Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #40

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Here's my own position as we sit here, based on what we know so far, which is far, far, far, from everything:

I believe TS, and TS alone, murdered GS.

I believe TS, and TS alone, disposed of GS's remains.

I believe others may have knowingly lied to investigators and/or withheld information from them at her behest.

If anyone lied or withheld vital information about anything they saw, heard, or did related to GS's murder itself or the concealment of the crime afterward, that is a criminal offense.

We simply don't know enough to make a blanket statement that nobody else is culpable for any ancillary crimes.

It remains an open question in my mind.


I'm thinking the same kind of thing. Plus, even if there are no criminal charges, the civil lawsuit that's now on the table is quite large (knew or should have known...yada yada). It's a measure of Albert and Landen's own inner moral compass that they haven't already hired someone to sue. Also, they know that might hurt the criminal case and further, these people have nothing - it would be only to torment them (well, not literally "nothing").

The real reason for such a suit (IMO) is to make HH and Co. undergo depositions.
As to if she had help or not. For most of this, she needed absolutely no help at all.

What I think she did have help with, is crafting her alibi. I think we will learn that she encouraged her older daughter to lie for her, and this may have included initial law enforcement interviews and the coaching we saw during that infamous tv interview.

She abused Gannon herself, traveled to the murder scene herself, committed the murder herself, and moved/dumped the body herself. She needed no help with any of these things.

In order for my opinion to change, I need to know the logistics here (where Gannon’s body was during transport, and who if anyone had a reasonable expectation of knowing what was going on).

But on the face of it, I don’t think anyone else committed major crimes (knowingly aided her in the body tampering).

Actually, I'm not sure she was mentally capable of driving the car and the truck. For whatever reason, she wanted a rental truck. Once she decided that, she was no longer doing it alone. I think that's part of her general MO, she always tries to rope others in and have others positioned for some or all of the blame.

She did need help with her plan, as her plan apparently involved driving 5 people cross country and she certainly didn't abandon them and take off on her own in a third car (IMO).

She roped 4 people into a weird kind of "lie" which was necessary for her to stay in her own quasi-psychotic but customary state of mind, in order to flee the state. Driving alone with a dead body across the country was not her gig.
"I would never, ever, want anybody to think that I hurt this child".

You don't just "start" becoming a liar after you murder a child and want to convince the public that you are innocent. Based on her ease in concocting lies that we know about (and didn't buy from the beginning) I'm sure that she has been a pathological liar for her entire life. I'm also sure that everyone close to her has had experience in doubting her word and catching her in blatant lies over the years.

I think her husband (for sure) and her close family members suspected that she was lying from early on after Gannon vanished. It will be interesting to see if they contributed to, or obstructed the investigation. jmo
Actually, I'm not sure she was mentally capable of driving the car and the truck. For whatever reason, she wanted a rental truck. Once she decided that, she was no longer doing it alone. I think that's part of her general MO, she always tries to rope others in and have others positioned for some or all of the blame.

She did need help with her plan, as her plan apparently involved driving 5 people cross country and she certainly didn't abandon them and take off on her own in a third car (IMO).

She roped 4 people into a weird kind of "lie" which was necessary for her to stay in her own quasi-psychotic but customary state of mind, in order to flee the state. Driving alone with a dead body across the country was not her gig.
Well she may have needed help to move, but anyone unknowingly helping her transport a body, committed absolutely no crime. The context is a criminal act on the part of others.

We still don’t know who was with her on that trip, how many vehicles were involved, who was driving what, or where Gannon’s body was during all of this.
Personally, I think she did drive alone with Gannon’s body. I’ll be curious to find out which is true.

Then she had to drive the truck because the other 4 people had to be in the car.

Or do you think that after the Jan 31 interview, she took them to the airport. What happens to her stuff in the trunk? How did those 4 people fit their stuff into the trunk if Gannon was in a suitcase in that small space?

What did she do with the Nissan? Or did she take the Nissan and return the truck (did it really have nothing inside of it and was just a prop? I don't think so - I think she took stuff from the Mandan house, a lot of stuff actually, and put it in the truck. I think Gannon was in the truck myself. But either way, she has 4 people and an extra vehicle to get rid of, while high-tailing it to FL.

Of course, I am very set on my own view that LS has a severe personality disorder (cluster) that some people might say is "sociopathic" but which I view as covered by DSM - under Borderline/Narcissistic. But especially Borderline (severe enough though, to be off the scale of regular personality disorders - almost no one is this crazy). The key characteristic of her personality is the inability to be alone and fear of abandonment.

I could say more, but let's just say that the amount of typing she did (all by itself) during her flight to FL makes me think she wasn't driving the whole way.
Always been confused by her response to the neighbor as well. She was supposedly working out in the basement when "Gannon left" and didn't mention which friend he was going to see. So how in God's name could she know for certain which way he went?
I read something on social media that I can't repeat here, so, in her social media she was splainin' it!
Well she may have needed help to move, but anyone unknowingly helping her transport a body, committed absolutely no crime. The context is a criminal act on the part of others.

We still don’t know who was with her on that trip, how many vehicles were involved, who was driving what, or where Gannon’s body was during all of this.

Nope, but I have some strong hunches on this part of the timeline. It's interesting to think about how people might engage in a cross-country trip, knowing that one of their party may be wanted for crimes back in Colorado, knowing that a small boy (family member) is missing. How do they not at least have a thought in their minds about what might be going on? I realize that they, like us, would never have dreamt of this outcome. No hinky meters, I guess.

But the way LS drops clues all the time really gives me pause - she was with them in the car for hours, IMO.

No crime, I suppose, if they were all sitting there thinking "OMG WHAT HAS SHE DONE NOW??"

OTOH, I've watched people interact with crazy criminals like this, and denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Great defense though, to "not know" what's going on. Someone had a clue, I assure you. Transference is real too.

People "don't know" all kinds of things when the cops show up - and it does pay to have a kind of taciturn mind when in the presence of an active child abuser who is on the run.

I think we'll see interesting testimony from at least 2 of them.
Then she had to drive the truck because the other 4 people had to be in the car.

Or do you think that after the Jan 31 interview, she took them to the airport. What happens to her stuff in the trunk? How did those 4 people fit their stuff into the trunk if Gannon was in a suitcase in that small space?

What did she do with the Nissan? Or did she take the Nissan and return the truck (did it really have nothing inside of it and was just a prop? I don't think so - I think she took stuff from the Mandan house, a lot of stuff actually, and put it in the truck. I think Gannon was in the truck myself. But either way, she has 4 people and an extra vehicle to get rid of, while high-tailing it to FL.

Of course, I am very set on my own view that LS has a severe personality disorder (cluster) that some people might say is "sociopathic" but which I view as covered by DSM - under Borderline/Narcissistic. But especially Borderline (severe enough though, to be off the scale of regular personality disorders - almost no one is this crazy). The key characteristic of her personality is the inability to be alone and fear of abandonment.

I could say more, but let's just say that the amount of typing she did (all by itself) during her flight to FL makes me think she wasn't driving the whole way.
Police are asking for people to report sightings of LS in Pace, FL during Feb. 3-5 most likely because nobody else they’ve interviewed admits to being with LS during these dates. I think on or around Feb 1st. she let someone else drive her things to SC, as she stuck around (maybe telling them she had to complete LE interviews or help search). Then sometime on the 2nd/3rd she went all by herself and retrieved Gannon, drove him to Pace, FL over the 3rd-4th, and left him. Then maybe continued on to SC by the evening of the 5th. I don’t think she would risk telling ANYONE her secret. She doesn’t open up and be vulnerable to anyone. If anyone knew the truth then they could destroy her, and she wants control at all times. JMO
The next video talks about the andlecay ideovay..... I wanted to ask about that...

Does it? What with all my (sudden) online teaching, I haven't had time to listen - but boy will it be great if we can discuss some missing pieces that the entire rest of the internet is discussing, here and there. If someone could say which segment that's great.

Police are asking for people to report sightings of LS in Pace, FL during Feb. 3-5 most likely because nobody else they’ve interviewed admits to being with LS during these dates. I think on or around Feb 1st. she let someone else drive her things to SC, as she stuck around (maybe telling them she had to complete LE interviews or help search). Then sometime on the 2nd/3rd she went all by herself and retrieved Gannon, drove him to Pace, FL over the 3rd-4th, and left him. Then maybe continued on to SC by the evening of the 5th. I don’t think she would risk telling ANYONE her secret. She doesn’t open up and be vulnerable to anyone. Then they could destroy her, and she wants control at all times. JMO

I find that all plausible, although...does that mean she rented another car?? Nissan and truck go to SC with the 4 family members (but no Gannon, who is stashed somewhere along that route). LS decides this is a good time to rent another car, go get Gannon, drive to Florida and have a good time before returning to SC.

ALL of these scenarios are HORRIBLE. Not sure she arrived by the 5th, then, given other things she's said. "She put it behind her."

Okay, so maybe she does have an Axis I diagnosis or some new-to-Earth mental condition.
Well, let's poke at this a little bit.

It's now clear that the Cousin It interview occurred on January 31. So, at that time, Spencer Wilson interviews LS and she has 4 people with her (one of whom is HH, two are "auntie age" and one is a young man, whom I think is likely HH's boyfriend). All of LS's vehicles have been impounded by then. Rental car is turned back in. She has another sedan (red Nissan) and a moving truck. Hmmm.

Where do you suppose Gannon is at that time? Without stops, it's about 20-21 hours from CoS to Pace, FL. With stops, it's about 24 hours. They stopped and slept - probably twice - because they are going on from FL (if they were all in FL) to SC - so more hours. Seems clear LS stayed in Pensacola or thereabouts - but unless she took over driving the truck, who was with her? Did she sneak out in the car or the truck to throw Gannon's body off the overpass/bridge?

Why do these 4 people think they are in this situation? They know Gannon is missing. They know she's the last one to see him. Did none of them think about why she was leaving the state when everyone else was looking for Gannon?

Here's the thing. Albert Stauch is a real person, who came home to find that his son was missing and his wife was behaving in an extraordinarily shady manner. Plus he saw video. Plus he knew her. I'm sure he had a few choice questions for her. I don't think she could have gotten her "things" from the Mandan house had she not had a crew with her. Most people in that situation might think to call the police to be present when they carted their stuff out - police do that all the time - but, well, pretty sure that LS was against having LE help her out there. So she got a couple of relatives (women) to show up and help with that. All the while, Gannon is missing.

There's no way they didn't ask in some way about where Gannon was and what the heck was going on.

I think we're all quite curious about what actually happened from Feb 1-4 or 5. But the outline is pretty clear and there are 4 people I"d want to re-interview, if I were LE.

THIS IS LS version NOT mine. HYPOTHETICAL. moo How this went with the moving caravan.

Except SHE was the victim. AS was mean (maybe even abusive) She was left to take care of these bratty kids that their mother didn't want. Their father is always out of town, probably cheating.... I can't even set reasonable rules for these kids. Then he lets that awful woman in my home and they BOTH are mean and mistreat me. .... WHATEVER her BS story is. ... if she's been giving her 'victim' bs long before all this to her family?? Why wouldn't they buy it now? They would be happy she doesn't put up with the 'abuse' any longer. It's the police responsibility to find Gannon and her putting up a few posters really isn't going to make a difference and with the "way they are acting" she might be better off far far away.

ALL moo on THAT situation.
Nope, but I have some strong hunches on this part of the timeline. It's interesting to think about how people might engage in a cross-country trip, knowing that one of their party may be wanted for crimes back in Colorado, knowing that a small boy (family member) is missing. How do they not at least have a thought in their minds about what might be going on? I realize that they, like us, would never have dreamt of this outcome. No hinky meters, I guess.

But the way LS drops clues all the time really gives me pause - she was with them in the car for hours, IMO.

No crime, I suppose, if they were all sitting there thinking "OMG WHAT HAS SHE DONE NOW??"

OTOH, I've watched people interact with crazy criminals like this, and denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Great defense though, to "not know" what's going on. Someone had a clue, I assure you. Transference is real too.

People "don't know" all kinds of things when the cops show up - and it does pay to have a kind of taciturn mind when in the presence of an active child abuser who is on the run.

I think we'll see interesting testimony from at least 2 of them.
I’m waiting to hear the specific details here, as for all we know, she drove a car with Gannon’s body in the trunk, and the rest stayed with the moving truck.

We don’t know for a fact that 4 people made that journey, and they stuck together for the entirety of that trip.

All we know is that these people were present at the interview, and not what happened thereafter.

I may find myself saying “they absolutely had to know,” or “they had to have been complicit,” but that’s baseless at this point.
Well, let's poke at this a little bit.

It's now clear that the Cousin It interview occurred on January 31. So, at that time, Spencer Wilson interviews LS and she has 4 people with her (one of whom is HH, two are "auntie age" and one is a young man, whom I think is likely HH's boyfriend). All of LS's vehicles have been impounded by then. Rental car is turned back in. She has another sedan (red Nissan) and a moving truck. Hmmm.

Where do you suppose Gannon is at that time? Without stops, it's about 20-21 hours from CoS to Pace, FL. With stops, it's about 24 hours. They stopped and slept - probably twice - because they are going on from FL (if they were all in FL) to SC - so more hours. Seems clear LS stayed in Pensacola or thereabouts - but unless she took over driving the truck, who was with her? Did she sneak out in the car or the truck to throw Gannon's body off the overpass/bridge?

Why do these 4 people think they are in this situation? They know Gannon is missing. They know she's the last one to see him. Did none of them think about why she was leaving the state when everyone else was looking for Gannon?

Here's the thing. Albert Stauch is a real person, who came home to find that his son was missing and his wife was behaving in an extraordinarily shady manner. Plus he saw video. Plus he knew her. I'm sure he had a few choice questions for her. I don't think she could have gotten her "things" from the Mandan house had she not had a crew with her. Most people in that situation might think to call the police to be present when they carted their stuff out - police do that all the time - but, well, pretty sure that LS was against having LE help her out there. So she got a couple of relatives (women) to show up and help with that. All the while, Gannon is missing.

There's no way they didn't ask in some way about where Gannon was and what the heck was going on.

I think we're all quite curious about what actually happened from Feb 1-4 or 5. But the outline is pretty clear and there are 4 people I"d want to re-interview, if I were LE.

During the back of head interview, I think Gannon was already about 450 miles southeast along the same route that LS would soon be driving on her way to SC. LS had placed him there in a storage facility a few days earlier, using the "airport rental" car. I think some of the extra people who were present during the interview did not take the trip to SC at all. Imo, they were there to help LS pack her things, for moral support and to say "good-bye, good luck" to LS.

Imo one of the "aunts" rented a car in her own name for LS to use for the trip.

The moving van was driven to SC by the young man using the shorter, more direct route to SC and LS drove the longer route shown on the FBI diagram. I think she used the excuse that she was going to stop in Florida and visit "a friend" for a day or so.

I think LS drove all by herself... stopped on the way to pick up Gannon and then continued on to complete the trip to SC; while leaving Gannon behind in Florida.

Here is the route she took, imo... in case you haven't seen the FBI diagram, it is attached.
This all JMO.


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Is anyone else rethinking the everything's-perfect-happy-hike photo that LS took on Sunday at Garden of the Gods? She murdered Gannon the very next day. I think her rage had been growing and growing over time. I wouldn't be surprised if she had imagined getting rid of him for quite some time (not necessarily planning, but more of an idea she fantasized about and had at the ready). She didn't like him. Why did she spend that day hiking with him and taking that stupid selfie with him? Did she intend all along to use it on a missing poster? I'd love to know when that poster was first created.

And now that we know a firearm of some sort was used, is the WS consensus that that's what she carried to the truck Monday morning? When RD's video came out there was some discussion about her carrying what looked like a soft sided rifle case.
I raised this issue a while ago. I see her carrying a soft rifle case to the truck. Another poster pointed out that at (my) frame #5, she appears to be carrying a backpack and purse. That's when I jumped on the fence, lol!,aps,227&sr=8-27


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I can't remember who, but a few pages back someone mentioned dry ice. Would keeping the body that cold reduce the smell of decomp? They also mentioned dry ice will last for 24 hours.
If this happened posted by Pepper 34 above
"During the back of head interview, I think Gannon was already about 450 miles southeast along the same route that LS would soon be driving on her way to SC. LS had placed him there in a storage facility a few days earlier, using the "airport rental" car. I think some of the extra people who were present during the interview did not take the trip to SC at all. Imo, they were there to help LS pack her things, for moral support and to say "good-bye, good luck" to LS.

Imo one of the "aunts" rented a car in her own name for LS to use for the trip.

The moving van was driven to SC by the young man using the shorter, more direct route to SC and LS drove the longer route shown on the FBI diagram. I think she used the excuse that she was going to stop in Florida and visit "a friend" for a day or so.

I think LS drove all by herself... stopped on the way to pick up Gannon and then continued on to complete the trip to SC; while leaving Gannon behind in Florida."

She could have bought dry ice!
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