Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #32

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While I agree that she seems to have some kind of mental/personality illness/defect, I feel pretty confident in saying that it is likely not bipolar. When bipolar people are off their meds or on the wrong meds, their behaviors are overwhelmingly self-destructive and not outright destructive towards other people. Other people in their lives can be affected by them, but it’s usually indirectly - such as a husband having to run the household because his wife can’t get out of bed for days during a depressive episode, or a wife having to clean up the bank account because her husband took hundreds of dollars out of their bank account to gamble during a manic episode.

Source: am bipolar and have spent periods of time properly and improperly medicated.

Thankyou for your input. I did lean towards Bipolar because of the manic side not so much the depressive side. She most definitely has something though and I reckon she has been medicated for whatever it is and then stopped taking her meds. The change in her behaviour is phenomenal.
EBM sorry! It says Deputies not Detectives.

Here’s a handout given to the Media at the EPCSO press conference on 1/30. I think it says on 1/27 detectives were searching . So that would mean Major Crimes division was brought in the first night, not just sheriff officers??

Could someone please rotate and enlarge it?
Brandon Thompson on Twitter
Again I apologize because I'm pages behind (and I think I missed an entire thread at one point.
When this is over, we'll have enough threads to make something.)

This idea may be ridiculous but here goes.. The rental car was used to keep AS from his truck but she also used it as a decoy.

She realized she had the watch on while she was in red truck and knew she needed to make up new stuff. She knew she had to either move the body or make LE think she did.

She picked up AS from airport and they looked for GS, etc. What if she just drove the rental car on a wild goose chase for 900 and whatever miles knowing it would be tracked on GPS? And the body was never actually in the rental. She wanted to fool them. She thought that would throw them off her trail and LE might not search so hard locally.

Probably dumb idea. I'll duck for cover, lol.

She certainly could have -- she was in "damage control" mode at that point. I'm not sure there's ever been real verification that she actually drove 900 miles, but just to play devil's advocate, if she did -- and she went east, a round trip of that distance would put her just about in the same spot where she flipped out on the deputy who was transporting her back to CO.
Here’s a handout given to the Media at the EPCSO press conference on 1/30. I think it says on 1/27 detectives were searching . So that would mean Major Crimes division was brought in the first night, not just sheriff officers??

Could someone please rotate and enlarge it?
Brandon Thompson on Twitter
Fox printed that timeline. right way up. Maybe 29th.
Exactly. Had we all known, at the time, that LS was running around in a rental car, we'd have thought the same thing. There was no need for them to drive "door to door" (that makes no sense). AS would naturally want to talk to neighbors, to talk to LE, to talk most of all to LS. As questions kept coming, he'd want her there to answer. This is likely also the day that she departed the family home, never to return.

So, evading AS may have been part of her strategy. I wonder if they have even met face to face since Gannon disappeared and if so, under what circumstances.

Again, I absolutely agree and as you said a few messages back her absence was a huge red flag to LE that evening which may explain her complaints during her 1/31 Fri interview. I’m guessing they caught up with LS & teen daughter Wed or Thurs.
About her possibly haven’t even seen AS face to face since his return... wouldn’t this possibly explain why AS ‘called’ her about blood stains (if this is true)? There’s no way she wanted to be there with everyone arriving especially if there’s so much blood evidence, I’m guessing... IMO.

Edit: fix initials
ETA: ...the reason LS complained about LE’s ‘use of force’ was due to their not being able to locate her for answers & chucking the ol’ red flags at their heads. Learning her personality & getting their own gut feelings is probably why they backed off & kept everything on the DL after this IMO.
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Thankyou for your input. I did lean towards Bipolar because of the manic side not so much the depressive side. She most definitely has something though and I reckon she has been medicated for whatever it is and then stopped taking her meds. The change in her behaviour is phenomenal.

what change in behavior? U mean slipping out of handcuffs and attacking deputy? That’s nothing new for her. She’s been arrested several times for assaults. And just bc she killed someone doesn’t mean she’s on meds. She could just have a very rageful sociopathic personality.
MSM cooperated by not using the term, but as soon as the arrest was made, KOAA published its own timeline of what it knew when, stating:

January 29: News 5 Investigates receives a credible tip from law enforcement sources, alerting us that Gannon was not a runaway child and foul play is suspected. Our sources disclosed that Gannon's stepmom was considered a prime suspect.

So while we, the public, did not know this, KOAA knew it and decided not to publish this at the time. LE was maintaining publicly that it was not a criminal case, and while KOAA says it knew that LE suspected foul play on the 29th, they stayed quiet to aid the investigation.

This means that some LE were suspecting TS on the 29th, which was the point a couple of us were discussing above. If they suspected her on the 27th, they did a poor job of keeping her under surveillance. I believe it was only after talking to AS and LH that they realized what exactly they were dealing with (and what had happened in the home).

I think this suspicion came up on the 28th, when she rented a car and failed to stay at the family home while AS and LH were arriving, giving interviews, and wanting, more than anything, to ask TS a boatload of questions.

IOW, "they" maintained that it was not a criminal case to us, but some LE gave MSM a different story.
I am glad that the media respected the investigation process at the request of LE. That is integrity. It sounds like they were on to TS immediately but did not want her to know. I would bet that they have tapped her phone and all of her whereabouts through gps via a warrant and moved in to make the arrest once they had bullet proof evidence, although no body. She fled CO to SC for a reason. Everyone was demanding information and thinking that ESPO and the FBI, CBI, were not doing their job yet they truly were. I am feeling quite confident and would rather wait to hear the news when LE decides it is time for us to know. IMO
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