CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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May I ask a question about this case, and get a bit from others, since this is now a national news story, and the cadaver dogs have hit on something, I see a criminal case coming at some point to a head were someone is arrested. How hard do you think it would be for whom ever it is to get a group of people on a jury that haven't heard of this case now? I would think slim to none.
Being out of the house does not equal missing, IMO. What if the mail carrier's sighting is true? It would sure complicate things even more and give an entirely different timeframe for Dylan's disappearance. Wow.

How would LE go about dismissing these sightings? The jogger and this one, I mean?

I was pleasantly surprised by this information. It would seem that someone did see Dylan outside at 1:30 with another boy. I wonder who it was. Like I said, I wonder what LE has to say about this. The woman seemed pretty certain it was Dylan.
Hi T4Tide, I'm really sorry it upset you (and others too, I'm sure). I actually wasn't comfortable using it in my posts, but I couldn't think of what to put that would be familiar to everyone. Since it had been used earlier in the thread I thought it would be the best way to warn people to skip ahead if they didn't want to read it. I absolutely agree with you that there is nothing "enjoyable" about any of this. It's heartbreaking. Again I'm very sorry, and I definitely understand your point. I'm glad you posted. If I'm able to post early Dr. Phil updates tomorrow I will find a more sensitive way to post them.

I know what you mean. The whole term "spoil" means when something good goes bad. That, and those things that stick up on the trunk of a car. lol I simply posted my thoughts because if *I* felt weird about it, and I don't even know Dylan personally, that it might strike a friend or loved one in a painful way, too. I wasn't trying to make anyone here feel bad... just posting my thoughts. :hug:
Not that I know of. There's also this:

Reports discounted

Searches for Dylan began that evening. Since then, hundreds of locals and more than 50 task-force members from multiple local law enforcement agencies, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the FBI have been checking vacant cabins and knocking on the doors of homes tucked into the tall pines.

Several possible sightings of Dylan were reported early on, but those have been discounted.

I wonder how they could discount it if the woman who saw him is still saying right now that it was him. She was pretty certain it was him. How can LE discount that?
After watching dr Phil I still feel he hates his ex wife more than he loved his son. I ain't buying what he's selling.

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I have been following this thread and never posted. I've been keeping an open mind in this case but after watching literally 5 minutes of this episode I feel like the father has hidden Dylan. Something in me doesn't believe Dylan is dead. I really think the father has someone helping him hide Dylan to punish Elaine..

I could see this but do not understand how Dylan would go along with it if he did not want to. How would Dylan be kept from contacting people or being seen? Another country? In my mind for this to occur successfully Dylan would have to go along with the I wrong?

However, my son said He'd run away to get away from both of the parents and their bitterness and arguing.
I wonder how they could discount it if the woman who saw him is still saying right now that it was him. She was pretty certain it was him. How can LE discount that?

They probably located who it actually was.

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Agree. It's also a pretty good indication that LE is VERY aware and has MR right in their sights. They may say he hasn't been "named" a suspect, but IMO, he is the number one "unnamed suspect". :rocker:

True because twice dr phil mentioned LE and why they would think MR suspicious.
The taking of the kids and keeping them from their moms previously. Phil said ( paraphrasing) IF LE sees that happened 1, 2 , 3 times then woudlnt' you think they would look at you.
And again the almost same talk about the domestic violence.. wouldn't you think LE would want to look at you ?
So it sounds as though LE has said to PHIL, ' we are looking at him and here is why' MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I think ER showed a lot of class, not getting into MR's allegations re drinking, criminals friends lol, etc. in must have been hard to hold back, but it would have further taken away from Dylan IMO. I think she did a great job!:great:

Considering she wasn't in the hot seat, and Dr. Phil wasn't grilling her, all she had to do was sit back and keep her mouth shut. IMO.
My friend from Florida & her hubby watched the show & called me to say, they feel he did something to Dylan. My hubby agrees.

I think today's show was very well done & put together, except for the younger pictures of Dylan. I am glad tomorrow is one on one though & can't wait for the poly. If polys are so unreliable LE & the gov't hiring employees would not be using them. It is really that simple IMO.
Moo there will be no strategy that works on this person.. Le are going to have to work their *advertiser censored* off around this fact and good old fashioned police work will be what solves this case..i pray they reach out and/or accept all the assistance they can get from other agencies.

I will continue to pray for dylan and those who love him..
That kind of sounds like they first said he failed to try to scare a confession out of him and when that didn't work they changed strategy to play nice and maybe get him to take another one.

That's what I think too. It's my understand that's an old LE ploy, tell someone they failed it to get them to think the gig is up and try to get them to confess.
I just noticed in the transcript just provided above that MR says they (LE) took MR's iPod (not Dylans....)

They took sweat pants, a Samsung cell phone, my iPod
Is there anyone who the show hasn't aired yet for? Can you tell me what channel it is on for you and what time (with your time zone)? I'm trying to find a live stream online.

In E NC here with TWC it is channel 110 EST.

Hope this helps.
I did not see rational. I saw control. Two different things. Ration tells me that when you are on TV to talk about your missing son, You don't spend the time talking about other things. You tell the world what happened that day and beg people to help you.

He seems content to me. He certainly does not seem worried that his son is missing.

He was answering Dr. Phil's questions. Dr. Phil was the one setting the scene for what was being discussed. Had Mark NOT answered the questions and talked about everything else, I would have been suspicious of that. He told Dr. Phil what happened that day. The same thing he's been saying all along. IMO.
The blue spruce ?

Also fwiw , there is a bridge MUCH closer to MR's house called north bridge. If you pan past his house a bit on the map to the east where the river is , there is a bridge. Surely he would not be talking about a bridge 5 or 6 miles away as somewhere that Dylan frequented?

Here's what he told Dr. Phil about the bridge:

Dr. Phil: So you get back at 11:30 and he’s gone…

MR: Right

Dr. Phil: Umm… and so you just laid down to take a nap

MR: Well, no… that… when I got back at 11:30, I didn’t think much of Dylan not being there. I mean, he knows the area, he’s been up to my house MANY times, there’s a campground at the end of the road that’s not (?) right by the river which he tends to go up to every now and then. There’s a bridge right down the street where it crosses over the river which he’s been known to hang out before. There’s a rock wall that’s right directly behind my house that he’s been known to go stompin around in the woods back there. I mean.. it didn’t… I didn’t find it… odd.. that he wasn’t sittin’ there waitin’ for me.
May I ask a question about this case, and get a bit from others, since this is now a national news story, and the cadaver dogs have hit on something, I see a criminal case coming at some point to a head were someone is arrested. How hard do you think it would be for whom ever it is to get a group of people on a jury that haven't heard of this case now? I would think slim to none.

They'll seat a jury just as they do for all the many many cases that are flooded in the media.. Jodi Arias is on trial as we speak to name one.. Casey Anthony.. Scott Peterson.. Drew Peterson..Believe me poor Dylan's does not even begin to compare to the real media flooded cases and just as they seated juries so, too will they seat a jury to try the person responsible for Dylan's "disappearance".
Now that its been a couple of hours does anyone know if it can be seen online somewhere for those who missed it? tia ! :)
Whew finally caught up with reading this thread. I'm currently flooded in (literally) and not wanting to sleep in case the river rose over night - I was lost last night without something to help me while away the hours here! Any news on a site to watch this online?? Feeling very left out here - but thanks to all those who have been busily transcribing :)
Reading the snippets posted, it's not looking good for MR and I get why people are picking up on certain answers/comments MR has made. However, I have to say that reading those same comments in the longer transcripts kindly provided - they do come across slightly differently. Context again.

I feel that MR tries to use his "best voice" in interviews, using more formal words than he probably would in normal conversation - he's not helping himself at all because it's just not natural for him and he is tripping over his words and IMO confusing himself. Definitely very hard for a reader to keep following anyway.
The Mrs Redwine thing ... I have wondered if this is still officially ER's name? I know she is EH on fb, so have wondered why all along we have called her ER here? It does sound like a dig, and maybe an extension of him trying to sound formal (with a touch of sarcasm thrown in)
Any links to the show would be much appreciated - I want to hear the tones of voice, see facial expressions etc. for myself if possible. TIA :)
I appreciated the heads up on spoiler alert not because I was enjoying the story, but because when I saw that others had seen the episode ahead of me and were commenting on it, I chose to log off and watch the episode before commenting. I wanted to see it in "real time" so that I could form my own opinions, rather than reading what others had said before I saw it.

I hope that makes you feel better. And it is a sensitive subject.

I agree. I appreciated the heads up so I could watch the show without anyone else's opinion on my mind about it first. I wanted to see and hear for myself what each parent had to say unstead of getting it second hand. I went to another forum until the show was on for me.
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