Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #34

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Gannon is my hero! Going to be gruesome, Finding Gannon is where I want to focus, tired of SEWS... temps in my area never stay below 32f, for any length of time, in CS, is it likely his body would already be in suspended decomp, or have temps fluctuated to the point That he is likely to be preserved w/ relatively... I live in in a rural area, and buzzards perform a necessary and natural function, stripping deer carcasses on side of road, takes very few days. it is fairly obvious what is happening, sooo, The question is this, as temps warm up, has that period of time to look for these birds already passed, or is it just beginning... this is not meant to be ghoulish, but rather to eliminate this aspect, IOW If Gannon is out in the open wouldn’t this have already drawn attention to his body? especially if she tried to make things look like accident, no matter how the locals try to explain the winter aspects to me, difficult, ie to my knowledge I have only had one instance of ground being too frozen to dig, w/o snow on ground. and never for any long period of time
I've been hoping people would do this for days. I'm not familiar with the area at all. If her lie is that he went to a friends house then she would have to dispose of the body near her neighborhood. If you look at the timeline it should be able to triangulate where she was that day.

Obviously we don't have the GPS tracking etc. But I'm thinking if she found him dead in the car after the first Petco stop and actually went back HOME to her neighborhood to dispose of the body. Then back to Petco to reboot the day and then castlerock and then home. Technically she's got all the stops in there.

It's the kind of dumb logic that goes along with the "boards fly out of trucks all the time" nonsense.
I forgot to calculate the visits she allegedly made to stores in Castlerock, I assume she did visit those stores too, that could add another 15 minutes.
I'm not subscribing to a head injury, I thought it was an abdominal injury with perforated organs from listening to other stuff..
I'm not subscribing to his unaided death in vehicle either..
Just trying to figure out how much time she stopped for at the killing/disposal site from the calculations.. It is possible to subtract 10-15 minutes from each of the 45 minute trips to be generous...
How long is left for a fatal stop/disposal?
10 minutes? 5 minutes? 15 minutes?
Somewhere along or off that road...
The whole Petco story is coming from TS at this point, so until LE releases info verifying any such trip(s), I'm questioning whether and/or how many even occurred.

Having said that, IF TS went to Petco on Monday, we can be confident that her reasons for doing so were both convoluted and stupid.

If she went to Petco, the store receipts and security cameras will tell the tale.

I'm confident LE has pieced together her purpose in making that stop (or stops).

Trying to "think" like TS, one thing that occurred to me as being one possibility is that she purchased something there she needed to help her carry out her murder plot.

It may have occurred to her after the fact that LE might ask her to show them the items she'd purchased there that day.

She then may have decided she needed to go back to Petco to replicate that original purchase, just in case. That way, she'd be able to furnish the items listed on the original receipt if LE asked about them. TS may even have paid cash on the second store trip (if there even WAS a 2nd trip) to avoid duplicate charges showing up on her statement.

That above entire scenario is both horribly convoluted and incredibly stupid, which is precisely why I can easily envision her doing something like that.

It sounds exactly like something Frazee would do, given the same situation.


In the recorded phone call TS offers up the detail about going to Play it Again Sports and Castlerock to look for a bike for Al, but avoids Petco. Did she really ever stop at Play it Again Sports, or was that a way to explain what she had in that large bag walking to the truck on Monday morning?

I agree with your thought that something she purchased at Petco is going to factor into evidence against her. But I'm just shaking my head at how she trips herself up. In her own words, she told LE about the Petco stop. Note: in the call she never denies there were two stops at Petco.

Also, she contradicts herself, in that she says LE was searching based on her GPS pings, but later says they would have never known I was there because I didn't have my phone. Early on some suspected she left her phone at Petco and went back to get it. Explaining that second stop at 1:00 something. I think your explanation makes more sense. Maybe since 2x4's and socks routinely fly out of the back of the truck, the bag with the Petco purchase did too?
I didn't mean using the MJ as a way to kill him, but more to subdue him. I no longer live in Springs, but did about 5 years ago. I've never consumed any of the products so I can't speak to how "off" they taste.

It varies, but there are definitely products out there that have virtually no cannabis smell/taste. They even make packets of dissolvable powder THC that can be added to a drink, and you'd never notice. While there are no recreational dispensaries in CO Springs, there are plenty within a reasonable distance including in Manitou Springs. It's also not difficult to get these things "under the table" in CO.

I'd say it's about as plausible as her giving him a ton of Benadryl or any other drug. There's nothing that really leads me to think that she did in fact drug him, though. It could explain his gait on the neighbor's Ring video, but that could be caused by any number of things, including illness/injury.
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Rational is simply not a word I would use to describe her. Calculating, diabolical, and self serving are more accurate, imo. She would have been still on them during all this- or started taking them after this- to get "everything" done, so there would be no "super crash" coming down, except exhaustion. We still have no idea if she was on prescribed meds either.
GANNON is my hero!
I totally agree w/ you... I was referencing the more manic actions of someone in a psychotic state, rational was meant to be the opposite....even as I type this, it becomes clearer, her emotions are an act, so if she were in distress@ Petco, she wanted that to be noticed...?
I didn't mean using the MJ as a way to kill him, but more to subdue him. I no longer live in Springs, but did about 5 years ago. I've never consumed any of the products so I can't speak to how "off" they taste.

Yeah sorry about that. I didn't mean to imply that you thought she used it for anything other than to subdue. In fact, it would be a decent method to subdue someone if you could convince them the stuff tasted normal. In some instances, that would be the case however, many kids in Colorado are pretty familiar with the smell enough to know if they tasted something similar. Not sure if that was the case with GS as he isn't from Colorado.
obviously there is nothing at all "positive" about this case but we and the world can get one thing out of it. We are witnessing any number of DSM defined mental illnesses in real time. I wont go so far to label or diagnose them but we are witnessing them in real time. I don't like to assign labels in general but mostly because there are countless productive and caring members of society - that don't murder people - and sometimes labeling is used as a way to define someone. At least... we can positively say LS is a pathological liar. We have an easier time seeing it because we are removed (and are already aware of this kinds stuff) and for the family, hindsight is 20/20. Her loved ones weren't able to see the signs of her mental illness.

Part of Gannon's legacy will be and already is... the education of mental illness.

I really wish getting help and the stigma that comes with it was gone and done with. I also wish mental illness was accessible to all. Hopefully one day. I have a sympathy for her while still knowing she is horrible to the core and has committed and is still committing the worst humanity is capable of.

Gannon, I'm sorry you paid for her illness. It's just not fair.

i hesitate to compare mental illness with personality disorders, this is not a chemical imbalance or screwed up wiring, there are no specific medications.
very few people with personality disordered would consider themselves mentally ill.
i have a severe chemical imbalance (my brain makes almost no dopamine . fun)
i do not consider that a mental illness either though many may.
i think labelling them illnesses minimises the responsibility of people who are for the most part just the extremes of selfishness, also people with serious mental illness should not be lumped into the same categories with these people.
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GANNON is my hero!...that is quite interesting, there is much info we do not have, this could explain some of his issues...if she took his meds, could splain some of hers, but keep in mind she was acting in rational way to cover up any harm to Gannon, MOO

A dose for a 75-90 lb child is going to act differently on a 135-150 lb adult. I wonder if she took it for the "up" or the weight loss benefits.? JMO
That's why she fought the custody battles alongside Al. To maintain her idea of herself as the ever self-sacrificing family hero.

I think TS previous "hero" behavior was all part of her perpetuated fraud knowing all along she had the ability to disappear or abuse AS children. I think TS was planting the seed long ago to avoid any suspicion that she might be responsible for abusing GS. I wonder if GS had previously complained to his dad about TS abusing him and he was not believed. :eek:
I forgot to calculate the visits she allegedly made to stores in Castlerock, I assume she did visit those stores too, that could add another 15 minutes.
I'm not subscribing to a head injury, I thought it was an abdominal injury with perforated organs from listening to other stuff..
I'm not subscribing to his unaided death in vehicle either..
Just trying to figure out how much time she stopped for at the killing/disposal site from the calculations.. It is possible to subtract 10-15 minutes from each of the 45 minute trips to be generous...
How long is left for a fatal stop/disposal?
10 minutes? 5 minutes? 15 minutes?
Somewhere along or off that road...

Yeah we don't have to agree. People have their own theories. Abdominal injuries wouldn't explain a pool of blood in the middle of the floor. Even if he had an abdominal wound it would be soaked up by clothing first.

But I'm wondering something. If she's the one who told LE about Petco, maybe that IS the reason she went back. She went back and bought something else. Wouldn't suprise me if she bought the exact same three dog jackets. IOW she plans are elminating the first stop but she knows she went there and may have been seen. She bought something.

So she goes back to the store to try to shift the timeline to later in the day to account for the trip. I don't know if I'm making sense but basically she leaves with Gannon and gets there at 11. Finds him dead for whatever reason (or decides to kill him whatever anyone thinks) and then disposes of the body.

So she goes back to the Petco to pretend he was with her the whole time, and that she's left him in the car because he feels sick. But meanwhile she's already disposed of the body. This is why I think he's near her house.

Her original cover story was that he was home and left around 3ish..

But of course none of this matters if the neighbors video didn't blow all that out of the water.
I'm just going to wing this out there..........

Petco is either a huge red herring or highly significant.

Her reluctance, and avoidance, to not discuss Petco leads me to believe the latter. She has NO PROBLEM talking about everything else but this subject somehow ties her tongue.


I have long suspected that TS met up with someone at that Petco, i.e., in the Parking Lot. Her hesitancy to talk about being at Petco has made me think that she is concerned about implicating someone and has chosen to avoid the whole discussion to ensure the anonymity of said person.

I'm just going to leave it right there for now. I'm either right or dead wrong.

I know nothing. This is strictly a thought.


I'm going to go with Petco being a red herring -- at least in relation to the actual killing. When TS left the house on Monday, we see her put "things" in the truck, and we see Gannon getting in (apparently). From the video she released, we can surmise he was gravely injured at that point -- an injury that would give TS away as an absolute abuser -- and she desperately wanted to avoid that. She would not have gone anywhere public with Gannon in the truck. She wouldn't have taken the chance of letting anyone see him. She drove directly to the spot where she killed him -- and (IMO) police have the murder weapon -- the bloody 2X4. She finishes him off -- drives further and then tosses out the 2X4 and socks she wore on her hands - then she proceeds to Castle Rock.

If she went to Petco, it would have been later, perhaps an afterthought to buy something to justify her being out and about?

I'm torn on whether she went back and moved his body the next day, but if she did, it would explain why LE knows positively that he's dead -- cadaver dogs may have hit on the spot and the DNA tested a match to Gannon.

If she went back and moved him -- she didn't do it alone, but she may not have done it at all. He may still be in the original location. She may have gone many places in the rental car, perhaps including spots like a library where she could search the internet anonymously for information relating to how to cover up a murder. We could speculate more accurately if we knew whether the mileage on the returned rental was actual or a typo.
Yeah sorry about that. I didn't mean to imply that you thought she used it for anything other than to subdue. In fact, it would be a decent method to subdue someone if you could convince them the stuff tasted normal. In some instances, that would be the case however, many kids in Colorado are pretty familiar with the smell enough to know if they tasted something similar. Not sure if that was the case with GS as he isn't from Colorado.

When I was 12 and had a bad stomach bug with nausea my dad handed me a joint, told me it would make me feel better, and taught me how to smoke. I did it even though it was unpleasant and I knew it was weird because I trusted my dad and I just wanted to feel better. I don't think a boy his age would necessarily reject something she gave him, even if it tasted really funky.
In the recorded phone call TS offers up the detail about going to Play it Again Sports and Castlerock to look for a bike for Al, but avoids Petco. Did she really ever stop at Play it Again Sports, or was that a way to explain what she had in that large bag walking to the truck on Monday morning?

I agree with your thought that something she purchased at Petco is going to factor into evidence against her. But I'm just shaking my head at how she trips herself up. In her own words, she told LE about the Petco stop. Note: in the call she never denies there were two stops at Petco.

Also, she contradicts herself, in that she says LE was searching based on her GPS pings, but later says they would have never known I was there because I didn't have my phone. Early on some suspected she left her phone at Petco and went back to get it. Explaining that second stop at 1:00 something. I think your explanation makes more sense. Maybe since 2x4's and socks routinely fly out of the back of the truck, the bag with the Petco purchase did too?

I for one think it doesn't so much matter (to Tecia) whether or not she in fact went into the Play It Again Sports, as it does "whether or not the Play It Again Sports was en route to her final destination/something she drove past and didn't in fact enter".

In short, she needs the presence of the Play It Again Sports on her route to explain away both (1), the self-admitted route pings; (2), her odd decision not to go to one of the three Petcos closer to their house instead.
It varies, but there are definitely products out there that have virtually no cannabis smell/taste. They even make packets of dissolvable powder THC that can be added to a drink, and you'd never notice. While there are no recreational dispensaries in CO Springs, there are plenty within a reasonable distance including in Woodland Park. It's also not difficult to get these things "under the table" in CO.

I'd say it's about as plausible as her giving him a ton of Benadryl or any other drug. There's nothing that really leads me to think that she did in fact drug him, though. It could explain his gait on the neighbor's Ring video, but that could be caused by any number of things, including illness/injury.

I believe Manitou Springs has recreational marijuana dispensaries. Manitou Springs is actually adjacent to the west side of Garden of the Gods.
i hesitate to compare mental illness with personality disorders, this is not a chemical imbalance or screwed up wiring, there are no specific medications.
very few people with personality disordered would consider themselves mentally ill.
i have a severe chemical imbalance (my brain makes almost no dopamine . fun)
i do not consider that a mental illness either though many may.
i think labelling them illnesses minimises the responsibility of people who are for the most part just the extremes of selfishness.

I agree with you that many people with personality disorders don't think anything is wrong with them. But some PD's do show structural/functional brain abnormalities. (BPD, ASPD, Schizotypal PD come to mind.) So I'm not sure labeling PD's as selfishness always fits.
obviously there is nothing at all "positive" about this case but we and the world can get one thing out of it. We are witnessing any number of DSM defined mental illnesses in real time. I wont go so far to label or diagnose them but we are witnessing them in real time. I don't like to assign labels in general but mostly because there are countless productive and caring members of society - that don't murder people - and sometimes labeling is used as a way to define someone. At least... we can positively say LS is a pathological liar. We have an easier time seeing it because we are removed (and are already aware of this kinds stuff) and for the family, hindsight is 20/20. Her loved ones weren't able to see the signs of her mental illness.

Part of Gannon's legacy will be and already is... the education of mental illness.

I really wish getting help and the stigma that comes with it was gone and done with. I also wish mental illness was accessible to all. Hopefully one day. I have a sympathy for her while still knowing she is horrible to the core and has committed and is still committing the worst humanity is capable of.

Gannon, I'm sorry you paid for her illness. It's just not fair.
People like LS don't believe they need help and won't get help even after thing after thing (jobs, relationships, credit, etc) falls apart. They leave a path of destruction of people that need help almost as much as they do. JMO
i hesitate to compare mental illness with personality disorders, this is not a chemical imbalance or screwed up wiring, there are no specific medications.
very few people with personality disordered would consider themselves mentally ill.
i have a severe chemical imbalance (my brain makes almost no dopamine . fun)
i do not consider that a mental illness either though many may.
i think labelling them illnesses minimises the responsibility of people who are for the most part just the extremes of selfishness.
i hesitate to compare mental illness with personality disorders...

I completely agree with you. I don’t want to go over my history but... yeah. It’s personal to me too. I don’t even like calling people a “monster” because it gives an excuse to their behavior.
People like LS don't believe they need help and won't get help even after thing after thing (jobs, relationships, credit, etc) falls apart. They leave a path of destruction of people that need help almost as much as they do. JMO

And that’s a huge problem. Mental health check ups should be just as common as going to a GP.
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