Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #28 **ARREST**

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As we learned in the Frazee case, the DA has something like 90 days after the plea in which to seek the death penalty.

It doesn’t matter, as it holds no leverage, because it hasn’t been utilized in over 2 decades.

No person on death row will ever be executed in Colorado.

To quote the late, great philosopher, Yogi Berra, "It's deja vu all over again."

We argued this very point extensively on the Kelsey thread.

I understand the argument you outlined above, and I respect it.
I respect it, and I respectfully disagree with it.

Psychologically, there's a world of difference between being sentenced to death and being sentenced to life.

There's a powerful psychological impact to being sentenced to death, even if it's never carried out.

It's like people who have been given a potentially terminal medical diagnosis.
People who've been given a life-threatening dx have to live with a lot of ambiguity, and it's torturous.
Ask them what it's like.
They'll tell you living under the constant cloud of a dubious fate is awful.

People suffering from serious illnesses don't deserve to experience that kind of psychologically painful uncertainty.

Convicted killers, however, certainly do deserve that kind of mentally torturous ambiguity.

The proverbial Sword of Damocles is continually dangling over the convicted person's head.
It could drop at any time...or it may never drop.
The condemned person has no control over their fate.
Imagine how awful that would be, not knowing whether your sentence would or would not in fact be carried out.

Living w/ that kind of potential threat of annihilation is absolute hell for most people.

That's just the kind of hell on earth TS deserves to be living in for the rest of her miserable life.

For that reason, I'm all in favor of Dan going for the DP in TS's case, just as I was in PF's case.

I agree that there's virtually no chance that Dan will pursue the dp in this case, for a host of reasons.
I'm just saying in my mind, there's a really, really strong case to be made for it.

I won't concede that the death penalty is a moot point in CO until 07/01/20.

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To quote the late, great philosopher, Yogi Berra, "It's deja vu all over again."

We argued this very point extensively on the Kelsey thread.

I understand the argument you outlined above, and I respect it.
I respect it, and I respectfully disagree with it.

Psychologically, there's a world of difference between being sentenced to death and being sentenced to life.

There's a powerful psychological impact to being sentenced to death, even if it's never carried out.

It's like people who have been given a potentially terminal medical diagnosis.
People who've been given a life-threatening dx have to live with a lot of ambiguity, and it's torturous.
Ask them what it's like.
They'll tell you living under the constant cloud of a dubious fate is awful.

People suffering from serious illnesses don't deserve to experience that kind of psychologically painful uncertainty.

Convicted killers, however, certainly do deserve that kind of ambiguous death sentence.

The proverbial Sword of Damocles is continually dangling over the convicted person's head.
It could drop at any time...or it may never drop.
The condemned person has no control over their fate.
Imagine how awful that would be, not knowing whether your sentence would or would not in fact be carried out.

Living w/ that kind of existential uncertainty is absolute hell for most people.

That's just the kind of hell on earth TS deserves to be living in for the rest of her miserable life.

For that reason, I'm all in favor of Dan going for the DP in TS's case, just as I was in PF's case.

I agree that there's virtually no chance that Dan will pursue the dp in this case, for a host of reasons.
I'm just saying in my mind, there's a really, really strong case to be made for it.

I won't concede that the death penalty is a moot point in CO until 07/01/20.

I'm against it on principle, but this case warrants it.
There is no hope of rehabilitation here, no more than Gannon coming back to life.
Future dangerousness is a thing here.
whether within or without a prison.
JMO etc

Ashley Franco


#UPDATE: Letecia Stauch is no longer in South Carolina. Looks like she is headed back to Colorado Springs, and is in custody of El Paso County Sheriff's office. #GannonStauch
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Patrick Lloyd
· 28m
Online jail records show Letecia Stauch was booked into the J Reuben Long Detention Center in Conway shortly after her hearing in Myrtle Beach. She was released around 2:30. We’ve also confirmed she’s now in custody of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. @wmbfnews @KKTV11News
I’m so behind again. This is great! Hope they make a stop in Douglas County on the way to her new home so she can take them to where she left Gannon. Wishful thinking on my part?
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They can do whatever they want really. They've said they don't believe it's a death case, so having said that publicly, I don't believe they would now put it back on the table as a bargaining chip. But they can play around with how many decades they shave off, etc.
Yes, you're prob. right.
Depending on what the "child abuse leading to death" entailed, she certainly deserves the DP to be handed to her worthless self.

But hey-- let's be generous; I'm all for her getting out on parole..... when she's 90.
Sure, let's shave a decade off from 100.
Sounds about right. ;)
Still sounds bogus. Some officer could lose his whole career by enacting retribution against a civilian (and another serviceman) for lodging a sexual abuse claim. Where did this story originate?

Did you forget who supposedly made the rape allegation? It is T. The lying liar that lies. I believe she is very capable of doing that.
AS is in the Colorado national guard and is a military intelligence officer. With national security concerns it's imperative backgrounds checks are in place. Unless I'm wrong and thing have changed over the years FBI always run checks on spouses. I believe the FBI would run background checks on a newly married spouse.

I do believe you can get kicked out of base housing. The service member and spouse must abide by the rules and regulations. And if your kicked out of base housing the service member will be brought in front of their superior officer to explain the reason for being removed from housing.

They married 5 years ago. AS might not have been in the same position. At any rate, I'm not sure how deep all those checks go - if she could be a teacher (because only one violent conviction in the last 10 years), perhaps she can also marry a National Guardsman. At any rate, she did marry one. And AS was still in that unit (but not for 5 years - that happened later, I believe).
While I doubt she killed Gannon on purpose for revenge/retaliation/to hurt AS (and/or LH), I do think it's possible she took her anger and stress/negative emotions (toward AS and the developing marital situation, feeling rejected if he was really filing for divorce, feeling exposed if he was starting to see the light/red flags, maybe desperate, worried about finances/supporting herself, etc.) out on Gannon and just went too far. I'm also not ruling out the earlier theories that the runaway setup may have started out as a ploy to bring Al back to her (position herself as his comforter, etc.) and just went too far.

ETA: Never mind my last comment - I forgot about the bloody board :( Scratch the runaway ploy theory...

We've talked a lot about narcissistic tendencies/behaviors/spectrum here, but BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) keeps coming to mind, particularly with regard to lashing/acting out when feeling rejected or abandoned (or feeling that you're about to be), which is a hallmark/cornerstone of the disorder.

This makes a lot of sense to me, given that Al's intention to divorce--and the likelihood that he was starting to pay attention to all the 'little' red flags that popped up over the years--was likely a trigger for her that set off (or contributed to) this chain of events (even if it was, or started out as, an 'accident').
Now I know why she was smiling in court today.
Quote-Yes. And she kicks him off their joint facebook the next day (which many friends and family noticed, so, you know, drama). She also apparently took all funds out of their joint accounts. We don't know how much AS was away during those next two weeks, but we do know that he left the family home on the 25th (well that's according to TS but it would seem to be backed up by MSM).
Well, Well, knowing he asked her for a divorce just weeks before Gannon went missing is an interesting fact.
Revenge ?? Anger?? Control ??
I think all the above because that is what she is about.
I am so pi$$ed off at her and so angry for what she did to this sweet little, innocent boy.
To Dan May-- can I please have about 5 minutes with her ??
They can do whatever they want really. They've said they don't believe it's a death case, so having said that publicly, I don't believe they would now put it back on the table as a bargaining chip. But they can play around with how many decades they shave off, etc.

I agree they won't backtrack. While I DO understand she technically could be DP eligible since she's been charged before 7/1/2020, personally I can see why they chose not to seek the DP (bc of some uncertainty re: jurors convicting if it could mean applying a punishment "outlawed" in future.)

Since it seems to be such a hot topic here that she could get the DP, I would like to know what people think about announcing she was facing Life without the possibility of parole at the PC. Often DAs will say "no decision has been made." But that wasn't the case here. They said LWOP. Why?
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