CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #6

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I'm sure this has been covered but I can't find a link.

Did the tracking dogs start at MR's house? Did they find a scent outside of the house to track? In the yard or driveway? I thought I read when they stopped the lake search and were going door to door that they did tracking from MR's house to the lake? I just can't remember if they actually did start at the house...and actually find a scent to track there.
We were told that there was no clothing of Dylan's left behind only to learn that is not true. Where did that story come from anyway?

Also did LE specifically ever say that they requested the mom to bring clothing items of Dylan's or did she just bring them on her own? Because it makes no sense when some of his clothing was right in his dad's home all along that he brought.

Unless these are some Dylan pulled out of his bag looking for other clothing and had never worn them since they had been cleaned.


I assume that he would have brought only clean clothes with him, so those would not be as useful since they had been washed. Assuming he did not shower when he got there, and if he fell asleep by 8 p.m. he would most likely be wearing the same clothes he arrived in.
As far as the blanket over him, if he did not 'wallow around' in his sleep much, that blanket would not have a strong scent, either, because it may not have even touched his body, only what he was wearing. I don't find it odd that LE would ask the mom to bring some clothes that he had been wearing before he left, because, logically, those would have a stronger scent of Dylan than the clothes he brought with him or just a blanket thrown over him. Or maybe they wanted both.
Was there a pillow he laid on? That could be important, because it would probably have a few hairs, and possibly a good scent as well.
I'm sure this has been covered but I can't find a link.

Did the tracking dogs start at MR's house? Did they find a scent outside of the house to track? In the yard or driveway? I thought I read when they stopped the lake search and were going door to door that they did tracking from MR's house to the lake? I just can't remember if they actually did start at the house...and actually find a scent to track there.

As far as I know, nothing has been reported about tracking dogs picking Dylan's scent anywhere near the house. Since they stopped searching the lake I don't think there is any evidence Dylan was at the lake.
Not directing this at you, just jumping off of your post...

We are in a rural area and I can't tell you how many years it's been since I've seen anyone hitchiking and I know I've never seen a child do it.

Im pretty certain that if my 14yo son wanted to go somewhere, and his only method of transport was hitchhiking, he's not going anywhere. I don't think that option would ever even cross his mind.

I work at a junior high school. On Monday I will try to remember to ask my students if they would ever hitch hike, and if they did, would they do it without trying to get a ride from a friend first. I'll also ask them if they would ever brag to their friends that they had hitch hiked even if they really never did.

Quite a few of my students live or have lived in a rural area. The school district was almost exclusively rural until we had a nearby housing boom a few years ago. The local grapevine is such that if three of our boys had a "secret", all of the kids would know within a few hours and the adults would catch wind within 24 hours or less. Specificly, best friend, their buddies, siblings, youth minister, parents and police, in that order.

I want to know if this child has a BED in his fathers house.

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It's a rural area where catching a ride is not uncommon. An area where everyone knows everyone. If they don't know you directly they know your Mom or your big brother or your Father or your cousin. I just can't see Dylan hitch hiking with strangers in a city where he knows nobody. You know where someone pulls over and says 'hey aren't you Mark Redwine's kid? You need a ride into town?'
not sure whats true?

one road in one out or that no one saw anything?

Really I thought they mentioned more roads than one when they were wanting videos but I may be mistaken.

Ok......I finally remembered where I read it and it was on a FB page but now it states that page no longer exist.

Sorry. I didnt mean to spread misinformation if it isnt true.

Not directing this at you, just jumping off of your post...

We are in a rural area and I can't tell you how many years it's been since I've seen anyone hitchiking and I know I've never seen a child do it.

Im pretty certain that if my 14yo son wanted to go somewhere, and his only method of transport was hitchhiking, he's not going anywhere. I don't think that option would ever even cross his mind.

I have seen teens walking by our house before and then someone would pass them then pullover and stop and they would get in. Now I have no way of knowing if they knew them or not. Or maybe their parents knew the driver.

if LE believed he ran away, or hitchhiked...why wasn't any focus on the route between vallecito and bayfield? emphasis having been placed on his wanting to be with friends, so if he were to take off wouldn't that be the obvious path? south, not west:

"Specifically, investigators would like to talk to anyone who was taking photos or shooting videos that show vehicles along the typical routes between Vallecito and Durango from 6 p.m. Nov. 18 to noon Nov. 19. That would include County Road 501 and Florida Road (County Road 240)."

"Another team is combing through videos and photographs taken along the road from Vallecito to Durango on the day Dylan went missing."

“We’re one way in, one way out. Nobody is going to come to Vallecito looking for a little kid. There’s not even a playground here, there aren’t even that many kids here, and he wasn’t even living here. It doesn’t make any sense,” said Bourque, who has lived in the community for nine years.

as most have said before, no one has definitively come out and determined whether or not he was at the house. eileen stated that his fingerprints should be on the remote control if he was watching tv; also, on the cabinets and drawers where cereal bowls and spoons were kept...doorknobs...toilet flush handle...etc. IMO LE has to have proof at this point whether or not he was there.

LE has stated there is no evidence from the house to point them in any particular direction; and the fact that they have said, most emphatically, that he did not run away perhaps suggests that one cannot run from a location where one never was.

IMO, JMO, MOO, et cetera...thoughts?
As far as I know, nothing has been reported about tracking dogs picking Dylan's scent anywhere near the house. Since they stopped searching the lake I don't think there is any evidence Dylan was at the lake.

They got an alert on his scent not once but both days.

That is why I said I hope it isnt like my neighbors story and they searched for her and finally gave up and they knew she was in there but so many times lakes this big can have many fallen trees, large stumps, and holes in the bottom that can trap a body and wont let it rise.:(
If he did, why would he sleep on the couch?

Well, sometimes people don't have cable tv in children's bedrooms, sometimes people fall asleep on the soda while watching tv

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They got an alert on his scent not once but both days.

That is why I said I hope it isnt like my neighbors story and they searched for her and finally gave up and they knew she was in there but so many times lakes this big can have many fallen trees, large stumps, and holes in the bottom that can trap a body and wont let it rise.:(

Cadaver dog's don't hit on specific scent of a person. They hit on scent of decomposition.
I assume that he would have brought only clean clothes with him, so those would not be as useful since they had been washed. Assuming he did not shower when he got there, and if he fell asleep by 8 p.m. he would most likely be wearing the same clothes he arrived in.
As far as the blanket over him, if he did not 'wallow around' in his sleep much, that blanket would not have a strong scent, either, because it may not have even touched his body, only what he was wearing. I don't find it odd that LE would ask the mom to bring some clothes that he had been wearing before he left, because, logically, those would have a stronger scent of Dylan than the clothes he brought with him or just a blanket thrown over him. Or maybe they wanted both.
Was there a pillow he laid on? That could be important, because it would probably have a few hairs, and possibly a good scent as well.

A couple of thoughts on why there were no usable scent samples at MR's house:

-- The bedding might contain scent particles from the dad, assuming neither the blanket nor pillowcase were freshly laundered before Dylan used them.

-- Dylan's worn clothing was placed in a laundry hamper with the father's.

In either case, mixed scent particles might disqualify the items as usable scent samples.

Answers to some questions about SAR and HRD canines can be found in WS Resource Center:

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On the fingerprint thing. Wouldn't they have to have his fingerprints on record to compare the prints they lifted to? How many 13 year olds have fingerprints on record?
if LE believed he ran away, or hitchhiked...why wasn't any focus on the route between vallecito and bayfield? emphasis having been placed on his wanting to be with friends, so if he were to take off wouldn't that be the obvious path? south, not west:

"Specifically, investigators would like to talk to anyone who was taking photos or shooting videos that show vehicles along the typical routes between Vallecito and Durango from 6 p.m. Nov. 18 to noon Nov. 19. That would include County Road 501 and Florida Road (County Road 240)."

"Another team is combing through videos and photographs taken along the road from Vallecito to Durango on the day Dylan went missing."

“We’re one way in, one way out. Nobody is going to come to Vallecito looking for a little kid. There’s not even a playground here, there aren’t even that many kids here, and he wasn’t even living here. It doesn’t make any sense,” said Bourque, who has lived in the community for nine years.

as most have said before, no one has definitively come out and determined whether or not he was at the house. eileen stated that his fingerprints should be on the remote control if he was watching tv; also, on the cabinets and drawers where cereal bowls and spoons were kept...doorknobs...toilet flush handle...etc. IMO LE has to have proof at this point whether or not he was there.

LE has stated there is no evidence from the house to point them in any particular direction; and the fact that they have said, most emphatically, that he did not run away perhaps suggests that one cannot run from a location where one never was.

IMO, JMO, MOO, et cetera...thoughts?

One thing I dont agree with and that is him saying no pedo would come looking for a kid there. Pedos have been known to cruize back rural roads looking for their next prey. The more remote and less populated the better, imo.

Even though they have ruled out runaway they havent come out and said that he did not leave on his own and something happened to him after he left nor have they ruled out the possibility that he was abducted or kidnapped that I have seen.

In regards to fingerprints....there would most likely be fingerprints at MR's house from Dylan because he visited him during Labor he was there two months ago.....

I'm sure they could find a fingerprint from him from his mom's home...
On the fingerprint thing. Wouldn't they have to have his fingerprints on record to compare the prints they lifted to? How many 13 year olds have fingerprints on record?

Dont some schools have those programs where children are fingerprinted now?

I think they could get a fingerprint sample on something he touched at his mom's home.

I can't quote since I am on my phone, but I find the question of tracking dogs interesting. Do we know whether they were used in the house or around the house? LE has confirmed that Dylan made it to the airport. Couldn't tracking dogs confirm he was at the house or the direction he went if he left the house? I would think this would be done early on just to know if he went to the lake or somewhere else.
As far as DNA, mom probably was instructed to bring his hairbrush or toothbrush to provide samples. I buy cheap dollar toothbrushes for my son when he travels, so he has his electric at home. I think LE probably is testing everything they took from the home
Interesting that everything seemed to slow in investigation activity after the search of the house except what Bender called internal, which seems to be forensic testing of things from the home.

I'm on my phone, excuse errors.
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