Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #36

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I haven't even heard from any member of her family. There have been no interviews in which a parent, sister, or friend said something positive defending her character. The closest thing to anyone defending her was the babysitter who said she didn't "think" Tee would do anything to harm Gannon and that AS was the one who did the "spanking." And even she seemed very hesitant, as if she was unsure.

I did not see a parent or sibling sitting in the courtroom, either. Does anyone know if they were there?

I don’t think so...

The courtroom was filled to capacity, except for a front row reserved for Letecia Stauch’s supporters, which remained empty.

Gannon's parents watch as stepmom appears in court on murder charge
I understand that sleuthers may propose scenarios that we don’t all agree with, but I think it unfair to take jabs at them and attack their theories. I don’t believe acid was used in this case. I don’t believe she had the time or resources. It is not outside the realm of possibility, even if it isn’t the theory I would think occurred.

However, none of these murders occurred in Mexico, they aren’t from the movies, and suggesting the possibility isn’t ‘insane’. It can and does happen, and yes, it happens in the US. Real life is sometimes worse than the movies, sadly. The Tricia Todd case haunted me. Case references below.

Man gets 35 years in prison for murdering and dismembering his ex-wife and leaving her body to disintegrate in a tub of ACID | Daily Mail Online

Hearing delayed for mother of Texas girl found dead in bucket of acid

Husband confesses to hiding wife's body in drum of acid

Acid, Handcuffs And Drain Cleaner: Gruesome Evidence Emerges In Murder Of Corona Boy Noah McIntosh
I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.

i have to disagree, if Tee believed that she was going to be found guilty, knowing what she does, would she not take the easiest option admit guilt skip a jury trial and hope that by cooperating get at least some benefit going forward.?
she is trying to play the angles, crazy escapey lady didn't work, maybe quiet subdued in the docks will ...
i do not think she is ready to roll over yet, cornered but not defeated.
i think today she felt very isolated and had nothing to hide behind( except her PD) no one in that room otherwise was on her side.
i would not trust her as far as i could kick her

my brothers ex was a very similar kind of person... she could play the victim like a boss, she could also go total psycho and attack people at the smallest perceived slight, she attacked my brother at my wedding for talking to other women, they were our cousins.
I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.

I’m not sure if she even knows where he is. Maybe she knows the general area, but I would bet she drove a lot of back roads, aimlessly, and put him somewhere random.
I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.
BBM - reviewing the video from yesterday's court appearance, IMO, T looks frightened, trapped...deer in headlights kind of look.
I would like to believe that T will crack like a dropped egg but, I have my doubts. Really, what does she have to gain by doing so?
All my opinion
Edit due to missing ?
Here for Gannon...
After much reflection on the court appearance yesterday, I just keep thinking how does one get into a situation like this?? Almost all of us have stories of narcisstic people like LS but I'm sure not many of us can imagine them doing something like this. From the outside looking in, this seemed, for the most part, like an all American blended family, not short of it's own challenges. But, again, how many of us can say the same about situations we are in? It just never ceases to blow my mind how seemingly average and ordinary people end up in situations like this that rock an entire country and implode an entire family from the inside out. It's terrifying really. Evil hides amongst us and it has many, many deceiving disguises.
I never though Fotos Dulos would commit suicide either. There are similarities between the two, in my opinion, He was acting like he was in control and calling the shots with his attorney right up to the very end. He cracked and no one saw it coming.
Can they call her 17 year old daughter to the stand at trial and make her testify? She'll more than likely be 18 by then.

Have they been able to interview HH (her 17 yr old daughter) since they would need parental consent (I think) to interview her?
Actually, I'm not positive about that.

I will add, I feel extremely sorry for her daughter. She must be in shock!
I'm pretty sure police can question a minor (as a witness) without parental consent. The way it works where I live is that they can question the child, but if a parent is present they can stop the questioning and tell police they don't want their child questioned. I think it works that way in most states.

So without a parent present LE can question a minor about a crime without consent.

However, if it is the minor who is suspected of committing a crime they can't question them without parental consent.

I'm not sure if TS's daughter has turned 18 yet, but I see no reason why she wouldn't be allowed to testify.
Children have testified against their parents in court before.

There was a case in which a child drowned and the mother was accused of drowning her. Her five or six year old brother testified against his own mother, telling the court that she held his sister under the water. I can't remember the exact case but I saw the little boy testify in court. It was heart breaking. He cried when he saw his mother again sitting in the courtroom.

BBM - reviewing the video from yesterday's court appearance, IMO, T looks frightened, trapped...deer in headlights kind of look.
I would like to believe that T will crack like a dropped egg but, I have my doubts. Really, what does she have to gain by doing so?
All my opinion
Edit due to missing ?

Depending on the deal, she could have a lot to gain. I’m curious if one will be offered and if so, what it will be. 2nd degree murder vs DP.... I think we will have a better idea once we see the arrest affidavit.
I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.
BBM- I pray you are right about that. :)
I never though Fotos Dulos would commit suicide either. There are similarities between the two, in my opinion, He was acting like he was in control and calling the shots with his attorney right up to the very end. He cracked and no one saw it coming.

I was completely caught off-guard with that one! I knew we would never see a confession, but I wouldn’t have ever guessed suicide for him. The ultimate last form of control, I suppose.
I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.

ITA with you 100%. Although it is an unpopular opinion here, I disagree with the speculation about her looking smug, angry, "playing it up" or whatever. I also disagree with the assessments of LH "throwing daggers". The truth is, until you have been in a traumatic situation like this, you just NEVER know what someone is thinking or feeling. Truth is LH and AS are probably in shock, overwhelmed, and not thinking or feeling much of anything.

And TS... well I think being in that courtroom, it might finally be hitting her what a mess she's in. I sincerely hope she gets so overwhelmed that she gives up G-Man's location in a last ditch effort to save her own skin.

BTW I hate to say it, but I also think this case is going to be horrific. I think they have far more evidence than even we have speculated.
I think I'm in the minority, but, if the DA's office is a sharp as everyone says they are, then I'm guessing all the prosecutions cards are going to be dumped on the table relatively quickly, and soon, in public, if it hasn't started already. The defendant seemed overwhelmed, regardless of what people were saying on here about her being angry or spiteful or whatever. She was cowering, and not just because of her appearance. Looks to me like she knows she's cornered and is now realizing the insane situation she's in, regardless of what type of personality she's being pidgeon-holed into. They need to wallop her fast, overwhelm her, and she'll crack, big time. I'm not in the "she'll never admit it" camp.
I'm sure her attorneys haven't seen many, if any situations with at least 107 search warrants. LS is intelligent enough to realize her goose is cooked with search warrant evidence alone, let alone witnesses, her own big mouth, her inability to NOT post on social media, etc.
It may be prohibitively expensive for the family to come out to Colorado from South Carolina for each and every one of these court appearances. I would be more surprised if they stayed away from the trial when it commences. MOO MOO
I would at least expect someone in her family to show up at the first appearance, just to give her the message that they will be supportive of her throughout the process, whether she is guilty or not. It will be a long time before the trial starts.
Maybe she just doesn't have that kind of family support, or maybe they just couldn't be there, I don't know. Maybe she has spoken with them on the phone.

Good morning all! I’m still trying to catch up with everything I missed yesterday but just wanted to thank everyone for all the real Time updates and commentary.

My current takeaways:

Gannon is a true hero. The video tribute leaves me speechless and missing a child I don’t even know.

The fact the DA has not taken the DP off the table confirms to me this was no accident and this was not a result of a mental illness.

The DA has no objections to unsealing the files and there has been no mention of further arrests. With over 1000 pages and 107 search warrants they would know by now if anyone else was involved. That means to me there is no one else suspected of being involved

HH is a young 17 year old girl. I have a young 17 year old girl myself. She is likely devastated and angry and her absence in court shows she has no desire to see or support her mother. She has lost both parents and a brother. Her world is shattered. It just saddens me all the lives TS has destroyed.

I want Gannon found before April 14th. Can we do that? Can we find Gannon please?!

I was completely caught off-guard with that one! I knew we would never see a confession, but I wouldn’t have ever guessed suicide for him. The ultimate last form of control, I suppose.
I didn't think he cracked, I thought it was smart. The ultimate middle finger to LE, to his alleged accomplice(s), to the victim and to his own kids.
Misc. thoughts.

I slightly agree with @MassGuy that she won't crack. But, I also slightly agree with @Frig in seeing that she very well could crack. My narcissistic sister in law recently cracked when she realized everyone was on to her and the entire family was sick of putting up with her crap.

@Warwick7 and @RaspberryMama, another Minnesota girl here, waving at both of you!

The two defense attorneys were like TweedleDee and TweedleDum. They comported themselves as "mail order law degree" lawyers (I understand that isn't possible). I am a middle age mom, but they were like the quintessential middle age mom, doesn't get out much and no clue how to act in public situations.
BBM - reviewing the video from yesterday's court appearance, IMO, T looks frightened, trapped...deer in headlights kind of look.
I would like to believe that T will crack like a dropped egg but, I have my doubts. Really, what does she have to gain by doing so?
All my opinion
Edit due to missing ?

Even if LS gave up Gannon's location, she most likely would still have to serve a life sentence for her crime. Going to trial she may believe she has a chance of being acquitted or a hung jury. I don't see her doing the right thing.
I don’t trust TS to do anything that would be considered the “right thing to do” and don’t think she does anything unless it somehow serves her. I just listened to that interview again where all she could do was focus on everyone being mean to her, saying things about her. Narcissistic puke. All about me. Knowing what we know now it’s even more infuriating. Can’t wait for more of the truth to come out here. Am so so hopeful that this sweet boy is found soon. Makes my heart sad every day that goes by without him.MOO
Was thinking maybe she injured him badly and just dumped him somewhere where she knew he wouldn’t make it home for anyone to see his injuries. I see her as being able to do something like this and have zero remorse. Anything is possible at this point, I guess.
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