Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #36

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Are there no Norm Pattis defense attorneys in Colorado that want to step into the fire here?

While I never understand the reasoning, it seems like there are lawyers that wait for these cases. IMO, this isn't much different than the Casey Anthony case.
My thoughts on the hearing yesterday.

The parents still appear to be a united front. How difficult it had to be for them to sit there, in the same space as LS, knowing their murdered son is still missing, that she did it and knows where he can be located.

L. Stauch was really separated from others in the courtroom. It appeared to me she was sitting in the jury area. We know about one violent incident with her while she was being transported. She might have more since she's been in custody. Emotions are also running high right now and the court appears to be taking extra precautions. She might have been placed there for her own safety as well.

IMO, she appeared alert & completely aware of her surroundings (hiding from the camera). She didn't look unkept to *me* like others thought she did. Actually, I think she looked better than her previous mug shots and first appearance in front of the judge in SC. I believe she absolutely cared about how she looked yesterday and made every effort that she could. There's a part of me that thought she was distracting her attorney with questions to hide behind her but then again, I don't believe she follows conversations very well and legit needs an explanation on basic things.

It was shocking to hear of 100 + search warrants, that are still being carried out. It sounds like they have mounting evidence in this case, including forensics. It's going to be interesting when the flood gates open in this case.
I don't remember where it was first mentioned, but it was a video posted on YouTube, not HH's page. Is YouTube considered Social Media?
I'm not sure what it's considered, but I do know that it has to be linked to an MSM source, and YouTube is not MSM.
The only MSM that I'm aware of that includes HH is the interview with Tee when she asked her to speak to the reporter.
I don’t trust TS to do anything that would be considered the “right thing to do” and don’t think she does anything unless it somehow serves her.

I agree. I think the way she ends up cracking and doing the right thing is by coming to the conclusion or realization that the trial will not be a forum in which she gets to talk endlessly and dominate the discussion. When she realizes the trial will be one very long procession of evidence presented against her, one piece after another, one piece piled on top of another, without her being able to stand up and spew her pathetic responses every step of the way.... when she realizes that everyone will hear what she did, in detail... then I think she will want to avoid that public humiliation, not to mention the "satisfaction" it will give to Al and Landen to see her exposed day after day...
I'm not sure what it's considered, but I do know that it has to be linked to an MSM source, and YouTube is not MSM.
The only MSM that I'm aware of that includes HH is the interview with Tee when she asked her to speak to the reporter.

Okay. Thanks for the feedback. I'll avoid that topic unless or until it becomes noted on MSM.
HH is a young 17 year old girl. I have a young 17 year old girl myself. She is likely devastated and angry and her absence in court shows she has no desire to see or support her mother. She has lost both parents and a brother. Her world is shattered.

And a little sister (Laina)...

ETA: and possibly one or both of the dogs... but yes, basically her family and life as she knew it.
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Are there no Norm Pattis defense attorneys in Colorado that want to step into the fire here?

While I never understand the reasoning, it seems like there are lawyers that wait for these cases. IMO, this isn't much different than the Casey Anthony case.

That guy is despicable. He did an interview saying he’s not ruling out book deals or movies. Leaches that feed on the worst parts of society for a quick buck and five seconds of fame. Abhorrent.

I hope nobody even resembling him steps forward in this case.
I personally think Tee has no recourse for what she has done. Like she said, she has moved on from it. So sitting in jail and contemplating what she has done? Nah, I’m not seeing it. If anything she is contemplating on how to get out of it or how to twist the story, or what to say to her attorneys. I think at this point in time and probably for at least a while longer, there is zero responsibility taking or thinking back to that day.
Can they call her 17 year old daughter to the stand at trial and make her testify? She'll more than likely be 18 by then.

Have they been able to interview HH (her 17 yr old daughter) since they would need parental consent (I think) to interview her?
Actually, I'm not positive about that.

I will add, I feel extremely sorry for her daughter. She must be in shock!

They can call anyone. I call minors all the time. In addition, if Colorado is like California (where I practice), 16 and 17 year olds can be interviewed after waiving Miranda and without mandatory consult with an attorney. She is a witness most likely anyway, unless more comes to light to posit her as an accomplice.
I tend to look at things a little differently than most of you in regards to whether or not TS will fold and tell us where Gannon is.
Her #1 priority at all times seems to be herself and self-preservation.
I think if it gets down to the nitty-gritty and a plea is offered that she thinks will "save" her, she will break but try to spin the whole thing as Gannon's fault.
This is just based on the behavior we have seen from her so far and the behavior of people I know personally who act just like her.
i have to disagree, if Tee believed that she was going to be found guilty, knowing what she does, would she not take the easiest option admit guilt skip a jury trial and hope that by cooperating get at least some benefit going forward.?
she is trying to play the angles, crazy escapey lady didn't work, maybe quiet subdued in the docks will ...
i do not think she is ready to roll over yet, cornered but not defeated.
i think today she felt very isolated and had nothing to hide behind( except her PD) no one in that room otherwise was on her side.
i would not trust her as far as i could kick her

my brothers ex was a very similar kind of person... she could play the victim like a boss, she could also go total psycho and attack people at the smallest perceived slight, she attacked my brother at my wedding for talking to other women, they were our cousins.
GANNON is my hero! Great insight! I believe our personal stories are far more insightful than text book info...The only thing we can say w/ certainty is that she will not act as normal people react. Question about middle finger? MOO Pretty sure it was deliberate. why would someone do that?! Last act of defiance. Testing her limits? (Bully) Bored? She has moved on... get this unpleasantness behind her...lack of media in court room will bore her. How do you get rid of bully? Stand up and fight? Gannon’s family and the community has done that. Ignore the bully. Hmmmmm, give her very little attention, negative or positive... isolate her from general jail or prison population, no new victims to torment. ( we all know she will be lowest of the lowest.)I feel very confident judge, lawyers on both sides, and courtroom personnel have dealt w/ enough similar people, to play her like a fiddle...MOO...IF I were judge or her lawyers, I would call her on the middle finger, time to enforce her limits, and then bore her to death... she is both calculating and impulsive... her worst enemy is herself, and that is what will punish her the most, having only herself to play games w/...MOO
Updating as fast as I can. Should be all caught up by midday.

Case Archive, Justice section:
Justice For Gannon by amanda reckonwith

Dear @AmandaReckonwith,

Case Archive, Justice For Gannon, which you've created and update daily is a work of genuine compassion towards Gannon.

Thank you for generously sharing your time in this detailed work, and most importantly your sincere kindness in creating and updating this archive for Gannon's case.

You are remarkable and greatly appreciated! :)

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Good gracious. Am I the only person who thinks the defense attorney just got choked? Like spit down the wrong pipe or something? It happens to me all the time, usually at the worst possible time, and it is mortifying. Both attorneys struck me as just being nervous. It's an extremely high profile case, then add the camera and the scrutiny that will surely follow. I don't know anything about the defense attorneys. Have they ever defended such a high profile case? Murder of a child? Been in hearing with media coverage? I'd be interested to know. However, even if they have, I don't think I could judge anyone for being a little flustered in that situation.

I watched live and I haven't yet had time to re-watch, but having spent a good amount of time in the court room, I didn't see anything that struck me as blatantly unprofessional or discourteous.

Regarding LS, who knows what reason she gave her attorneys for wanting to be off camera, but my bet is that she is VERY uncomfortable with her current appearance. As others have said, the lack of makeup, posing, filters... she doesn't want to be seen. I believe that is as deep as it gets. Nothing to do with shame, remorse, or anything of that nature. I'm fairly convinced she is not capable of those emotions.
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