, the same as MR has, and there is nothing wrong with that. Any parent with a missing child will think of all kinds of things that could have happened. As the case progresses and more things are learned, it would not be at all unusual to think differently than they did 6 months ago. Haven't a lot of us had different theories from time to time?

I sincerely hope we don't get into comparing the number of times that either of them have been criticized for something they said, because IMO, his far outweighs hers. This is not a contest, it's about a missing boy.

Six months... and no Dylan. That is the saddest part of this whole nightmare.
It is not the theories MR might have about what happened to Dylan that give me pause. Indeed, I would expect many theories. It is the inconsistencies about what happened when Dylan was with him and what MR says he did the following day that make me suspicious.

In the written statement MR says that more should have been done the first day by police. How are they going to do that when they weren't even notified until 5:30?

What some people see as poor communication abilities both written and spoken, I see as deliberate smoke screen.

I would submit that all of us here, regardless of our position or stated theories are more than aware that this is about finding Dylan.
It is not the theories MR might have about what happened to Dylan that give me pause. Indeed, I would expect many theories. It is the inconsistencies about what happened when Dylan was with him and what MR says he did the following day that make me suspicious.

In the written statement MR says that more should have been done the first day by police. How are they going to do that when they weren't even notified until 5:30?

What some people see as poor communication abilities both written and spoken, I see as deliberate smoke screen.

I would submit that all of us here, regardless of our position or stated theories are more than aware that this is about finding Dylan.


I do not assume that when MR refers to the "first day" than he means prior to he or EH making a report to the Marshall or LPCSO. In fact, the response in general by LE to missing teens is lacking across this country.

Round and round we go. Nothing is being accomplished. I hope like hell LE has something. The back and forth is tiresome. No one is going to change their mind. If MR doesn't speak, he's guilty as hell. If MR speaks, his words are dissected like a sheep brain.

There's no winner in a missing persons case. Dylan loses. Even if he's alive, he's lost 6 months of his life. The constant bickering gives me tired head and when people ask, "What's wrong with our world?" I can't help but come back to the ugliness I've seen right here on this case.

Just imagine if MR is innocent. Who's really looking for Dylan then?

BBM - Respectfully, why do you think that is? I don't know if MR is guilty and my mind is still very open to the possibility of a stranger abduction. However, I can examine both scenarios at the same time and I can change my mind at anytime.

In my opinion, almost everything MR says or doesn't say, what he does or doesn't do is very suspicious. MR has created many to be suspicious of him because of his own words and actions. Mark was seen by many as suspicious long before the DP show. His actions on the DP show didn't help remove any suspicion, in my opinion it created even more. What I am trying to convey is that MR, himself is responsible for creating the suspicion that surrounds him. I don't believe people here at WS are jumping on a band wagon against MR just for a ride. I think MR has given us reason to believe he has not been truthful. I personally wish I could remove all suspicion of MR so I could concentrate on just one theory. I tend to believe many people feel the same way. MR may be completely innocent, but his very own choices and actions have caused the cloud of suspicion that hangs over him.
I would love to see LE make a statement Right....About....NOW!!





Darn, I hoped you have some kind of super powers. But I see nothing today in the Durango Herald or the Pine River Times.
BBM - Respectfully, why do you think that is? I don't know if MR is guilty and my mind is still very open to the possibility of a stranger abduction. However, I can examine both scenarios at the same time and I can change my mind at anytime.

In my opinion, almost everything MR says or doesn't say, what he does or doesn't do is very suspicious. MR has created many to be suspicious of him because of his own words and actions. Mark was seen by many as suspicious long before the DP show. His actions on the DP show didn't help remove any suspicion, in my opinion it created even more. What I am trying to convey is that MR, himself is responsible for creating the suspicion that surrounds him. I don't believe people here at WS are jumping on a band wagon against MR just for a ride. I think MR has given us reason to believe he has not been truthful. I personally wish I could remove all suspicion of MR so I could concentrate on just one theory. I tend to believe many people feel the same way. MR may be completely innocent, but his very own choices and actions have caused the cloud of suspicion that hangs over him.

thank you for you're excellent post. I couldn't agree with you more.

MR given us reason to believe that he has been untruthful and IMO LE have also given us reason to believe that they know MR has been untruthful.

I do not assume that when MR refers to the "first day" than he means prior to he or EH making a report to the Marshall or LPCSO. In fact, the response in general by LE to missing teens is lacking across this country.

IIRC there were searchers on the monday night, what else could have been done in the dark? considering the terrain and wildlife.

LE can only go by what information they are given and it was EH that reported Dylan missing, so how much detail was she given in texts by MR?
IIRC there were searchers on the monday night, what else could have been done in the dark? considering the terrain and wildlife.

LE can only go by what information they are given and it was EH that reported Dylan missing, so how much detail was she given in texts by MR?

I've always been curious about this - just what was said to LE in that report by ER? What was LE's initial impressions of what was happening based on what MR said and what ER said? Were there inconsistencies between the two (most likely) and how did LE try to resolve the inconsistencies to get to some degree of truth, to know whether, when and where to start searching? Did those first impressions by LE in any way hamper the early investigations?
Little behind on the threads, but I have a question. What exactly should MR apologize to Cory for? I don't think that MR has publicly made statements saying he hates Cory, nor has he mounted a posse of people to protest outside Cory's house, or accused Cory of harming Dylan. To me his statement is what it is. It reflects the unconditional love we have for our children. No matter what they may say or do to us, that wrongs us in some way we will always love them. He also seems to say he understands why Cory may be acting the way that he is, that it's the pain and grief driving him.

I do believe there are maybe some past troubles between MR and CR but we really don't know what they are and in not knowing what they are and if MR may have already apologized and CR can't let those things go as of yet, well, I just guess there are a lot of things we really don't know to fully understand that statement. I just think of the parent who may believe their kid is headed down the wrong path and in trying to teach them something, they do things that the kid doesn't agree with and somehow believes the parent has wronged them and holds onto the anger. This is a general example I will use, but it's something to consider: Say your child drops out of high school and stays home all day long after playing video games. As a parent what do you do? You may tell them they need to get a job and they can't be a mooch for the rest of their life, encourage them to get a GED. You try to reason with this child and every attempt you make doesn't work. Finally you pull an act of tough love and kick the child out of your home because learning the hard way may be the only way the child will learn how to survive in the "real world." The child will be angry, sometimes the child will blame all their life's misfortunes on their parents. Hopefully at some point in time the child will learn that their parents only did that to make them better, but sometimes they never do. I give this as an example again to say, consider this, what if MR has done something like this to Cory in the past and that Cory is still angry about it. Should Mark apologize for something like that? It could very well be that some of his anger stems from something like that? Also, if MR has apologized for some wrong he may have done Cory already, should he keep having to apologize or is it up to Cory to choose to forgive and move on from that after MR has expressed his sorrow for the action?

BBM - In my opinion this statement is something a PR firm might suggest to their client as a way to pretty up MR's public image. It reminds me that what we see on the outside can be a facade and the inside can be a very different story. This statement is drastically different from how MR spoke to Cory in a text message that wasn't meant for the public to see. A perfect example of how people attempt to manipulate public perception to make themselves look good. I despise people like this, but I love when they get caught attempting to manipulate others.
Thank you for saying this. I totally agree!

It doesn't matter that he talks in circles, that does not prove guilt. It doesn't matter if he is not grammatically correct, that does not prove guilt. He doesn't claim to be perfect, so dissecting every word he says is wasted effort, because it does nothing toward finding Dylan. It just looks like petty bickering to me.

The same can be said for ER in regards to changing minds. She has wavered a few times in her thoughts of what happened, the same as MR has, and there is nothing wrong with that. Any parent with a missing child will think of all kinds of things that could have happened. As the case progresses and more things are learned, it would not be at all unusual to think differently than they did 6 months ago. Haven't a lot of us had different theories from time to time?

I sincerely hope we don't get into comparing the number of times that either of them have been criticized for something they said, because IMO, his far outweighs hers. This is not a contest, it's about a missing boy.

Six months... and no Dylan. That is the saddest part of this whole nightmare.

BBM :seeya: Hi TxLady2 Can you provide a link for that please?

AFAIK EH's statements have never wavered in her belief that MR was involved in and/or knows more about Dylan's disappearance.

BBM - In my opinion this statement is something a PR firm might suggest to their client as a way to pretty up MR's public image. It reminds me that what we see on the outside can be a facade and the inside can be a very different story. This statement is drastically different from how MR spoke to Cory in a text message that wasn't meant for the public to see. A perfect example of how one can manipulate public perception to make themselves look good. I despise people like this, but I love when they get caught attempting to manipulate others.


I haven't seen Mark's statement change anyone's perception of him here on WS. The people who despise him still do as far as I can tell and the people who are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt seems the same also. MOO.

I haven't seen Mark's statement change anyone's perception of him here on WS. The people who despise him still do as far as I can tell and the people who are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt seems the same also. MOO.

Thank you Ranch! I should have stated "attempt" to manipulate.

Also just for clarification purposes, I can despise someone's actions and still give them the benefit of the doubt at the same time.
Thank you Ranch! I should have stated "attempt" to manipulate.

Also just for clarification purposes, I can despise someone's actions and still give them the benefit of the doubt at the same time.

I thought that may have been what you meant but I wasn't sure. I think that your post is a good example of how a missing word or two can change people's perception of someone's statements. MOO.
DURANGO, Colo. (AP) - The father of a boy missing for six months is criticizing how missing children's cases are handled by authorities.
Mark Redwine said in an interview with the Durango Herald that no Amber Alert was issued when Dylan Redwine first went missing Nov. 19 from the Vallecito area because the case didn't meet the criteria for an alert.
Mark Redwine says no child who is missing should have to wait for certain criteria to be met before the public is notified and an alert sent out.
Law-enforcement officers say they have to confirm a child has been abducted before issuing an alert.

Looks like he was talking about the "missing child" process.

I haven't seen Mark's statement change anyone's perception of him here on WS. The people who despise him still do as far as I can tell and the people who are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt seems the same also. MOO.

When a child is Missing I don't believe in giving anyone the benefit of the doubt! Especially a parent that wont or cant erase that doubt. JMO
This sentence almost sounds like you are saying that Dylan can't or won't come home until Mark takes and passes another polygraph. I am going to make a leap here and assume this is NOT what you meant. So I'm using this as a perfect example of how words can be misconstrued to mean something different than what the original intent was. Don't be offended, because while it does sound that way, I know this is not what you were trying to get across. But when I first read the sentence, my first reaction was HUH??? Passing a polygraph is the only thing keeping them from finding Dylan??? If it is, then git 'er done!!!

No offense intended, and hoping you see my point!

Yes I feel him not passing that poly is keeping them from finding Dylan!

I firmly believe MR knows exactly where Dylan is.
When a child is Missing I don't believe in giving anyone the benefit of the doubt! Especially a parent that wont or cant erase that doubt. JMO

That sounds like a person is guilty until proven innocent to me. I just don't look at people that way but to each his own.
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