Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #33

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landill.. a rubbish 'crusher'/ compactor, possibly causing his body to be impaled upon rocks if thrown from a great height, incineration, if any were available.. encasing in wet cement, hog farms, chemical dissolution... again, have no clue what options were available to her but if she pre-planned it, for weeks, longer, she could have set something up without causing too many questions, buying chemicals in small batches.. an empty metal barrel...
I dunno... But I do know that they have great and infinite resources at their disposal, she didn't have a whole lot of time, dogs would have unmasked a scent if he was underground..
I'm baffled.. cos now they know everything except his location..
I understand the concept, however, but, this is giving TS wayyyy to much credit.
landill.. a rubbish 'crusher'/ compactor, possibly causing his body to be impaled upon rocks if thrown from a great height, incineration, if any were available.. encasing in wet cement, hog farms, chemical dissolution... again, have no clue what options were available to her but if she pre-planned it, for weeks, longer, she could have set something up without causing too many questions, buying chemicals in small batches.. an empty metal barrel...
I dunno... But I do know that they have great and infinite resources at their disposal, she didn't have a whole lot of time, dogs would have unmasked a scent if he was underground..
I'm baffled.. cos now they know everything except his location..
She was in flight or flight mode. She abused him pas what could be explained away. She was probably in a marathon run without any sleep.
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Beautiful video of Our World's Hero, Gannon. It made me choke up but at the end I was angry with the thoughts of this little boy being hurt so badly causing death. GRAPHIC - my experience with people that get so angry that they really just lose it, all out explode. I have rescued a dog that was kicked so hard her leg broke. My now adult son had a classmate that threw frogs against buildings. Around the age 24 he threw a 6 month old baby onto the floor and she passed. Some adult abusers will use certain measures as not to leave physical marks. Punching, kicking butt or stomach, pulling hair or knocking the child in the head. Sadly I have seen a child turn almost purple from being choked and there were no permanent marks after awhile. I think TS shoved and/or kicked Gannon very hard into objects around him. His body could have been slammed into items and the floor. I doubt she thought about leaving marks during her rage. Maybe she used choice items as weapons as well? Sorry this is harsh, reality of what went on in that house will be harsh. My opinions
Riding quite beneath the tragedy of Gannon's demise is the possibility LS will not experience incarceration for the deserved punishment it is intended to be. Feelings of inconvenience and persecution to prevail? Remorse? Only in that she couldn't persuade LE and the courts she was not responsible.
I was very confident that we wouldn’t see an arrest until Gannon was found. I didn’t think they had enough evidence to pull the trigger, and was shocked when they did that as fast as they did.

Knowing Dan May and what it took him to approve an arrest in the Kelsey Berreth (no body) case, I’m positive we are going to learn that TS screwed up even more than we can possibly imagine.

Once we see that arrest affidavit, and the probable cause hearing occurs, we’re going to be blown away.
"I’m positive we are going to learn that TS screwed up even more than we can possibly imagine."

Agreed!! When the documents come rolling out-- we are going to be in for a whallop!
I went up to rampart where you're able to shoot guns this morning with my husband and we saw a bunch of search and rescue vehicles along with one that had the tank looking tires on it (I'm really bad with these things names) and the roads were pretty bad deep into the area there (snow). Not 100% sure it's for Gannon but it is in Douglas County so it could possibly be one of the searches. It's very easy to be hidden from people there which made me really think he could be there. I felt heartbroken thinking he could be there but I'm really hoping they find him so they can bring him home to his family.
Since it appears that TS carried a soft rifle case to the truck, that is the exact type of area they need to search. Areas around shooting ranges or state game lands. Anywhere that a gunshot would not be heard or cause alarm. Where I live, the sound of gunshots is expected especially around hunting season. If AS told LE that one of his rifles was missing, they might be thinking along the same lines.
Dumpster most likely tho'.. wouldn't require too much brain power, unfortunately.
If they did believe she put him in a dumpster, then we would undoubtedly see a landfill search at some point.

Those are remarkably successful.

Thus far though, they don’t appear to believe that to be the case. They are behaving as if they believe they can find him.
Wondering if the reason that AS became so emotional upon watching the video was because he recognized LS carrying his own rifle case.
@Ursamajr , Absolutely! And the cause for an immediate emotional reaction. Lucky for her to have moved out before he saw the video. AS couldn't even speak at the PC. I feel so horrible for Gannon's parents. :(
Good point. At that time it would had to have been a "steal the spotlight" moment.

IMHO all of her pics that I've seen are for show. Look at me! I'm outdoorsy, I'm the BEST stepmom, I take the kids to awesome places, I'm involved, blah, blah, blah. All for show and also the reason she's front & center in many of them! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:
I thought in an earlier thread local folks posting said trying to dispose of a body there would be like trying to do it at Disney World (or something to that effect.)


I have heard the same thing.
It's way too busy to do something that nefarious in that particular place.
What I DO think.. is that it is a place NOT far from there that would NOT draw as many people.
I think he was left in a ravine or water.
If water, weighted down..
How could she push/pull dead weight? ( I apologize if that sounds insensitive)
With the help of a saucer shaped sled and rope..
Those are the sleds we use for the kids to have fun in during the winter time.
And they are super easy to navigate people weighing the same or about the same as Gannon.

You know what irritated me the most about that first missing poster? Well, a lot. But right now the fact that "whoever" made it wrote "Police Report" along the top and some strange number. Was that to make it look official or something? Who does that?!

Someone who just killed an innocent, sweet 11 year old boy as act of self preservation to cover acts of abuse.....and doesn't want that little boy being found! :mad::mad:

To sum it up, someone who's completely evil and devoid of a soul.
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I agree and think she did something that would not cause noise as well. She seemed pretty concerned with that white plastic bag. Maybe she used that as a tool for suffocation. If they found it and it had his saliva on it she has already T-splained that piece of evidence that he brought it with him in case he vomitted.

I think that it's entirely possible she suffocated him with a plastic bag,I have been toying with the idea that she drugged him just before they left the house so he may of been woozy getting in the truck and passed out while she drove to wherever she drove to!, then slipped the bag over his head until he was gone.
She could have taken a tarp and slipped it under him once he was out to contain any expelled fluids and then rolled him up in it after she was done.
It wouldn't have taken long really if he was drugged and unconscious, no fighting back and then she just had to find her spot to leave him. All MOO
Strangulation has always been my first theory. Maybe in the back seat of that truck. Little noise like you pointed out, he’s a child and she clearly is stronger & dare I say, less mess to contend with.

HER mention of a bloody board paused that theory for a moment. Right now, I’m not even considering it because it’s only come from her.

I think strangulation, suffocation, overdose... Something along those lines is likely. I'm not sure he died IN the truck though. On one hand, it might explain why she thought it necessary to tell the world he soiled himself (bowel release upon death), and might explain a couple of other things; but I think cadaver dogs would have picked up on that.

Actually, maybe they did? When did LE first bring dogs around? Does anyone know if the dogs were given access to the cars early on?
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