CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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Question for all us girls out there - Who here would feel comfortable going on national TV to proclaim a former boyfriend's innocence in a situation such as this? Think about it. Really think about it before you respond.

Now granted, we don't know the details of the relationship. For example, did they 'go steady' in high school? Did they live together @ any point? If so, for how long? Or, did they just date? On and on those questions can go...

I no longer have intimate knowledge of any of my former boyfriends. I can certainly speculate (like we are doing here), but to be confident enough to actually go on national TV and proclaim his innocence? Nah...

You know who needs to be doing what that former girlfriend is doing, in order for the claim to be credible? Mark's parents, siblings, longtime best friend(s), etc...
I am not a prayer warrior because, unfortunately, my mind does not work that way (i'm way too rational). But, right now, I am silently pleading w/whatever deity there is in existence to please, please allow someone, anyone to find this child because it is CLEAR that Mr. Redwine has no intention whatsoever of putting this situation to bed by telling the truth.

Oh my...

I agree but I think Elaine and Cory finally got to look into his eyes and see his lies. I think they found their answers. Now they need to find Dylan and your right it wont be with the help of Mark.
That kind of sounds like they first said he failed to try to scare a confession out of him and when that didn't work they changed strategy to play nice and maybe get him to take another one.

This was my thought too. Otherwise I don't understand the whole thing about failed, then inconclusive, then the person doing the polygraph did something wrong... it doesn't make a lot of sense.
"Never heard from him. I sent him text messages. Hey dude, are you up yet? Call me. Is there anything you need?"
This is a direct quote from Mark's interview with Melissa B. Supposedly, he sent these messages to Dylan while he was gone the morning Dylan disappeared. On Dr. Phil show he seems to have forgotten he said that. Now the story is after the nap he tried calling him. He seems very determined to keep saying to keep the focus on Dylan.What he is really saying is "don't focus on me".

I agree. It was obvious when he called her "Mrs. Redwine". It was one of the first things he said when he joined Elaine and Dr Phil on the stage.

I believe calling Elaine Mrs. Redwine was a complete diss to Elaine No need for that. IMOO!
I'm still on the fence. I do find it odd that ER would call her divorce attorney right away. She says she didn't but this could be easily verified so why would he lie about that? I don't think the postlady and ex are the same person. Regarding the dead rat, I'll have to go back and look again, but as he denies it, she said something like, that's how your mind works though, adding the 'though' to me seems like it was made up but something he'd totally do. Again, I'll have to go back and watch. I think MR showed a lot of restraint. I think what keeps me on the fence is there's just not enough for me to go on in determining guilt. While some took ER as not wanting to get into regarding the drinking accusations, I took it opposite as maybe it was true, so she had nothing to say.

ETA: I did think him using Mrs. Redwine was a low blow.
MR mentioned that ER sent Dylan without a coat. Does anyone know if he had a coat at MR's house or if there were any coats missing?

There was a high of 54 that day, not that cold, but still would need a coat, but know my kids would still run around in a hoodie or something. But then low of 22. Very cold to be exposed to the elements.

I'm still working with this theory that perhaps he up and left on his own.
The ' industry' ER works in is full of criminals? I thought she worked in student aid for a college?
I just want to say that the use of the word "spoilers" in this thread is so heartbreaking to me. Dylan is not a soap opera or a dramatic television show. To insinuate that something could be "spoiled" means that it would affect readers' enjoyment. No one here is enjoying any of this. The whole situation is spoiled. The word dehumanizes Dylan, and I can't think of one part of the show or thread that could "spoil" any enjoyment. I don't know... maybe I'm just being sensitive.


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Hi T4Tide, I'm really sorry it upset you (and others too, I'm sure). I actually wasn't comfortable using it in my posts, but I couldn't think of what to put that would be familiar to everyone. Since it had been used earlier in the thread I thought it would be the best way to warn people to skip ahead if they didn't want to read it. I absolutely agree with you that there is nothing "enjoyable" about any of this. It's heartbreaking. Again I'm very sorry, and I definitely understand your point. I'm glad you posted. If I'm able to post early Dr. Phil updates tomorrow I will find a more sensitive way to post them.
MR mentioned that ER sent Dylan without a coat. Does anyone know if he had a coat at MR's house or if there were any coats missing?

There was a high of 54 that day, not that cold, but still would need a coat, but know my kids would still run around in a hoodie or something. But then low of 22. Very cold to be exposed to the elements.

I'm still working with this theory that perhaps he up and left on his own.

My kids wont wear a coat a hoodie yes.
I believe calling Elaine Mrs. Redwine was a complete diss to Elaine No need for that. IMOO!

Yeah, it seemed like it was something he had schemed up for the occasion. Stuff like that does give creedence to Elaine's claim of him liking to play games.
I just want to say that the use of the word "spoilers" in this thread is so heartbreaking to me. Dylan is not a soap opera or a dramatic television show. To insinuate that something could be "spoiled" means that it would affect readers' enjoyment. No one here is enjoying any of this. The whole situation is spoiled. The word dehumanizes Dylan, and I can't think of one part of the show or thread that could "spoil" any enjoyment. I don't know... maybe I'm just being sensitive.


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The poster that used that word as she was updating everyone on the Dr. Phil show by no means meant it the way you are taking it. She has put a lot of her heart into finding out what happened to Dylan.
Do we have a need to have the other mini-clips transcribed?
Do we have the need for the entire day 1 to be transcribed?

I'm not sure which way to proceed right now...

Since I'm able to watch and record all of it I'm probably not the best person to answer, but I'm thinking those who can't/couldn't watch the mini-clips and Day 1 show would probably appreciate transcripts, if you have time to do them.
Was the mail woman and the girlfriend the same person? Or am I mistaken?

I didn't rewind to check, but when they showed the ex-girlfriend, I thought she looked like she could be his sister.
Since I can't watch the show live, I've just watched all of the clips and read what's been posted here. I'm sure I'm missing a lot because of that, but I still have opinions (what a surprise!)

I have no doubt that both parents are grieving, but the anger/hatred? seemed much more obvious in both of them than grief. I also feel like neither of them is being totally honest in their answers/statements. What I was seeing was two people who have many years of pent up anger and resentment, in addition to a devastating loss, and they both desperately want to believe that the other is responsible because it's better than the alternatives.

I'm not even sure if either of them realizes they're not being honest, but I don't think that either of them really believes deep down that the other one did anything to him. MOO
<modsnip>, I so wish that you never would have found yourself in a situation where you had to meet Dr. Phil and his team. Words are not enough...

This whole circumstance is just absolutely horrendous for all parties involved. How Elaine manages to get herself out of bed in the morning is remarkable.

Unfortunately, I have nothing of the sort to say about Dylan's father.
Mr. Redwine needs to somehow be compelled to tell the truth. I am afraid, however, that Elaine's misery evokes the exact opposite reaction.

Honestly, there is no excuse for the pettiness and disrespect that was so evident throughout the entire interview. A prime example is the
'Mrs. Redwine' comment right-out-of-the-gate. Mark is fully aware that she is no longer his wife and, thus, 'Mrs.' is the incorrect prefix. But, he uses it as a barb, a way to put a woman who has rejected him (and who he knows is about to challenge him head-on) into her place. This is very telling y'all...
Well the DH just watched Dr Phil,, I think for the first time ever ! I've been telling him bits and pieces and DH is blue collar , unshaven etc . I thought he would be a good unbiased source of not judging MR based on appearance. He knows I've been on fence, off fence, on again. This is the first time he's ever seen MR's face. He said first off MR has serious issues. He's totally hiding something. He's calculating way too long before answering a question. So DH's hinky meter ( if he has one) was totally tripped. FWIW MOO ATJ JS !
Question for all us girls out there - Who here would feel comfortable going on national TV to proclaim a former boyfriend's innocence in a situation such as this? Think about it. Really think about it before you respond.

Now granted, we don't know the details of the relationship. For example, did they 'go steady' in high school? Did they live together @ any point? If so, for how long? Or, did they just date? On and on those questions can go...

I no longer have intimate knowledge of any of my former boyfriends. I can certainly speculate (like we are doing here), but to be confident enough to actually go on national TV and proclaim his innocence? Nah...

You know who needs to be doing what that former girlfriend is doing, in order for the claim to be credible? Mark's parents, siblings, longtime best friend(s), etc...

I can tell you this: I've followed enough cases here to know that even those who eventually CONFESSED to horrific crimes (Jorelys Rivera's child rapist/murdered) had friends and/or family coming out of the woodwork proclaiming the perp's innocence. Jorelys' murderers brother (before he confessed) went so far as to say that he wouldn't do this, he LOVES KIDS.

I don't think even a family member's opinion can be considered truly credible if the possible perp and/or family member all prescribe to the same brand of crazy/crazy making/gaslighting. (See Susan Powell/Josh Powell.)

I take friends and family's (of the victims/of the possible perps) opinions with a large grain of salt.

Now if LE had some police reports, verified complaints, judgements....

Now my opinion on MR and ER on DR. Phil?

ER is just as understandably emotional/mama bear mode as I'd expect her to be.

MR was, IMO, so calm and rational (except when he got fired up about the NO WINTER COAT!) that it seeemed he had to be reminded that his son has fallen off the face of the earth and could possibly be dead. My impression was he appeared on the show in hopes that everyone would just get off his back. I don't know if he had something to do with DR's dissapearance or not, but any real emotion one way or the other, seems missing to me.

And I've followed enough cases to know that it's pretty normal for innocent parents to feel tremendous guilt when a child goes missing on their watch. Not here, apparently.He doesn't even seem to beat himself up for taking a nap when he got home. More annoyed that people are harping on it.

IMO, MR may or may not have something to do with DR's disappearance. But what I see and hear from MR is detachment from DR.

...and gaslighting/crazymaking his 'irrational' ex-wife. MOO :twocents:
MINI CLIP: (Poly information)

Dr. Phil: Why Does Mark say he wasn’t too concerned about Dylan’s Disappearance when he first returned home?

(The mini clip – photo of MR alone video)

Dr. Phil: So you get back at 11:30 and he’s gone…

MR: Right

Dr. Phil: Umm… and so you just laid down to take a nap

MR: Well, no… that… when I got back at 11:30, I didn’t think much of Dylan not being there. I mean, he knows the area, he’s been up to my house MANY times, there’s a campground at the end of the road that’s not (?) right by the river which he tends to go up to every now and then. There’s a bridge right down the street where it crosses over the river which he’s been known to hang out before. There’s a rock wall that’s right directly behind my house that he’s been known to go stompin around in the woods back there. I mean.. it didn’t… I didn’t find it… odd.. that he wasn’t sittin’ there waitin’ for me.

ER: In November?? Mid November??

MR: And you sent him…you sent him without a coat???

ER: Why is it always my fault? Why can’t you take any of the responsibility?

Dr. Phil: At 1:30 you wake up, he’s still not there?

MR: Right

Dr. Phil: Did something go off in your head then?

MR: Absolutely. This is when I’m calling him on his cell phone. I’m sending him text messages. I’m trying to communicate to him… you know… at some point I start realizing that you know this is not like Dylan.

ER: You’re his father. How could you do this to him?

MR: Elaine, I don’t have… I don’t know where Dylan is. I haven’t had anything to do with this…

ER: I don’t believe you…I know that’s a lie. I know you had something to do with this.

MR: Really…

Yes… Yes… Where’s the last….You were the last one to see him. Okay?

MR: I don’t believe that that’s true.

ER: I don’t care what you believe. I don’t have Dylan. I wish I had Dylan, because if I had Dylan we wouldn’t be on the Dr. Phil show, Okay?

MR: I wish I had Dylan, too, but that’s not…

ER: Did you hurt him?

MR: No, Elaine!! I wouldn’t hurt him… what kind of mother are you to even think that I was capable of doing something like that?

ER: I was your wife for 18 years. I brought you all the way to Dr. Phil to speak with you because you won’t speak with me.

Dr. Phil: What I care about is finding …this… child…

MR: Which is all I care about as well…

Dr. Phil: Did you take a polygraph in this matter. Did the police ask you to take a polygraph?

MR: I did. They did ask me...

Dr. Phil: And what were the results?

MR: Well,… there’s been some conflict as to what the actual reas...errr... (Stumbles on word - may have been starting to say "reason") results are.

Dr. Phil: Well what did they tell you?

MR: Well they told me that I failed it. Then they told me it was inconclusive… and there was some question about the person giving the polygraph as to whether or not they were capable of performing that… polygraph test…

I wish she hadn't interrupted him...what was he gonna (BBM above) say here? :eek:
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