CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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Wow. I read the entire thread....lots of insights here, thanks WSers!

It is kind of a mixed bag of emotions for me. If you have never had to be married to or co-parent with a batterer (which I'm saying based on MR's own assertions of 'yea, I shoved her around, BUT...', ) I'm not sure how you process all of this information.

I saw it stated that these two are mutually angry at each other or can't let go of the past. There are relationships where that dynamic plays out, to be sure. However, in batterer/victim relationships just because the parties are angry post divorce doesn't mean they "can't let go" or are immature, etc. Often the batterer is angry because he feels entitled to dictate the terms of the relationship and communication with the victim and feels hostile that she is not complying with his desires. Meanwhile, the victim is angry because being abused and oppressed makes people feel hurt and angry toward their abusers and oppressors.

Also, battering is only one symptom of a larger relationship problem of chronic pervasive control. Being in this type of relationship for any length of time can be very traumatic. PTSD is not uncommon in battered women and protective parents even years after separation - and that is true of parents whose children are not missing, as ER's son is. This can lead victims to seem anxious, unstable, overly emotional, etc. in comparison with the batterer who is calm, cool, and collected because a) he has not been the victim of the trauma, and b) he may actually take pleasure in seeing the victim in an agitated state.

Is this what is going on here? I can't say. I have my suspicions, but I don't have letters behind my name. Dr. Phil does though, and I'm betting he is picking this up loud and clear.

One more point. I have had to take breaks from this case at times because it is like looking at my past life, and my son is 14 and still visits my/our abuser. My ex also, on several occassions kept my son when he was not supposed to. After confirming that my son had not made it to school and not being able to get ahold of my ex, yes, my very first call was to my attorney. Why? I wanted to make sure that she hadn't gotten a voicemail or fax from his attorney saying something has come up and we need to make a change to the schedule.

Lundy Bancroft is very highly respected amongst advocates for battered mothers and protective parents because of his extensive work with families in these types of crises. His paper "Understanding the Batterer in Custody and Visitation Disputes" is a very informative read:

I can see why ER would do this show. It certainly drew attention to Dylan's case. And if she has nothing to hide, it can only help to have MR making statements to Dr. Phil on the record. He is boxed in to this story now, and any inconsistencies between what he said today and what he may have said in interviews with the police will, I'm sure, be noted by the investigators. If I was a betting woman, I would say that MR's attorney probably strongly discouraged him going on this show. I would think MR probably did this appearance over his attorney's strong objections because he couldn't let her have the last word with Dr. Phil on national TV about all this.

Another Excellent Post! Thank you! Your knowledge of domestic violence is very astute and I commend you for escaping your abuser! :rocker:
I dont' think they look too much alike. He is supposed to have an x gf
on the show with him tomorrow. There is no way the DP show would speak
to the x on film and the mail lady on film and not KNOW they are the same
person. imho

Thats what they say on Dr P the ex girlfriend.

Who's right here? Was the postal carrier identified as Mark's girlfriend or not?
Do we have a upload yet of the show.. I need a link.. Thanks in advance

There was a sequence of MR speaking at the beginning of the show (which floored me when I heard it). It appears to be from a gathering the family had when DR first went missing? Unknown, unshown female speaks, CR speaks, then MR speaks. It is at night and I see people holding candles.

Transcribed by me:

MR: I want everybody to know how much I loved that boy. And how much I cared about him. He was such a wonderful boy. And I'm reaching out to anybody that can help us find him.

This particular wording has always been an eye-popper for me. This is not in the usual context of speaking and has nothing to do with past tense/present tense. This is much, much worse, IMO. This could easily pass for a funeral eulogy. Very disturbing.
If Dylan was walking with another boy when supposedly seen, I cannot imagine that the other boy would not have ID'd himself to LE very shortly after this sighting was mentioned, months ago. More likely, it was two other boys and LE knows who they are. LE would not simply discount a sighting right there close to home for the heck of it. They want to know when Dylan was truly last seen. I have zero belief in this "sighting" or the person who read/stated it on the clip.

Maybe the other person was the abductor.
maybe she took a LDT for the show and passed it about seeing Dylan

This was regarding the postal worker. I sincerely doubt it, but I bet she would pass it as I believe she really did think she saw Dylan. What you believe is the truth & what is the actual reality can be two totally different things. Example: I believe the world is flat...
This was regarding the postal worker. I sincerely doubt it, but I bet she would pass it as I believe she really did think she saw Dylan. What you believe is the truth & what is the actual reality can be two totally different things. Example: I believe the world is flat...

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Ohhhhh, my. Thank you for that!
Who's right here? Was the postal carrier identified as Mark's girlfriend or not?

Dr Phils' show said the postal worker who says she saw dylan walking and much later said an x girlfriend of MR's will be on the show tomorrow. Phils show said nothing with regards to the 2 women except that . So MR does have an x girlfriend. I have no reason to believe it is the mail lady. They are 2 different women. My point was if they were the same woman I think the dr PHil show would have said so and questioned MR about how odd that is. moooo
Well also the mail lady brings the mail to MR's door, per MR . So DR has been in CS for months with his mother. Kids grow a lot at age 12,13 , 14 for one thing. For another thing even when the ER and DR still lived near MR, MR did not get DR much at all, right? So how would a mail lady who brings MR his mail be 100% certain it was DR when he's not been around MR's house that much in , by most accounts, 2 or 3 years?
ETA, my point is the last time that mail lady saw DR , he m ay have been 10 or 11 years old and a foot shorter and 40 lbs lighter.
Just food for thought and mooooooo

Thanks button wasn't enough.

Thank you for being inside my brain with this thought!!
Maybe because they created this child together, so it's hard for him to believe that after being married to a man for 18 years and having two children by him, how could she believe he would harm his own son??
It's not that odd to me that he put it that way... maybe not the exact words I would choose but still, not unbelievable, IMO.

To me the "what kind of mother are you" remark just fits in with various other remarks such as Elaine was apt to come out swinging, could be responsible for, along with her criminal friends, kidnapping Dylan, didn't pack a coat and that she couldn't carry on a civil conversation. It also fits with his remarks about Dylan being much closer to him than to ER and all that weird stuff about knowing where she worked. I think these remarks were meant to hurt, anger, taunt and deflect. All MOO
the previews for tmrw's show look enlightening. anyone know what happens with MR's polygraph? does he go through with it? does he pass?
what has happened since the show with the investigation?
I'm still on the fence. I do find it odd that ER would call her divorce attorney right away. She says she didn't but this could be easily verified so why would he lie about that? I don't think the postlady and ex are the same person. Regarding the dead rat, I'll have to go back and look again, but as he denies it, she said something like, that's how your mind works though, adding the 'though' to me seems like it was made up but something he'd totally do. Again, I'll have to go back and watch. I think MR showed a lot of restraint. I think what keeps me on the fence is there's just not enough for me to go on in determining guilt. While some took ER as not wanting to get into regarding the drinking accusations, I took it opposite as maybe it was true, so she had nothing to say.

ETA: I did think him using Mrs. Redwine was a low blow.
Why would she lie and say she didn't call her attorney? That can also be proved. It works both ways.
So if Dylan is wandering about at 1:30pm for the mail person to see him, well after the time he expected his ride to see R, why didn't MR see him anywhere, and why didn't Dylan answer or receive any texts or calls? Oh yeah, we are assuming his phone stopped working and that he did not know how to contact anyone with a landline and assuming he left the house. So it is okay to make those assumptions but not that an eyewitness, notoriously unreliable, is wrong.
To me the "what kind of mother are you" remark just fits in with various other remarks such as Elaine was apt to come out swinging, could be responsible for, along with her criminal friends, kidnapping Dylan, didn't pack a coat and that she couldn't carry on a civil conversation. It also fits with his remarks about Dylan being much closer to him than to ER and all that weird stuff about knowing where she worked. I think these remarks were meant to hurt, anger, taunt and deflect. All MOO

this was maybe the most disturbing part of the show for me. they way MR leans forward towards ER to accuse her of not being able to have a civil conversation. It, to me, showed his sublimated physical threat, and attempt to control. True colors.

His excuses for not calling her after DR went missing was basically to protect himself from getting in trouble. Winning.
The postal carrier is Marks girlfriend? I didn't know that he had a girlfriend.

It was a woman coming up on tomorrow's DP that is an ex=girlfriend of MR who will "stand up for him" and what a good guy he is.
Well, the mail lady is still insisting she saw Dylan, so whether it's "confirmed" or not, she believes it. Even as of last week when the show was taped. IMO
BBM: That's how I took it was that there WAS a dead rat in her truck and she THOUGHT Mark put it there but he denied it saying he did not and she just said "well, it's something you would do." So it could be that he didn't do it but she gave him credit for it because she believes he's capable.

But just the fact that she believed he did that, AND she reported it to LE at the time---that is very telling. I lived with an ex for several years before my marriage. When he and I broke up it was not good. Lots of drama and fighting, over possessions and our cat. But I would have never thought he would put a dead rodent in my moving truck. :eek: So if she thought he was capable of that, it means something, imo.

And from watch9ing his smug, evasive, bitter performance today, I wouldn't put it past him.
So if Dylan is wandering about at 1:30pm for the mail person to see him, well after the time he expected his ride to see R, why didn't MR see him anywhere, and why didn't Dylan answer or receive any texts or calls? Oh yeah, we are assuming his phone stopped working and that he did not know how to contact anyone with a landline and assuming he left the house. So it is okay to make those assumptions but not that an eyewitness, notoriously unreliable, is wrong.

Why didnt' dr phil ask for parent's phone logs ?
So if Dylan is wandering about at 1:30pm for the mail person to see him, well after the time he expected his ride to see R, why didn't MR see him anywhere, and why didn't Dylan answer or receive any texts or calls? Oh yeah, we are assuming his phone stopped working and that he did not know how to contact anyone with a landline and assuming he left the house. So it is okay to make those assumptions but not that an eyewitness, notoriously unreliable, is wrong.

Maybe the other person lured Dylan out of the house before he could use the landline.
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