Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #34

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Yeah we don't have to agree. People have their own theories. Abdominal injuries wouldn't explain a pool of blood in the middle of the floor. Even if he had an abdominal wound it would be soaked up by clothing first.

But I'm wondering something. If she's the one who told LE about Petco, maybe that IS the reason she went back. She went back and bought something else. Wouldn't suprise me if she bought the exact same three dog jackets. IOW she plans are elminating the first stop but she knows she went there and may have been seen. She bought something.

So she goes back to the store to try to shift the timeline to later in the day to account for the trip. I don't know if I'm making sense but basically she leaves with Gannon and gets there at 11. Finds him dead for whatever reason (or decides to kill him whatever anyone thinks) and then disposes of the body.

So she goes back to the Petco to pretend he was with her the whole time, and that she's left him in the car because he feels sick. But meanwhile she's already disposed of the body. This is why I think he's near her house.

Her original cover story was that he was home and left around 3ish..

But of course none of this matters if the neighbors video didn't blow all that out of the water.
I wasn't referring to an abdominal 'wound', I was suggesting an abdominal injury such as a severe kick causing perforation of an internal organ which could well cause a pool of blood.. but it's moot because we don't have that information and we will not have it unless he is located or deleted footage from her phone can be recovered showing more.
What I'm trying to do is to figure out how much time she needed from the 4 hr window to kill and dispose of him, bearing in mind these 2 actions may be reduced to a single action if , for example she threw him from a great height into a dark ravine, thus ensuring his body would not easily be seen or found.
I'm really getting a bit agitated at all the SM rumors and crap that has been pushed out there on this case. Maybe it has happened/been discussed before, but has there ever been anything like it in a prior case? And how did it affect things?

I just hate that so many people seem to want to be "first" to post salacious junk and what effect it will have, if any, on this prosecution. I'll lose my guano if anything that came out in the public ends up jeopardizing this evil from being nailed to the wall.
I wish I could "like" this a thousand times.
Has this same level of crap happened in other cases?
Yes, I can think of a couple, and I had to quit following both, because if you weren't up to date on the massive amount of rumors, you had literally no idea what people were cryptically talking about here. It's impossible to follow a case where the rumors have more legs than the facts.

I agree with you, and here's to hoping you never have to lose your guano, and swift justice is served, despite the loudmouth fame-seekers.
I wonder if GS had previously complained to his dad about TS abusing him and he was not believed. :eek:

I wondered about that too, people want to believe the best about their spouse, and TS was likely pretty convincing. She may have known how to injure him without leaving bruises so AS would think GS was exaggerating. Whatever she did to injure him on Sunday, however, crossed the line, and she knew she couldn't cover it up.

I've pondered what type of injury she could have inflicted, and it might have been some type of mesenteric injury -- similar to the type caused by seatbelts in an accident that injure the bowel from inside, causing rectal bleeding. He wouldn't have been able to control it and may have expelled blood in a puddle on the floor. That could have happened if she kicked him forcefully in the abdomen. All speculation, though.

I just hope they find his body while there is still time to discover exactly what she did to him.
A dose for a 75-90 lb child is going to act differently on a 135-150 lb adult. I wonder if she took it for the "up" or the weight loss benefits.? JMO
Quite possibly, my concern goes back to the 13 yr old in SC who killed grandparents in SC, his attorneys wanted to use Paxil as an excuse(not necessarily for his benefit, rather their own interests in suing drug companies) the prosecution’s forensic psychiatrist blew that away... some one who was in that drug induced psychotic phase, is not going to be able to take the methodical steps to then cover up that action...and while SEWS shows multiple signs of poor thought patterns, they have been present for years, IMO, not precipitated by drug withdrawal, or side effects, MOO, she has been given ample opportunity to learn better behavior patterns, she is not the victim... she simply needs to be removed from normal society, while in prison, she will have little opportunity for choices, especially those involving 11 yr olds...
Looks to me that Gannon never had much of a chance......unless, maybe, if he could have been in the care of his grandparents.
How old was the little sister when they were taken from SC to Colorado? To me, that was the beginning of the end. Never did step person think helping dad get custody would mean she would be on her own with his kids. No family to turn to. Or, pawn the kids off on. MOO I guess we can't discuss bio mom? Expect to extend sympathy and post positive thoughts?
Here for Gannon

I have been thinking about a show that I watch on ID that uses CCTV to piece together the movements during a crime.

Its my opinion that the police have been viewing CCTV footage from stores, gas stations, etc to piece together the movements that they can. If that Petco is in a larger shopping center, there is a good chance they not only caught her on the Petco security cameras, but also on parking lot cameras.

I think that when we hear the whole story there is going to be an ocean of video evidence on TS that day and possibly the following. Airports have pretty tight security, if the rental car came from the airport lot, guaranteed there is video of her coming and going. MOO
When I was 12 and had a bad stomach bug with nausea my dad handed me a joint, told me it would make me feel better, and taught me how to smoke. I did it even though it was unpleasant and I knew it was weird because I trusted my dad and I just wanted to feel better. I don't think a boy his age would necessarily reject something she gave him, even if it tasted really funky.
Early in the investigation, it was disclosed that TS allegedly contacted a pharmacy about medication for GS stomach. I've long believed that TS stopped at a pharamacy as a ruse (there was no Rx) and gave GS something that worked to sedate him -- telling GS it was something for his stomach. Getting this information out early seemed important to TS.
I'm unfamiliar with Play It Again Sports. I assume it's a resale outlet. Could it be that she took items because she needed untraceable cash?
That would explain why we heard nothing else about it except to teesplain that Gannon was interested in hockey. Usually she over explains -- what did she sell, buy, or decide against. You'd expect her to tell us. JMO

Add: She over explains everything -- if she doesn't, it makes me wonder why.
Yeah, she said LE searched in all the places she pinged in a week or something like that. Does the GPS in cars or from an Applewatch ping too? I have only heard of cell phone pings.
Cellular devices send pings to the towers. GPS devices send/receive signals to satellites. We don't know the series of her Applewatch.
Yes. I don't want to stimulate a complete rehash of 4 or 5 pages, but if she was never up there it was not true that she and AS were kicked off the base in Alaska, and he was transferred, because she accused his commanding officer of rape. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'm sure she'd very much like to keep that "swept under the rug?" How dare you bring it up again LOL (you know I'm kidding right NuttMegg?)
I'm unfamiliar with Play It Again Sports. I assume it's a resale outlet. Could it be that she took items because she needed untraceable cash?
It’s a used sporting goods store that is like a pawn shop for gear and equipment. I never took items there but have been to one and they sell most sports equipment and even exercise machines.
My thought is she didn’t go there but said she did so she could have an excuse to account for missing items like.... a baseball bat. She could say she traded it in for credit towards hockey equipment. I would assume there’s paperwork involved and if she did sell an item or purchase one, there’s record. IMO she is making it up to say that’s where stuff went. But that’s my theory.
I believe Manitou Springs has recreational marijuana dispensaries. Manitou Springs is actually adjacent to the west side of Garden of the Gods.

The recreational dispensaries where I live (I am not in Colorado) require ID just to walk in the door, and they scan the ID as well so if she went to one there should be a record.
Yeah sorry about that. I didn't mean to imply that you thought she used it for anything other than to subdue. In fact, it would be a decent method to subdue someone if you could convince them the stuff tasted normal. In some instances, that would be the case however, many kids in Colorado are pretty familiar with the smell enough to know if they tasted something similar. Not sure if that was the case with GS as he isn't from Colorado.
No need to apologize. I re-read my original post and I realized I was not clear in my wording. It was just a random thought I had.
It’s a used sporting goods store that is like a pawn shop for gear and equipment. I never took items there but have been to one and they sell most sports equipment and even exercise machines.
My thought is she didn’t go there but said she did so she could have an excuse to account for missing items like.... a baseball bat. She could say she traded it in for credit towards hockey equipment. I would assume there’s paperwork involved and if she did sell an item or purchase one, there’s record. IMO she is making it up to say that’s where stuff went. But that’s my theory.
I would sure love to figure out these family dynamics (that she grew up in) that she lies and doesn't ever expect anyone to find out the truth.
obviously there is nothing at all "positive" about this case but we and the world can get one thing out of it. We are witnessing any number of DSM defined mental illnesses in real time. I wont go so far to label or diagnose them but we are witnessing them in real time. I don't like to assign labels in general but mostly because there are countless productive and caring members of society - that don't murder people - and sometimes labeling is used as a way to define someone. At least... we can positively say LS is a pathological liar. We have an easier time seeing it because we are removed (and are already aware of this kinds stuff) and for the family, hindsight is 20/20. Her loved ones weren't able to see the signs of her mental illness.

Part of Gannon's legacy will be and already is... the education of mental illness.

I really wish getting help and the stigma that comes with it was gone and done with. I also wish mental illness was accessible to all. Hopefully one day. I have a sympathy for her while still knowing she is horrible to the core and has committed and is still committing the worst humanity is capable of.

Gannon, I'm sorry you paid for her illness. It's just not fair.

Definitely not fair to him. Treatment was certainly available to her. Military insurance is awesome compared to many, and she would have had secondary insurance from whatever school she was teaching at. She has no excuse- of course, she seems to have 0 self awareness she has anything wrong with her as well. If anything, she believes the rest of the world does.

Mental health needs to be addressed- as the 70's law threw out the baby with the bathwater when they basically dissolved institutions. There aren't enough beds available for ones who do seek treatment, and $$ definitely helps
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