CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #6

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A couple of thoughts on why there were no usable scent samples at MR's house:

-- The bedding might contain scent particles from the dad, assuming neither the blanket nor pillowcase were freshly laundered before Dylan used them.

-- Dylan's worn clothing was placed in a laundry hamper with the father's.

In either case, mixed scent particles might disqualify the items as usable scent samples.

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I suppose it's possible Dylans' scent is in MR's house. We are just speculating because mom brought some more. Maybe she brought more to 'match' to or to 'eliminate' MR's scent from it. Just a thought.

Which is exactly what you just said,, duh !
In regards to fingerprints....there would most likely be fingerprints at MR's house from Dylan because he visited him during Labor he was there two months ago.....

I'm sure they could find a fingerprint from him from his mom's home...

True but since MR lives in the home and it had been two months I think mostly those fingerprints would be gone by now with MR touching the items after him.

I assume that he would have brought only clean clothes with him, so those would not be as useful since they had been washed. Assuming he did not shower when he got there, and if he fell asleep by 8 p.m. he would most likely be wearing the same clothes he arrived in.
As far as the blanket over him, if he did not 'wallow around' in his sleep much, that blanket would not have a strong scent, either, because it may not have even touched his body, only what he was wearing. I don't find it odd that LE would ask the mom to bring some clothes that he had been wearing before he left, because, logically, those would have a stronger scent of Dylan than the clothes he brought with him or just a blanket thrown over him. Or maybe they wanted both.
Was there a pillow he laid on? That could be important, because it would probably have a few hairs, and possibly a good scent as well.


Didn't dad come to the door one time when a reporter holding a pillow?
something else thats bugging me.

if Dylan was going to meet up with friends at 6.30am why did his Dad not leave until 7.30am?

and wouldn't it have made more sense for him to drop Dylan off the night before instead of him having to get up so early?

have we heard yet whether the change of plans was made by phone call or text message? IMO thats an important piece of information

Dylan had asked his father whether he could go to his friends' that evening after they had shopped at Walmart and eaten at a McDonald's in Durango and before the 45-minute drive to Mark's home north of Vallecito Lake. Mark said he told his son it was too late. So Dylan texted friends in Bayfield, his father said, and made arrangements to meet them the next morning.
BBM link

It looks like, per Dad, Dylan texted his Bayfield friends the night he arrived to change plans. I'd think LE has looked at what time they left the airport, were at Walmart and McDonald's, and when that text occurred. Since the article says Dylan asked after shopping and eating, but before the drive home, I wonder where/when the text occurred and if it's been confirmed Dylan is the one who sent it, ie cross referencing time of text, location at the time, and any video available. Dylan could've sent it, and made it to dad's, then something happened, but I bet LE's doing all they can to narrow the timeframe around what happened to Dylan.

I'm glad there's more info out now. If it's accurate, it gives us more info. If it doesn't match info LE has, it gives them info.

As someone else pointed out, with the info that some of Dylan's things were left at dad's, I'm surprised the idea that Dylan might've run away was entertained for so long, especially given the bike wasn't used. He apparently didn't bring much, so if he ran away, why would he have left anything?

Is dad saying the TV was left on, or when he turned it on, it was set to Nick? Ambiguous statements are frustrating!

So many questions in this case, and this article creates more, IMO.

I wish in one of these interviews, someone would ask Dad if Dylan was an avid texter and when he confirms that (as LE had stated Dylan was) ask dad, well then why didn't Dylan text anyone Mon?

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